Chapter 23: 23. "Pettigrew!"
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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"I'll talk with Harry this weekend and let you know what he decides, but if Harry does decide he wants to see them, they are going to floo here to see him," Severus said. He strode away his teaching robe billowing out behind him.
He was extremely angry with Dumbledore. Severus would bet all the gold in his vaults that he was the one that let it slip 'accidently' to Black and Lupin where Harry was. At lunch he strode over to the Ravenclaw table and knelt down next to Harry. "Would you please come to our quarters after your last class today, Harry? There is something we need to talk about."
"Sure, Dad," Harry said nodding.
"How are you feeling? Any side effects from your wild broom ride?"
"No. I haven't noticed anything, Dad."
"Good, but if you do notice anything, let your professor know and go see Madam Pomfrey right away. She will summon me."
"Okay, I promise."
"Good. I'll see you later then," Severus replied getting up and walking back to the staff table. He sat down next to Minerva. "You may get your chance to set the headmaster's bum on fire after all, Minerva," Severus whispered with a grin.
"What's Albus done now?" She asked with a groan.
"He is attempting to force Harry into a relationship with his godfather, Black."
"I'd love to set his bum on fire right along with Albus'! He and James are the reason Lily's dead and Harry is without his mum. Even a troll knows you never choose a family member or a best friend as a Secret Keeper because those would be the first ones suspected and then to turn around and choose Pettigrew!" Minerva shook her head. "If James were here I'd set his bum on fire too!"
Severus was a little shocked at Minerva's vehemence, but then Lily had been like a daughter to her. She wouldn't have to set Potter's bum on fire; Lily would have done it already.
"Are you going to allow Harry to meet Sirius?"
"If he wants to, yes. I told Albus though that they need to come here. I am not going to send Harry to them. I do not mind Lupin so much. He at least shows occasional common sense and he has been known to try and reign in Black." In spite of being tricked by Black into going down to find a fully transformed werewolf, Severus hadn't held it against Lupin. He knew when he was fully transformed he wasn't acting of his own accord. "But I do not trust Black at all."
Harry arrived just as Severus NEWT Potion's class was leaving. He waited until all the students had left the room before going in. "Hi Dad. What's up?"
"Let go to our quarters and I will tell you," Severus replied. Once inside their quarters, Severus asked Blinky to bring them tea and snacks and once they were settled with their tea, Severus said. "When a wizarding child is born their parents choose a godfather and godmother for them who would become their guardian should anything happen to the parents."
"Okay," Harry nodded.
"In your case your parents each chose different sets of godparents. Lily chose Alice Longbottom who was Neville's mum …"
"Was she killed by Voldemort too?"
"No, she and Neville's dad were tortured into insanity by Death Eaters and that is why Neville is being raised by his grandmother, but do not let Neville know that you know about it. Allow him to tell you if he wants to."
"Okay, Dad."
"As I was saying Lily chose Neville's mum and me to be your godparent while your father chose Sirius Black and Mary MacDonald."
"How come mum and my dad chose different?"
"Well, your dad and I were not friends like your mum and I were. Sirius was your dad's best mate so that is why he chose him. He wants to meet you and another person who was a good friend of both your mum and dad's, Remus Lupin."
"I guess they must have known me when I was a baby, huh?" Harry said, sipping his tea.
"If Sirius was my godfather, how come he never tried to visit me while I was at the Dursley's?"
"That I cannot answer, Harry. You will have to ask him that."
"I will. When are they coming?
"I think Saturday morning will be good time."
"Okay, but there's something else I wanted to ask you, Dad."
"Go ahead."
"Well, you said my mum and dad were killed on Halloween and I've never been to their graves so I was wondering if we could visit them on Halloween."
"That can be arranged without a problem," Severus replied. He didn't mention that he had been to visit Lily's grave every Halloween since she died. "Now there's one more thing I wanted to mention and that is about your flying class. It will not be held again until Professor Flitwick is able to put all the safety charms on the brooms again. I believe Madam Hooch is going to keep them locked up in a cupboard in her office from now on."
"That's good to know. What happened to Professor Quirrell?"
"It seems he was possessed by whatever was left of Voldemort after his body was destroyed when his killing curse rebounded. He is alive, but I doubt he will be able to return to teaching so you will probably have a new defense professor."
"Wow! Did he take the safety charms off the brooms because he was trying to kill me again?"
"I am sure that was the reason."
"Where did he go after he left Professor Quirrell?"
"I do not know. Possibly back to Albania where he was lurking around until he encountered Professor Quirrell."
"So, unless he can find another person to possess, we probably don't have to worry about him then?"
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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