Bunker 12

Chapter 11: - Evaluation (Part Three)



"You can't be here."

"I am."



"Why are you here?"

"It's how it is."

"It should not be. You should not be here."

"I am."

Tears were cascading down her blushing face, merging with the sweat pearling on her skin. The Commander was in total shock.

"Why did it have to come to this?"

Blue sobbed.

"Things happened. It can't be helped."

Softly spoke the hood. The cloak was gently rumbling from the inside. Suddenly, it started to come off of the hidden figure. The girl within was slowly taking off her protective outfit. The piece started slipping off her skin and quietly laid at her feet, where she was looking. The young girl was standing in the middle of the Coliseum. Showered by glances, she was shaking. 

Her dark skin was severed and scarred all over. Prominent bones were resurging through the surface, marking her skin with white patterns. Cheekbones. Brow ridges. Collarbones. Radius. Knuckles. Sternum. Rib cage. Hip bones. Tibias. Most of the skin and tissue covering them melted away, revealing the osseous matter for the eyes to see. A freak under the spotlights; that's how she felt. She slowly lifted her chin, showing a big smile to her old friend. That made Blue break down. It's the same smile as back then. 

"I'm so glad to see you're safe."

The Normie rushed at her, embracing her in her strong arms. She was ugly crying onto the shoulder of her childhood friend. She was both filled with joy from seeing her best friend she hadn't seen for the last few years and also devastated to see she ended up in the Foundation. But at least she was with her now. Finally.

"I missed you. So much."

"Umm... So I don't know what all that shit is about but like, we don't have time for this. At least I don't. You guys better get going. I ain't gonna ask again. I hope you get that. Thanks." 

Adam shouted from afar. Now slouching in a chair he had Akari bring him.

Blue gently grabbed the girl's shoulder and walked away from her. She wiped her tears with the worn-out bandages on her hands, after which she furiously slapped her cheeks with both her hands. She was back in action; she had a duty to attend to. She's a Commander after all. 

"Sorry about this, no hard feelings ok?"

Blue chuckled, her throat heavy, eyes glossed over. The smiling woman let out a sigh of relief, getting the ball out of her chest. She smiled as big as ever.

"You might have gotten yourself some big muscles, but don't underestimate me!" 



Akari blew the signal. Round one had begun.

The Commander bolted towards her enemy. The blue stripe was warping from left to right as it was dashing forward. The recruit rapidly covered her face with her forearms, elbows high, and waist low, as learned. Before she could take a peek through her guard, the fast-approaching figure was already gone. Blue had leaped above the examinee and was now facing her back. Open.

She immediately cranked a heavy hook against her side. The Normie had already envisioned the feeling of her fist crushing the girl's side. She didn't feel bad for her old friend. She knew it was best for her to go out with that one clean hit. But the feeling her wrapped knuckles received as they reached her opponent was totally unexpected. 

A disturbing cracking noise resonated in her and her smiley friend's ears. They both grinned their teeth and squinted their eyes. One because she thought her ribs were shattering, the other because her wrist snapped on the impact. Blue quickly jumped back. Her hand was dangling. She was in pain. But she didn't fluster. Whistle. Deep breath. Round two.

She quickly got back to her pace and sprinted toward her found-to-be troublesome target, kicking clouds of dust. The young soldier was baffled. She didn't get hurt. At all. She was staring at the white patterns on her dark skin.

"What happened to me?"

What happened to her? It was sitting on everyone's mind. And Doc's grin. She took the hit that knocked out so many soldiers before her like it was nothing. She started to have a bubbling feeling in her stomach. She was getting excited. A purplish shroud of energy seemed to be covering her entirely. She felt strong. Really strong. 

Blue was launching a barrage of lighter blows at her indestructible punching bag. She didn't want to break anything else. Her victim had no guard pulled up. She didn't need to. She was taking the jabs as they were coming. Easy. But the Commander was merely testing out her new toy. Her young friend was cocky and overestimated herself. Not only that, she was taking her assailant lightly. That will soon be her tragic downfall. 

The blue-haired woman was effectively landing an overwhelming amount of gut-busting punches to her unshakable enemy, at a ferocious speed. But all her attacks were also surgical. Blue was purposely aiming at the dark skin. She was trying to see if it was softer than the ivory tattoos. It wasn't. 

The examinee was lifting her arms in the air, victorious. She felt indestructible. If one of the 12 Commanders couldn't bring her down, what would? She laughed.

"I'm invincible!"

Blue leaped far back. Even though she had been precisely stopping all her jabs immediately when they were slightly touching her friend, it was still taking a toll on her. She lifted her head and looked at her childhood friend. She had an immense smile on her face. Just like she remembered.

"Hahaha! Can you see that? I'm so great! Even you, the all mighty Blue, can't hurt me! I must be pretty badass, hun?"

Blue smirked.

"Look at you, acting cocky. You sure grew into a big strong woman. I'll give you that, Big Smile... But not as strong as me."

She chuckled between her teeth.

"And still Blue hun? You love me so much you kept the nickname I gave you?"

The smiley girl jokingly poked at the Commander.

"You bet I do! But don't get the wrong idea, girl! You're not invincible! I am."

Blue answered. She ducked, taking a low stance. Her eyes glew. 

"I'll show you who is the strongest of us. And, as a friend, I'll make sure to get it through that hard skull of yours!"

The whistle echoed. The Normie disappeared. She used all her strength to launch herself forward, cracking the ground. The young soldier didn't even see the Commander before she had a hand in her face. Blue was in the air in front of her, firmly holding her face in her palm. The Commander used the speed she gathered with her pouncing leap and violently pushed back the skull she was holding, before immediately bringing it back towards her. The movement was quick but highly effective. By the time she landed, the examinee was already losing footing.


She didn't even have time to understand she lost before the severe concussion she just suffered knocked her out. 

#47: 3 Rating: E


Blue's Test Overall Ranking

#101: 6 - Rating: E+

#48: 4 - Rating: E+

#91: 4 - Rating: E+

  #98: 4 - Rating: E+

#9: 3 - Rating: E

#89: 3 - Rating: E

#47: 3 - Rating: E

  #43: 2 - Rating: E-

  #84: 2 - Rating: E-

  #3: 2 - Rating: E-

  #31: 1 - Rating: F

#51: 1 - Rating: F

  #21: 1 - Rating: F

  #2: 1 - Rating: F

  #26: 1 - Rating: F

#35: 1 - Rating: F

#56: 1 - Rating: F

  #13: 1 - Rating: F

  #16: 1 - Rating: F

  #67: 1 - Rating: F

  #42: 1 - Rating: F


I'm back with those guys again. I think I can assume they accepted me by now. Or well, they don't mind me sticking along. And now that girl is back too. She isn't in a wheelchair anymore. She looks healthier. She has been feeding us on what happened to her. She basically just has been undergoing treatment for her severe condition. They also explained to her what she missed. The tests are finished. I feel like I did my best. I just hope my best is good. It seems there will be some sort of meeting later, to deliver the results and tell us what will happen next. 

For now, we are just walking to another medical room on her way to the Coliseum. It's where the smiley girl is. She collapsed during her test. That was weird. But that body of hers. What is that? What happened? She was covered in whitish patterns. She was really tough too. She didn't seem to feel those hits. Whereas I was sent flying. I was lucky my body took over again, or else I think it could have been worse.

And that aura too. She had it. Was it why she was resistant? But that lousy one wasn't as tough. And his was green, while hers was purple. What if the colors have different effects? What if I get aura too? What color will it be? What effect will it have on me? How do I achieve it? What if I never get any? What if I-

"Hurgh- Hey! What the fuck are doing? You almost made me spill my drink! Can't you look in front of you when you walk, you moron?"

I was lost in my thoughts. Of all the people I could've bumped into, of course, it had to be him. The group suddenly stopped. Looks like this is our destination. The nurse guiding us bowed and left. 


"What happened?"

That was the first question she could ask the old scientist beside her. 

"Well you see, young lady, you are now in a medical room. The Commander in charge of the last test was able to make you admit defeat, and make you lose consciousness. For medical purposes, we decided to bring you here and do some surveillance on your physical health. You've suffered an acute concussion during your evaluation. But thankfully, you seem already back to normal without any sequels. I'm glad it's the case. Thanks to the fluid we injected back then."

"Oh yeah! Doc! Did you see what happened to me? I'm tough!"

The smiley girl couldn't help but admire her new body, the one she was hiding from shame under a cloak.

"Hahaha! I saw everything. Before I explain, I think there are visitors here for you."

Doc asked a nurse to open the door with a swift movement of his hand. He then stood up from the chair at the end of the purple-eyed soldier's bed. All her friends entered the white room. Even the one that has been missing lately.

"Hehehe, I made you worry, didn't I? Oops?"

Laughed their smiley friend, trying to sit up in her bed."

"Not at all, we know you're tougher than that."

Spoke the blonde woman, relieved her friend was ok.

"I'm leaving."

Immediately spat the drunkard as his eye sniped the old scientist at the back of the room. He quickly tightened his grip around his flask before turning back. No one tried to stop him. No one was blaming him. 

"Hey Big Guy! Oh? You're back, Key Girl? You're not in a wheelchair anymore? You look better! You're back to your pretty self! No way! Even you?! Even the Ballsy Creep came along! I must be pretty special, aren't I?" 

Said the woman in the bed. 

"I'm invincible! What was up with that anyway?"

Friendly impersonated her brown-haired companion.

"Hahaha how lively! Looks like the whole gang is here! I'm gonna use this opportunity to answer this young lady's questions. As I told you before, you are now superhumans. You have surpassed humanity's average capabilities. You are no longer your normal selves. My injections were capable of gifting you incredible features. Yes, it came with some heavy costs, I am truly sorry. But sacrifices are necessary. Sacrifices are essential. Sacrifices are at the root of every choice. Every solution. Eve-"

"What about the auras? What about me?"

The curious young man had slipped his tongue once again.

"Hmm… Auras, yes. This isn't the first time I have been told about them. From my research on the matter, it seems they are but simple optical illusions. Mental images. You see, I can't perceive them. But all the Soldiers within my ranks have reported to me having witnessed these phenomena. Therefore, I can assume that only the people having taken the shots can see and possess them."

"But I can see them. I didn't take the shot."

"Yes. That is true. I will investigate this. For now. Take with you what I just spoke, and leave for the Coliseum. I shall have a speech for you Soldiers. Go on. You're dismissed."

They all left the room to the waving of their friend. At the same time, the group had to disperse to let the new visitor in.


"Hey Blue! Hehehe I gave you a hard time didn't I?"

"A tiny teeny bit."

"Hehehe I knew it! So you couldn't get rid of it, could you? Blue, I mean. It just suits you too well! And it's almost like it was me and my brilliant mind that came up with it..."

"You sound more damaged than I thought; maybe I went too hard. I have an offering for you, so you can forgive an old friend for sending you to the hospital."

The headphone girl reached her back to take the ukulele of her young friend. 

"I picked it up for you."

"Oh?! My Music Box! Aww hehe, thank you Blue!"

The smiley girl almost yelled out of excitement. She grabbed it from the Commander handing it to her. The Normie then brought the headset resting around her neck back onto her head. She turned around and waved goodbye to the patient. 

"See you around! Let's go grab a drink sometime soon. I'm sure we both have lots to tell each other." 

"Yeah! Let's do that!" 


There he is. He trailed back once he saw Doc in that room. Now he's just waiting for us, sitting in the corner next to the entrance. Oh. Now the Coliseum looks like it used to be. The examination devices are gone. The recruits are all here. 

"Hey. Come on. Get up."

The blonde girl offered her amputated friend a hand. He looks sad. And mad. He really hates Doc. He grabbed her hand and got up with her help. We're now entering the Coliseum. The other soldiers are talking to each other. I'm starting to remember them now. There's the wheelchair guy. That one is easy to spot. I have no idea what he's doing here. Why does the Foundation even keep him? He was disqualified for most of the tests too. Well, that's not my problem.

There's also the hoodie guy. He always has his hands in his pockets. He broke many testing tools. I don't know what is up with him. There's the girl with the painful-looking face mask. She recently got that. There's that guy that looks normal. In fact, other than this other soldier with his body wrapped in bandages, all of them look normal. Oh. The agent that takes care of us is coming our way. 

"Ok ok, kids, settle down. We're almost, finally done. Almost. Just listen, I'll be quick. Alright, so yeah, you've finished the evaluation. Wow. Great. Good for you. Now, we've taken all the results we got from that and we gave you a rank. It doesn't matter for you to know all the details. We'll keep all the information we have and we will keep observing you guys. It isn't something you need to think about and fry your brains over. But, we now have an official overall ranking for your batch. My job is finally completed, I can leave at last. Please behave yourselves, Doc would like to have a word with you."

"Thank you for all your hard work. You and your team deserve a well-earned break. I'll take things from here. Soldiers. I won't waste anybody's time and I'll go straight to the point. Some of you probably realized during those tests that your bodies have changed. You've seen that you are all now capable of great things. However, you have seen nothing yet. Powerful abilities are hiding in each of you. And I am here to awaken them. As for tomorrow, you will undergo intensive and personified training. You will be divided into groups, based on the categorizations I have made. You will be under the care of your upperclassmen: older Soldiers of the Foundation. Moreover, as you know, Soldiers are given names. Names are titles designated to one's personality and abilities. It is used as a communication tool during missions. I will personally tend to find a name for everybody. I will be using the information we have gathered during the evaluations. I will also be making use of the abilities that will be born during your training. Soldiers. Your journey begins now. "


Soldiers Overall Ranking:

1st - #56: C- 

2nd - #9: D-

3rd - #35: D-

4th - #84: E+

5th - #89: E+

6th - #3: E+

7th - #48: E+

8th - #91: E+ 

9th - #98: E+

10th - #43: E+

11th - #101: E+

12th - #21: E 

13th - #31: E

14th - #26: E

15th - #51: E

16th - #47: E

17th - #42: E- 

18th - #13: E- 

19th - #16: E- 

20th - #67: E-

21th - #2: F 

22th -  #88: F 


"What's the meaning of this Doc? How is that brat ranked first? That bastard! He won't get away with this! Not after punching me! Even after insulting you, our master!"

Adam blew his chair on the ground as he leaped out of it. He was pissed.

"My my. No need for such animosity now. Number Fifty-Six has scored a B and A. I have never seen in my living time another Soldier accomplish this on their first tests. The results don't lie. However, this method isn't perfect. If I give this list a subjective outlook, I can see many examinees that are better soldiers than him."

Doc meticulously dissected. 

"Hmm… Number Nine should definitely be ranked first, by a large margin. His physical condition is extraordinary. Just from his past training during his Rookie days, he was already a monster at hand-to-hand combat. Number Two is also in possession of an overwhelming and undiscovered power, even though he's at the bottom of the list."

James thought out loud, leaning in his chair. 

"Exactly. Moreover, there is Number Eighty-Eight, who wasn't capable of doing the tests. We have no way of knowing what would have happened if she did. The ranking is how it is. There's no changing it. But, it is only a mere tool. One's rank means nothing on how they can shine on the battlefield and how they could prove themself to be useful to the Foundation."

Calmly explained the old scientist, before taking a sip of his rich alcoholic glass. 

"Yes, he is undoubtedly strong. The more you lose, the more you gain. He lost an arm and an eye. He might be the Rookie who suffered the greatest loss. Therefore, he has earned an unrivalled strength. But, he has yet to take hold of that power. Let alone master it. Not only that but during the incoming training they will endure, many other young people will discover their true potential. And they will outrank him. No need for you young folks to stay here with me and speculate over possible events. You are free to go. Have fun on my behalf." 

"Yes Sir!"

The tuxedos saluted before leaving the office. Doc was left alone. Too much alcohol in his hands. Too many dark thoughts in his mind. 

It's a good thing I was alone in my office. Or else they would have witnessed my enjoyment of seeing that impudent child being beaten to a pulp. I really can't wait to take my revenge on him. And that Akuma. You're weak. That's gonna have to change. I don't want to have to dispose of you myself.


"You're already drunk, handsome?"

"Yeah. I was drinking with a friend."

"Oh, I see. But you're in better company now aren't you, cutie?"

"Hmm. I wouldn't say better. I'd say different."

"That sure is a way to talk to a woman." 

Adam was smoking a prestigious cigar in a epurated room, sunk in a dim, faint, warm-yellow light. It was somehow not as faint as the life in his eyes. He was sitting in a chair. Rum in hand, the bottom of the glass resting slightly above the floor. A prostitute on his lap. Luxurious white stockings parkouring her pale and smooth skin. Her long blond hair was running down the man's back as she was tracing his neck with deep kisses. Her delicate hands resting on his bare chest. 

"Look at me." 

Adam breathed out with the cloud of tobacco. She trailed the man's skin with her soft lips from his neck to his jaw, before scooping his face in her hands and looking at him with her clear blue eyes, as asked by her client.

"What is it, big guy?

"Your eyes. They're pretty."

"Oh? You're starting to learn the ways of courtesy I see."

"You don't have to act professionally with me. You can relax and address me casually." 

"If that's what you want."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Will I have to answer?"


"Hit me."

"Why do you do this?"


Adam brought the drink to her eye level. She smiled and accepted the offering. She finished the glass before giving her answer.

"I've learned that there's only so much we can control. We can't have what we want, the way we want. I offer my body cause I have to. I have to because I was born to. It's that simple. The only thing I have a hold of is if I decide to enjoy the ride or not. I could just do what I have to and make you have a great time. Or I can try to have a great time too. I choose my clients. I'm doing this because I have to. I don't have a choice. But I decided to have fun doing it. So tell me, why did you buy me for the night?"

"Hmm. I completed my task successfully. When you do, you have to reward yourself. It's what people do. I felt like it was normal to reward myself for my hard work."

"And alcohol and prostitutes are considered rewards?"

"What else is there? That's what people do. So I do it too. Plus, it doesn't hurt to forget about all the messed up shit with some drinks and some good sex. We're all in hell anyway. There's no escaping it. We're born here."

"Hell, hun? I've seen many take their own lives to escape it. I still don't know why I didn't escape too. What can we do then? Isn't there a way to enjoy our shitty lives?"

"Hmm. Other than just committing suicide, some people just prefer to distract themself with the few things they have access to. Some get addicted to these distractions. As some get addicted to violence and killing. I know. I saw it. It's just easier to have something to latch on to. Something to be able to lose yourself in."

"What are you addicted to?"

"Nothing. That's why I'm having a hard time. That's why I'm not as happy as everyone else. What about you?" 

"Hmm. I never thought about any of this. Maybe I'm just like you." 

"Aren't you addicted to sex?"

"Does being forced to do something you don't want to do make you an addict?"

"Probably not."

"Then no, I'm not. I just try to enjoy it."

"I guess you're right."

"Why don't we spend the night forgetting all about this hell then? I like you. Maybe I can help you find something you'll get addicted to and you won't be able to live without?"

The voluptuous blonde dragged the man into the bed. She gently pushed him on his back before sliding her hands down his muscly body. The night worker started to work on the man's belt proficiently with her experienced fingers.

"Addicted to something hun? What's your name again?"

"Don't worry, you'll moan it enough to never forget it again."


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