Hai! Ore wa Golem Desu! (Kumo desu ga, nani ka?)

Chapter 1: Prologue: I knew it! School still sucks.

[Time: 630am]

[Location: School Classroom]

(??? Pov)


Today is a very normal day in Japan and I, am not so normal.


You see, this is my second life living on Earth, I don't know how or when it happened, but I have the feeling that my first one was cut short for some reason or another.


I was attending my university in Malaysia, you know the country that Nanami Kento wanted to visit, when out of nowhere my vision began to blur. Not surprising considering it was around 4pm when my classes were basically done, and I was using the good 'ol train to get to a station nearby my home.


You close your eyes and rub them for a few seconds and suddenly everything is giant sized. I didn't outwardly panic of course, but that didn't curb the existential dread of my predicament. As I eventually found out however, was that I got de-aged back into a baby, this was my body no doubt about it, I got a look into the mirror that confirms it.


Nothing was changed about my life, same parents, same house, same everything and events that would lead to my normal point of time. Aside from gaining knowledge of course, having the foreknowledge of the future difficulties of my life was caused of poor education direction from the education system, I endeavoured to fulfil my dreams and ambitions of the past. 


As much as I hated it, I properly learned the languages that I struggled with before. BM(Bahasa Melayu), English, Japanese, and Arabic. It was horrible, If I was in jujutsu kaisen I would have undoubtably unlock reverse cursed energy with how much negative emotions I was generating.


Of course, when one is proficient enough in another language and is a teenager, they would want to go oversees to experience the education that's offered there. With my options not as limited thanks to my linguistic skills, I, of course went, with Japan, mostly for the fact of being able to get everywhere I want by walking…plus the anime.


It was routine at this point, go to school, hangout with friends, try out extracurricular activities that can be found there, more specifically boxing, thanks Hajime no ippo! Y'know, normal teen stuff. But today, today was different, why?


Because apparently, I've died, yet again!


It's official, school blows! That's twice now that I've died in one and I'm starting to think that I'm forever doomed to die in a school, or at least am cursed to forever struggle and suffer in an educational institution.


If I got a 1 dollar for every time I die and get reincarnated, I'd have two dollars, which is weird that it happened twice, heck once is enough, and I'd be able to get myself a carton of eggs to be hard-boiled. You see, you're (read: I'm) not dealing with the average reincarnation however!


I have realised the legend, I have finally become, an Isekai Protagonist! 


Garnt would be proud, and definitely have watched the show I'm in.


..Meaning I'm not in my original world! How do I know this? The native wildlife, of course. You'd know it once you've seen them, I mean, six-legged wolves. Deaaad giveaway! 

How do I know they're six-legged wolves? By the magic inside of their bodies of course!



See? Lady voice says so too!


But, speaking of those wolves, how do they run? I mean, I am pretty sure four legs are the optimal number of legs for running, the 2 legs in the middle of the body would most definitely get in the way.


Enough about the local fauna, and let's continue talking about me! More specifically, what different about me this time around! 


I'm no longer Human! Definitely not because I've rejected my humanity, the human race are too op of a race to pass up, just look at the extensive list of animals we've driven to extinction. This time, I'm a golem!


How do I specifically know that I am a golem? Elementary my dear Watson, I bought myself an skill!




 Nagi Seishiro



There you have it! I am a bona fide Golem, hm? My name doesn't sound very Malaysian you say? Well, that's because that's what I asked my classmates to call me, easier for them, plus I liked the name. (An: Couldn't think of a suitable name, so I went with a favourite character of mine, can you tell?) As a side note, appraisal feels weird to say the least, no idea how monsters will react to since it's detectable. Oh well, guess I'll fuck around and find out.


I would show (read: remember) when exactly I purchased it, but I can't. I mean, I've got the memory stored somewhere but it's not like there's a skill that would conveniently show a projection of my memory.




Huh, neat.


Now…how do I create a body? I can tell that my consciousness or soul is inside a sphere-shaped thing, which I can make an educated guess is my core, don't know how but I won't question it. Maybe I just have to shape a general image of a body and try to will it together?


*Shing~ *


Huh, guess that was the right answer, alright, seems simple enough…. how do I do that?










Nothing, great.



*Mind Sigh sfx*


Let's try the artist approach. First, imagine drawing humanoid body, then draw the limbs, form the hands and feet, and finally the head. Voila you have a golem!



(insert golem pic)



Huh, that worked! Who would have thought? Cool, I can sort of feel something covering my body, or what I assume to be my core. It's not a strange sensation, if anything it's more like constantly having a blanket wrapped around you. A little blocky of a body in my taste, but it'll do.


Though now I'm curious on what my body is made out of though, it's a brand-new world after all and that potentially means new materials, but, If I had to guess on what my body is made of right now, it would be rocks. What is strange though is that I can see stuff even though I don't have any biological organ to take in light, must be mana sense.


Now…What do I do now?


Hmmm….. I can form a rock-solid body around me, that means I have something akin to manipulating the earth around me, so an Earth bender, mmmmm~ I am a golem, meaning a creature that uses the material around theme to form their body. 

I have a system that's like the novels and fanfics that's properly widespread, all these factors combined means I can do multiple builds for each body, presumably I can also create multiple cores.


All this leads to me needing to kill monsters and absorb their flesh…Grind time?



Grind time!


The newly reincarnated human, now a newly formed golem, waddles around in the dark cave he finds himself in. Looking out for anything that catches his eye, alert and watching out for any potential danger to his presumably fragile core.

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