Celia: After Dying in the Apocalypse, I Live Once Again!

Volume 5. Chapter 13: There is a Girl in my Head, Teehee. (Chapter 414.)

Chapter 13: There is a Girl in my Head, Teehee.

(Celia’s POV)

I had somewhat gotten used to not doing any work, but I still need to get better at it. After all, one day, my life will be fully peaceful, and I must be able to relax by the point. Best to start learning this skill early.

Though I had some sweets, there really wasn’t much to keep my attention, so I would get up and walk around from time to time. While doing so, something stopped me dead in my tracks…

Woman: “Hey…” She spoke.

Celia: “…”

Woman: “You can hear me, right?” She asked.

The voice was clearly in my head, but I swear that I wasn’t insane! Instead, the voice… it reminded me of a more youthful sounding Sava. That being the case, was Sava wrong about her daughter? If she can talk, that must mean that she is more part of my soul than we expected…

Celia: “I can…” I answer.

Faith: “Good! My name is Faith, and I am Sava’s daughter.” She admitted.

Celia: “Sava said that you weren’t even a big part of my soul… Why are you even around?” I ask.

Of course, it goes without saying, but I was talking to her in my head. Luckily, it didn’t seem like she could read my thoughts, and could only hear me when I directly talked to her. Which was, of course, very good.

Faith: “In the least favorable viewpoint, I am a parasite to you, Celia. I masked most of my soul, and it is actually taking up half of yours.” She answered.

Celia: “…”

Faith: “I understand if this makes you upset, but you’ve gotten endless benefits from this arrangement.” She added.

Celia: “Even so, why keep quiet about your presence for so long? I have had so many powerful people look into my soul, you know? Not even your mother noticed you being there in such a capacity…” I reply.

Faith: “Don’t you remember those demons that once possessed your family members? I was more than afraid that I’d end up like them if I ever appeared in your knowledge.” She replied with a sigh.

True… Though more serious things have happened since then, we did get rid of those demons very quickly. And to think, back then, we only cared about the destruction of our world… Nowadays, I have to deal with my family not only be threatened, but our universe also being in grave danger as well.

Celia: “That being the case, why appear now?” I ask with a curious tone.

Faith: “Now that you are aware of my existence, it was only a matter of time before you realized that I wasn’t just a small part of your soul, Celia.” She answered.

Celia: “Oh, I guess that makes sense… Did you need something?” I reply.

Faith: “That’s right, which was the main reason why I’ve started talking to you.” She admits.

Celia: “What is it that you need from me?” I ask in reply.

Faith: “I said that I took up part of your soul, but that isn’t really the case anymore. Instead, you have your full soul, and my half completed soul, in the same vessel. This split had happened back when you accidentally greatly damaged your soul.” She explained.

Celia: “…Go on.” I reply.

Faith: “Though in the same vessel, my soul is now able to fully heal. Basically, when it is healed, I request you help me rebuild my original vessel. Mother will be more than willing to help you with that.” She continued.

Celia: “Ah, so you want me to talk to your mother?” I assume.

Faith: “No! If she finds out, I am sorry, but she is likely to kill you so that I can be revived.” She quickly denied.

Celia: “…”

She wants a new body, but we can’t let Sava know that she is still alive yet? Would Sava really kill me… Ah, she very much would, in my opinion. If it was one of my daughters, I would honestly do the same. If we can’t tell her now, then what?

Faith: “Celia, we must do it carefully when bringing up me still being alive to Sava. But that is for the future.” She advised.

Celia: “The future? How long, exactly?” I reply.

Faith: “Bare minimum? Once the game is over. Rather than your help, I just want to make sure that you will not expel me from you body until my soul is fully healed.” She answered with a calm tone.

Celia: “Expelling you… would greatly upset Sava. I already see her as my mother, which means that I see you as my sister; you know. If you’ve noticed anything while being with me, you’d know that I am extremely partial to my family members.” I say with a warm tone.

Faith: “I know that, Celia… I just wanted to make sure. It has been so, so long, that the guilt of inhabiting your body without consent had finally caught up to me.” She said with a remorseful tone.

Celia: “I wish that you mentioned it sooner, but I understand why you’ve been quiet until now, Faith.” I reply with an unbothered tone.

Since I had a new discussion partner, I took to talking with Faith for hours on end. She told the story of how her mother had pissed off that Will so much that it resorted to such measures. Even erasing Faith out of spite… Like with my own story, Faith still living is, unironically, a miracle.

Faith: “Celia, back when you were just a cell… I honestly thought that I was going to end up dying twice.” She said with a laugh.

Celia: “I’ll admit, I didn’t think that I’d survive that, either. Though that was long ago, I still honestly get shivers just thinking about living as a cell and as a fish…” I admit with a shiver.

Faith: “Oh? So being a frog wasn’t so bad, then?” She jokingly asked.

Celia: “Hey, at least I could hop around a bit…” I reply with a pout.

Faith: “I wasn’t presence to anyone’s knowledge, but I do miss those times. Back when you were a student, or when you dealt with those zombies. Everything is just so grand these days…” She said with a wistful tone.

Celia: “I agree somewhat, but all this grandness is what allowed me to meet my family. Regardless of how much pain I’ve been through, or how much effort it’s all taken, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” I reply with a smile.

Faith: “That’s just you, Celia, the family-con.” She said with a giggle.

Celia: “…”

Please don’t invent a new complex, Faith… Like that, Faith and I continued to speak about the past. All until Sava came back to this universe of hers. It was very fun to reminisce with Faith, so we planned to do it more later. For now… I should finally be checking out my new and improved Status!!!

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