
Chapter 8: don't 4

[Leaf Village, Hokage Office]

In a large room filled with a large round table sat 20 or so individuals who all ranked high among Kahona's forces, Clan Heads, Renowned Shinobi, Elders, and even the 3rd Hokage himself, "Hummh," sounded the man with a spikey ponytailed and two scars on the right side of his face.

After getting everyone's attention he spoke, "Lord 3rd has called this meeting to discuss the recent actions of the Kirigakure and future plans, I shouldn't have to explain anything since you all should have received reports last night," before the aging Hokage spoke while releasing a puff of smoke from his mouth, "Thanks Shikaku."

"As you should have read Kirigakure have recently made moves against Kahona for an unexplainable reason that is still being investigated, Yesterday Kirigakure attack a hideout of ours killing all the ninjas stationed there," spoke the 3rd Hokage with an saddened toned while the faces of the listeners also grew dim before one of them asked, "What are we going to do?"

Everyone looked at the speaking voice who was the young and newly promoted clan head of the Uchiha, Fugaku Uchiha, "Of course, we attack them back," responded Homura one of the Kahona Council members and good friend of the 3rd Hokage.

"My Senju Clan stands with Great Elder Homura," spoke an older rough voice of a man wearing the Senju clan symbol while receiving looks of support and some people disapproved like Tsunade Senju the blond hair beauty in her mid 20's, seeing all this the Hokage spoke to keep others from commenting out of turn, "That's why we all are gathered here to make a decision, we stationed my student Orochimaru and Elder Danzo to assist the Uzumaki Clan and holding off the Kirigakure forces."

"Sadly, We are faced with a choice either try and reach a peace agreement with Kirigakure or declare war which would almost certainly cause a 3rd Great Ninja War," spoke the Hokage with a serious face while hearing this the group of people had different emotions on their faces some saddened and fearful while other stood strong with prideful and hardened expressions.

"We have received reports from the Uzumaki Clan who sent a representative to give us a clear picture of what happened," spoke Shikaku glancing at the door before a four figures entered into the room, the most notable figure was an young woman around 19 years old with a very vigorous red eyes and wearing Kahona's Jonin uniform, the three figures were no older 12 or 13, it was two females and one male who all wore Kohona's Chunin uniform.

The most notable physical feature was all of them had silky dark red hair that almost resumed blood, "Hello, I'm Riyoshi Uzumaki of the Uzumaki Clan and a ninja of the Land of Whirlpools, behind me are my three students who are all Chunins," spoke the lady giving the crowd a bow before facing the 3rd Hokage.

"Lord 3rd, My squad and I are here to give a message from the Patriarch of The Uzumaki Clan and our Village Leader,"spoke the lady unable to hide her aspiration and excitement in her voice during to talking a the 3rd Hokage who was a living legend.

The 3rd Hokage simply gave her a nodded, "Three days ago received a distress call from the Hideout #169 near the Land of Whirlpools, after sending 3 squads we found the entire base in chaos as Kirigakure Shinobi attacked and killed Konoha's forces before escaping," spoke Riyoshi with a saddened voice showing her love for Kohona and their alliance with the Uzumaki Clan.

"Did you capture any of them," asked a young man with long ash blond hair reaching into his lower back, this was Inoichi Yamanaka of the Yamanaka Clan who specialized in mind-related techniques which maked them experts at intelligence gathering, espionage and interrogation amongst other things.

Riyoshi let her head down in disappointment saying. "We captured two but they had their seal activated which immediately destroyed their brains killing them and any possibility of finding out information," hearing this everyone was surprised, it was known Uzumaki Clan was extremely good with Fūinjutsu so for their members to run into a seals they couldn't break was rare and shocking.

Everyone had the same thoughts, 'Why would Kirigakure leave behind such evidences other than to purposely provoke Kohona into war,' while Riyoshi walked to the 3rd Hokage handing him the scroll from Head of their village and the Patriarch of Uzumaki Clan, and after reading the scroll for a few minutes the Hokage spoke, "I will send a scroll back with you all for your Patriarch, in the mean time, while I write it out go to the Senju Clan's compound and visit your great auntie, Mito. She's in her advance age, I know she'll love to see her family."

Only a few individuals gasped in surprise at seeing the current niece of the Uzumaki Clan Patriarch while others already knew who Riyoshi Uzumaki was, Riyoshi simply smiled nodding her head at the Hokage before gazing and smiling at Tsunade then leaving with her squad.

After they left the 3rd Hokage spoke agian looking every individual in their eyes. "Your decision with decided the next generations Will Of Fire," before he waved his hand as a animal masked Shinobi came out with scroll handing on to each person.

Normally the Hokage and Elders would make such a decision alone but due to the recent dissatisfaction from major clans such as Uchiha and Hyuga over political influence and business disagreements the 3rd Hokage decided allow this to increase good will. Of course, the Hokage and Elders did this also to make sure everyone is obligated to help with the War cause without hold back on resources and man power since they had a part in the decision making.

This way the Hokage and Elders didn't have to waste all their clan's resources and man power to seem noble.

[The Land Of Fire Southern East Borders]

In large patch of the forest was a clearing lat a temporary base of Kahona's forces set up, around 600 or so Shinobi of different ranks was located and lead by one of the legendary sannin, Orochimaru, and the very aloof Elder Danzo Shimura. The base was very busy as shinobi ran about completing chores, portals, logistics, training, building, and many other duties, in the middle of the large base stood the commanders tent, outside the tent a group of red haired individuals of the Uzumaki Clan waited patiently.

"Lord Orochimaru is awaiting your presence," excitedly spoke a young 12 year old girl with light brown pupil-less eyes and brown hair before the Uzumaki Clan representative nodded as the other followed him into the war tent.

Inside the tent sat a young handsome man with very pale skin, golden eyes with slitted pupils, purple markings around his eyes and fang-like teeth. He also has pronounced cheekbones and straight waist-length black hair with some locks covering and framing his face and shoulders.

He wore a smirk observing the Uzumaki Clan members making them uncomfortable but knowing who he was the leader of their group spoke, "Lord Orochimaru, I'm Kosu Uzumaki, the army commander of the Village of Whirlpools and I was sent here by our leader to decision our roles in helping Kahona protect itself against Kirigakure's recent actions."

Orochimaru didn't speak on gesturing toward the chairs at the table, Kosu hearing the stories about how odd the army commander in front of him was, calmly sat down as the other Uzumaki Clan members followed his lead, "Ahhhhh," scream a young woman as she stood up quickly causing Kosu and the others to get into defense positions until they saw a long white snake with yellow eyes slither onto the table before approaching Orochimaru who simple reached his hand out as the snake slithered into his long robs.

Kosu eyed the girl as if reprimanding her before she lowed her head in shame while setting down. "My apologies Lord Orochimaru, my teammate Enaka overreacted, I promise she's an Elite Jonin of our Land of Whirlpools."

Kosu smiled but frowned deeply on the inside thinking Orochimaru would use this to mock and belittle their Village Shinobi which was very common among Konoha's forces causing the Uzumaki Clan to always feel like they have to prove themselves on the level of Kahona's geniuses.

But unlike most Kohona's Shinobi Orochimaru smiled saying, "I believe you all are fine Elite specimens and having fear is only something the strong possess especially during warring times."

Kosu and the other Jonins felt the compliment Orochimaru gave them was weird but neither the less it was a compliment from one of the legendary sannin.

[30 minutes later]

Kosu and his teammates all walked out the commander's tent with their chins high with pride as they walked to their corner of the camp, as soon as they walked out the second in command Danzo limped his way into the tent asking, "Are they suitable enough, or do you want more?"

"They will be enough, that Enaka has a very pure blood line with high vitality, she'll be the perfect subject," spoke Orochimaru as his in different face hid any emotion and thoughts, that would have worried any normal person but Danzo was a hardened war veteran despite him looking old and injuried.

"Good, it took me alot of effort to get them for you, I want results soon," spoke Danzo giving off a very chilly aura but Orochimaru remained unfazed as he spoke, "I'm sending them on the front lines during our ambush, I should be able to get a few of them as subjects."

Danzo didn't say more only walking out ignoring the hungry gaze Orochimaru gave him, despite his distaste for someone like Orochimaru who was deprived and irrational, when it came to intelligence he couldn't deny results, about a year ago Danzo found out about Orochimaru experiments that would be seen as evil to Kohona's residents.

Danzo knowing he wasn't getting stronger but only continously growing weaker then his friend/rival the 3rd Hokage who he considered grewing old and feeble, decided to work with Orochimaru while helping the sannin advance his research and keep it a secret to make himself stronger.

Danzo clenched his right arm with a bright smile fromed on his face as he felt the endless vitality flowing through it and walking out the commander's tent thinking, 'Haha, Old friend it won't be long before I take your spot as Hokage.'

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