The story follows the adventure of Oscar Price and his group, who had embarked on a mission to find out the HORIZON Orb(a Golden Ball), consisting of magical powers which maintains balance, prosperity among the continents.
The ultimate goal of the story is to return the Orb to its rightful place, as ordered by the High Council of Mythralis, the creators of the Orb.
Will the group be able to bring back the Orb from the unknown location and return it back.
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Author's Side Note: This is not my first work. I have already published a book, it is available on Flipkart and Amazon. If you have liked this story, just leave a review for a comment. And try to read my first Novel 'David & Stanley: The Secret Plan'
Brave Horizon novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Brataranjan . Read Brave Horizon novel online for free.