Green Lanterns Light

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: What The F***!

A/N: Hello readers.

Yes, I am not dead. Nor, have I truly abandoned any of my other stories. It's just real life issues have been hectic for a while now, and I haven't really had the time for feel of wanting to write. Plus, I'm suffering from a bad case of writers blocks with my other stories.

But have no fear, most of them, especially Doom, Spiderman, Star Wars, and Fairy Tail Oberon will get finished.

Some day.

But that day is not today.

No, now I'm bringing you another new fic idea that's been rolling around in my head for some time. One about an MC, who is a mutant, with the powers of a Green Lantern from DC Comics.

And thanks to webnovel finally giving us authors the options to delete our either abandoned or unfinished works, which whoever did is a genius and I salute them, I can now post new story ideas freely. Though that doesn't mean I will be often. Yet I feel this can truly be something.

So without further ado, here is the first chapter of my new fic; Green Lanterns Light.

For those of you willing, insert a GIF of the Green Lantern/John Stewart Here.

Who is my favorite Green Lantern by the way, since I'm a child of the DCAU Justice League/Justice Unlimited area. And shoutout to any others reading this fic.


*Beep Beep Beep*

Inside a hospital room the rhythmic beeping of the machines, connected to and monitoring the vitals of the rooms singular occupant, who was lying in his bed, went of steadily.

Though the occupant in question, a young man, paid the beeping of the machines no mind.

For every since he had ended up in the hospital, and had them attached to his body, he had learned to tune them out.

Which was over a year ago.

When the young man was diagnosed with a highly aggressive form of cancer. Which he had tried to fight, so he could live to see many more years of life, than the 28 he had already experienced, until one day, six months after he began treatment, the doctors informed him and his loved ones there was nothing else that could be done in regards to fighting off his cancer.

A revelation that scared the young man, and deeply saddened both him and his family. But eventually they all made peace with it. The young man especially. For despite his life getting ready to end so young he didn't have many regrets.

No, the young man felt he had lived a full life. At least from his perspective. Which he knew many people who died did not get the luxury, or courtesy, of being able to do.

That's why he was so thankful he could live his life how he wanted, for the most part, up until now.

Oh, and as for the name of this young man, it's John Stewart.

A fact which John loved. Since he shared his name with one of the heroes, and his favorite, of his childhood.

A character from DC comics, who was also named John Stewart. Who was known as the hero Green Lantern.

Well, DC comics had many heroes named Green Lantern. But out of all of them John loved John Stewart the best. In no small part to him being a major character in both the Justice League/Justice League Unlimited television shows John watched religiously as a kid.

A tradition he still keeps up even too this day.

In fact right now he is on his laptop, on Netflix, following his own annual tradition of re-watching the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited cartoons.

For the rest of the day John watched both series, until he finished them both. He then closed up his laptop and went to sleep.

Then after waking up the following morning he logged into his Disney+ account and decided to binge watch the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, from all the films, to the mini series now associated with it. From WandaVision, to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., to the Defenders related series.

John watched them all.

Given that he couldn't do anything else.

Due to the cancer his body was on its last legs. He couldn't even move on his own anymore and needed a constant stream of pain medication, otherwise he would end up in utter agony.

John couldn't even use the bathroom on his own, and had a catheter.

That's why he fell back on the only hobby he could. Enjoying comic-related content, science fiction films and series, and anime and manga. All things John had been a fan of since a young age.

Which is actually what inspired him to get his engineering degree in college.

For after seeing many depictions of what the future could look like through fiction John wanted to maybe be one of the people who made such fiction reality one day.

But unfortunately that dream was no longer possible.

Though deep in his heart John wished it still was.

All the way up until he died, a month later.

In his sleep, with a smile on his face.

No idea of what laid ahead of him.


Dressed in nothing but a hospital gown, inside of a cell, lay the prone body of an Black man.

Who had various scars across his body.

His breathing ragged and slow, the light in the Black man's eyes soon left it. After which his breathing immediately stopped. For he was dead.

But at that exact moment, as the man's soul was getting to move onto the afterlife, another soul suddenly appeared and collided with it. The two souls merging into one.

A second after this happened the light that had faded from the Black man's eyes returned. He then sat up and gasped for air.

"Ack! Ack!"

Coughing as he did.

Until eventually he stopped, after having regained a steady breathing pattern.

"What?" The man said weakly. "What's happening?" He questioned.

An utterly confused expression on his face.

Since he recognized the place he was in, but at the same time he did not.

For his mind, and his memories, were in utter shambles. Given that the man was himself, but also not.

"I don't...I don't understand." The man muttered.

Then before he could say another word he hunched over, and moved both his hands to either side of his head to grasp it. Beginning to grit his teeth afterwards. Since he suddenly felt immense pain within it.

Though as quickly as the pain begin it subsided, and when it did the man sat up, a look of clarity on his face. For he now understood his situation entirely.

He was both himself, and the other person whose memories were in his head.

They were now one in the same.

And to the man's utter shock both of them carried the name John Marshall Stewart.

But one of them was from a reality where the world John now called him was just fiction.

Since his memories had such names like Stark Industries, and Pym Technologies in it.

Both of which were now real companies.

Not to mention the current head of Stark Industries, Anthony Stark, looked exactly like Robert Downey Jr. The actor who played his character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Which John Stewart realized he now was.

Though that left him even more confused. Since from what John knew he was a Mutant.

And those certainly did not exist in the MCU.

Leaving John with one very big question.

"What the fuck?!" He muttered.

For his situation was getting more and more confusing by the second.

But before John could truly ponder his situation in-depth he looked up, for the door to his cell was opening.

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