Chapter 2: Chapter 2: No Pain, No Gain
As the door to John cell opened he saw man dressed entirely in tactical gear step inside of it.
Followed by another, dressed the exact same way.
Quickly reaching John one of the men spat at him. "Get up, mutant!"
However John didn't move, and still continued observing the two men. Still trying to put his thoughts in order with everything that was happening.
At least he was until one of the men removed a black baton from the belt he was wearing, and smacked John in his left side with it.
"Agh!" John screamed, moving his hands to clutch at his left side.
Then right after he did the man who hit him did it again. But this time on his right side.
This second blow causing John to fall face first onto the ground.
Though he didn't stay down there for long before the man with the baton in his hand reached down and violently yanked him to his feet. After which he threw John into the back wall of the cell. He then pressed one end of his baton into John's ribs.
"Listen mutant, when I tell you to move, you fucking move!" The man holding John against the wall screamed at him. "Or is that too hard for you to understand? Hm?"
"No, it's not." John managed to say. Ignoring the pain in his body.
Though what he really wanted to say was "Fuck you!" to the man in front of him.
But given there were still so many unknowns about his situation he decided to play it safe for a moment.
Though only for the moment.
"Well, seems you've got some sense in that brain of your Mutant. Now, get moving!" The man shouted. Violently throwing John off the wall, towards the cell door.
Where John staggered, but quickly got his footing, despite the pain he was in, since he wouldn't give the man who threw him the satisfaction of seeing him fall on his face.
Once his feet were stable John walked out of the cell, the two men following right behind him. Then once all three were out the cell door automatically closed on its own.
As this happened the two men began escorting John.
While they walked John took in his surroundings.
In doing so he saw numerous other cells, most of them filled with Mutants, just like him. Many who looked worse than he did.
John also noticed various Mutants being experimented on, when he and his escorts reached a different part of the facility they were in.
Until eventually they arrived at their destination.
A small room, where in the center an examination table, with restraints was located.
Seeing this table memories came to the forefront of John's mind. Memories of himself strapped to that table, being tortured in various ways. All to observe his Mutant power.
Which was apparently just rapid healing.
Though John knew it was more than that. He just hadn't figured out what yet.
But now with the memories of two lives rolling around in his head John felt he could do it.
Right after he survived what was about to come.
And survive he shall.
Survive and escape.
That was John's new goal. Since there is no way he is going to waste his second chance at life being a human guinea pig.
'No way in hell.' John thought.
A new determination springing forth within him.
But after it did the two men escorting him forced him over to the table, and then strapped in down. A few minutes after they did various medical personnel began entering the room. Including a man dressed in a white lab coat.
Looking at the man from his memories John recalled his name was Shou, and he was the doctor who had been experimenting on John ever since he arrived at wherever the fuck he was.
Which based on John's memories was only six months ago.
A few days after his eighteenth birthday took place.
That John could see is exactly the same as in his previous life. January 1st.
A fact he was glad too know.
He also recalled the year was only 2002.
Meaning if he is truly in the MCU then he has a number of years to prepare for the shitstorm that is canon.
Because John is actually living in said universe now. It is no longer just pictures on a screen. And because of that he didn't really feel comfortable possibly getting erased by a purple-skinned ballchinian with a superiority and obvious God complex.
Though again, since Mutants are a thing, and he is one, John can't be sure he exactly in the MCU.
He'll need to investigate further to make absolutely sure
But first...
Bracing himself John put a blank expression on his face as Dr. Shou walked up to him on the left side of the table. A kind smile on his plastered on his face. A sharp contrast to the sadistic nature he had.
"Good morning John, and how are we today?" Shou asked him.
For the doctor would always try to make conversation with John ever since he arrived at the facility and was placed under his observation.
And sometimes the old John would respond. Mostly with begging and pleading to be released. Which the new John understood.
But unlike the old John of his new reality he isn't going to give Shou any sort of satisfaction in that regard.
So John remained silent to Shou question.
"Oh come now John, don't be like that." Shou spoke.
But John still refused to acknowledge him and remained utterly silent.
Seeing this Shou simply shrugged. "Fine then, have it your way. Though haven't I told you before conversation makes this all go quicker? You really should listen to the words of wisdom from your elders young man." The doctor explained.
Just as a nurse brought him a tray filled with scalpels, syringes, needles, and various knives of different sizes.
Picking up one of the knives Shou took a few steps around the table John was strapped to, before arriving in front of his feet.
After which, without any warning, Shou stabbed John in the bottom of his left foot. All the way through.
"Agh!!!" Leading him to relase a scream of utter agony. Screams which only got louder as Shou began slowly twisting the knife he he had stabbed into John's foot. Before finally pulling it out after five minutes.
Breathing heavily John worked to stay conscious, despite the pain in his foot, and observed it. Wishing for his healing ability to kick in and fix it already.
Right after John did the wounds on his foot actually did begin healing.
And as they did John couldn't help but notice a strange Green energy emanating from his wounds as they closed up.
'What? What was that?' John thought.
But he didn't have much time to focus on what he just saw before Shou took a small needle and jammed it right up under the fingernail on his right thumb.
Leading John to scream out in pain again.
Doing the same thing over and over again, as Shou tortured his body with various instruments in various ways.
John wounds closing up each and every time. His body healing perfectly.
John observing the strange green energy each and every time one of his wounds healed.
'Seriously, what is that?' John thought.
Trying to focus solely on the mystery of the green energy, while his torture took place.
Until it eventually it ended and the two men who escorted him from his cell earlier dragged him back there, and tossed him inside.
Along with a bottle of water, and a protein bar.
"You get thirty minutes for dinner Mutant. Take any longer and you know what happens." The guy who beat on John earlier told him.
John recalling that if he didn't finish the bar and water within thirty minutes it would be taken away. No matter what.
"Yes." John weakly replied.
Leading the two men outside his cell to viciously smirk before walking off.
As they did John dragged himself over the the protein bar and bottle of water and finished them both off quickly.
After which he moved to the back left corner of his cell and started looking for any cameras. And though John couldn't visibly spot any. He didn't know for sure there weren't any there. Since as an engineer in his previous life he knew how small monitoring devices could be made.
Not to mention he was likely in a Marvel universe, with tons of advanced technology and other shit that wouldn't even be feasible in his previous life.
Still John knew he had to do something. Otherwise he might die again or worse.
So with that he decided to take chance.
Focusing he recalled the green energy that appeared during his torture under doctor Shou earlier. Closing his eyes he tried to recall it. To will it to the surface. To make it appear.
'Come on, come on, come.' John thought.
Still trying to summon forth the green energy from earlier.
Until finally he felt something click, and thus he opened his eyes and looked down at his hands. Both of which were now faintly glowing with the same green energy he noticed when his wounds healed earlier.
Seeing this John smiled.
For it meant he had just taken a step forward.
His first of many.