Chapter 61: Strange
And in a Blink of an Eye, Annie and her family were back home.
"Well that was a nice adventure but it's time to go to sleep now Annie, you Have school in the Morning" said Mr. Grey
"Yes Annie, your Father is right, you better go get some shut eye" agreed Mrs. Grey
"Umm okay But Mom look out the window it's already 7am" laughed Annie
"Wait what?? 7am?? but we just left for the witch world after dinner Yesterday, how can it be morning already??' asked Mrs. Grey
"Oooh well I forgot to tell you that time moves faster in the witch world than in the human world" said Annie as she Laughed at the confused faces of her Parents
"Well then Honey can you prepare breakfast, Annie you go take a shower, and let me take a shower too, we can't be late for school" commanded Mr. Grey
"Okay" said Annie and Mrs. Grey
After a nice shower Annie and Mr. Grey were downstairs and breakfast was already ready. After Breakfast Annie said Goodbye to me and left for school, she was feeling very happy since her adventure in the Witch World with her family.
She was Happy that she didn't have to hide anything anymore, but as she was walking through the halls someone Bumped into her and she tumbled down and so did the other Person.
"Matt??" Annie called as she looked up and saw that the person that Bumped into her was Matt
"Annie?? I am so sorry let me help you up" he said as he grabbed Annie Hand and pulled her up
"Matt are you okay?? because it's usually me doing the falling and not you" laughed Annie
"Yes everything is fine I just wasn't paying attention" he said
"Well okay, So how was your weekend??' asked Annie
When Annie said those words, Matt spaced out, he didn't reply to the question, his face remained Blank and expressionless.
"Heyyyy Matt, are you okay is something wrong??" asked Annie as she waved her hand in front of his eyes. Matt was snapped out of his thinking and he replied and said "Huh?? Yes I am fine"
"No you are definitely not fine" said Annie "Usually it's me doing the spacing out but today it's you" she said worriedly
It was now that Annie realized that Matt looked different not the good different but the bad, he looked like he hadn't slept for days his, red- brown hair was scattered everywhere (which made him even hotter according to my opinion, but don't tell Annie I said that), his face just looked tired.
"Matt you really don't look so good please tell me what's wrong" pleaded Annie
Matt saw the worry in Annie's green eyes, he didn't want her to be worried about him, she was his friend but he wasn't sure whether to tell her what was bothering him or keep it to himself.
"Annie I..."
Just then the bell rang and they were late for class, the full hallway was now left desolate like no one was there.
"Oh No Matt we are late, let's go to class now, but after school Immediately you have to tell me what's wrong" said Annie and with those words she walked away.
Matt could not concentrate in class his mind was just wondering from one place to another and finally he fell asleep, Luckily it was English class and they were supposed to read quietly and Miss Singh left to go to see the principal, so no one interrupted his sleep.
Little did he know that Annie saw him and it made her more worried of him.
After School Annie was waiting for Matt outside, as she saw him walk through the school's glass double door.
"Matt, Matt wait up??!" shouted Annie as Matt walked really fast like he was avoiding her, Finally Annie caught up to him and she was walking next to him,
"So now are you going to tell me what's wrong??" she asked
But there was no reply
"Well then I am just going to follow you till you do and I am not joking" said Annie
Annie was very stubborn and refused to leave him, they walked in silence, until they were in the corner of his street and very far away from Annie's house then Matt said
"Annie it's late you better get back to your house your parents will be worried about you"
"Well okay depends on if you will tell me what's wrong" she answered
"Ugh" Matt said he could not believe the stubbornness of this girl
"Okay okay please go home now, I want you to be safe, I promise... I will tell you what's wrong on Saturday just please for now go home Annie" he said
"Okay okay are you sure??" she asked
"Yes I am really sure I promised" he said
"Okay I will go home now, don't worry about me, someone will come pick me up soon" she said
"But in the meantime you go home" she said
"Okay are you sure??" he asked
"Yes very sure" she said as she raised her hand like a scout
"Okay Then Byee Annie see you tomorrow stubborn goose" he said as he laughed
"Who are you calling stubborn goose hmm mister??well byeee seee you too" she said
When she saw that Matt had walked past the Corner
"Curtis, Curtis are you there??" she asked
Immediately Curtis answered and said "Yes I am Annie what's up??"
"Well can you come and pick me up??" she asked
"Ooooh okay" he said and he quickly disconnected
"Wait I didn't tell you where I was yet" she said
Suddenly she saw Curtis behind her
"Ah Curtis you scared me how are you here so soon" she asked
"Well it's because I can instantly teleport to my Master as soon as possible in case of emergencies" he said
"Ahhh I get it now" Annie said
"So Annie would you mind telling me why you are so far away from home??" he asked
"Oooh okay I will tell you when we get home but right now I really want to get home" she said as she laughed
"Oooh okay so do you want me to carry you or do you want to use a spell??" he asked
"Wait you can carry me??" she asked
"Yes I can" he replied
"And I can fly on you??" she asked
"Yes you can" he said
"Well then what are we waiting for carry me then!!" she said excitedly
"Okay Hold on" Curtis said as Annie climbed on top oh him
"Weeee" said Annie as she was lifted up into the air