HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark

Chapter 26: 26. When Harry sit

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"Sirius started in insulting you, calling you nasty names and bragging how smart and popular he and my father were and how they supposedly ruled the school and all the professors loved them and everybody else was envied them. I just about got sick." Harry said. "Was my father like him too?"

Severus sighed. "Come over here, Harry and sit down. I will explain."

Harry sat down next to his dad on the couch. "Your father was like Sirius. He is the one who started calling me Snivellus. Your mum and me had been friends since we were nine and lived four blocks from each other although I lived in a considerably poorer part of town than your mum. I think your father was always uncomfortable with our friendship even after your mum started dating him, but the difference is that your father eventually grew up." 'Sure, but not enough to ever say he was sorry for all the misery he put you through,' said a little voice inside his head. "Sirius never has."

"I could tell. He sounded like Ron Weasley."

"If you do not want to see him again, that's fine. You do not have to."

"I didn't like him, Dad and I don't want to see him again," Harry replied putting his head against Severus' chest.

Severus put his arm around Harry and pulled him close. "I will inform the headmaster that you do not want to see him and I will let Professor Flitwick know not to let him in if he turns up at Ravenclaw Tower."

Harry grinned. "He'd never get in anyway. He couldn't answer the questions."

"Probably true," Severus laughed. "Do you want to eat lunch upstairs or down here?"

"Down here because Sirius is probably still in the castle."

"We could go to McDonald's if you like?" Severus offered.

"Thanks, Dad, but I just feel like staying down here if that's okay? I know how much you like Quarter Pounders."

"Well, I think I can make the sacrifice just this once," Severus joked, but inside he was seething! How dare Black upset Harry and ruin his day? If he was going to hanging around the castle he hoped Minerva would set Black's bum on fire. He wouldn't mind seeing Albus and Black running down to the lake at top speed with their bums on fire.

"Well, they do have a lot of calories, Dad and you don't want to lose your figure," Harry teased.

Severus started tickling Harry in revenge until he was squirming and giggling helplessly. "I will have you know, Mr. Potter-Snape that I only weigh a few pounds more than when I graduated!"

"A few pounds is how many pounds, Dad?" Harry teased.

Severus chuckled, got up, and pulled Harry to his feet. "Come along. How does bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches sound for lunch? I picked the tomatoes and lettuce fresh this morning."

"Sounds great, Dad. Can I help you?"

"If you could make the toast that would help me out," Severus answered. He got out a cast iron skillet, put it on the burner and lit a fire under it and soon the smell of sizzling bacon filled the kitchen. While the bacon fried, Severus sliced a tomato. Harry buttered the toast and put fresh lettuce on two of the slices while his dad fixed a salad for each of them. "You sure can do that fast," he remarked as he watched Severus prepare the salads.

"It comes from years of chopping and dicing potion ingredients," Severus answered. "Although when we were in potions together, your mum usually did the chopping and I did the stirring."

"Then you and mum were partners like me and Neville?"

"All seven years," Severus answered as he placed slices of bacon on the toast and topped them with a slice of tomato.

They took their food to the small table in the kitchen and sat down. Harry took a bit out of his sandwich, chewed and swallowed. "This is the best!" He exclaimed. "Not just the sandwich, but spending time with you, Dad.

"Well, I'm certainly enjoying it," Severus said.

"You know I did ask Sirius why he never checked on me or visited me while I was at the Dursley's," Harry said with a frown.

"What was his answer?" Severus asked.

"He said Professor Dumbledore told him I was fine and they had a lot of Death Eaters to catch after You-Know-Who was gone. Why does everybody believe everything he says and they don't bother to check for themselves?"

Severus sighed and put down his half-eaten sandwich. "Professor Dumbledore is a very powerful wizard and people look up to him, admire him, and respect him greatly. Unfortunately, this also tends to make people believe he is infallible so they do not question his decisions."

"Infallible?" Harry stumbled a bit over the word.

"It means people tend to think he is flawless – he does not ever make mistakes and I am not excusing Black who did know he was your godfather. I do not understand either why he never found the time to even pay you even one visit in eleven years as the majority of the dark wizards had been rounded up and put in Azkaban within a couple of years of Voldemort being gone."

"I think he just forgot about me and forgot my father had appointed him my godfather. He seemed to only talk about what he and my father did at Hogwarts. What did they do after they graduated and my father married mum other than being Aurors?"

Severus shrugged. "That I cannot tell you, Harry because I did not associate with them; only with your mum. Perhaps you could ask Remus."

"Maybe I will, Dad." Harry said.

That night after they had prepared and eaten dinner together, there was a knock on the door and the identity charm Severus had on his door spelled out Remus Lupin.

Severus opened the door and allowed Remus to come in. He stood inside looking rather ill-at-ease. Severus had always thought without Potter and Black hanging around Remus constantly; he and Remus might have become good friend.


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