Custom monster system

Insta kill

Alex was quite happy with the results of his training however as he gained a slightly more comprehensive grasp of the potential the elements held. The scholars were a bit disappointed that he hadn't attempted to fuse his other elements but understood and agreed with his concern as it was a valid one. Besides that Alex had people out searching the branches of the everstream for any signs of a second xeno jiiva as he was sure the trait he'd get from it would be very useful. This burned through a good amount of his money but it paid off as within a week another cocoon was discovered.-

The person who discovered it hadn't made any noise while there so the xeno jiiva in the cocoon hadn't realized that they had been discovered. A theory that the scholars had whipped up about why the original xeno jiiva "coincidentally" woke up when they approached was because it was most vulnerable whilst in the cocoon and thus reacted aggressively when their presence was discovered via the words of the wanderer. This matched up with each of their memory of the event as it was indeed only when he spoke that the monster seemed to stir.-

All of the hunters sent out searching were given this information and so when the second one was found they hadn't made a single sound coming or going. Alex was excited to get the news and immediately went to inform the commander of his decision to face it. "Just make sure this one doesn't try and take out the new world with it like the last one." the man said half joking half serious. Alex showed his teeth in a toothy grin 'it never stood a chance.' he said before leaving.-

This wasn't false bravado or anything like that but rather fact as Alex was much more powerful than he was when he fought the previous xeno jiiva. Even in that fight he was pretty much dominating the infant elder dragon until it used a desperate move and ruined everything. Alex truly wasn't going to give this xeno jiiva a chance to pull a similar action and was going to go for an insta kill right off the rip. The way he was going to accomplish this was via a very very large orb of Tenshou detonated at point blank range of the xeno jiiva's head.-

The chances of the monster surviving such a thing is minuscule at best due to the sheer destructive power behind such an attack. Arriving at the branch of the everstream listed on the hunters map Alex swam up the narrow passage and found the flag placed outside the area the xeno jiiva was. Confidently walking into the large crystal room he saw the large cocoon at the far end slowly draining away the nearby energy quietly. "ROAR!" Alex announced his presence and immediately began to charge up his attack while the lightshow began as the infant elder freed itself in order to fight back.-

Alex purposefully took a few of beams of energy which shot up his [sublimation] progress by an extra couple of percent. Once the monster was mostly free of it's cocoon Alex dashed towards where it was set to land on the ground with the large orb of swirling purple and cyan energy held at the ready. "BANG!" the large monster struck the ground and struggled to get up using it's limbs to try and get into combat ready state. This simply didn't happen as Alex quickly reached it's head and directly detonated the Tenshou blast.-

He had to grunt in pain from the impact as the energy flooded over himself as well as the Xeno jiiva's head in a wide explosion. The ground melted and evaporated from the heat and when the energy finally dissipated Alex was not very surprised to find that all the flesh and some of the bones of the monsters head was completely gone. Obviously it could not be any more dead as the body went limp and twitched as the heart continued beating for a few extra moments before finally falling still.


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pa treon_loskro

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