Annie Grey

Chapter 60: 60th Chapter!!

Hello My wonderful Readers!!! Curtis here and it's our 60th Chapter!! Yayyyyy, I just want to say Thank you to all my beautiful readers and if you have just started reading welcome to the Family as I always say, and I have a special announcement, the author might make a special Appearance soon. Yayyyy!!

And as i always do,i just want to lay out all of our Milestones from chapter 1

Chapter 1- Annie gets me Curtis Yayyyyy!!

Chapter 2-We meet Annie's parents yayyyy!!

Chapter 3-We meet Matt Sundew😏😏

Chapter 5- I introduce Myself😏😏

Chapter 6- I talk to Annie for the First time

Chapters 7-12 Encounter- Annie's powers are used for the first time, we see Maddie and Matt's friendship

Chapters 13-14 - I take a little break and the Final Encounter happens

Chapters 15-16- The rules and explanation of the Fast Pass

Chapter 17-18- Annie's First spell "Levitatis incantatores"

Chapter 19-20- Annie's parents Date and Annie eats Pizza

Chapter 23-25- Maddie's powers are found out.

Chapter 26-31- Star verses the forces of Evil title saga and Annie has a new friend and she goes to the Witch world

Chapter 32-36- Annie's parents find out and there is an explanation.

Chapter 38-40- Annie starts Training

Chapter 41- Annie learns to Kick Butt

Chapter 42- Our delayed 40th chapter special

Chapter 43-Annie can use her Powers normally now

Chapter 44- Annie and her Parents go to the Witch world

Chapter 45-Annie explains how the Witch World works to her parents

Chapter 46- We meet Vice Chancellor Stella

Chapter 47-We learn about Stella and Alice friendship

Chapter 48- 50-The Sapiens Trilogy ( everything you need to know about Sapiens)

Chapter 51-54-The Captious Chapters (almost everything you need to know about Captious)

Chapter 55-56- Annie finally Kicks Butt and uses some spells to defend herself

Chapter 57- 58- Everything we need to know about Captious

Chapter 59- The Adventure in the Witch World ends.

Wow that was a lot of chapters i mean so much has happened in 30 days of 2 new chapters, Annie has grown so much and we have seen Less of Matt, which is so not fair haha.

So I just want to ask you guys for your feedback on the chapters and the content so far, just go and comment on this chapter and let me see hear your feelings on the book so far and so stick around for the next chapter.

Byeeeeee see you

Your Favorite Book Curtis!!😎😎😎😎

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