Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Green Lanterns Light
Continuing to examine his now faintly glowing hands, John decided to try and slightly boost the energy in them.
So he concentrated, and in response the glow of energy surrounding his hands did in fact become boosted. Getting brighter within seconds.
So bright John had to close his eyes.
He then worked to quickly silence the glow of his hands, lest his captors be alerted.
'Turn off, turn the fuck off!' John mentally shouted.
Fearful of what might happen if he was discovered.
Right after he did the light of his hands literally disappeared within a second.
Leading John to open his eyes once more.
After he did he breathed a short sigh of relief.
"Okay. Let's not do that again anytime in the future." He muttered.
John then took a moment and centered himself. Before trying to call upon the green energy again.
When he did it slowly but surely returned to his hands. Though when it happened this time around John simply examined the green energy enveloping his hands. Beginning to wonder exactly what it was, and how it worked.
'Actually, it kind of looks like the Green/Willpower energy the Green Lanterns from DC Comics use by way of their rings.' John thought. 'But there's no way this green energy could be that energy. After all, I don't think I'm in DC comics. Unless this is some fucked up crossover world that mixes Marvel and DC Comics. Which I hope to god it's not. But even if that were the case I don't even have a Green Lantern Ring on me. So there's no way I could be accessing the source of the Corps powers. But then again, what if I am?'
John began truly contemplating if he somehow had a connection the same energy source that powered the Green Lanterns of DC Comics.
For he knows people can have connection to different realities in Marvel.
There's Magik who is connected to the Limbo Dimension.
There's Nightcrawler and Azazel who are connected to the Brimstone Dimension.
Then there are the heroes Cloak and Dagger, who each have a connection to realm of a powerful force. Cloak with the Darkforce and Dagger with the Lightforce.
So taking all that into account John realized it wasn't so absurd to think he might have a connection to the Green/Willpower of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
But if that is the case then it would mean the Electromagnetic Spectrum is an omniversal Force and not only simply related to the DC Universe.
Thinking about this made John realize the staggering implications if his theory was correct.
As well as the irony of it all.
Since here is, named John Marshall Stewart, and possibly with powers similar to that of a Green Lantern. Making him almost like his favorite superhero.
It was like some giant cosmic joke.
Though John didn't care. So long as his powers helped him escape the hellhole he was now in.
But before he could even attempt such a thing he needed to conduct further tests.
So with that he willed the green energy around his hands to fade.
He then laid out and closed his eyes, so he could get some rest in preparation for tomorrow.
Both in regards to his torturing, and so he could experiments with the new facet of his powers he had discovered.
Which hopefully would allow him to rain down violence on the wonderful doctor Shou and all the lovely people keeping him locked up.
For John can't wait to pay them all back.
With interest.
His back against the wall of his prison cell John looked down in front of him as two little soldiers, created out of green energy, battled with each other. All due to the actions of his own hands.
Based on John's own internal clock it's been about a month since he arrived in his new life.
Though he can't be sure. Considering he's never seen a single clock during his imprisonment.
He even has a hard time telling night from day.
It's grating on his nerves and mental status.
But John is working to persevere through it.
Along with the torture doctor Shou keeps inflicting on him daily.
Today he jammed a needle into John's ear and ruptured his eardrum. Making him deaf for several seconds. Until his healing ability kicked him and returned his hearing.
But just thinking about if it hadn't made John shutter in utter terror.
Which is likely why his healing ability took longer too heal that injury than most.
Since after trial and error John had confirmed without a doubt in his own mind he has a connection to the Green/Will energy of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
Only he doesn't need a power ring to access it.
Making him incredibly dangerous.
For he is linked to an incredible source of power, with almost limitless potential. John having recalled all the things he's seen the Green Lanterns of DC Comics do with access to the Green/Will energy through their rings in the comics, and in the television shows. Especially the feats of the Green Lanterns of Earth.
Who John hopes to emulate one day.
But right now he is starting off small.
Learning the basic of construct creation.
Which is coming along nicely.
Though being trapped in a cell John hasn't had a chance to explore any other powers he might have, due to his connection to the Green/Will energy.
But given what he's been enduring day after day he knows he has the ability to heal himself. But did this mean he could use the energy to heal others, like the Green Lanterns did with their rings?
Also what about flight, invisibility, etc...?
What powers did John's connection to the Green/Will energy give him?
He was eager to find out.
But first he needed to escape the hell he was living in.
As he contemplated how John decided to end his personal training for the day and canceled out his constructs and let the energy surrounding his hands fade.
He then moved to get some sleep.
Waking up the next day John stifled a yawn.
He then got ready for breakfast, which surprise, surprise, was nothing more than a protein bar and water, just like for lunch and dinner.
But since the shit kept him alive, although barely, John didn't complain.
Instead he just ate and finished it. Like always.
He then got escorted to his personal torture chamber by the same two guards as usual.
But when he arrived at the room today John stopped in his tracks, as he saw a giant tank filled with water inside of the room.
Along with doctor Shou.
"Ah, good morning John. And how are we feeling today?" Shou asked him.
"Okay." John replied. His eyes not moving away from the large water tank.
Noticing where John's eyes were Shou lightly patted the tank with his left hand. "Oh, curious about this are you? Well I understand why? So I'll tell you. Today we're going to be using it in our tests. I'm curious to see if your healing factor will heal brain damage after being submerged in water for an extended period of time." He explained.
Leading John's blood to run cold.
"Isn't this exciting John?" Shou asked. A delighted grin appearing on his face.
"No." John instantly replied.
Leading Shou to sigh. "Well I'm sorry to hear that. But if that's how you feel I can't change it. Anyway let's get started."
"No." John replied.
"Sorry, but you have no choice." Shou spoke.
"Yeah, I fucking do." John replied.
"No you don't mutant!" Both the guards screamed.
They then removed the black batons from their belts and both hit John on his sides at the same time. Leading him to keel over to his hands and knees.
"Don't damage the specimen too badly boys. I still need him in relatively good condition to get through today's experiments." Shou spoke.
"Yeah. We here you doctor." One of the guards spoke.
"We'll be sure to be gentle." The other said.
They then proceeded to begin beating down John with their batons. As well as kicking him and punching him.
But as this occurred John didn't feel fear. Instead he felt a burning hatred, and deep desire for freedom.
'Fuck this. fuck them, fuck this place, fuck, the torture. Fuck it all!!' John mentally shouted.
As he did so he didn't notice his body becoming enveloped in willpower energy. His eyes even started glowing with it.
"Hm, what's this?" Tucker asked.
"Doesn't matter." One of the guards shouted. "We'll have this Mutant back in line in a second." He spoke.
The guard then swung his club at John's head, and hit it.
But still John didn't fall.
Instead he jumped up to his feet, a completely angry look on his face.
Seeing this the guards in the room didn't hesitate.
They all pulled out their tasers, aimed at John, and then fired. The bolts hitting their mark.
"Ugh! No! Fuck you all!!" John screamed at the top of his lungs.
The willpower energy quickly and rapidly condensing around his body. Until finally it exploded outward in a destructive wave.
Hitting and everyone and everything in the immediate vicinity.
Throwing people back, ripping apart equipment, and the walls and floors of the facility itself.
Even the water tank Shou was going to submerge John in.
It was all destroyed.
And when the destructive wave ended John walked over to Shou and looked at the man, pinned under a pile of rubble.
Then before the doctor could utter another world John raised up his left hand, and fired a shot of willpower energy straight through his head, killing him.
After which he couldn't help but let a glorious grin appear on his face.
Once that was done John quickly ran out of the room, and got ready to savior something he hadn't felt in a while.