Chapter 12: Chapter 11 : nightmare 1

Alya slumped into her bed with a tired expression. Obviously she was tired. She trained almost everyday without break and she couldn't even ask for it because the training would be doubled and as much as she wanted to grow stronger she wanted to be alive to use the power. 

Closing her eyes to sleep Alya gradually began to drift into the darkness when she heard her door click, as at now no matter her tired she was she had been taught to never let her guard than and in the process she is sensitive to any and everything that happens in her surroundings, thinking about it she felt that it was her mother or any of her brothers specifically teder who loved playing pranks. 

A few moments later she heard a loud bang that made her move quickly to see what was going on but they was nothing in sight and the room was clear, ' maybe it's all in my head ' she thought going back to sleep but it happened again this time she felt someone lying really close to her and each minute the person drew closer, she snapped her eyes open only to find nothing there . 

It getting annoying since she needed to sleep so badly, she tried again but it kept on repeating itself in different ways, on a occasion something pulled her legs from the bed causing her to land face first on the ground she stood up already fed up with whatever was happening with her, just then a strange thought hit her : what if it was a vengeful spirit like those in horror movies? .

This thought frightened her beyond normal understanding, not wanting to waste time and risk any stupid thing happening to her she decided to go see grandma and complain of the sudden happenings . 

Just as she stepped out she noticed that everything had changed to what she had never expected, she stepped out to see her old apartment from the previous world she came from and it was not a good sight as the building seemed to be in ruins with no one in sight , the air was thick and heavy having a smell that was too bad for her to take in more like burnt meat and rot. It was too much for her to handle an erring sound loomed over her as she made her way down the stairs only to witness a sight that stunned her. 

Many dead bodies scattered around the main room with body parts missing, most of them she could recognize while the others were not so much in a good state, alongst the dead bodies some creature which was of unknown origin . 

They looked like lizards with dark slimy scales, having a long stinger for a tail with size reaching four meters in length and five meters in height with strangely arranged sharp canines for teeth. It was truly terrifying. 

She didn't want believe that she was seeing was seeing was real but it somehow looked real, the smell, the sound and the eerie feeling was too much for her to ignore,

It didn't take too long for her to get herself together and think about the best possible escape from what was in front of her . Slowly she began to take small steps backwards, she had to get away from the creature and fast but with no other options she decided to take it slow so as not to alert them 

She took the first step and they didn't notice her, she kept her breath so low that one couldn't tell if she was alive, 

She took another and they seemed concentrated on their meal,

Then another 

Then another

On the fifth step she seemed to have stepped on a part of the wood stair that had been chipped a little causing a creaking sound that stopped as soon as she shifted her weight, the creatures seemed to have heard the sound and stopped what they were doing and this alarmed her if they were to hear her then she is most likely dead.

She managed to move her feet to another part of the stair without making a single noise 

Just as she got to the sixth step her body immediately stiffened and all her hair was on end with goosebumps crawling on her skin, there was something behind her, she knew by instinct that if she was not careful she would die . 

She decided to stay still, and wait for what was behind her to leave or maybe take any action but it didn't so she decided to wait, a few moment's went by but nothing happened, a few more moments of waiting she decided to take the bull by the horn ' maybe I'm close to a sleeping one ' she thought as she began to turn her head slowly with almost a second at each interval and by the time she was seeing her behind there was nothing there, she heaved a sigh of relief , she turned back only to meet the face of the creature which seemed very pissed 

Every part of her screamed for her to run but she was somehow paralyzed by fear as the creature let out a disturbing scream swiping her off the ground and crashing not very far off this in turn made all the creatures around to be alerted, Alya was disoriented from that attack but quickly made a move to escape, she rushed for one of the rooms in a hurried bid to escape which led to a hallway she didn't really know about, 

With constant adrenaline pumping Alya ran with the monsters behind her in hot pursuit, she fell and picked herself back in an instant where the creature almost gained on her escaping with a small cut but the creatures were relentless as they kept chasing her all over not even allowing her to catch a break. 

She soon got cornerd by three of the creatures, they seemed to be very much interested in her

There was nothing she could do to avert this situation, just as she was thinking one of them made his move diving at her at an insane speed causing her to panic and do the unexpected. 

A large stick smacked the creature to the side with a force that she couldn't understand , she looked around and they was nothing there only a stick in hand, 

Nothing was making sense right now to Alya who remembered something odd, the Hallway she got through when she was attacked the first time was originally not there; it was the room for the maid to store cleaning materials. 

The creature's weren't the kind to let her think things through before lurching at her, and she reacted appropriately purely based on instinct she said but then something snapped inside her mind the moment she dodged , there was something she was missing. 

Her sudden dodge had given her enough distance from the creature's and she turned to run away when she had a strange thought, 'why I'm I running  ? ' she asked herself that was when she began to remember everything properly, she was blinded by fear of the unknown that she forgot everything she could do and it was annoying that she even knew the creature and its weakness, wherever she is right now was feeding off her fear and she needed to leave as soon as possible. 

One of the creatures quickly recovered and launches itself at Alya who moved with great accuracy, dodging to the side and with a quick thrust drove the staff straight into the neck which was a soft spot killing it in an instant, she moved very quickly picking up another piece of wood from the ground and slid on her knees plugging it into the soft underbelly leaving it dead. 

The monster being dead gave her a few minutes to think about everything but with limited time since the scent of blood would draw them in anyway, twirling her fingers she suddenly felt it become heavy and noticed a dagger hand which she never picked up anywhere, that was when it dawned on her that there were things her that didn't fall in place ; hallway that lead upstairs that she didn't ever know off, the staff that she used to kill the monsters, it was as if she was in a makeshift trial dream which she was haunted by her worst nightmare in a place that she was very familiar with , the creatures were monsters from the powerful race called ' franas' which are creatures that made the game very difficult to play , she had to think of this objectively as they were many variables. 

This could be a dougen the mind made up due to her always playing such kind of modes making her stuck here and the only way out is to clear it, or she was stuck in some sort of dream simulation spell conjured by her grandma she prayed the it wasn't the latter as she would literally crash out if that was the case 

Since it was more of makeshift she had to take it's advantage she was given to escape as she felt that staying there would only mean her death. 

" Ok let's clean this up "

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