Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1198 - Planning (1)

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It was a sunny afternoon, and Ryan and his wife snuggled and sat in the garden of the floating city, and it was possible to get a panoramic view of the entire ground of Cassano without any effort. The warm sunlight passed through Ryan and Farath. The treetops of the tree are scattered on the ground, which makes the heart of Ryan who is listening to the rhythm of the fetus on the belly of the wife ’s bulge full of joy and serenity, because at most one month, his second child will come to this world. Nothing can be happier than being a father. It seems to be influenced by the mood of the Ryan couple, and even the air of the entire floating city is immersed in the taste of happiness.

Although Ryan successfully promoted to a demigod king, he had deliberately weakened the relationship between his wife and Faras through the equal contract, so that he and his wife no longer continue to share the power balance brought by the contract, otherwise Ryan This time there is absolutely no possibility. At least, before Faras ’s strength has reached the peak of the realm, and before he is ready to attack the demigod realm, there is no possibility of a slight promotion. So now Faras remains in the realm, and because The loss of power sharing with Ryan made the power drop a lot, and even fell to the realm of the ordinary field. Although this is the real power of Farass, it is still somewhat frustrating to say.

Fortunately, after Ryan became a demigod king, he had more power than the equality contract. In other words, he could connect or cut off this connection with his own mind. Therefore, under his comfort, Farath was very She soon gave up the negative emotions. She wants to have a healthy and lively baby, but these things can not affect the mood of the child in the womb. Moreover, the situation of the power regression in front of her is only temporary. As long as Ryan is willing, she can. After Faraday’s smooth production, through such means to impart selflessly valuable experience in the entire promotion process to his wife Faraday, help her greatly reduce the time required to accumulate experience in the field, and more Quickly launch an impact on the demigod realm. I believe that with the successful experience of the pioneer, Ryan, even if Faraday cannot achieve the feat of promoting the demigod, he can at least quickly improve his strength to a higher level in the realm of the field. .

Under the warm sunlight, Farath only felt sleepy, so she snuggled into Ryan’s arms and slowly entered the dream. Ryan took his wife’s waist and put her head on his chest, In order to get a full rest in a most comfortable posture, Ryan maintained this posture, his eyes naturally looked to the front, saw the same vibrant city on the ground, and naturally saw the city center. The huge building that has not yet been completed, everyone who has been to the outside world knows that the building with the rounded spire is the style of the Rakshabok, and when this building is completed, it will become the Rakshabok headed by Maha Zulu. The headquarters of the new town of Cassano Tekken Castle.

Even with the power of the dark elf or Saul demon, it is impossible to fully accept the entire territory of the Rakshasa within a year or two, not to mention that Ryan ’s hands are scarce, and the previous territory was not very large. At the time, they can also borrow the power of Senitea and her family, but now they are facing a huge territory calculated on the basis of millions of kilometers, even if everyone in the Hrudian family is entrusted with a heavy responsibility, Still unable to accept such a huge territory.

In order to avoid problems during this transition period, after thinking, Ryan simply introduced Rakshasa as an ally to Cassano, and also gave the new six-party alliance a new member. In order to integrate into this new environment as soon as possible. Among them, Maha Zulu instructed his subordinates to start construction in the new city of Iron Fist Castle as soon as possible. The tall building with the rounded spire will become the new headquarters of the Rakshas, ​​so as to form more alliances with other allies in the covenant This new owner works.

Of course these trivial matters will not be personally questioned by Ryan. He now seems to be promoted to a demigod, but in fact he is under much greater pressure than before. As early as in the legendary realm, Ryan is ready to kill the crazy Lich Tower and end the high hanging. The undead legion on the human head threatened that Ryan at that time certainly thought that his strength was not a rival of the demigod lich, but he was full of confidence in his future victory over Kangs, but when he was a legend, the field, the demigod was bumpy. As I walked over, as my strength and vision improved, I found myself increasingly unsure of the established ultimate goal.

This is not that Ryan became timid, but that he only stepped into the demigod realm to understand how terrible the demigod lich he would face in the future. Although Ryan collided with each other more than once, he only faced A projection of the area that came across the plane, now he will attack the headquarters of the Undead Legion, and fight in an environment that is unfamiliar but most suitable for the other party ’s battle. If you do n’t want to get every detail, do n’t prepare enough, do n’t say To eliminate this threat, it is unclear whether one can retreat from the body.

In the days that accompanied Faras, in his spare time, Ryan gradually formed a plan in his mind, but he never spoke to anyone, even if his wife Faras, who was snuggling in his arms at the moment, was not the case. Ryan believes that he is not his companion, but their strongest strength is the calipers who can only enter the pinnacle of the realm by relying on the secret technique. The rest is either the realm or the legend. There should be no way to stop the demigod Lich Constance. The magic of prophecy, as an undead creature that has lost “life”, the negative impact of the life loss of the prophecy spell has almost completely disappeared. If the demigod lich is willing, it may even spy on a quasi-half God ’s mind, Ryan had to be more careful with these details.

Looking at his wife who had fallen asleep in her arms, Ryan suddenly felt a soft breeze passing by. As a floating city suspended in the sky, if it is not protected by magic enchantment, I am afraid that it will not be this full. A breeze of sentiment, but a gust of wind like a knife cut. Under the influence of the breeze, Farath’s small mouth moved a few times, muttering something ambiguous, which made him look at the corner of Ryan’s mouth with a smile. However, the latter did not take any action, and a magic cloak had quietly appeared on Farath’s body to prevent his wife from accidentally catching cold.

Just as Ryan was about to kiss gently on Faras ’cheek, his mind moved slightly, and he felt the teleportation magic circle of the floating city once teleported. Someone should have come from the mansion on the ground, the **** of Ryan Nian shrouded the entire floating city in an instant, and immediately appeared in his heart the picture of Senitea and Tisilis standing side by side, he knew that this should be their hello to join the ceremony, to show that Raksha Yao officially joined Six-party alliance.

Although there are a few more new members, the name of the Six-Party Alliance has not been modified, because the current members are still six, but they are no longer divided according to faction but by race, such as the power of elves and dwarves, They are pitifully small compared to the dark elves of Senetia or the Naga of Tiselis, not to mention the comparison with the Luozha demon who once dominated the whole world, one of the seven giants, but with the acquiescence of Ryan, They are also independent members of the alliance, occupying two places in the new six-party alliance.

As for human beings, the original four factions are now in a rather awkward position. Cassano, who possesses a demigod, stands alone. Even if Ryan does not exert any pressure on other members, absolute strength and absolute power suppress the other three members. Breathless, the emperor with Archbishop Reid and the Angels coming to Orlando can barely support, Mochizuki City and Freedom Paradise already have a suffocating feeling, a few legendary mages are on the human continent. After joining in the nether world and even innumerable powerhouses and deserted territories, Amelia, who is trying to absorb the blood of the black dragon to enhance the power of her blood, can make these two cities change overnight. In ruins, not to mention the Queen of Blades, who awakened the blood of the high-level demons, and the demonic thugs under her.

Based on this situation, Mochizuki City and Freedom Paradise, under the mediation of Sister Natasha, finally decided to take advantage of the Rakshasa ’s joining to re-correct their status. They gave up the two members and occupied them officially. In Cassano, he became part of the Tekken Castle. Although the magic school in Mochizuki City has no strong men, he has to admit that their research on magic theory is still very good. This merger greatly compensated for Casa. The Connaught School of Magic is inadequate in this respect, and many chambers of commerce in Liberty Paradise are also merged into the Star Chamber of Commerce in Ryan, intending to develop cross-plane trades with ambition. Actual benefits can attract these businessmen who chase money and wealth.

The dark elves of Senitya and the Raksha demon of Maha Zulu naturally replaced Mochizuki City and Freedom Paradise that gave up their positions and became a member of the new six-party alliance, although in terms of overall strength, the Raksha demon is enough to overlook other Several parties united, but there was a demigod sitting on the top of Maihazulu, plus Caliber, Allendo, Faras, and many other field-level strong men with unparalleled strength. I believe that the Raksha demon is in Before re-owning the demigods, I will obey the orders obediently. As for the time, it is Rakshasa ’s gradual succumbing to the tail, or is gradually being eaten up by other allies to digest the territory that belongs to them. The hard work of the organizers.

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