Chapter 34: CHAPTER 32

"What do you think? Cool, right?" Jungkook sits at the edge of the pool and runs his hands through his wet hair.
"You're fast." Tiger agrees.
"The fastest swimmer you'll ever see. Oh, hey, wouldn't you like to learn how to swim? It can literally save your life, you know?"
"Staying out of it also saves my life, Bunny. Besides, Taehyung would come back the moment I drown." he shrugs.
Jungkook clicks his tongue. "But you wouldn't drown, not if I'm your teacher."
Tiger stares at Jungkook for a moment. "Let's just stay here, okay?"
Jungkook hums after a long pause. "Do you want to try that jacuzzi?"
Tiger turns his head to the two-seater jacuzzi far away from the boys. "And what will we do? Talk?"
"Sure," Jungkook bites the inside of his lips, "I want to know more about you."
Tiger shakes his head chuckling. "I promise I'm not that interesting."
"You're to me."
They look at each other for long moments, Tiger breaks eye contact first, lowering his head to his feet under water and then to the jacuzzi.
He clears his throat. "Well, wanna go or not?"
"I wonder how Taehyung would react if he came back now." Tiger grins, with his eyes closed, leaning on the dark grey headrest.
Jungkook softly chuckles, his eyes also closed. He lets his body relax completely in the warm water and the bubbles. "I dunno, but he would definitely scream nasty boy and probably blame me."
Tiger opens his eyes. "For what?"
Jungkook shrugs. "Anything. He always finds something he can put the blame on me and does it. Also, " he makes a pause and opens his eyes.

"Do you know he gifted me a pack of biscuits on my birthday? He also wrote a small note, he wrote something about nobody should spend their birthday alone," he laughs and sighs, "ended it saying he still hates me."
Tiger takes off one arm on the water. "Are you sure he only hates you?"
"I don't think he would ever try to kill me, he's the most annoying person I've met but he's not a psycho."
Tiger bursts out laughing and Jungkook notices eyes on him, but ignores it.
"Yeah, but what I meant -"
"Guys," Jungkook turns his head to Yoongi, "we should get going, the restaurant is far away from here. We're heading to the beach Jungkook, remember?"
Jungkook nods.
"We've to take a shower." Jimin adds, standing behind Yoongi. "Maybe you should get going too."
"Sure," Jungkook mutters sweetly, "but can you give us a moment, please?"
"Of course." Yoongi wraps an arm around Jimin's waist and walks away, following the others.
"I hate to say this, but Taehyung has to come back. He can't miss Namjoon's party, less the dinner. He's supposed to drive us there."
"Yeah, I know . . . Anyway, why the beach?"
"Namjoon loves it, you know?" Jungkook clears his throat. "Tiger, I had fun with you today. I promise to mess around with Taehyung on purpose to bring you back soon. We can do something fun if you want, to get to know each other more."
Tiger snorts. "Okay, Bunny. You're my only friend."
Jungkook smiles and softly bites his lower lip. "You're also my friend, Tiger. Hey, I wish you could stay longer, really, but can Taehyung come back now? Like, right now? I would like to tell him we're friends, he can know that, right?"
"Yeah, why not? I hope he doesn't try to kill you for that though. Tell Taehyung I told you to tell him you're the coolest of them all."
Jungkook laughs and splashes water on his face. "Don't tell me that twice."
Tiger gasps and splashes water back, but with more strength. Jungkook coughs and Tiger immediately stops, his black eyes trying to meet Jungkook's.
"Are you okay?"
Jungkook turns to him again and suddenly splashes water one more time followed by a chuckle.
"Liar." Tiger rests his back again.
"Hey!" Jungkook chuckles. "Anyway, wait for my revenge Tiger."
"Why not?" he teases. "See you soon, Bunny."
Jungkook nods and his smile turns to a smirk, waiting for Taehyung. Tiger stays with his eyes closed longer than Jungkook expected, he almost believes Tiger has fallen asleep.
Taehyung blinks his eyes open and gasps at Jungkook in front of him.
"What - how - why . . ." Taehyung frowns, pointing at himself, then at Jungkook. He scans the empty room and stays still for a minute as he blinks, trying to form a coherent sentence. "What are we doing here? Where are the others? And why am I here with you?"
"I was hanging out with Tiger," he explains casually, "we're friends now."
"No, no. He's not your friend. He hates you, I feel it."
Jungkook snorts, there's no way Tiger hates him. His eyes don't lie. "Yes, we're. He told me to let you know he thinks I'm the coolest."
"Nasty boy! Stay away from him, stay away from me! I - I forbid you to hang out with him! If he knew what you do he would definitely hate you! Wait, no, he already hates you!"
Jungkook laughs, clapping his hands. "You broke your own record, Taehyung. You're funnier than I thought . . ." he clears his throat and comes out of the water, while Taehyung stays inside with his arms crossed. "Well, are you coming? The boys are waiting, they must have taken a shower by now. We'll have to shower together."
"No, no, no. I'm not showering with you. Keep dreaming, JK."
* * *
Jungkook stays behind Taehyung walking to the exit door. The boys stop to thank the workers and Jungkook takes advantage to mess with Taehyung one last time.
He deserves it for being the dumbest person in the room.
He leans forward and whispers, "You should have controlled yourself more Taetae. I caught you staring at my abs twice in the shower, once at my dick, and checking me out while we got changed. Who's the nasty boy now, huh?"
"Yah, Jeon Jungkook!" Taehyung yells, startling the workers and his boyfriends. He hits Jungkook's arm hard. "Super nasty boy! I didn't do that! Liar, liar, liar! You wish I did, huh?! Stay away from me! And stay away from Tiger! Stay away from the people I love!"
Jungkook smirks, bows at the workers and calmly leaves the building. Yoongi runs to catch him and puts a hand on his shoulder, making the youngest turn around.
"What the fuck was all that about? What did you do to Tae?"
"I told him I caught him checking me out in the shower."
Yoongi raises his eyebrows. "He did?"
Jungkook wets his lips, avoiding his eyes. "Nah, don't worry—oh, look, they're coming. Should I order jjajangmyeon or samgyeopsal?"
Yoongi chuckles and pats the back of Jungkook's head.

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