Chapter 3: Chapter 2: I've seen enough.
(Nagi Pov)
It is, single handedly, one of the hardest things to do in the morning. It's even harder once you remember that you are no longer what you once were, like what my.... brain? Is doing right now.
But, in the end, you still have to get up. Because, the alternative to that is dying, and no lifeform would ever willingly give their ticket to life up, at least, not until they've lost all hope.
The fact that my existence can be tied to just a spherical mass of something like glass, doesn't really help the mood in my mind nor soul.
The only thing that's been somewhat keeping me going is the possibility of regaining the body of what I once had. The possibility of becoming whole again, that sole thought, is what keeps me sane in this seemly infinite labyrinth.
Because when you become accustomed to something, you forget what life was like without it, living through life like their was a hole in your heart that couldn't be filled. However, as for right now, I believe that I can be accounted as the exception for when I dream.
I dream of nothing, literally. I am lucid during this, my mind tells me that I am in a dream, but no power to change it like others when they are lucid.
…Because, deep down, in my subconscious, this is what I desire the most, no life, no more interaction, no more effort, just sleeping inside the void. My version of Heaven, really anti-social, I know.
A realm where nothing may exist, however, it's a place where I ironically frequent and am the sole exception to the rule.
Despite not having any of my senses to use or anything material to echo back, I have a feeling somewhere deep inside my soul, that something here in this dark plane is what's allowing me to stay whole here.
Aaaand, now that I've said that. There's a high probably that that something is behind me right now. Which means that I'll have a clue as to what exactly is causing this place to exist when I turn around, and why I'm inexplicably drawn towards this... what I can only describe as realm.
As Nagi's soul turned its perception around, he saw two orbs peering straight into his own soulful eyes. There were no colours for him to perceive, and yet the first thing that his soulful mind registered was that it looked like a deep brown that hovered over black.
And there it is. I'm going to say that it's not a fever dream of an eldritch being, considering that I'm not going insane from staring at it or that I'm not devouring it's existence like I usually do when I see one.
Staring into each other's eyes was uncomfortable for him. However, a blink and then the eyes was gone. He felt no more presence of that thing looking at him, or anything at all.
What he could feel was the excited grin of the being, something that felt familiar to him, it was feeling that would accompany him whenever he found an interesting story to read.
This clue, it gave him two possibilities that he could conceive in his mind and soul. One of which made his own face lit up in the same exact grin as the unknown being.
As Nagi started to feel the pull of returning to his body once more. He felt it say something, something that he found pondering in being able to understand.
The entity said one sentence that he willed himself to remember, the only thing that could be remembered…
Was the feeling of
(Kinjiki Nagi Pov)
Now I have awoken, and I'm taking back control~
Eugh, the pros and cons of being a 2000s kid during the internet emergence era. The edgy cringe songs, they were running rampant and everywhere you could see.
God were they cringy, honestly, with how tiktok was during my last life…We basically just went full circle, only more live action than animated sonic videos.
Oh well! Out of sight, out of mind. Not like I would have a way to get any internet access, that is if the humans are in medieval times and not some weird sci-fi magic world thing.
Would be real weird if there was a sudden leap in technology for one of the races all of a sudden… I feel like I've invoked the law of Murphy, mmmm...
Eh, not my problem.
(narrator: Little did he know, that nostalgic feeling was soon to be his problem down the line)
Whew, that was one crazy dream!
Anyways, onwards to clearing house and 100 percenting this part of the dungeon!
With renewed enthusiasm, the Kinjiki, fuelled by the pathological need of fully looting everything this dungeon had to offer like the loot goblin that he is, began to walk forwards in an attempt to locate more monsters.
Keyword was try. As the spherical core on the ground had no movement whatsoever, akin to a water-bear. Non-existent.
Ah, right, I forgot that I fainted and basically crashed by body down into the ground. Likely destroying it, given that I can't seem to move right about now.
Good thing I am alone, and no one will ever witness this embarrassment moment. It shall forever be lost to time, never to be mentioned!
(??? POV)
Fufufu, oh~ Nagi~ you never cease to amuse me with your existence~
What was that? Could have sworn that something snickered at me….
Oh, ha ha, real funny system.
With the goal of putting this moment forever behind him, Nagi began shaping the image of a new body. Getting the feeling that he could now push on some of the boundaries and limits that was blocking him before.
No longer a lesser in his species has allowed him to reach greater heights in the manipulation of magic power and body creation. His new body shape was far more intimidating in both size and design, this form was something he decided would be his final design.
Something that would make him more combat ready.
(Insert image)
[A/n: the type eyes are all white since he has no type energy yet.]
Alrighty! Forwards and onwards! For Victory! For Courage! For dungeon completion to satisfy my gamer greed!
With his spirit now invigorated, the Golem sprints down the hallways of the dungeon, shaking the ground with each step he takes.
[Location: Some crystal cavern]
Down the pathways of the dungeon lies a small turtle, living the best life he can, eating gems and rocks abundant around the floor.
Awakening and pulling his head from his rocky shell, he walks towards the gems that was brightly shining and takes a bite of it.
The taste of the gem he was munching on was now one of his favourite tastes, the gem he was eating was now making him stronger. He could feel it, he was close to evolving, if one was to use appraisal on him it would show that his level was at level 9, the last threshold for an evolution.
Eager for the evolution opportunity, the small ore turtle fully focused on eating the gem on the floor, unaware of his shaky surroundings in favour of the concentration of the gem like crystal.
*thump, thump, thump*
His mind in the zone, he extended his neck and took one last bite, fully eating the crystal that was once shining vibrantly. His excitement grew in proportion with his frantic chewing, impatiently swallowing any of the shards into his throat and into his stomach to be absorbed and turned into material.
Happy for the opportunity to evolve, he selects his only path to evolution and awaits the process, closing his eyes from the fatigue and stamina intensive process.
…However, in his evolution-induced sleep and fever for it. The evolving turtle failed to notice his surroundings as a stone creature that was running right onto the path of where it was laying down.
With a sickening-
The turtle was stomped and crushed under weight of the stone golem, flattening it and ending its life. Pausing in his sprint, he lifted his foot to find that he had stepped on something.
Huh, I think I just killed a monster. Wonder what it is, [Appraisal].
ooops? Well, might as well take advantage of this situation and absorb what remains… waste not and what not…
Retracting the material that was his foot back into the core, a dark swirling whirlpool came out and began to devour the remains of the turtle. Eating everything for what was it was worth, leaving naught but a scrap of the monster that was once on the floor.
Soon, there was nothing inside the cavern but the golem and the crystals scattered around the cave.
[From the turtle, you have absorbed the skills: Ore body, and Shell]
Welp, sorry Mr…Mrs? Mr. Turtle. Sorry for killing you Mr. Turtle, it was unintentional, but I thank you for lending me your skills and giving me the evolution for two of my skills.
…Wait a minute…
Damn it! I forgot to absorb those raptors and get their skills and flesh!
…Ah well, too late to turn back now. I mean, it's not like they're going to be some super rare mobs, right?
I mean, they came in threes' so they should be common around here!
I should appraise myself! That'll take my mind of those blasted lizards! If I remember correctly, my appraisal skill should be level 6 now, wonder what it has added now? [Appraisal]
Small Kinjiki
Nagi Seishiro Lv1
[HP:100%] [MP:100%]
Offence: C Defence: C+
Magic: C++ Resistance: C-
Speed: D
[Stats & Ability Skills]
[Running Lv4]
[Enhancement Skills]
[Impact Enhancement Lv1]
[Passive Skills]
[Steel body lv1]
[Hard Armour lv1]
[Perception Skills]
[Magic Power Perception Lv6] [Concentration Lv6]
[Memory Lv6] [Arithmetic Processing Lv6]
[Prediction lv5] [Parallel Thinking Lv5]
[Appraisal Lv6]
[Magic Skills]
[Magic Power Operation Lv6] [Earth Magic LV6]
[??? Skills]
[n% I = W]
[Cursed Connection]
(A/N: I don't like doing stat displays like this, so note that this won't be a common theme as I'll only display relevant info that Nagi will get. I have a list, feel free to keep track yourself though.)
Woah, that's a lot more information than I would have expected from 3 or 4 level ups for a skill. Guess all that fanfiction knowledge of systems have clouded my perception of what useful information you'd get from a skill like this.
The stats are a little bit better than what I'd expect from a stage 2 monster, though I guess that's because of the quality shell that I call a body that I pilot. Plus, there's that new ore I've assimilated from the small ore turtle.
I think that might be why my magic stat is higher than all my other ones. If what that turtle ate was the crystals growing around here, then there's only one course of action to do…
Eat rocks! :D
[Location: Corridor]
*Tap tap tap*
Echoes of footsteps echoed through the rocky corridor, no creature dared to roam in plain sight of the pathway, except for three Randanels. Confidence poured out of the three as they believed that they were the apex predator in the corridor.
So long as they stood together, they would remain at the top where no one stood a chance at shaking them from their throne. The one leading the trio was the most pompous one of them all, their confidence was not truly unfounded as they had defeated an adult Taratect with nothing but their coordination and wits.
If there was something that reality often liked, it would be to crush the fantasies and hopes of living beings. A test to see if they were worthy of their aspirations that they held so dear.
As if sensing something ominous, all three turned around. The trio reacted as one and dodged to the sides and back, unfortunately, the one that jumped back would soon find that they drew the unlucky stick as a rocky fist was mere inches of his ugly mug.
A second later and one of the Randanels was no longer alive, his time in this world now over, his head separated from his body, flying to the skies and hitting the ceiling, sticking to it and painting it a nice crimson colour.
Scared and now alert for danger, the remaining two randanels growled and roared as they kept their distance from the rocky statue that was mere meters away from them.
They helplessly watched as the stoney creature lifted the corpse of their once alive friend and brother, watching as it was sucked inside of intimidating creature until nothing remained.
[From the randanel, you have absorbed the skills: Poison fang lv3, Poison Claw lv3, Cooperation Lv7, Night vision Lv6, Poison resistance Lv3]
Weary of what the rocky monster could do next, the two remaining randanels cautiously started to circle the unknown monster.
*Rumbly crack*
Tensing, the duo readied themselves for the attack that was about to happen. Raising his arms, the golem pounded on the ground, causing a mini earthquake to happen.
Ready for the stomp, the duo leaped at the wall, then pounced towards the stationary golem, confident in their speed and agility to get away from any attacks it might throw at them.
Just as they were about to hop away from their attack, the golem succeeded in grabbing one of them with its hands snapping the neck of one of them.
Its shoulders morphed into hands capable of grappling, its intent on grabbing the last of the lizards clear and shooting towards it.
One of the Randanels managed to dodge the hand from the golem, the last free randanel made the split decision of running away.
Raising his shoulder arms and taking aim, the golem ejected rock shards from it, launching them at high speeds and turning regular shards of stone into death inducing bullets.
[Danger sense Lv1]>
The bullets cut through the air, swiftly reaching its running target. Despite not looking back, the Randanel, as if sensing danger, bobbed and weaved through the fragments. In his mind, he knew that even a second of staying still and not dodging meant a higher chance of death.
Sensing danger once more, this time from the ground, he jumped to avoid tripping from the rumbling ground. His senses blared once more, it was warning him that something would be coming right below him. However, he was still in mid-air from his first jump.
Taking a risk, the randanel angled himself to use his feet to absorb most of the force and jump off from the attack.
A spear of rock rose from the ground, aiming to pierce through the stomach of the randanel. Ready for this attack, the randanel angled his feet and jumped off the side of the rock spear, his momentum directing him to the wall of the pathway.
With danger sense going off from all directions, the ranedanel had no choice but to jump off the wall and try escaping on the floor once more.
Sadly, that decision was the incorrect decision as no matter what he did, he was dead from all directions. Stone bullets came from behind and filled the entire space, rocky spears were beginning to form all over the ground and walls.
This attack combination effectively squashed all possible hope of escaping for the Randanel. Seeing no other option, and with his danger sense still blaring at him, he accepted that his death was imminent, curling up into a ball. He hoped that this action would make his death fast and painless as he knew that his legs were in no condition for him to put up a last stand.
With a *SPLAT*, the lizard fell to the ground. Puncture and stab wounds littering his body, his life points quickly depleting and almost hitting 0 in an instant. With the little embers of life he had left, he engraved the feeling and face of his killer, vowing revenge for himself and his dead brethren, if there was a next life for him.
[POV: Nagi]
Well now, that was certainly a harder fight than the lizards from the upper parts. They were higher levelled, so I thought it'd be just a tincy bit harder, but that skill creep is insane! With just a few levels, they were that much stronger and smarter!
…I wonder if I should expect Dark Souls level of difficulty in terms of the higher-level bosses. Hm, probably…
Well~ Whatever~
I'll just handle them whenever I run into them, I'll just eat their corpses and see whatever I'll get from them.
After that? Eh, I think I'll just farm till I hit my next evolution. This system may be using a standard Jrpg system, but I won't subscribe to that!
I'll follow my own rules of evolution! Like Digimon! Yeaaaah, that's right! Who needs your stinking linear evolution anyways!
[Intent received, request approved. Commencing update, please keep yourself safe as we start the update. We deeply thank you for your cooperation.]
Ahhhh~, I just had to open my big fat mouth, didn't I? WELP! Better start that Minecraft dirt house before I die from the mobs at night!
Apologies for the long wait, been a hectic time for me in my uni. There were soooo many assignments, anyways, I'll be doing a little tweak in how the system works in terms of evolution.
I'm a bit too impatient as a writer and gamer to settle on finishing a singular linear path of evolution before prestiging, as that was my og plan. But after thinking it over, I've decided to do my own thing, the kumo system is a bit of a mess in terms of fitting it into my style of writing, so I'll be switching to a more Digimon style of evolution.
I won't spoil how Nagi'll gain more variety, but I'll tell what I'm going to change entirely.
1, I'm going to get rid of his levels entirely. So whenever Nagi wants to evolve to the next evolution, there will be prerequisites to fulfill.
2, change the numerical stats of mobs to be alphabetical when viewed by him and evolution skills to be quest based.
3, Enemy skills obtained by Nagi will be based on a roll on what and how many he will gain from absorbing from the corpses, as compared to previously where I just decide to give him all the enemies skillset.
That's all from me in this chapter, hope you enjoyed it.