Chapter 12: - Reunion
"Ya got lucky kiddo. I'm telling ya, if it wasn't for Slash, yo ass would be sleeping outside right now. He said ya were special or some shit. Ya see, he's family. And ya have to trust yo family. If you can't trust them, they ain't yo family. I trust him. That's why yo here, and let me be clear kid, it's the only reason. For fucks sake man. I told ya not to, damn it!"
The old man banged his fist loudly on the table. He was sad, but mostly frustrated.
Slash said I was special?
"I don't hate you kiddo, but fuck man! What have ya done? What'd ya do that for? Ya have no idea what ya got yourself into."
Doc said I was special too.
"Hmm. I guess. But I know what I'm doing. I know this whole organization is shady. That old man is. I know this is dangerous. I know I might die."
"Then why? If ya know, then why man?"
He probably means something different than Doc. But what?
"That is exactly why."
"That makes no sense."
Maybe Slash told him something about me.
"I have my reasons."
"We all do, kid. We all do."
Maybe I could get the information from him.
He slid his big hand on his clean scalp as he bowed his head down, troubled. We're alone in the kitchen. He kissed his daughters goodnight a while ago.
"Aight, listen up. There are rules now. I made them. That means, if ya break them, any of them, ya gonna pay. Got it kid?"
Maybe if I just ask directly he'll tell me.
"Aight. You tell nobody, and I say nobody, that ya stay in that house. Ya don't mention me, or my sweethearts, to anybody. Anybody. Ya be good with the girls. If I hear anything happened to 'em, imma kill ya. I hope we clear on this, kiddo."
I have to ask him. It's burning inside.
"We are."
"Aight, good. Thanks. I can't say that enough to ya. I don't hate ya, kid. But as I said, we all have our reasons. My daughters are everythin' to me. I can't have anything happen to 'em. And them Foundation fuckers are the last thing I want near my girls."
I need to know.
"I understand."
"Aight. I think we will go along pretty wel-"
"What did he tell you?"
"Slash. You told me he mentioned I was special. What did he tell you?"
"I- umm... I don't know, man. He said somethin' like Doc got a likin' to ya or somethin'. I didn't ask for specifics."
"Hmm ok, I see."
"Sorry kid, but I think the old man is gonna go to sleep. Make yourself at home."
Why do we have to do this again? It's always such a pain.
Whiff thought to himself, sulking.
All the Commanders were gathered once again in the conference room. Doc was sitting at the main desk, facing the U-shaped table. He couldn't help but take a few moments to stare at the men and women before him. He was admiring the view, praising himself for creating such soldiers. The firepower and destructive capabilities present in that room are off the charts. It was excessively gratifying for him to see them gathered and under his control.
"Welcome again Commanders. It is an honour to have you all gathered together, as always. As discussed in our last meeting, we need to go over the preparations for the Trials. But not only that. The first evaluations are complete. The young soldiers will now enter rigorous training. And you, lieutenants, will be at the core of those drills."
"Hol up! What the fuck did you just say? That wasn't part of the deal, old man! We do the Trials and that's it!"
Rowdy yelled as he stood out of his chair.
"What deal? There is no deal. There is no negotiation. There are only orders. My orders. And they are absolute."
Doc responded firmly.
"That's bullshit!"
Shouted the Junkie, kicking the edge of the table with his boot, pushing the table a bit and spilling his can. As his foot was still on the edge of the table, a military knife went flying and perforated the wood right before the tip of his boot. Rowdy looked up and saw Bowie standing at his place, arm unsheathed. In the drunk commander's blind spot, Mob's hand had firmly gripped the silver cane, ready to use it.
"Excuse that dumbass' actions, but he's got a point. That's a waste of time, we should be doing something more important than babysitting some stupid kids."
Ace stated, assisted by the sharp noise of her hand catching the coin she had been tossing in the air.
"Are you trying to tell me I don't know how to manage my soldiers, young woman? Everything you just said is wrong. Consider keeping it to yourself next time. Don't waste my time. Those kids, as you claimed, are no mere children. They have potential. For some, more than you ever had, and will. There is nothing more important than training them right now. This is my top priority. And you are ordered to complete that task. Moreover, we still have Lieutenants who can take care of things on the field while you're gone. They might not be on your level, fair enough, but they are capable. Plus, never forget, there are still forces stronger than you guys in the Foundation.."
The old scientist responded.
Right. Those freaks.
Whiff reflected to himself.
"With all due respect sir, the Pioneers are just monsters unleashed, set free to wreak havoc. They are by no means a reliable and constant power force."
Gale quickly answered back to protect the Commanders' honor, winning agreeing nods from his comrades.
"There is some truth in this statement. However, do I need to remind all of you of the gap between you and them? I don't think I do. On top of that, The Foundation is bigger than just the Commanders and the Pioneers. I have an army of special soldiers under my control. So don't think you're my only option. They will all be honored to have the opportunity to be sent on high-ranked missions in your replacement, earning them great rewards and the opportunity to catch up with you."
"How is any of that fair? What is even the point of giving them a chance to climb up the ranks by giving them missions meant for Commander level? They'll just get killed."
Wig said with concern.
"Then they die for the cause. I don't care about the sense of justice from any of you. Your opinion doesn't matter. Now everybody keeps quiet. Any words coming from any of you will be considered a disobeyment, who will receive the proper punishment, of course."
Doc responded, shutting down his underlings' revolting behaviors. Rowdy put his chair back up and the two standing lieutenants sat back down.
"I will now continue with the meeting. Here's how it's going to work. Each of you is gonna help teach those kids. You will all be responsible for taking care of a field of training or serving in a supporting role, depending on your strengths. That way, all together, you will cover the major types of training, while maintaining an adequate environment for the growth of those soldiers. Swift. You will take care of advanced close combat. Ace. You will teach them long-range combat. Slash. You will cover weapon wielding. Mohs. You will show them defensive techniques. Bowie. You will be in charge of fight tactics and combat strategies. As for the special ability training, Whiff will be the supervisor. That's it for the principal drilling areas. For the others. Venom. You will act as a medic. Mob. You will work with me and help with logistics. To make it work, everybody will have to serve under the temporary leaders I just elected. Meaning that during close combat, everyone listens to Swift. And that is absolute. That applies to all the other training. Blue, Rowdy. I know you are both short-tempered, but I'll expect exemplary behavior from you."
After hearing those words, three people had their moods completely changed. Swift was exhilarated. The Contortionist grinned viciously, with no intention of hiding her soft smiling lips and her white teeth; excitement was showing on her delicate face. She turned to look at Blue. Her cap was pulled down as much as possible, the front of it hiding her facial traits and her bitter expression. No one could see her eyes wide open, her vibrant irises shaking, pupils sharpened to the utmost. Grinning her teeth. Head down, The Normie had her fists clenched under the table.
Of all the people, she's the last person I should receive orders from! That bitch! They are all wrong! I'm stronger than her! I'll show you all!
To the other side of the table, they could have all sworn that they heard a snapping noise. They all looked. The Junkie had veins popping out of his forehead and his neck. They were throbbing. Those in his eyes were bleeding out. Rowdy was convulsing in his chair. The man was fuming. His body was tense, showing through the contracted muscles of his strong but slim body frame. A thick pitch black aura started bubbling out of his white tank top, covered by a dark leather jacket.
A fucking sparing buddy for those fucking kids!? Ordered around as a fucking puppet by this whore!? Don't underestimate me, you bastards! I'll kill you al-
"I'll kill you all? Is that what you're thinking about?"
Everyone was surprised by their brother-in-arms's intervention. Mob was smiling at his own words. He looked towards the ticking muscle bomb, his eyes hidden behind a luxurious pair of shades. His big build was amplified by the thick coat resting on his broad shoulders. His dark skin was showing between the white fur of the collar.
"What'd you say?"
The Junkie immediately replied.
"You heard me. You can't hide anything from me. No one can deceive me. I know everything. I know everything that's going on in your mind."
Spoke the Father.
"Eh? Is that so? So, you must be able to know what I think of a blind fat fuck like you then?"
Said Rowdy through his smile, proud of his comeback.
"You better watch what you say, punk. And don't be so confident. As I see it, you may not be ranked last, but right here right now, you're the weakest in this room."
Mob responded angrily, slowly losing his temper. His words just spilled petrol on the young man. He ignited a demon.
"You think you're stronger than me?! Says someone who can't even see his own dick. Just so you know, it's not because you're blind."
The punk once again stood up. His aura started leaking out erratically, pushing his chair to the back of the room. At the other side of the table, the big man used his cane to stand up. His big hand tightened around the golden sphere of the metal rod, and a dark red aura began to leak out of his black skin. He then spoke through his vile smirk.
"Your move, kid."
It was the first time the old scientist had to go to such an extent. He spoke this word loudly as his fist firmly hit his desk.
"Get out. Both of you. You will receive a penalty on your ranking. Now leave."
The two Commanders left the room immediately and each went their separate way. The other high-tier soldiers left at the meeting didn't turn back to look at the delinquents. They kept their attention on the master of the conference.
"Now, lieutenants. Listen carefully. We must be certain that none of those young soldiers sees your secret abilities. This is of the utmost importance. Under any circumstances, they must not be aware of your capabilities. This is not a caprice. This is an order. Disobey my orders and see what happens. That is all. Dismiss. Blue, you stay."
Doc seemed in a bad mood. The Commanders left the room, with the exception of the Normie. Her usual confidence seems to be dormant, facing her displeased superior. She felt small in her chair. The man stared at her from across his desk.
"You've committed a terrible crime. You need to pay for it. You're stripped down of your private suite and commodities for now. You will also be deprived of your earnings until your next payment. But I didn't keep you here to tell you that. Why did you do that?"
"Do what?"
Blue got her typical affront back as she began to talk.
"Be careful, young woman. I am not in the mood for your mockeries. We have an arrangement, you and me. You keep your music under the condition that you keep it secret from the other Outsiders. That includes soldiers of any rank. No exception. What were your motives to break that deal?"
The blue-haired girl sat back deeper in her seat and crossed her arms behind her head.
"Why is it so important hun? Music never killed anyone, so why are you trying so hard to keep it secret from us Outsiders? I didn't teach her anything about music. If anything, she taught me. When we were kids. You're just mad that you faile-"
"Enough! A girl with no power should sweeten her tongue. She never knows when somebody with actual power is gonna come teach her some manners. Your useless and inferior species are even lucky to be inside our walls. You're not smart enough to even understand any of the things surrounding you, so don't you dare question me. Just fight and shut your mouth. Be docile and you'll be safe behind the walls. Talk back to me ever again and I'm gonna send you back to your filthy hole. Did I make myself clear?"
The lieutenant quickly stopped her show. She was looking down and grinding her teeth silently.
"You and your comrades burned all my patience and kindness. I don't care anymore about your motives, you're not that important. Make sure it never, ever, happens again. That is all. Now get out."
"Yes sir."
The young Commander stood up and left the conference room. She made sure to cross the corridor before violently punching a crack in the wall with the side of her fist.
"We're glad to have you back"
We're all back together now. We're all sitting at the counter with only a glass sitting around, facing the alcoholic. He's the only person drinking. As usual. We're calm. We've been through a lot, but I feel like the mood is lighter right now. That's good. I'm barely noticeable. That's ok. They don't have the same bond with me as they have with each other, of course. But they don't seem to mind me. That's also good. We're kind of celebrating the return of their sick friend.
"How are you feeling now?"
The blonde asked her cautiously. I can see the worry in her eyes.
"I'm ok."
The recently hospitalized girl dryly let out. She wasn't lying, at least I don't think so. After everything that happened to her and everything she's still dealing with, she is not doing good. At all. Anybody can figure that out. She seems constantly in pain. She's covered in tubes and medical devices like she's plugged in to stay alive. She's doing terribly. But for her to be able to be with her friends again is like a miracle. I think that's why she's doing ok instead of horrible. But she didn't want to ruin the mood. She immediately deflected the conversation to something else.
"So… I heard you guys did some tests. I guess I flunked them all, hun? Well, I probably wouldn't have been in any condition to do them anyway. But tell me, did I miss anything?"
"Well, to be honest, quite a lot."
The blue-eyed soldier continued. I can see in her subtle smile; she's reassured her friend is doing ok.
"It really did transform us. Those shots. My brain, it's so... exhausting. It's just.. so fast! Everything is just bouncing around in there!"
"She asked if she missed something, she already knew it was not going well in there... We all do."
The amputated soldier sighed as he slowly collapsed over the counter. He's busted. As usual. The girl scoffed, covered by the giggles of the two other girls in the group.
"Ha ha ha. Too bad for you, looks like the injection didn't grow you a brain."
"What about down there? I have a feeling you could use some growth there too"
"What'd you say?"
He straightened up in a flash. He's blushing. His embarrassment got a laugh out of everybody, except for the guy under the bandages who can't physically laugh, and me, who can't psychologically laugh.
"Why is your face red, Drunky? Don't tell me alcohol finally got the best of you? Or did we hit a really sensitive spot?"
"Oh, shut up!"
It's good to see them laughing like this. It's better than having to deal with some more atrocities. But she's right though. It really did change them. I mean, this guy, he's...
"Strong. Like, really strong."
Shit. I talked out loud.
"You're strong now. It transformed you. This is inhumane. Nobody has that kind of strength. And you, you can clearly see. I mean, you're covered in bandages, so you technically can't. But, you're seeing, aren't you? Not with your eyes. But somehow. You're seeing. I can tell. I mean, you're walking around like nothing. And you're fast. Crazy fast. You outran everyone on the test. Sure, you're fit. You're big. But there's no way someone normally runs that fast. It's impossible. And you. Your body is all…great now."
'Hehe you're damn right, Ballsy Creep! I'm not going to hide it anymore. My body isn't the same. It's so.. overwhelming. Even though you all made fun of me for yelling that, fair enough, I still feel indestructible. I feel.. powerful. It's just like you said Blondie, it's overwhelming! But ay, you! We can't just ignore what happened! You held your ground there, against my Blue. She had a hard time taking you down. Not as much as me though hehe, but still. And you didn't even take the shot! What's up with that? Drunky there went to sleep after just a hit haha!"
"What the fuck is wrong with you assholes tonight? Get off my case for, fuck sake! I'm minding my own business, aren't I? So fuck off! Plus, I let my guard down, that's all. Next time be sure I'll make that bitch pay!"
"Watch your mouth when you talk to my bestie like that!"
"Um... Pardon my ignorance, but.. Who the fuck are we talking about?"
I forgot that she hadn't met her since she's been hospitalized this whole time.
"The one and only, Blue! You met her in my medical room when you came to visit."
"Oh yeah, right. That girl. How do you know her?"
"Well you see, everyone knows her, she's legendary! Of course, you don't. Geez, you really never listened in training when they were talking about ranks and stuff, did you? The Normie? No? The only soldier in history that didn't take the shot? And she was even able to achieve Commander rank! Anyways, everybody knows her. But me! I don't just know her, I know know her. We've been best buddies since we were kids, we've met outside!"
"You just reminded me! The thing you did. You know what I'm talking about. She knows it too then? Since that's how she seemed to have recognized you.
I did too. I'm glad the blonde asked her, I'm curious about what she did.
"Oh... Haha... Yeah... That... Well.."
Something is off. She's scratching the back of her head, even though she's still keeping her fake smile. She looks like she did something wrong. I feel like this is something serious.
"It's something me and Blue luckily discovered when we were kids. It's something our ancestors were holding dearly, but it got lost through the ages. They used to call that music."
I couldn't help but ask, it just seemed so odd and abnormal.
"Yeah, it's lik-"
Everyone turned around to follow the voice. They then saw the strong figure of the lieutenant coming through the door. The soldiers just had time to land their eyes on her before the smiley girl screamed her name and ran in her arms. The Commander whispered something into her ear as they hugged, making sure none of her friends would hear. As her soft voice whispered the words, the bandaged soldier slightly tilted his head.
"What are you doing? You know you can't tell anyone."
"They already know. They like it when I sing for them."
"Of course. You haven't changed."
They slowly stopped their embrace. Blue wrapped her strong bicep around her friend's neck.
"Are we getting that reunion drink or what?"
"Hehe, you bet we are!"
"As long as it's on you."
"Don't worry Blue! Drunky said he was paying mine, he won't refuse to add yours to his tab!"
"Woah, woah, you dumbass! I ain't paying nobody's shit!"
The two girls walked over to the counter. The Normie went behind the amputated young man and put her hand on his shoulder, a malicious smirk on her pretty face.
"Don't sweat it, keep your money. After that hit, I'm sure you could use some more alcohol. I mean, I did lay you down pretty fa-"
"S-shut up! You just caught me off guard, that's all! And you're lucky we couldn't fight back! You would have tasted it!"
He immediately turned red from the embarrassment. She continued nagging him a bit, patting his head.
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, strong boy."
She walked away and took place next to her childhood friend. She waved at the barman, who immediately came to her and gave her the entire bottle. The young soldiers were confused, they were yet to learn about the hierarchy and the benefits of being at the top. The small group started to talk together again, leaving some intimacy to the two longtime companions. The girl with the blue hair tips brought the bottle to her lips, knocking back a fairly impressive amount of liquor. She then pounded the bottle back on the counter, squeezed by the firm grip of her shredded forearm as she let out a satisfied gasp. She looked into the purple eyes of her friend and gently smiled.
"Your smile. Your violet eyes. I missed them."
The subject of her compliments slightly looked down and blushed.
"I'm glad you have lots of friends now. You deserve it."
"Hehe, what's with all the cuteness all of the sudden? Enough about me! Look at you! All strong and reliable! You're really cool now!"
"Thanks for insinuating I wasn't cool before. Appreciate it."
"Don't be like that! What about you? I bet you have lots of nice friends too, don't you?"
"The concept of friendship is really obscure within the Foundation, to say the least. It's not a luxury everybody has here, but I guess there are people I get along with better than others."
"Oh! What about Slash sensei? Do you know him well? Say! Is he your friend? Tell me!"
"Jeez, calm down. Slash sensei? When did that happen anyway? Hmm.. Slash hun? Well, let's say he's in the category of get-along-with-better-than-others. When did you meet him?"
"Shhh! That doesn't matter! You HAVE to introduce me to him properly. I NEED to become his pupil. He's so cool!"
"You sure are weird. This dude is the opposite of cool. Sadly, he is strong. Really strong."
The Commander spoke as she slid her hand softly on her stomach, her fingers rubbing her firm abs and the large rough scar crossing them. She took a short pause before continuing.
"If you really need that so badly, I'm pretty sure your good old friend can get you in touch with him."
"Really! Blue you're the best! I love you so much!"
"You don't need to remind me, I know I'm the best."
Blue was staring at her friend's face as she said that. She gently smiled and sighed at the sight of her friend, purple eyes wide open, glowing, her smile shining. She then put her hand on the top of the young girl's head, grabbing the bottle in front of her with the other. She roughed up her friend's hair gently as she took a big sip of her drink.
I love you too, silly.
"Thank you, Adam. You can rest now."
"Yes Sir!"
The suited man took place in a cold chair in the old scientist's office.
"Look at that. You did a good job, as always."
Doc was reading through the document projected on his screens.
Training Camp Organisation:
Group One:
Group Two:
Group Three:
Group Four:
Group Five:
Group Six:
"Now then, for the good part."
Doc excitedly said, with amusement in his tone.
First Abilities Estimations:
#2: Extreme Destruction Power Through High Vibration
#3: Exceptional Hand-Eye Coordination
#9: Pronounced Hearing
#13: Noteworthy Agility And Dexterity
#16: Abundant Saliva Secretion (Properties Unknown)
#21: Outstanding Reaction Time And Reflexes
#26: Significant Gas Production (Properties Unknown)
#31: Unknown
#35: Explosive Joints Extension
#42: Unknown
#43: Prodigious Muscle Fiber Healing
#47: Massive Osseous Durability
#48: Stupendous Cellular Regeneration
#51: Serious Extern Cooling
#56: Extraordinary Strength
#67: Incredible Cortex Activity
#84: Unknown
#88: Expansive Blood Renewment
#89: Unknown
#91: Inordinate Internal Flexibility
#98: Overflowing Sebum Creation (Properties Unknown)
#101: Impressive Resilience And Adaptability
"If I may, Sir. As the name of the document states, these are but mere estimations. This is my first time doing this task. It is still incomplete. From the tests results, to observations I made during them, to medical reports from our corps, I compiled everything. Those are only my hypotheses."
"Of course. I don't ask you more than this, young man. I have made some observations myself. You did great on your report. Only tomorrow will we see the awakening of their powers. I am truly impatient. Every time, it is a wonderful experience to see young soldiers showing their true colors. It always humbles me, to know how far we have come. I can't help but think of it as evidence showing the veracity and accomplishment of my past decisions. Proving the path I took was the only one. The good one."
The leader of the Foundation had a vile smirk as he was speaking of his excitement. Adam was looking at him, fearing him.
You really are scary, old man. There's something you aren't telling us. What are you hiding?