Chapter 35: CHAPTER 33
A waiter guides the Bangtan Boys to their reserved round table. Their seats have a view to the ocean along the city lights, the restaurant keeps the illumination low enough to read the menu and the dishes once served, what in Hoseok's perspective makes the ambience more romantic and intimate.
"Loves, you shouldn't have - god, this is perfect. Who got the idea?" Namjoon's the first one to speak, after they all have taken their seats.
"Seriously, Joon?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow and points with the head to the guy in front of him.
"Of course it had to be Hoba, who else if not?" he grins, his irresistible dimples on display.
"I chose the most luxurious restaurant with the views you love most because you deserve to have the best birthday ever. Namunskins, you've done so much for us these last past years, that's the least we can do for you."
Namjoon hums, his chocolate eyes filled with admiration. "What a shame, because you all are the views I love most."
His boyfriends let out a collective awe, their hearts melting in their chest.
Jungkook fakes a gag. "I'm here too, you know? Or do you want to include me in your honeymoon, huh? Pervert."
The boys laugh—even Taehyung, who refrains himself a few seconds later after he realised he did.
He hates Jungkook. He shouldn't laugh his jokes.
The same waiter comes back and pours red wine in their glass cups, cutting off their laughter. Everyone takes a sip less Taehyung, who stares at it with a grimace.
"Thank you, Hobi. Namjoonie," Taehyung holds his cup and hands it to him, "you should drink mine, it's your birthday."
"Cheers." Namjoon swallows the drink down in one sip and puts it down.
He winks at Taehyung right after, what makes the bear boy still blush.
* * *
The windy night doesn't stop the boys from taking a walk at the beach. They remain close to each other, each one of them immersed in different conversations they don't notice Seokjin and Namjoon staying behind.
"Joonie, wait." he holds his wrist softly and lets go when his boyfriend turns to him. "I want to give you my gift."
"Another one?" Namjoon tilts his head.
"The last one. I wanted to give it to you in private. Now, close your eyes and extend your hands." Seokjin giggles and Namjoon doesn't question him. He does as he's told and Seokjin takes a small box from his back jean's pocket and places it on Namjoon's palms. "You can open your eyes now."
Namjoon looks at the white box for a few moments and then at Seokjin. With a smile on his face, he opens it carefully. He stops for a moment, contemplating the jewel. He takes the gold ring attached to a chain carefully and keeps his eyes on it for another moment.
"Is it ... what I think it is?" he wonders, more to himself than to his boyfriend.
"Yeah, it took me time to find it. Look, I even told them to engrave 'Jinnie & Joonie' in the inside."
Namjoon holds the chain tightly in his fist and hugs Seokjin, burying his face on his shoulder for a moment. "It means a lot to me, Jinnie."
Seokjin pulls away to properly look at him. "It means a lot to me too. It will always be our thing."
Namjoon caresses his cheek. "Can you put it on for me?"
"Mm-hmm." it only takes him a moment to do so, and kisses his cheek before he steps back completely.
Namjoon raises a hand and caresses with two fingers the ring he gifted to Seokjin and his eyes come back to his boyfriend. If he could, he would make love to him right here, right now. His boyfriend notices the shift in his eyes, filled with love but a bit of lust.
"Yah! Love birds, you come or not?" Yoongi screams seated on the sand, Taehyung hugging him from behind.
Namjoon and Seokjin walk towards the boys, all facing the sea. They sit next to Hoseok, who has Jimin resting on his chest. Some of them turn to them when they notice their presence.
"Oh, what's that?" Yoongi moves his head forward to have a better view. "Where did you get that necklace, Joon?"
All the boys turn to him, including Jungkook. It doesn't take him long to realise why they stayed behind. Hoseok bursts out laughing, while Jimin and Taehyung stare at them with adoration. It doesn't last long as their facial expressions change and they start mocking them and sending kisses, Yoongi the first one.
"Do not come back with the Joonie and Jinnie thing. Nope, I'm not having it."
"What's that?" Jungkook asks.
"You don't want to know, trust me."
The salty air becomes filled with the boys' laughter, including Seokjin's and Namjoon's. Even if Jungkook still doesn't understand what's going on, the sight of his new friends laughing makes him laugh.
Namjoon stops first, picturing the image of all of his people laughing in his head and saves it in the most treasured corner of his mind. He swears to himself this is the best birthday ever and he would never change his boys for something else.
And it also includes Jungkook.