Chapter 13: - Turbulences
"Back in training. I thought we were done with this."
The dorms were quiet. The rooms were as faintly lightened as they were alive. It was slightly animated by the young soldiers getting ready for the day, with no enthusiasm, walking around in their dorm room.
"Shut up. Complaining about it won't accomplish shit."
"As soon as you wake up. You guys really are something."
"Come on people! Happy vibes! Happy vibes!
The group of friends were dressed up in their uniforms as they were reminiscing their past as Rookies. Four years ago, they were put together in that room for the first time. For four years, they underwent intensive training daily, not a single day off.
For four years, they've sparred, ran, fainted, vomited and bled out alongside one another. Nothing can forge bonds like the ones they have today. Even more within each dorm room. They would part ways after each day with some of their comrades, but they would never separate from their respective groups.
Those would cry, fight and scream in their pillows together. They might be friends, but they are still mere killing puppets with nothing else but fighting drills as morals, to Doc's delight. In the further right corner of the room, the blonde soldier was putting on long dark clothes, as she always does before putting on her soldier's attire.
Behind her, her friend was nonchalantly playing with the key on her necklace, investigating her friend's unique behavior. After making sure all her medical devices were rightfully installed as the nurse, which she found sweet, instructed her, she finally asked.
"Say. I always wanted to ask. Why do you wear those? Just that stupid uniform kills me. I can't even imagine with those under, I'd melt."
"Oh. Eh.. Yeah, that's um.."
Without realizing it, her hands unconsciously started to gently rub the fabric of her clothes where her skin was marked underneath. While searching for an answer, she stuttered some more incomprehensible words while feeling the scars she worked hard not to show. She can't afford anyone to see them. It doesn't matter if they're her friends or not. She just can't.
Seeing the obvious growing discomfort in her friend's response, she hurried to break the curse she launched with her question.
"That's just me though. It looks good on you. Anything does. Lucky born-with-it-all."
The frail young woman was too far to hear the bitterness in her roommate's voice. Facing the back of the room, no one could see the tears forming in her blue eyes after speaking her fake appreciation, nor her fingers that had been gently rubbing her sleeves slowly starting to force her nails into her skin through the cloth. At the same time, as the muscular young man finished getting dressed, he clenched his fist with anger.
"But really though, I thought we were done with this boot camp bullshit. I'm sick of this hell. None of us asked for this."
The soldier with the key necklace blatantly spoke.
"Stop complaining."
Spat the single-armed warrior.
"Wow. You really are gonna come at me for complaining? You? Whiny ass?"
"You just don't understand."
Everyone in the room slowly turned to face him and approached him as he was speaking with a serious tone. They don't know why, but they feel like they have to listen to what he has to say, they are attracted by his words.
"I get it. Don't get me wrong. We were all forced to come here. All of us. So many died in the process, and they never asked for any of this. You were probably all taken away from your families, dragged in the mud, thrown inside these fucking walls. You were snatched from the hands of your loved ones. I can't understand that, sorry. Everyone I loved died a long time ago. But I can try to understand. I know you're all angry, I am too. I'm so fucking mad at all those fuckers! Did any of you guys ever talk with an Insider? Cause I sure as fuck never did. The only time I saw any was at our ceremony. And it might have been the last time. Those hypocrites clapped for us when we got our badges, and yet they can't look us in the eyes. Those cowards think I give a fuck about ceremonies and applause. That's so messed up. I don't want to have a medal because I became a soldier! Fuck man! I never wanted to be a soldier at all! And now I'm forced to fight monsters to save their asses? What the fuck is that? Just go out there and fight for yourselves, you fucking cowards! They're hidden in their rich city, protected from us Outsiders. We're fighting for people that don't give a shit about us. We're fighting for a city we aren't even allowed to see! We were outcasts the day we were born! We're the filth of the filth! They can't look at us without having to try not to puke! We Outsiders are just garbage to them! They don't even know what it looks like outside those walls! And yet, that's where we sleep! They don't know what kind of nightmare it is outside! And yet, that's where we live! They don't know what a Hollow looks like! And yet, we're scarred by the images of the Hollows that killed our families and friends! Fuck! They don't even know what dirt is! And yet, we've been raised in mud! Enough to know exactly how it smells! Enough to know exactly how it feels to sleep in it! Hell, we've even eaten enough dirt in our fucking lives to start liking how it tastes! Yes, that makes me angry! Fucking angry! I know you all think I'm stupid. You and them. And yes, I know I'm not the smartest. But I'm not that stupid! Not stupid enough to be used by them! They want to train us? They want to turn us into killing machines? They want to turn us into fucking monsters? Fine by me. I'll become a monster. I'll just make sure they'll regret I did"
"Was it really necessary?"
"I was merely toying with him, I was having fun."
In his office, the old scientist and Mob were discussing while enjoying some refined alcohol.
"That's exactly the problem. You're always having fun, Mob. Next time, try to keep your fun outside of my meetings, I'll appreciate it."
"I couldn't just let that cocky brat get the best of me. I have to preserve my honor."
"Yeah right. Your honor. I wonder what's even left of it. Anyways, we have matters to tend to. I need your team."
"What is it this time?"
"I have an exploration mission to see through. I believe your men can get the job done."
"They will do anything I tell them to. What are we working with here?"
"It's a high-level assignment. Usually, I'd have a Commander leading the mission, but that is impossible to do right now with the current conditions. That's why I need you to send your best men. It's a traditional exploration errand, you know the drills. The equipment is set to go."
"I don't see the difficulty of this mission from what you're saying."
"All the teams I sent there didn't make it back. We're dealing with a nasty one. I'm guessing level Epsilon or above."
"Eh. Exploration? Sounds to me like this is more an extermination mission than anything."
"I don't have visibility in this area. We need this mission so I can have my eyes there. And I love to be efficient in my work. If I can get rid of a threat on the way, I'll gladly welcome that."
"Always so enterprising. You haven't changed in all these years, have you? Well, consider the job done."
"It's always a pleasure to do business with you, Mob."
"The pleasure is mine, boss."
They brought their crystal glasses to their grinning lips and enjoyed their tasty beverages.
"This is hell."
The Junkie was storming through the halls of the Lab, followed from afar by The Normie, who couldn't care less to catch up to him. With her blue pair of headphones playing in her ears, she was protected from the never-ending complaints of her walk buddy.
"No. Actually. You, it's already a thing. But her too! Give me a break for fuck sake! That witch, she's crazy!"
"Aw, come on now! I'm not a witch."
Rowdy and Blue immediately stopped advancing once they saw their common enemy. The Normie clicked her tongue and hung her headset around her neck. Swift slowly walked up to them, shamelessly swaying her hips.
The Contortionist flirtingly wrapped her slender arms around the neck of her male comrade. She leaned over his shoulder, her long black hair now resting on it. Her seductive gaze, promoted by her sharp blue eyes, was staring her prey down.
"We've never had time to know each other. Intimately."
Her delicate and meticulous hand started to slowly rub its way up Rowdy's thigh, briefly moving inward during its course. The Junkie violently pushed away the intrusive parasite with the back of his hand. Behind him, Blue pulled her cap down, now hiding the hatred and disgust in her face.
You are such a disgrace. I can't stand this. You piss me off so much I feel like I'm gonna puke! What have you become?
"My, my. You don't have to be so pushy now. I just wanted to toy with my lackeys a bit."
Swift whistled out of her provocative lips.
"What'd you say bitch!?"
Rowdy vehemently answered back at his comrade's jab, winning himself a victorious smirk out of her charming face. He still couldn't accept to work under her orders for this assignment and she knew it. Behind him, the female lieutenant started walking towards the talkative menace. She gripped the Junkie's shoulder, and strongly pulled him back. Her whole body was tense, armed for battle.
"Looks like you have some scolding to do, ma'am. Your lackeys seem a bit rebellious!-"
Blue's fist pierced the air before the crack of her punch could be heard. Shock possessed her eyes when she felt her attack didn't hit, despite its undisputable speed. Swift was too fast for Blue to see her slippery dodge and agile repositioning. She could only see two dark blue trails left behind, aftermath tracking of Swift's eye movement.
Suddenly, her prey appeared directly in her face. She was looking at her dead in the eyes. The Normie could see an aquamarine aura leaking out of the Commander's tight black outfit. She looked directly into Blue's petrified pupils.
"With how you are now, you'll never get stronger."
A few instant after she spoke these words, they both immediately saw something split their staring contest in a flash, a draft of air violently blowing their bangs.
"I think that's enough."
The deep voice came from next to them. They looked to their side. There was a big figure standing, wearing ruby armor pieces.
Blue immediately choked on her words as she saw the Shogun. Her vibrant azur irises started shaking. Her arms dropped dead to her sides, swaying. She had realized.
No way.
The Normie looked down. She then saw. A wooden baton was resting on one of Swift's knees close to her chin. This staff, that's what they saw in a glimpse. The Shogun had stopped the attack Swift was about to land with her knee blow. Blue was too slow to see it coming, let alone block it. If it had landed, she would've been hurt. Badly.
She realized the gap between her and the number five in the Commanders. Blue thought that she filled that gap with all the intense training she'd been harshly enduring. Today she realized she didn't. Blue's will had been completely shattered in that instant.
As she was petrified in place, the Contortionist drew back her leg.
"My my! Would you look at that? A big strong man just for me! Did you come to have fun too"
Swift slowly turned to face the newcomer, smiling at him. The warrior efficiently spun his weapon, drawing it next to him and hitting the bottom tip strongly on the floor.
"Hahaha! You're always so funny, Swift."
Ironically laughed the lieutenant, with a big smile, before quickly dropping his facade, switching to a dead expression.
"Well, I guess I should get going. I could easily take care of those kids, but I'm not arrogant enough to play with you, big boy. See ya!"
The provocative woman proceeded to walk out, waving from the back of her hand the group left behind her. Blue didn't move at all. Her disbelief and despair had left her frozen. Slash put back his staff in the mess of weapons tied to him. He walked up to his comrade to put his hand on her shoulder.
"Hahaha! If only you could see your face! Cheer up, girl! It's not like you to be so down!"
The shogun merrily spoke. Behind them, Rowdy spat on the ground.
"Tsk! That whore-"
"Was it all for nothing?"
The two men looked to the Commander who had finally broken her silence.
"Was it all in vain? Is she right? Am I really never gonna get stronger? Am I bound to take that fucking shot?"
"Hahaha! Calm down Blue! That's not what she meant. But don't overthink it, it's not your style to use your brain too much!"
Slash jokingly said, trying to help out his friend.
"Shut up, Slash. You don't get it. You can't! No one can! You've all taken that stupid shot! And now you all have crazy powers! I don't!"
"Hahaha! And who's fault is that, silly?"
"Are you trying to say it was wrong of me to try to become strong on my own terms?"
"Did I, now? Your inner insecurities are just trying to make you play the martyr by making me say what your deep fears want to hear to make you sound pitiful."
"Yeah, sure. So what? I'm just a useless and powerless fool? You're agreeing with her now?"
"Hahaha! By looking at you right now, I just might."
"What did you say?"
Sharply responded the blue-haired soldier, not expecting such an answer from her supposed friend.
"Hahaha! I'm just saying, if all the determination and the blind will that have been driving you this whole time can be shattered in an instant by some words spoken by some woman, you're good for nothing. You might as well just give up."
After speaking his truth, the Commander stared at him with a gruesome look before looking down, speaking with a depressed tone.
"I see."
The Normie set up her headphones back on her head, covering her ears entirely before walking away. As she was leaving, the lieutenant that had been forgotten behind started walking towards Slash, hands in his pockets, letting out a sharp whistle.
"Damn. You sure didn't sugarcoat it."
Said the Junkie.
"Hahaha! Since when do you care for her?"
"I never said I cared for her. I'm just saying that wasn't your style, not that I don't like it."
Blatantly let out Rowdy, disinterested. As he walked past Slash, he glanced at the Shogun arsenal and features. His brown eyes rapidly noticed the rupture in the wood on the grip of the staff and the fresh bruises on Slash's hands. The soldier scoffed before looking back in front of him and proceeding with his nonchalant walk.
"Good thing you got there quick, hun? Swift would have knocked her ass out."
"Hahaha! I really underestimated her, that sneaky Swift!"
The two men were walking together in the direction of the Coliseum. The Shogun behind him, Rowdy was leading the way, his eyes looking straight in front of him, while his concerns were aimed at the man behind him.
"I don't know about that. You're giving that bitch way too much credit. From acting so goofy and nonchalant all the time, I think you're overestimating everyone by looking down on yourself, Slash. You're a freak. In every way. It won't be long until you pass Mohs in the ranks."
"Hahaha! And if it was based on coolness, I'd easily be at the very top wouldn't I?"
"I wouldn't be so sure about that. But on power alone, none of us in the Commanders is a match for you, even I can admit that."
"Hahaha! My fan base grows bigger and bigger every day! Even the Junkie is a fanboy of mine now hahaha! While I like the idea of being praised and recognized for how cool I am, don't diminish yourself, young fellow. Maybe our peers are too prideful to recognize it, but even I know you can take me down on your best day."
Laughed Slash with an honest smile, bringing a smirk to the hot-blooded youngster.
"Damn right I can."
"I'm glad we're on this job together Adam. Work is always better with you."
"Yeah. I feel the same, J."
The two friends were on the sidelines of the immense Coliseum, preparing for their new task. A considerable one at that. The big man was talking to his bracelet, relaying information while the tall man was looking around with his hands on his waist, a deep sigh slipping between his lips.
"I guess that's it. We're ready. We're just missing them now. James, send them in."
Adam looked at his comrade before speaking his indications. Before him, James had his arm in the air, bracelet in plain view, with an excited expression on his face, proud of his initiative, waiting for praise.
"I already did, Adam!"
The slim officer couldn't help but let out an honest chuckle at his teammate's innocent action. His sad smile reflected his concern for his naive friend, a clue that James never caught on.
"Good job. Thank you."
At the very back of the Coliseum, the small door opened to the view of a swarm of soldiers led by another agent. 22 newly promoted soldiers, dressed in their clean uniform, soon to be tainted with sweat, dirt and blood. A vast number of them were showing peeks of bandages under their clothes, aftermath of the night of terror.
The young doomed souls are marching towards the two men in black and white, who had taken position at the center of the infrastructure. Placed in straight lines, standing tall and strong, the soldiers were waiting for orders. Adam laughed at himself under his breath, seeing how well-trained and tamed they were compared to him, loose and casual, arms crossed on his wide chest. He has been slacking. He never was a fan of formalities in the first place.
"You can relax. I'm not here to judge how obedient you kids are. Welcome back. I suppose you are all as thrilled to see me as I am to see your faces. Well, I guess I should be more grateful, you guys behaved well during the tests, so I thank you for that. I hope it will go smoothly this time too. I don't have a big speech to do, I don't really know much more than you guys. I'm only here to supervise and make sure everything goes smoothly. I'm not in charge of your training."
"I sure hope so. With all due respect, Sir, I can tell. You're weak."
Adam was abruptly cut off by a strong voice coming from the back of the pack. A somewhat tall and rough figure was standing out of the few people around him by his build and his slightly darker skin. The two men were looking at each other in the eyes from afar. Adam scoffed. They've grown confident.
"Don't worry, kid. I'm aware I am no match for any of you. I didn't take the shot, you see. It's not like I'm suited for training you, I know that. People more fitting for the job will take care of you. Those people are the Commanders themselves. For the few idiots and slackers who didn't listen or cared to listen during your Rookie times, I will do a quick recap. Basically, you're at the bottom. Soldier is the lowest rank. You listen to orders and act as ground troopers. As you do missions and complete them, you earn merit, experience and points. When Doc deems you worthy, he will offer you the chance to rank up. If you accept, you'll become a Lieutenant. Lieutenants are leaders, the ones you'll be listening to in missions. They lead teams of Soldiers. And so, with that in mind, the Commanders are Lieutenants. They are just at the top. They kept doing missions, winning points and became the best. That's it. If you want to become a Commander, it's easy. You just have to earn enough experience and points to surpass a Commander. You will then take their place, pushing them down the ranks."
"It's that easy? So, that girl Blue, how is she a Commander? I mean, they don't call her The Normie for nothing. I heard the rumors. She didn't take the shot. I mean yeah, she beat us up during the test. But that's only because we couldn't fight back."
Said a feminine voice coming from up front. The suited man didn't take the time to look at the young woman. He sighed, his short patience already fed up with this arrogant bunch.
"I see you've grown cocky, kids. Not that I'm worried about that, soon enough you'll all be put in your place. But as I was saying before getting interrupted, you don't need to aim for a Commander spot. You don't have to be at the top. You can stay Soldiers all your life for all I care. Just know the higher you're ranked, the better the benefits are, and the more abundant they will be. Private room, food, alcohol, anything considered luxury. Since the Commanders are at the top, they have it all. And lots of it. But don't go thinking they're just a bunch of spoiled and turned lazy and comfortable. Never forget they had to climb all that way up. And keep their place. They're strong. Well, you'll see that quickly. James, call them in, it's time for the introductions."
Close to the Coliseum, most of the Commanders were already gathered. They were waiting for the signal to do their entrances, trying their best to behave. However, two of the clique were shining in their absence. The Shogun was walking in the corridors, his ruby armor reflecting the light on the immaculate halls. He was bringing life into the labyrinth of white walls with a chaotic harmony of weapons clinging together.
This metallic melody smoothly collided with the other song coming from the training grounds. One of the muffled banging impacts and rapid footwork. With a big smile on his face, he already knew what was waiting for him once he arrived at the door. As expected, his eyes met the Normie ferociously and tirelessly honing her already deadly fighting styles. The headphones playing in her ears couldn't deafen the echoing laugh she knows too well.
"Hahaha! I knew it!."
Blue stopped her sparring after listening to her comrade's remark. She dropped her sturdy arms along her sides, catching her breath.
"It's time to go, Blue! If I was you, I'd hurry up a bit. Nobody wants to do their entrance after me, they'd be shadowed by that coolness of mine! Hahaha!"
Loudly spoke the warrior. As he was laughing, head back and hands on his hips, the young Commander walked to her belongings to pick them up. She was now walking towards the door and the huge mass blocking it. As she came closer, the red obstacle moved aside. Blue looked up at him with a gentle smile, cheeks blushing from exhaustion mounting it, sweat dripping on the floor from her chin. She amicably bumped her strapped fist on his shoulder plate.
"Thank you for earlier. I owe you"
Blue faintly said, still recuperating. She was grateful. He told her what she needed to hear. The big swordsman looked at her blue eyes with a grin.
"Hahaha! Just call me Slash Sensei from now on and we'll call it even!"
"You're so childish sometimes it's not even funny. Come on, let's go. We have a job to do, Slash Sensei."
The Commanders? How strong are they? Blue was a Commander I think. She was strong I guess. She probably had strength to spare too. I'm looking forward to this training thing. It's actually kind of weird. I think it's the first time I've felt kind of excited for something since I woke up. I was mostly just curious about the tests, but now it's different.
Oh yeah. I wondered before if I've trained in the past. I know they all did, they've talked about it. I probably did too. I can tell by how my body feels. I never personally trained before this. I'm also really curious about what this body of mine is capable of. I can't seem to control it most of the time. Every time something happens, I just feel like something flips in my brain. The next thing I know, I'm stuck in my own person, not being able to move on my own free will. As if something takes over. As if somebody does.
I'm curious to see if that's gonna happen during training. I wonder if I'll be able to learn to tame it, that power. It's pretty scary. What if I'll never be able to control it? What if during a crisis something bad happens because I can't move myself like I want? What if I end up dying from this power that takes over me? I guess that would just be how it ends. That wouldn't be the worst scenario.
The worst would be for somebody else to die because I couldn't protect them. All that just because I can't do as I please. Well, that's jus- Oh. Somebody's coming. Many of them actually. The Commanders? Probably. No. Definitively. I can sense it. Their unmatched potency. Their intensity.
The crew of atypical comrades was making its way in from the gate under the soaring seats crowning the stadium. Up front was the head of the pack, Bowie. The General immediately quieted out the place with his figure and presence. His older traits were accentuated by his rough face hardened from many battlefields, smeared with scars.
The recruits are no problem. The hardest part of this training will be to make those lunatics act like actual Commanders.
The lean man in camo was contrasting with the dissimilarity of the man behind him. While the first in rank walked in humbly, hands behind his back, the red flare following him was waving his arms in the air. The ruckus created by his armor and his weapons was, sadly for his irritated peers, somehow quieter than his iconic unfiltered laugh. The 4th Commander was living for moments like these.
Hahaha! This is it! They're all looking at me!
Under the cover of The Shogun's circus, Ace made her entry. Petite in comparison to the men up front, her slim silhouette was highlighted by her distinguished attire: the white of her hat and suspenders was making the black of her suit and pants come out more, while the bright red of her bow tie was pairing with the vermilion tint of her long hair. The Illusionist was more captivated by the golden coin flipping through the air from her restless mannerism than the bunch of new blood.
I hope it won't be horribly boring.
Following up in the line was Gale. 8th in rank, The Torrent, six foot four and 260 pounds, seemed even bigger in the public eyes from being right after Ace. More than that, his wide back was mounted by enormous cylindrical metal tanks, adding to his stature.
I'm really looking forward to training them!
Trying to not be seen, Whiff was walking in Gale's shadow, hidden in his dark hooded outfit. And with his entrance without any artifice, his mission to go unnoticed was a success.
Knowing them, this is going to be a pain.
The next one in the queue was strangely diverging from her peers. Her brown hair was barely reposing on her narrow shoulders, just like her glasses on the tip of her pointy nose. Her frail frame was protected by a medical uniform, seemingly tarnished by time and work. She looked like a nurse to the young soldiers, not that she was far from one.
There's not a lot this year. I can't imagine how many died. That old man, he really pushed the limits this time.
Stomping behind her was Rowdy. He was staring at the recruits with his intoxicated eyes when he spat in their direction. He slid his hand into his slicked-back hair, trying to replace the rebellious strand of hair falling over his eye, with no success. The dark blond of his hair was matching his chestnut eyes. On a neutral note, he was good-looking. Only his nature was unlikable, having his coworkers think about how regrettable it was for such a fine man. His black coat had its sleeves rolled back on his forearms, the front of it open and showing his white tank top. He was the only one to address them.
"Look at you dumbasses. I don't know why Doc thinks you're important. You're all trash. I can't wait to put you back in your place."
The woman behind The Junkie was embarrassed by her impudent companion. Wig had her thin arms resting on each other in front of her, nervously rubbing her elbows with her shaking hands. Her delicate face was showing strong features, from thick eyebrows to intense black eyelashes, to a pair of dark eyes. A spacious bun was standing tall on her head, blurring the true length of her black hair.
Please don't say such mean things. They didn't do anything.
Even though she didn't plan to go unnoticed, she did. She was tailed by a literal mountain. Six foot six, over 300 pounds. Ripped. Mohs earned his code name. The Wall is ranked 3rd in the Commanders. Coupling his bulky musculation, his sharp jawline and symmetrical features are also the ones of a handsome man. Surprisingly for some, not only his build is enormous, but his heart too. One could see that just from looking at his charming smile.
So many strong kids, I'm so hyped! I'll do my best to guide them!
Walking behind the giant was the elegant Swift. From her seductive parade and her curves pushing the spandex of her bodysuit, she was drawing the gazes of all the young soldiers, no exception. She got what she wanted. She was intensely looking at the crowd.
That blondie. She's cute.
Following her heels was another elegant figure, in his own way. The Father was proudly marching with his big fur coat, assisted by his golden and silver cane. Despite being blind, the assistance provided by this walking stick wasn't very mobility-based, it was mostly a prop for his overall appearance. He liked his distinguished demeanour.
There might be a few pawns here able to help me grow my empire. I'm so close to overthrowing his...
The last one to finally join the Commanders was Blue. She was subconsciously sealed from her environment. Her exclusive treasure playing in her ears was a blessing. To her knowledge, only she and her friend shared this treasure. Cut from the outside world by the harmonious array of musical notes she herself never understood the fondment, nor cared to understand, she was in her zone.
Behind the duo in suits was now standing the infamous group of Commanders. James and Adam looked at them for a second. The lean action taker turned back around to look at the soldiers, a shiver seeping through his spine.
"Soldiers. Real training starts now!"