Annie Grey

Chapter 62: Matthew I

After Matt passed the corner he thought to himself, "Hmm It will be while before someone picks Annie up I should go wait with her" so he turned around the corner and what he saw next shocked him.

He saw that Annie seemed to be on top of a huge brown book, the book looked ancient, and she was being lifted up into the air as if, the book was carrying her. Matt quickly rubbed his Hazel eyes and when he looked up into the sky again Annie was gone.

"I must not have seen that I couldn't have seen that there is no such thing as a flying book, I must just be sleep deprived that's it" Matt thought to himself as he rubbed his eyes once again.

Ever since what his parents revealed to him over the weekend Matt had been angry and scared, he was unsure about his identity, it seemed like everything he had known about his life till now was a lie he felt betrayed by his parents.

It all started on Saturday Morning, Matt did his usual Saturday routine with his Siblings, Matt had 9 siblings, 6 boys and 4 girls and he was the oldest of them all, which gave him a lot of responsibility.

All of his siblings were unique and different from each other in good ways, when you meet Matt siblings it would be difficult for you to believe that they are actually siblings because they are all so different from each other, For Example

Evie- The the second oldest right after Matt, she's 12, Evie is always happy and she brings light wherever she is, she loves to Party. Evie is a golden locks blondie and she has blue eyes, she hates the quiet and is very loud.

Levi- Levi was born after Evie, he's 10 years old, he loves those virtual reality games where he plays as a witch or a mage, Levi has brown curly hair which he keeps short, he has brown eyes, he's a problem solver and he likes to join people together.

Kaylee- Kaylee was born just a year after Levi, she is 9 Years old she always sees the best in people an doesn't judge others she has, Brown Hair and Light Hazel Eyes.

Ellie and Celeste - Ellie and Celeste are twins, but for twins they are the complete opposite, Ellie was a Brown Hair and brown eyed girl, she was extremely loud and she was a adventurous person while Celeste on the other hand was special, she was born with pure white hair and brown eyes, this shocked the Doctor they did many tests but they said she was healthy, Celeste was very shy and she rarely talked she was always quiet. The twins are 8 years old.

Frankie- Frankie was born a year after the twins, he is 7 years old, and at such a young age he's very smart, he asks questions that his peers don't ask, it's seems like he has a brain of a 13 year old, He has brown Hair and Blue Eyes.

Mark- Mark, well Mark was Mark you could never tell what was going through his head, he had black hair and brown eyes, even if you stared into his eyes as an adult you would be intimated because they looked so cold and that is coming from a 6 year old boy.

Edward- Edward is 5 years old he's super playful and likes to annoy his Big brother Matt a lot, he has brown hair and blue eyes.

Noah- Noah is 2 years old he is just starting to Potty-Train, he has Brown hair and blue eyes, and he just simply adores his big Brother Matt.

Matt's father Lucas was a business man, he had reddish hair and brown eyes, Matt got his Hair colour and most of his siblings got his brown eyes too, on the other hand Matt's Mother Lucinda, was an accountant, she had Blonde hair and Dark blue eyes.

"I'm Backkkk!!" said Matt as he opened the Kitchen door, and Noah rushed to hug him he said "Matt, Matt, Mattt" he shouted as he flung his hands into the air to signal Matt to carry him.

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