Celia: After Dying in the Apocalypse, I Live Once Again!

Volume 5. Chapter 12: Legal Matters… (Chapter 413.)

Chapter 12: Legal Matters…

(Sava’s POV)

Leaving her side after so long, I made a mirror appear before me. Looking as close as I could, I was finally relieved. Celia is too charming, too nice, too cute, too… everything. After a while, I had begun to think that I was being controlled by a Will…

Though, thinking it through it carefully, that shouldn’t be the case. There were no strings on me, and I didn’t really feel like I was being controlled in any way at all. Instead, Celia is just… extremely similar to my daughter, who was erased. Which is why I favor and like Celia so much.

I know that she was erased, as that Will had gloated to me about it. She said that, though she erased my daughter, she had made sure to make me remember her, but only fragments of her remind in my mind. I didn’t even recall her name…

Guide: “Visiting or staying?” She asked.

Sava: “Visiting.” I reply.

Guide: “For what purpose? Personal visits are restricted at the moment.” She asked with a serious tone.

Sava: “Huh… Why are they restricted?” I ask with a curious tone.

Guide: “To ensure that none try to rig the game, that is why.” She explained in reply.

This universe was like mine, and also similar to Home. Though it wasn’t a final destination. Rather, this place was just a universe where other higher powers could meet. With the restrictions at the moment, it should be now mostly used for business.

Sava: “I’m here on business, Ma’am. I need to see a lawyer.” I inform.

Guide: “Hm… your words are the truth. Very well, you have, at max, a week-long stay. Do hurry up your business. Welcome to Eden. Please enjoy your stay.” She said with a smile, finally letting me in.

Passing the holy gate, I had made it inside finally. Technically, it was a transaction, but Vern still owes me, somewhat. As such, I had decided to request her for a consultation. This was very easy to do, so it took no more than five minutes of waiting for her to show up, and for her to then take me to a private restaurant.

Vern: “Now… will this be free, or will you actually pay me?” She asked with a serious tone.

Sava: “If I was going to pay for this service, I wouldn’t have chosen someone that owed me, Vern.” I reply with a laugh.

Vern wasn’t a lawyer prior to dipping in the waters of my universe, which was a major boon for me. Honestly, if I wasn’t focused on getting revenge, I would be in a similar position to her right now. A small stent as a lawyer, once you’re powerful enough, that is, was a very good way to get invited into Home.

Vern: “Fine… If it wasn’t for that water of yours, I wouldn’t be a lawyer at the moment. In truth, you had saved me a few hundred thousand years of work, and that is more than enough reason to be your lawyer for free.” She agreed with a sigh.

Sava: “Ah, I am glad that you see things my way.” I say with a laugh.

Vern: “…”

A Lengthy Explanation Later.

Since I had a lot to tell her of, we had ordered some food while I spoke. After three hours, I had managed to explain everything to her, and the woman was seemingly thinking through it all very hard. Her concentration is to be expected.

What I did should be considerably extremely illegal. This place was locked down for a long bit, all just to prevent anyone wanting to turn the tides in the game to one side or another. Helping Celia… is close to doing that almost exactly…

Vern: “Fuck…” She swore.

Sava: “That bad?” I reply.

Turning off her holographic display, the woman was now looking at me with a serious expression on her face. Though it wasn’t a face of certain doom, so maybe it will be fine?

Vern: “Look, due to your special race and circumstances, this isn’t illegal.” She finally said.

Sava: “Why is it not illegal? The reason I came here… is because I read that it very much should be. In fact, I was just hoping that you’d be my lawyer for the trial.” I express with a raised eyebrow.

Vern: “It isn’t illegal, as there is nothing stating that doing illegal things in your own, fully private, universe is illegal. Each and every crime that you’ve committed since taking in that woman… was done in your universe.” She explained.

Great! With this, I am certain that I will not be spending millions of years in prison! Of course, I just have to pretend that I didn’t take Celia out on a universe hoping journey, where we fucked around with the control of a few Wills… Though, perhaps it will be fine, as we did find out about that one Supreme Goddess, who was using powers that she didn’t have the right to at all?…

Sava: “Oh, so I am not a criminal?” I happily ask.

Vern: “No. But you cannot help Celia out in slightly once she isn’t in your universe anymore. Shit…” She answered before cursing.

Sava: “Why the swear?” I reply with a head tilt.

Vern: “I am not likely to make into Home before the game starts…” She said with a sad tone.

Yet another reason why an invitation to Home is so sought after is… that it will never be destroyed. Each universe must have people fight in the game, but those in Home are completely exempt. Countless, or rather, an endless number of souls, dimensions, and universes all have been erased, and only Home has remained a constant for quintillions of years.

Sava: “It won’t matter, as Celia will be the one that wins.” I reply with a shrug.

Vern: “And? I don’t live in that universe, Sava.” She scoffed.

Sava: “Oh, Celia will kill the Will of her universe before it can consume the other universes.” I inform.

Vern: “…Regardless, as a previous tenant to that universe, help me migrate there for a bit. You’re very confident that she’ll win, and you have helped her greatly to get a major edge over everyone else.” She replied.

Ah, that won’t be too hard, and she did give me this little consultation for free. As such, I helped her legally move to Celia’s universe before leaving Eden. I didn’t go back to my universe yet, as I had something else that I needed to do first…

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