Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1197 - Aftermath (3)

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For the powerful who have gone through a life-and-death war, the moment that really determines their fate has just begun. Listening to the retelling of the devil prince Mosszfil from Saul, I learned that this millennium war has ended. The strong men who defeated the race are filled with endless sorrow. They are desperate to make themselves stronger, but unfortunately they still can’t control their destiny.

There have been many thousands of wars in different worlds. During this period, there are naturally losses and wins. The winning race is nothing more than winning the land and resources of the defeated. The loser is not helpless, as long as there are demigod kings in the family, even if No matter how heavy the loss is, spending hundreds of years of rest and recuperation can almost restore the vitality. Perhaps the lucky strong within the family will also break through the bottleneck and become stronger due to the life and death battle.

Unfortunately, this time there was no such result anymore. The seven demigod kings of the outside world divided into two camps to fight against each other, and only two survived. The addition of Ryan, the newly emerging king in the battle, made the outside world. From the era of hegemony of the seven races, it has gradually evolved into a tribal situation in the future. In the process, other losing races or vassals of the powerful have spent thousands of years recuperating or resting, or the whole race has collapsed into a passing history.

For such an outcome, although it is difficult for people such as Maihazulu and Bairuita to accept it, they still adapt to such changes at the fastest speed, although Lord Black Tooth parasitizes in the body of Harlem Fan Sultan, causing Rakshas The demigod monarch fell, but as Rakshamon’s current strongest field powerhouse, Mahazulu did not hate Bairuta and others, and the close relationship between the two races over the years made Rakshamon It is clear that the breeding methods of Sela Toad, the harem fan Sultan who is also a demigod king, could not resist the parasitism of Lord Black Goose. It only shows that he had almost run out of lights at that time, even if Lord Black Goose did not do so. I am afraid that the Sultan of Harlem is about to die soon. Everyone has fallen, even if he still cares about a useless body.

Furthermore, because Lord Black Ton hides from where he is, the two races are currently losing their demigod kings. If they still kill each other at this time, they can only make their race situation worse. It ’s better to keep that for the time being. The fragile alliance relationship can at least have a little more insignificant chips in the following changes.

“Maha Zulu, since Harlem Fan has fallen, from now on, the territory of the Rakshabok will belong to the newly esteemed Ryan demigod, and your Rakshabok family will also become his vassals.” Mosazfir The prince said to Mahazuru in a cold tone that he did not need to take care of the mood of these losers. If these guys dared to have any resistance, Prince Mozartfeller would not mind beating them all on the spot, and the Saul demon fell It ’s not that you do n’t want to covet the existing territory of the Rakshabok, but that the land outside the realm is so big that the power of the Isol demon cannot be swallowed up at all, and instead of making the Rakshak ’s territory a mess, It might be better to help Ryan, a valuable ally, quickly control the land, which is more in the interest of Saul Demon.

The words of Prince Mozartfeller made Mahazulu only feel bitter in his mouth. The Rakshas who once stood at the peak must now look at Ryan ’s eyes. Ryan is a new half. The will of the Divine King will become their honor and mission. If they want to allow their clan to obtain a more relaxed living environment, they can only use their best efforts to serve Ryan in anticipation of the demise of the demigod King.

So Mahazulu quickly came to Ryan, knelt in front of him, and performed a servant’s etiquette to show his surrender to the new king, and looked at Luo with respectful expression before his eyes. As a strong demon, Ryan couldn’t help but recall the battle at the Three Peaks. The advanced field strongman who once brought him and his companions a lot of pressure, but now he has become his subordinate and has to make people feel emotional. Impermanence.

With Ryan ’s current strength and status, of course, he wo n’t bother to think about all the troubles he had caused himself before. At this time, because Prince Mosazfele is still talking, Ryan whispered and let Majazulu stand up. Here, he said, “I believe you must be very clear. I have used Rakshas in a large number of other realms, and they have also given them the status of free people, although I will take over you as per the orders of Prince Mozartfeller. Existing land, but I will not treat you as slaves, so I do n’t have to bow down when I see you later. I hate this kind of behavior. “

Hearing Ryan’s words, Mahazulu’s mood became a little lighter. Of course he knew that Ryan’s attitude towards Rakshasa’s captives was quite gentle, and he even sent over allies to assist his subordinates in conflict. No matter the number or strength of Ryan ’s own clan, they are not enough to support the rule of the new territory of the other world. As long as the trust of the Ryan is obtained, the Luocha Yao family can continue to be active on every inch of the land of the other world, although it will decline.

“The laws of New Hermitage will continue to the new territory, but there is one thing I have to remind you and your compatriots in advance. The only prerequisite for you to be eligible for my preferential treatment is loyalty. If you can do it At this point, the Rakshasa is a member of the Human Alliance, and the elves, dwarves, Naga and other races that are allied with me are equal, but if you fail my trust … “Ryan said here, will The pseudo-divine power in his body combined with the breath of life was released, forming a powerful and terrible coercion that directly wrapped up the body of Mahazuru, giving the latter a feeling of drowning and suffocation.

On the one hand, Ryan must give Mahazulu a small warning, and on the other hand, he must show his current situation to the other two demigods to let them know that they have the ability to fight in a war. Thor’s devil prince has some kind of careful thinking. As a strong man who has already used pseudo-power in the realm of the field, Ryan is now more skillful in using these skills. He skillfully controls the scope of his coercion. It has always acted on Mahazuru, but even after a few meters, Calypso has not been affected.

For a few seconds, Maha Zulu only felt that he had spent a century as long as he waited. After the pressure released by Ryan disappeared, the advanced field expert knelt down in front of Ryan again, but It ’s not a bow and kneel, but the result of a mental exhaustion that is exhausted to the bone marrow. Although the time is short, Ryan brought Mahazulu an overwhelming strength advantage. This small warning makes Raksha stronger. The person made a determination in his heart that he could never betray his new master no matter what happened in the future, otherwise the opponent could crush his crushed bones with just one finger, and even bringing the whole Luosha Yao family into the endless abyss.

Just as Mahazulu was breathing heavily, Prince Mosazfeller ’s words reached his ears again, but this time it was arranging the future of several other races: “Here, our three He owes him a favor, so you Slachan can keep the existing core territory, and the rest of us will send people to receive it. As for the eye demons, I will leave them half of the core territory as an eye demonic tyrant. In the war, the rewards of scumbags are the same, and the spirits are also the same treatment. After all, the main brain and the tyrant have paid a heavy price to help us defeat the Titans. Of course, we will not treat our friends badly. “

The arrangement of Prince Mozartfeller is actually very ingenious. Both Slachan and the demigod king are still alive, but they have lost their right to speak for a long time in the future, so it is inconvenient to kill them. Leave some room for meeting in the future, and the eye demons have received such treatment, but they just look very beautiful, because this is a chaotic and disorderly race, and they will soon fall after losing the pressure of absolute power. In the endless civil war, perhaps in less than a hundred years, it will be completely defeated by internal strife. There are only some eye demons mercenaries wandering in other worlds. There is not enough manpower, and now it is left to the eye demons ’territory. Nature has become a land of no ownership, and no matter what means will be used, it will no longer be related to today’s arrangements.

Listening to Prince Mozart’s arrangement of several races such as the spirit-absorbent monster, Mahazulu suddenly felt that the end of the Rakshamon seemed to be acceptable, and the treatment of the Rakshamon was no longer there, and the treatment of the Rakshamon It is already quite generous. It is difficult for Mehazulu to imagine that if his clan is not protected by Ryan and has to fall apart, scattered around the world, in contrast, the territory and clan of the spirit sucker and Slachan will be Being dismembered, the eye demons are likely to continue their inheritance, but the Rakshamon can save his territory and civilization as much as possible, although under the rule of other demigod kings. , But who caused Raksha to lose his demigod king? Besides, when Raksha demon had not risen before, did he become a vassal of other races as well, maybe Raksha demon was born a new half a few thousand years later When the **** king, this great race may stand in the world again.

After Prince Mosazfeller planned a new order for the future of the alien world with a simple remark, under this kind of grace and surrender, the surviving powerhouses, including Maha Zulu, gradually chose to succumb, since they were powerless The rebellion can only take the initiative to accept all this imposed on him. Prince Mozartfeller naturally changed his mind about the powerful people in these areas around him. Seeing that the purpose has been reached, he reached out towards the northern sky. The camp pointed, and then issued a new order: “Go, end this battle that is already doomed.”

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