Chapter 36: CHAPTER 34
The month of September comes to an end without the boys finding a clue about Mimi. They didn't let their guard down while running errands nor the times Taehyung has gone out with Blacky and one of the boys to locate Mimi. Seokjin received a mail from Bang PD—after a month he has discovered the Bangtan Boys still do their jobs without his consent and without his help.
Seokjin just ignored the email, but let the boys know.
"Maybe we should come back to the company or, or at least try to talk to him." Jimin proposes with a pout. "This situation affects them but also affects us, right? We've all our resources in the company, maybe we do need it . . ." he ends up the sentence in a whisper because of his boyfriends disagreement looks. "Sorry, I was just saying."
"We can't come back with Bang PD." Yoongi states and exchange looks with Jungkook.
"Can we know some of your reasons, petal? Does it has to do with him being homophobic?"
"No, but right now I wish it had."
"Huh? Suga Mushy, is there something you're not telling us? Ohhh, I do think so. So you better spill the tea right now."
"Well," Yoongi shrugs, "it's not up to me to decide, though you also deserve to know the real face of Bang PD. Right, Jungkook?"
"Uh—thank you for exposing me? I thought I could trust you."
Yoongi groans, moving his hands to downplay the situation. "I said it 'cause I know you would agree."
"You've got a point."
"Well, guys? Will you tell us what is all this about? What about Bang PD?" Seokjin crosses one leg over the other.
"Kiddo?" Yoongi encourages him to speak.
"Uh, yeah. I talked with Yoongi first for some reasons I'll explain later, so I've to have the same conversation with Taehyung. I think we both deserve that talk." Jungkook bites his lips.
"Jungkookie, what about us?" Hoseok pouts. "Can't you tell us all at the same time?"
"Nope. I mean, maybe Taehyung headaches have partially been my fault as I could have explained the situation as soon as I joined you, but I couldn't trust you. Taehyung perhaps will stop hating me now."
"Yeah. Don't tell me you're scared of staying alone in a room with me. Do I make you nervous? Huh, like that day in the showers." Jungkook can't help himself but smirk, he'll never forget Taehyung checking him out.
"Don't say nonsense."
"Are you flirting with Taetae in front of my eyes? I never thought this day would come." Hoseok mutters in amazement.
"Don't say nonsense, Hoseok." Jungkook says standing up.
"Don't copy me!" Taehyung protests and crosses his arms against his chest.
"I'll be waiting in your room."
* * *
Taehyung shuts the door closed and stares at Jungkook, who stares at the window from the bed.
"Why are you sitting here without my consent? It's my bed."
"Yeah, yeah. Come here, we need to talk about something important, I hope you can show a bit of maturity."
Taehyung scoffs and sits next to him, letting a big gap between them. "Don't talk as you know me."
"I didn't."
"Well—I don't care."
Jungkook sighs and caresses slightly his temples. "Why are you always trying to find a reason to fight with me? Why do you always disagree with every single thing I say? You can't just talk like a normal guy, can you? Stop behaving like a child for once, I need to talk to Kim Taehyung not Little Tae Bear."
"Then stop making fun of me! Do you think I like those mean comments coming from you every time?! Do you think they don't hurt me because I hate you?! Yes, I'm childlike and what?! What are you going to do about it?! The boys love me anyway, I don't care if you don't! Of course I noticed how you believe you're better than me because you act like a full grown up!"
"I - I didn't say that. Stop putting words in my mouth I've never said."
"But you thought."
"Stop it!" Jungkook sighs harshly.
Taehyung only blinks at him, the frown on his face relaxing. Jungkook takes a few deep breaths to calm himself. He needs to have more than one talk with Taehyung if he wants to fix their differences—at this point he doesn't even care, but Jungkook's aware it damages the dynamic as a group and it's exhausting to fight every time with the same person for silly useless reasons.
If Taehyung was like Tiger everything would be easier.
"I want to talk to you about something important, something that affects Jimin."
"My Chimmy? Why? What happens? What did you do?"
"Nothing—I did nothing." Jungkook clenches his jaw, scolding himself more than Taehyung for questioning him like this.
"What is it about? Does Yoongi know?"
"And he hasn't told me anything?"
"Yeah, I asked him to."
"Traitor." Taehyung mutters to himself.
"Well, in his defence he thought I should tell you but I needed more time. I'm not even sure right now if it's a good idea to tell you this having in mind you and Yoongi are the only ones who will know the whole truth. I've no idea how are you going to react and I just ask you two things: don't blame me—I've a lot of regrets myself—and trust my words."
Taehyung hesitates but nods. "Why Yoongi and I get to know the truth?"
"Because you hate me. I hope this reality check makes you hate me a bit less." Jungkook fakes a smile, almost like a grimace.
"I'm going to trust you but not because I trust you—I don't, at all. I'll trust your words because Yoongi does so and if Yoongi does so there must be a good reason."
"Perfect. Oh, maybe you need tissues."
"Because you won't like one bit what Bang PD did to your Chimmy."
Jungkook smiles triumphantly, once and for all his annoying fights with Taehyung will come to an end. There's no way Taehyung still hates him after knowing the whole truth, after understanding the last thing Jungkook wants is to hurt Jimin or steal him from them.
Taehyung is allowed to change his mind, Jungkook won't tease him for that.