Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1196 - Aftermath (2)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Ryan did not show much publicity because he restored some of his strength. He still maintained the same posture as the previous one and snuggled with Mother and Mother Christine. This is because Ryan did not want Prince Mossefeller to discover his own. In detail, if the realm of the realm over the opponent is relying on its own strengths and advantages, then at the point of being a demigod king, it is necessary to look for the weaknesses and disadvantages of the other party. Only by launching a targeted attack can it break the same and gradually get rid of the mortal constraints Demigod king defense.

“I will not force others, but if the Queen of Blades or those Rakshasa demon are willing to serve me, then first of all must have absolute loyalty.” Ryan followed the previous topic of Mother Hearst and Prince Mozartfeller The opening shows his attitude. Of course he can see the intentions of these two demigods, and he is happy about the results that will follow, but he must utter his own voice to emphasize the position and the bottom line. This is also a half The **** king should have the attitude that Ryan may be very forgiving and trusting of his allies, but it does not mean that he can tolerate other messes in the back.

“This nature.” Mother Mother and Prince Mossefeller certainly would not have any objection to Ryan’s request. Now the three of them are on an equal footing in the alien world, although Ryan’s promotion is still in progress. Short, the strength may not be as good as the two old demigod kings, the Dark Elf and Saul Demon, but the previous battle between the three men besieging the night queen has proved that Ryan has the same power as a demigod king who is much stronger than himself. The ability and courage to do so have won the respect of other demigod kings.

After finishing this topic, Prince Mossefeller suddenly released a question: “Two, do you think, that night queen, she really … really killed the battlefield.” Saul demon demigod king As soon as these words were spoken, they immediately moved the hearts of the two mothers, Ryan and Herast, who had had a brief exchange on this issue before, but it was because of the approach of Prince Mozartfeller For the time being, she didn’t expect the ally in another position in that battle to feel the same way. It seems that the night queen may not have actually stepped into the end that she saw.

“It’s hard to tell.” Mother Herast spoke first. Because she was responsible for maintaining Ryan, her vision and strength were much more generous than Ryan, who was exhausted after she went all out, so she felt more than Ryan. Deeply, she clearly remembers the process of the Queen of the Night turning into small dust and dust in the Chaos Storm. However, as a super demigod king whose strength is only half a step away from the true God, the Queen of the Night seems not to be in the Chaos Storm Among them, it only lasted for a little while. This performance is not even as good as the ancient black dragon that was heavily wounded and sleeping deep in the mist cave.

Next, there was no action from Mother Herast, and a magic image appeared on the front of her and Ryan. At the beginning, the image was only fist-sized and the picture was quite blurry, but after appearing in the air, the volume of the entire effect was rapid. Expansion, when Ryan and Prince Mosazfeller can clearly see the face of the night queen in the picture, this magical image has almost occupied a space of ten meters square, presented in an extremely realistic form in front of the three demigod kings .

The magic image only lasted for more than three seconds and less than four seconds, but it completely shattered the night of the Queen of Night. The whole body was annihilated in the chaotic storm, but Ryan glanced a few times. Later, he found that the magic image seemed to have some details that did not match the actual situation he saw. Before he asked, he heard Mother Hearst saying in his ear: “This is what I see in my memory. At that scene, it goes without saying that there must be something wrong, and the rest will be made up for me by the two of you. “

Although Prince Mossefeller was hundreds of meters away, he was able to clearly see the ten-meter high image created by Mother Christine. He pondered for a few seconds and then stretched out his hands. Faced with this group of images, I saw his arm swinging back and forth a few times. There were many obvious changes in the process of the fall of the Queen of Night, which was recurring in the magic image. Under Ryan ’s careful observation, there were many changes and The part of what I noticed coincides, obviously this is the magic image of Prince Mossfeller who is making corrections to Mother Hearst.

After about two minutes, Prince Mossefeller put his hands down and said to Mother Lane and Mother Christine: “That’s all I can confirm, what about you, Lane.”

“Some places are different.” Ryan nodded and replied, but he didn’t shoot directly, but asked Mother Herster on the side: “This magic image, I want How to make changes. “

“In fact, the principle is very simple, that is, one of the most superficial prophetic spells, some fragments that can be passed back to the front, no different from the memory crystal, if we take it personally, we will not consume even the most advanced memory. Crystal costs one-tenth. “After the mother Mother Hester had finished speaking, she whispered a few words in Ryan’s ear and told Ryan the trick and key of the little magic.

Listening to the live guidance of Mother Hearst in her ears, Lion quickly absorbed and mastered this skill. After Mother Hester had finished speaking the part to be said, Lion had already learned this magic, He then seized the opportunity to separate from Mother Hearst, and then waved his arms like Prince Mossefeller to change the image in front of him, so that the details he had confirmed could be faithful. Reflected.

After Ryan filled in all the details he saw, the magic image created by Mother Herast was basically exactly the same as the one that had happened, which naturally included the power of the chaotic storm at that time and The energy flow caused by the power released by the queen of night, the three demigod kings only looked at it for a few moments, and immediately said in unison: “The planes changed.”

This magic name was passed into the ears of three people such as Ryan, and the faces of these three demigod kings became quite ugly. Through the consensus of other people and themselves, let everyone finally understand why they had all kinds of doubts in their hearts. It ’s because the Queen of the Night who was trapped in the Chaos Storm did n’t really die at all. She used her short black hair to form a night enchantment to protect herself for a short time, and launched a powerful space mystery “plane conversion” to put herself in another. The plane ’s avatar, perhaps the one that used a shadow arrow to shoot and kill the Raksha demon Harlem Fan Sultan and Slachan Black Tofu, exchanged with the body of the night queen who was stuck in a dead world in the other world. So it was only an avatar of the Queen of Night who died under the Chaos Storm, which is obviously quite bad news.

After a hard battle, he paid a heavy price, and he failed to actually kill the enemy. This inevitably made Ryan and the three demigod kings feel discouraged and frustrated, but Ryan may not be very clear about the cost of “space conversion”. Prince Mossefeller and Mother Hirst are very clear, like this mystery that replaces his body to other planes, even if there is no injury to exert his full strength, there is no millennium to restore strength. , Not to mention that the body of the night queen has been seriously damaged when launching this space occult, it can be said that it has almost reached the point where the lamp is dry, this can be confirmed by referring to the situation of the sleeping archaic black dragon. As long as the latter can recover some strength earlier, it will not be killed by the only field-level Ryan couple and Herist Mother.

Although the Queen of the Night was not killed, the demigod kings of the other world defeated and pushed back the most powerful threat ever, and won the victory of this millennium war, and there is such a do not know when in the future Will return to the enemies with hatred and revenge in the other world, which has greatly strengthened the ally relationship between the three demigod kings. In this covenant, the Saul demon has the strongest strength and the stabilization has been reincarnated. The Dark Elves of the Rebirth Mystery and the two human allies who have just been promoted to the demigod, but if the latter two are in close cooperation, the overall strength will instead be above the Prince Mosazi Phil, making the three ’s invisible covenant change. It’s very delicate but sturdy and unbreakable, which is the only benefit of this bad news.

Just as the three demigod kings slowly digested the amazing news they just got, a large group of life breaths belonging to different races appeared in the distant sky, but it was the field powerhouses who found that the battle between the demigods ended. Came slowly, due to the fact that the three people such as Ryan had converged their coercion, the strong men in these fields were able to come to them with the fastest speed, but after seeing the three remaining half gods in front of them Afterwards, there were various expressions on the faces of this group of strong people in the field, some of them hid, some were surprised, and others were earthy. Obviously, they had realized the worst ending for their race.

Prince Mozartfeller, as the strongest in the three-person alliance, naturally talked about the process just now, although he did not put the strong players in these fields in his eyes, but this time the Millennium War It has been declared over because of the defeat of the Titan demigods. As the leader of the new demigods of the three worlds, Prince Mosazfele has the power and the obligation to tell the new situation of the aliens to the powerful in these fields, and then pass They carried out the aftermath of the various impacts caused by this millennium war.

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