HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark

Chapter 24: 24. Hey Draco?

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"Not in the immediate future, but I do not know about later on. Anyway if he does return you need not worry about fighting him. As I said before that is the job of adult wizards."

"Okay, Dad. I've got to get going. I'm meeting Draco and the rest of my friends to study in the library."

"I will see you at dinner than, Harry," Severus said as Harry gave him a hug. He watched as Harry left and shook his head. It was amazing how much his life had changed in just a short time. He sighed. There was no longer any point in putting it off. He flooed to Dumbledore's office.

"Severus, what brings you to my office? Care for a lemon drop?"

"No, thank you, Headmaster. I want to let you know that Harry has agreed to let the mutt visit him on Saturday and also Remus, but they must floo into your office and you bring them down to my quarters."

"Fine, Severus. I'll let Sirius and Remus know of your decision."

Severus left the office his cloak billowing behind him. He definitely was not looking forward to Saturday.

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The rest of the week went by smoothly. Flying class was temporarily replaced by a free period. Harry and his friends decided to study out by the lake since it was such a nice day and it would be getting colder soon.

"I noticed Dean Thomas kept looking over at us when we were studying in the library last night," Hermione remarked. "He's looked sort of sad. I think he'd like to be friends with us, but he probably thinks we don't like him because of Weasley and Finnigan."

"He seems kind of quiet and I think he keeps to himself a lot," Neville remarked.

"Well, the next time you or any of us notice him looking why don't we invite him to come over?" Harry said. "I don't think he agrees with the crap Weasley and Finnigan do."

The children all nodded. "I think he would be a good fit," Hermione added.

"Weaselbee and Finnigan are the worst arses in the entire school," Draco stated.

"But I like Percy, Fred and George so the whole family isn't like Ron," Harry pointed out.

"They seem okay," Greg agreed. "And it does look as if they aren't above pranking him along with everybody else."

"Yeah, they're all-opportunity pranksters. They don't just prank one house or just the same people all the time – everybody gets pranked by them; even the professors," Vince added.

Harry was helping Neville with Potions; Vince was helping Hermione with Astronomy, Hermione was helping Draco with Charms, Draco was helping Greg with Transfiguration, Neville was helping everybody with Herbology and Greg was helping everybody with History of Magic.

Severus asked Filius if it was all right if Harry stayed with him Friday night. He explained about Sirius and Remus coming to visit on Saturday. Filius of course, knew of the bad history between Severus and Sirius having been a professor when they were both students. He had interfered on more than one occasion when James and Sirius were bullying Severus and given them detention. He gave his consent for Harry to spend the night with Severus.

Friday night was fun for Harry. After dinner they played Wizard's Chess in front of a fire; his dad was teaching him how to play. They popped corn and toasted marshmallows and drank pumpkin juice. Severus was dressed in jeans, trainers and a wool V-neck jumper as it was chilly in the dungeon. Harry was dressed in a jumper, jeans and trainers. They played Exploding Snap and Severus showed Harry how to play Gobstones, but after several times of the stones squirting a smelly liquid at him he decided to put off learning the game. He did find out the interesting fact that Severus' mum was captain of the Gobstones team during her seventh year and they had won a tournament competing with other magical schools. He also found out she had won many potion awards as had his dad. Harry told him about Hermione's observations about Dean Thomas.

"Miss Granger does have good instincts about people," Severus replied.

"Yes and he's never taken part in any of Weasley's or Finnegan's antics. In fact, he always looks like he wants to be anywhere else but with them."

"Well, I think it would be beneficial for him if you and your friends were to offer him your friendship."

"I did tell Hermione that we should invite him over the next time she saw he was looking over at us."

"It's always good to have friends in other houses and I'm glad to see you have friends in all three houses and possibly a fourth house."

"I wish they didn't have that stupid rule about having to sit at your house tables though," Harry complained. "Because we'd like to be able to sit together."

"There is no actual rule, Harry. It is just that no one has ever had the courage to do it."

"Maybe, it's time for a change, Dad."

"Possibly," Severus agreed. He was proud that Harry was willing to attempt something new.

They had just finished washing, drying, and putting away the breakfast dishes the next morning when the floo sounded. "Severus, may we come through?" Dumbledore called.

"Yes, go ahead," Severus replied. 'I'm not looking forward to this at all,' he thought. He stood aside of the fireplace with his hands on Harry's shoulders.

Dumbledore stepped out of the green flames followed by two other men. One was tall with dark, curly black hair, grey eyes and wore expensive clothing; the other was shorter, thinner with light brown hair that already showed streaks of grey and amber colored eyes. His clothes appeared to be rather shabby looking.

"Harry, I'd like you to meet your godfather and your father's best friend, Sirius Black," Dumbledore said. "And this is Remus Lupin; your father's other good friend. You will be seeing a lot of Remus as he has accepted my offer to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor since Professor Quirrell will be unable to return."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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