Chapter 27: 27. Professor Lupin
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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"Hi, Professor Lupin," Harry called from the kitchen. He had convinced his dad to allow him to brew their tea the Muggle way rather than using magic. He thought it tasted better brewed normally than with magic. He put the teapot, cups and saucers on a large tray with a plate of oatmeal raisin cookies that Blinky had brought earlier. "Dad, could you carry this in? It's too big for me."
"Have a seat, Remus while I go help Harry," Severus said.
Remus sat down on one end of the soft blue couch opposite the fireplace. Severus carried in the tray with the tea and cookies and set it down on the coffee table in front of Remus. "Would you like to do the honors, Harry since you brewed it?"
"Sure, Dad," Harry answered. He carefully poured the hot tea into the three cups, and passed one cup to his dad, the second one to Remus and took the third one and then passed around the plate of cookies. Harry added a slice of lemon to his as did Remus. Severus drank his without anything else.
"You know, I'd forgotten how well the elves cook until I had dinner in the Great Hall tonight. It was delicious," Remus remarked.
"Are you all settled into your quarters?" Severus asked.
"Yes, I've gotten most of my books unpacked and arranged in the bookcases." Remus replied. Like Severus he was a complete bibliophile. "Why I came here tonight is to apologize to you and Harry, Severus for Sirius' behavior. I know he upset Harry terribly and I feel very badly about whole thing."
"Was my dad really that arrogant, stuck-up, and a bully?"
"I'm afraid so; when James was fifteen he thought and acted as if he was Merlin's gift to the world."
"What made him change?" Harry asked.
"Well, your mum for starters. Lily wouldn't put up with any crap from him. Secondly, he got out into the real world and found out he wasn't the center of the universe. For instance, he got into the Auror Academy and people didn't give a Galleon that he was James Potter, son of Charles and Mavis Potter nor did any professor there favor him and let him get away with the crap he'd pulled at Hogwarts. They expected him to study and perform the same way as everyone else in the Academy."
"What did my father do when he was home?"
"Well," Remus' eyebrows knitted in thought. "He was a Quidditch fanatic; the Wimbourne Wasps were his and Sirius' favorite Quidditch team and they used to go to all their games. James really enjoyed flying and practicing new defense tactics with Sirius."
"Didn't he spend any time with mum or me?"
"Well, all the Death Eater activity kept the Aurors very busy. Lily would bring you here with her when she was studying under Filius for her Charms Mastery. Madam Pomfrey would usually watch you at that time, but when the three of you went into hiding James had more time to spend with you."
Severus' eyes narrowed, but Remus didn't see it. He knew from Lily's letters to him that James sulked and complained because he couldn't leave the house or have Sirius over as frequently as he had had before, refused to help with anything around the house, and rarely paid any attention to Harry. Lily had complained it was like having two children instead of one.
Harry frowned also. He suspected Remus wasn't telling him the whole truth about his father because he sounded like every inch the git Sirius had presented him as. He's supposed everyone was going to skirt around the issue of how he really was since he was considered a hero.
"Well, thanks for the information, Professor," Harry said. "I'm glad you're going to be teaching defense the rest of the year."
Remus put his teacup down carefully and got up. "I'll see you in class on Tuesday then, Harry."
When Remus had left, Harry slumped down on the couch and crossed his arms, a mutinous expression on his face. "Why won't anybody tell me the truth about my father? I could tell Professor Lupin was kind of hedging things."
"Harry," Severus sat down behind him on the couch. "The truth is we are all trying to protect you and maybe, that is not the best thing to do. I still have all the letters your mum sent me. Would you like to read them?"
Harry's face lit up. "Yes, please, Dad. I promise I'll be really careful with them and I won't let them come to any harm."
"I know. I'll go and get them," Severus replied with a smile. If Harry was going to find out about James' faults; it was better if he found out from Lily. He took a bundle of letters tied with a green ribbon out of the wooden box he kept on the top shelf of his closet and returned to the living room.
Harry's hands trembled slightly as he took the letters from Severus. He had never been allowed to ask his aunt anything about his parents so he knew virtually nothing about them, but now he was reading letters that his mum wrote in her own hand.
While Harry was reading Lily's letters, Severus poured himself a cup of tea and settled back in his favorite recliner to read his copy of the Potion Master's Quarterly which he'd just received by owl post today. He heard Harry giggle a few times over something Lily had written. "She wrote a lot about me, didn't she, Dad?" Harry asked putting down the letter he'd been reading.
"Yes, she wrote me about every one of your milestones, large or small," Severus joked.
"But she complains a lot about my father that he doesn't help her with the household chores and he doesn't pay attention to me."
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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