HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark

Chapter 22: 22. Harry locked the room

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Severus was heading down to land when he caught sight of the purple turban. What in the hell was Quirrell doing here when he was supposed to be in class? Severus pulled out his wand and yelled, "Stupefy!" Quirrell slumped to the ground. If he was wrong he would apologize, but it was better to be safe than sorry especially after catching Quirrell in the third floor corridor two nights in a row. He knew that the headmaster, Filius, whose responsibility it was to place the safety charms on the school brooms, and the Defense professor were the only ones who were able to take the safety charms off the brooms. Even Madam Hooch couldn't. If someone were intending to kill Harry they would need to take the safety charms off all of the brooms because they wouldn't know which broom he might choose.

He landed, helped Harry off of his broom and made sure he was all right before sending a Patronus to Dumbledore and another to Madam Pomfrey. "Wait here," he said and ran over to Quirrell. Just as he approached him he saw something that could only be described as a black mist rise up out of Quirrell's unconscious body and flee.

Madam Pomfrey followed by Dumbledore came running out and stopped suddenly when they saw Severus bent over Quirrell. "What happened, Severus?" Dumbledore demanded.

"I'll explain inside. Professor Quirrell needs to taken to the Infirmary," Severus said to Madam Pomfrey. "Professor Flitwick will need to recast the safety charms on all the school brooms. Somebody has taken them off." He held out his arm to Harry who ran over to him. "Go on to your next class and I will see you at lunch."

Harry gave him a tight hug. "Thanks for saving me, Dad."

"That's what fathers are for, Harry," Severus replied. He watched as Harry and his year mates and his friends went back inside the castle.

Madam Hooch strode over and began berating Dumbledore. "Headmaster, I've told you for years that the school brooms need to be locked up securely and now look what has happened! If all the children had kicked off at the same time as Harry, we'd probably have dead children because neither I nor Severus would have been able to save all of them!"

Dumbledore held up his hands. "Please come to my office after lunch, Madam Hooch and we'll discuss the incident then."

She stormed over to where the brooms lay strewn about and gathered them up with a wave of her wand.

Severus and Dumbledore walked back inside. "I don't understand what you were doing there, Severus."

"I have a free period and I wanted to see my son's first broom flight. It is a good thing I was there because his broom took off, speeding wildly and would have crashed into the Whomping Willow most likely killing him. Rolanda mounted her broom to try and help him, but it threw her off."

"What happened to Quirinus?"

"I stunned him. He is supposed to be teaching class yet he was skulking about where the first years are having their first flying lesson. The last two nights I've caught him lurking in the third floor corridor when he wasn't scheduled to patrol."

"Are you suggesting he's tried to harm Harry or steal the stone?"

"Both! That is not all. When I went over to check him after I stunned him I saw this black misty, smoky substance rise up out of his unconscious body and flee," Severus explained as they walked down the hall towards the Infirmary. When they were in arm's length of the door, they suddenly heard Madam Pomfrey scream and rushed inside; Severus ahead of Albus.

Madam Pomfrey had Professor Quirrell lying on his stomach and had taken off his turban and what Albus and Severus saw stunned them. There, on the back of Quirrell's head, was what looked like the sagging remains of what might have been another face.

"It's Voldemort," Dumbledore said. "The face is his."

"How do you know?" Severus asked skeptically.

"He came to apply for the Defense position in 1956 and even then I could see that the constant use of dark magic had altered his appearance drastically."

"I saw his spirit flee Quirrell's body, but we don't know how much damage he did to his body while he inhabited it."

Madam Pomfrey came over while they were talking. "Do you think Quirinus will recover, Poppy?" Dumbledore asked.

Well, my scan detected no damage to his body or to his brain, but I expect he will not to be able to remember anything past the point where You-Know-Who took possession of him.

"He must have traveled to Albania because that's where Voldemort fled after his body was destroyed," Dumbledore remarked.

"I'm assuming he was going to steal the Sorcerer's Stone and use it to make himself a new body," Severus said.

"Professor Quirrell can thank Severus for stunning him; Headmaster otherwise he would have died when You-Know-Who left his body." Poppy stated emphatically.

"Please keep me posted on Quirinus' progress, Poppy," Dumbledore requested. He and Severus left the hospital. "By the way, Severus I received an owl from Sirius and Remus. They've heard rumors about you adopting Harry."

'Heard rumors my arse, you old barnacle. You told them to cause trouble.' Severus thought. "I do not see it as any of their concern, Headmaster."

"Well, Sirius is the boy's godfather," Dumbledore stressed.

"Yes, a godfather who dumped Harry on Hagrid after Potter and Lily were killed and ran off after Pettigrew. It is a good thing he could not find him or else he would have been playing with the Dementor's. In ten years he never once bothered to check on Harry while he lived with the Dursley's and unlike me, he knew he was Harry' godfather."

"They're very concerned you might not be treating Harry right as you hated James. They wish to visit him and verify it for themselves."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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