Hai! Ore wa Golem Desu! (Kumo desu ga, nani ka?)

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Shopping For parts

(Location: Upper Stratum)

(Golem Nagi Pov)


Do do do do, dododoo do.


I'm on my Way~ I'm on my Way~

I've got rocks for a start,

And I've got a core for a heart.



I'm on my way, I'm on my way!

I may be tiny and alone,

But I won't stop until I'm below.

I'm on my way, I'm on my waaaaa-wooooaa oof.


I knew being this small of a size would lead to me tripping, but I lasted a lot longer than I thought. That being said, what did I even trip on? Welp, only one way to check. [Appraisal]


Ewwww, that's got to be one of the more disgusting things to trip on….




…Should I absorb it?





Screw it, imma do it. 


Now that I take a closer look at myself and these root-like tentacles, grabbing them is going to be more of challenge than I first though. The first problem lies in my size, I am way too small length wise to really get any leveraging force, so I'm going to need to change the shape of my body to be more of a taller figure.


Fortunately, my little stroll has given me time to think of the shape of my soon to be version 2 of my body, though it might take some time, the bright side of being a golem is that I've got tons of time provided that nothing happens to my core, if any of the fiction rules still operate in this world of course.


With his core glowing, the shape of his small blocky form starts to crumble and the core that laid in the middle of the once blocky body was now cradled in a small sphere-shaped crater on the ground. 

The rocky surface of the dungeon started forming around the core once again, lifting it up like it was the tip of a mountain, rising up from the seabed.




With the aid of his newly raised skills, the speed in which the previously spotted core was now covered in a thicker layer of rocks, faster than his first attempt at making himself a new body.


(insert golem pic)


His new form was now reminiscent of creature that could be created from a game that loved to play for hours. It was the form of a golem, his appearance was quite different from the vanilla iron golem however.


Mainly, that there was no villager nose to speak of and the body was also a little different, it was a little bit wider at the lower section of the body. Despite this change in shape and size, his maximum height only reached around 0.5 meters or 50 centimetres.


However, this height, though small, was more than enough for him to generate enough leveraging force to uproot the tentacle-like root. Forming little claw like grapple hooks, the stone golem pulled and freed the root from the ground and held it close to the openings at the head in place of where the eyes would be.




…Huh, now that I think about it…How do I absorb this thing into my core and make it mine?


Alright, let's analyse how media depicts golems absorb material. If I remember correctly, games have you gather a specific material and then create a body for you. But that is how games do it, if I want it to work for me then I need to reverse the process and interpret on why you need a specific amount before being able to make one.


Let's take for an example my current stone body, despite the abundance of stone material around me, this is my limit in terms of size. I can't explain it, it's just something that I can feel. The highest probability of this is that I need to increase my levels of mana control and earth magic to increase that cap.


The process of making my body involved my core shining, that must mean that I'm subconsciously manipulating the available mana inside to move the rocks and create my body. 



So, let's try to modify a part of my body again and remember the flow.




There, I feel it. The flow of it is like water, but it has a rocky and jagged feel to it that I can just tell. The intent to create and modify from the core is there, I can feel it, and from the way it moves is like one way, almost like clockwise in its direction. So, what happens if I reverse this flow with the intent to break and devour?


*Swoshy swirl*


The chest of the golem opened up like optimus prime revealing the Matrix of Leadership, however, instead of the usual bright shine that would erupt from the core. A dark bluster came out instead, like an inky black void, it started to consume the tentacle-like root being pulled close to it.


Of course, seeing a new plant like thing, the golem made sure to keep appraising it for anything new related to the plant it was absorbing. Something that lead to…



The process seemed never ending as the roots were almost endless, but after a while. When it was coming to an end, attached to the root was a small flower, the dark shine stopped and the tentacle root was cut off, falling to the ground.





What, is that it? The species name is all that it is going to give me? Damn, how very sucky. The least it could give me is something a bit more substantial, like say some background information?


Whatever, down the core it goes! 


The dark shine returned, the perverted and deadly flower was broken down and absorbed into the awakening core. With greater control over his body, his movements became more fluid and in line with how a bi-pedal human would walk…A toddler would be more accurate to say.


Huh, y'know something? I never really thought about if I was the only one who was isekai'd from my class, wonder how Wakaba is doing? Is she well? Does she need my help to live? 



(Wakaba? POV)







Hah! Nai waa~ she'll be fine~ I made lots of leftovers, so she won't starve. Probably at home, playing games and what not, living the gamer's dream. I do wonder if she's going to be fine without me though, I was basically her husband when we were sharing an apartment. Cooking, cleaning, playing games with her, waking her up…. I miss video games and novels.


Welp, no use dwelling on that for now. Onwards for more monster parts and to becoming an abomination!



And so, the golem picked a path and went further down searching for live monsters to add into his ever-growing pile of body parts. He would soon be granted this wish in the form of three velociraptor like monsters.



If b=5, c= 10, then what does a= b x c mean?

Ans= 50.


[Arithmetic Processing Lv1]>

[Parallel Thinking Lv1]>


Huh, who would have thought that math would be a skill? Well, if you squint a bit then you could argue that it would apply to throwing a long-range fireball. Parabolic arcs and all that.



Oh, so that's what this dungeon is called. Neat, now…How shall I deal with these weird ass dinos? Should I risk it with appraisal and get their aggro now? 




Let's modify the field more towards my liking. But how should I do that? Oh, how about pitfalls? I'm going to go on a limb and say that they don't have any regen-skills, considering that I haven't gotten any MP points back unless I start eating or rest.

*Rumble rumble rumble*

Slowly and quietly, the ground in front of the golem was hollowed out, the surface of the pit still visible with no discernible features that would lead to it being tampered with underneath. 


Sharp spike stalagmites was formed as spears to impale anyone that has the misfortune of falling, this misfortune being for these poor unsuspecting velociraptors.




Too bad I don't have some sort of poison to cover the ends of the spike and give it a little bit of more of oomph damage. Oh well, I think the fall and piercing damage of the pitfall spikes should be good enough. 

If it's qualified to be a war crime to use these on humans, then it's got to be good enough to kill the three dino park rejects. With that being said, it's time to use the least used HM/TM move in all of pokemon.




And~ an appraisal just for good measure! [Appraisal]





Oh, so the one leading the charge is the leader and highest lv person. Okay, just got to pay attention to them and its free parts for me!


With moderately fair speed, the Randanels sprint towards the unusual statue that challenged them, continuously scanning the corridor around them for anything the statue might do to them. 


However, the statue just stood there. It's arms bending in an cross on its rocky chest. Seeing no movements made by the statue, the randanels pounced on the defenceless prey. Looking forward to cracking open the rocky shell and eat the meat inside.





In an instant, a rock wall sprung from the ground and hit them on their chins, concussing them and knocking them backwards. Gravity taking hold of their bodies now that their forward momentum was now no longer affecting them, they fell on the ground.




The shallow surface ground gave way, giving in to the weight of the dinos and plummeting them down the pitfall, now falling to their deaths, the dinos tried to cling to the walls in a desperate bid to slow down. But…




It was all in vain as they could not reach it in time and was now impaled onto the stalagmites piercing their now wounded bodies. Looking up the hole, the leader dino saw the statue pointing his hand at them before a large slab of rock came towards his face.


And now, he could see it no longer…


Welp. That was fun, they seemed a bit too stupid for their levels though… Oh well, free and easy exp for me!



< [Lesser Kinjiki], [Small Kinjiki], [Lesser Small Earth Kinjiki]>


Ohoho! Evolution paths eh? Well, count me in for some min-maxing building!

If evolutionary paths mean that I'll be able to change my core into an elemental golem, then that means I won't be limited to just the things that I absorb in order to improve myself.


That means~ Fire, Lava, Air, Wind, Water, Ocean, and many more golem types that I'll be able to explore!


Oooooh~ my inner completionist already wants me to get them all! But going by game logic, I won't be able to get them all and only be able to do one path, if I'm reading this correctly….



If my skills can level up, what's to say that they too can't evolve as well?

If that's true, then that should be mean that my skills will also affect on what evolutionary paths are available to me, since the only elemental skill I have is earth, that means only the earth path is available to me.


Mmmm~ Well, I think I'm going to go for size and power, something that should help me out if fantasy monsters sizes are to be trusted. Something that should carry out here as well, hopefully at least.

I think the path I'm going to go first will be small Kinjiki, if I'm right, then this path should give me the best capabilities of a golem out of the three paths available to me right now. 


Picking the Lesser would in theory only give me a better capacity and endurance, while earth would give me a better control and sensing over materials. So, to sum it up, I'm going for efficiency over sensory and endurance.


Efficiency with what I have now is better in the long run. Also, Kinjiki? I guess that's the species name that this world gave to me, so it would be Elroe Kinjiki if a Human were to see me…Hah, what are the chances of that? 


With that being said…[Small Kinjiki], please!


Oohhh boy, looks like the insomnia is wearing off! Off to bed I go…




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