Custom monster system

Strange biology

Alex had to clear away a large amount of crystals overhead as they were blocking him from flying the body back to astera. It wasn't hard but rather mostly tedious for him to do as there was quite frankly a lot of crystals of large size. Still he did it and hauled the corpse back to astera without any trouble at all. A few people were surprised that it only took him a couple of hours to go and kill the large monster as well as bring it back. The admiral was suspicious for a totally different reason due to the parting words Alex left behind.-

"Be honest , how long did it actually take you to kill this thing?" he asked with a smirk. 'Five minutes tops , most of this time was spent clearing obstacles or traveling.' Alex said with a shrug. The huge man made hissing sound as he drew in a sharp intake of air from the surprising answer. He had assumed that it probably wasn't a very long fight but he never would have guessed that Alex killed the monster so dominantly. "How'd you manage to pull that off anyways , last one of these things we saw didn't seem like a pushover?" he asked for confirmation.-

Alex didn't mind explaining what he did and the admiral laughed loudly after hearing it as it was a frankly crazy plan. "Yeah I suppose an attack like that right on your face would definitely do the trick though maybe don't make a habit of blowing up alongside your opponents." the man said jovially. ' I will try to keep that in mind the next time I need to end a fight quickly." Alex joked. The scholars of course got to take some samples and do a quick study of the corpse before it was dismantled by the hunters waiting on the side.-

The hide was especially interesting as it was nearly transparently and if you passed energy through it glowed bright blue. Still it was rough and not soft at all so Alex only wanted a small piece for his ever growing hide rug collection. The flesh under the hide was also very nearly see through as well as very tender which was sort of an issue as it was a pain to keep in one piece. The bones were really fascinating as they were crystalline blue and constantly glowing from the energy contained within them.-

There was no gem in the body but Alex expected something like that considering that this monster was using all the energy it took in for it's own growth and had no extra to be condensed into an gem. The fact that it was possible to even get gems from the things in the game likely was just a developer thing to make the game more balanced. The adult form of the species safi jiiva would probably have a gem in it though due to not directly devouring the energy it consumed but refining it first.-

It was much like how as people got older they tended to stop making a mess when they ate and kept themselves clean and healthy by cooking their food first. Some things were lost during this process for the benefits you receive in exchange. In safi jiiva's case the things lost simply accumulated into the gem in it's body over time. Once the body was stripped of all it's usefully parts the organs were carted off to be turned into fertilizer. Alex smirked at this as the crops were likely to become overgrown due to the energy in those organs.-

Still he hauled up the meat in a special cloth sack to the canteen where the chef awaited his much anticipated delivery of exotic ingredient. It really didn't get much more exotic than the stuff taken from an elder dragon after all. Don't let the game fool you into thinking that being able to fight against elder dragons as a human was normal as it very much was not. In fact people capable of doing so were considered an entirely different breed of hunter than all the others , a true freak of nature not to be angered at any time.


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pa treon_loskro

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