Chapter 25: 25. "Sirius…"
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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"Merlin's arse, but you look just like James!" Sirius exclaimed. "I was afraid Snivellus would have you covered in grease by now!" He gave a bark of laughter.
Remus frowned and said, "Sirius…"
"I'll just leave you to get acquainted with your godfather, Harry," Dumbledore said as he stepped back into the floo and disappeared.
"I will be in my lab, if you need me," Severus said. "You may also call Blinky."
"Just don't blow us all up while you're playing in your chemistry lab, Sniv!" Sirius said and then gave another bark of laughter.
Severus ignored him and went into his lab and shut the door and leaned against it. "Merlin almighty! He felt like he had gone back to his fifth year when Potter and Black had been at their worst.
Harry frowned at Sirius. Why was he being so nasty to his dad?
"Isn't he the spitting image of Prongs, Moony?" Sirius said. "Me and your dad were best mates from first year on. We were the best in Transfiguration and Defense. We were the kings of pranksters and the best looking and most popular kids in school. We ruled the school and everybody, all the professors and other students, loved and envied us."
"Sirius, I think your usual hyperbole is a bit overwhelming for Harry," Remus said. "Why don't we sit down and you can start from the beginning and Harry can ask any questions he might have."
Harry liked Remus immediately, but Sirius reminded him too much of Ron Weasley and his loud voice and his arrogant attitude grated on his nerves like a squeaky hinge.
"Yeah, you're right, Moony," Sirius agreed flopping down in one of Severus leather recliners and putting his feet up on the coffee table. "Hmm …guess Snivvy must've cleaned all the grease off his furniture because I didn't slide out of the chair." He looked around him. "Pretty posh place for somebody who didn't have two Knuts to rub together."
"Dad inherited his grandfather's estate," Harry snapped. He wished this meeting was over and Sirius would get out.
"Whatever, kid. Okay, like I said your dad and me met on the Hogwarts Express first year. That's also when we met your mum and Snivellus. I think Prongs was crazy about your mum the first time he saw her, but Snivvy was always in the way. He was a weird kid, wore patched, hand-me-down clothes that didn't fit, had greasy hair even back then and his nose was so big you could hardly see the rest of his face!" Sirius gave another bark of laughter.
"He wasn't that bad, Sirius," Remus objected. "He was poor, and his clothes weren't always in the best shape, but they were always clean."
"Yeah, too bad his parents never taught him basic hygiene. Anyway, Prongs and me made a splash right from the first day and then when your dad made the Gryffindor house team as a Chaser – there was no stopping us! I'll bet you're a Quidditch fanatic just like your dad," Sirius said beaming.
"I've never been to a Quidditch game, but I guess I'll go to the first match in November."
"You guess?" Sirius mocked him. "James was crazy about Quidditch and couldn't wait until the first match to watch the slimy snakes get their arses booted by Gryffindor!"
"Was my father good at Potions or Herbology?" Harry asked.
"We didn't need any of that crap. Potions and Herbology are for unpopular, antisocial gits like Snivellus. He was always hiding behind his cauldron."
"He's the youngest Potion Master ever in Wizarding Britain!" Harry said hotly. "That's really an honor."
"So what? Your dad was an Auror and so am I. We're an elite part of Magical Law Enforcement. We specialize in catching dark wizards. I'd sure like to arrest Malfoy and throw his blond arse to the Dementor's!"
"Sirius has been doing all the talking, Harry," Remus cut in. "I'm sure you must have a lot of questions for us."
"I have just have one for Sirius," Harry said. "If you're my godfather, how come you never came to visit me or check on me at the Dursley's?"
Sirius cocked his head and looked at Harry. "Because kid, Albus said you were doing fine and after you blew You-Know-Who to bits, there were still a lot of Death Eaters we had to round up."
"So you believed whatever Professor Dumbledore told you and didn't bother to check for yourself? Well, guess what? I wasn't doing fine! The Dursley's made me live in a cupboard under the stairs, they had me doing all the cooking, cleaning, and yard work; they weren't intending to let me come to Hogwarts. We were living in a hut of sorts on a rock off the North Sea where my uncle had hid us to avoid the owls who were bringing my Hogwarts letters. It was cold and miserable. My cousin was sleeping on the couch under a nice warm blanket and I was sleeping on the floor under a thin blanket with holes in it. The only clothes I ever got were his old ones and he's fat. When dad delivered my letter he spotted what was going on right away and took me away from them and I've been living with him ever since. He takes good care of me and he rescued me off a runaway broom earlier this week! So you can just take your attitude about him and …" Harry's voice had gotten progressively louder attracting Severus' attention. He came out of his lab and walked into the living room. "What is going on?"
"Go back and play with your chemistry set, Snivellus," Sirius growled. "This is between Harry and me."
Harry ran over to Severus. "Can you tell him to leave?" Harry asked pointing at Sirius.
"I think it would be best if you left now. You have managed to upset Harry and I will not permit that."
Remus muttered an apology, grabbed Sirius' arm, and marched him over to the floo. "I'll see you in class, Harry." They both disappeared into the green flames.
"What happened, Harry?" Severus asked quietly.
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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