Chapter 5: Escaped
The continent known as Heida was home to a variety of different beasts and creatures. Although the main threat in this world was indeed the Z-Mon's other creatures also caused just as much issues as then.
A carriage strolled through this continents forest. The forest had huge looming trees that made it difficult for sunlight to pass through.
An explosion is set off echoing throughout the dark forest. There lay the carriage now set in flames and a young boy lying unconscious.
???: "W..Where am I..What's going on...Ah Shit...My head.."
The boy woke up to see him being surrounded by flames. He slowly stood up.
???:"Ah.. I think I remember now...I was with him..Then I got knocked out..Now I'm here surrounded by flames."
The boy slowly recollected all of his memories and sat down on the forest floor again. Thinking over what had just happened.
-Ahh.. I see they were trying to take me away to some place.. judging by the scene i'm looking at right now they have failed. There also doesn't seem to be any other bodies apart from me and the driver who is currently set on flames. That means luni isn't here either. So we got separated was he taken as well or did he defeat those guys. Not to mention the fact that i'm in the middle of a forest. The council of despair... Damn it!..Just what the hell is going on. All of this in just a matter of one day..
His inter monologue was distributed by a strange noise. It sounded like footsteps but it was hard to tell with the noise of the fire crackling.
Then he heard it again but closer. Footsteps. Someone was coming.
Not even having time to decide whether to hide or not a person had appeared looking distressed.
It was a girl that looked about his age and there was someone chasing her. A group of men seemed to be after her.
The girl was unable to continue running leading her to fall onto the ground.
???: "Naughty girl, What have I told you.. You will be punished for thi-"
Shiebe: Excuse me Sir, Is everything alright.
Shiebe interrupted the men. He made sure that his approach was kind and polite to avoid any other trouble or escalating the situation as he did not know who it was he was dealing with. The men looked at each other and smiled before answering.
???: Yes everything is fine..but a little boy like you shouldn't be out in the woods..come with us we will take good care of you.
Shiebe: I'm okay...but this girl doesn't seem to be.. she has bruises all over her body. She should get that taken care of.
???: It seems like you're pretty well spoken. You must belong to an upper class family. Girls like her have no use for us. We would like you in our academy.
Shiebe looked at the men now knowing their personalities. He took a sigh before grabbing the girls hand and running off with her.
Shiebe: Those guys are up to no good and I know it. Leaving a child right in the middle of no where is absolutely awful!
???: Why..are you helping me.
Shiebe: Why wouldn't I I can't let them leave you here to die I wouldn't be able to fall asleep knowing I let someone die.
Suddenly a Jet of water appeared before them.
Blocking off their path the men caught up to them.
???: Bastard.. forcing me to use my syreum.
???: Hey..Screw them both..Lets kill em.
Shiebe got in front of the girl.
Shiebe: Stay behind me.
The man who has created the jet of water was the first one to rush into the two of them. He created a spear made out of water and charged at them.
Shiebe prepared a ball of destruction and pointed at the man. To his surprise the man had actually stopped. He knew that they wanted to kill him but he wasn't ready to kill a human being.
Shiebe: Stay back! I'm warning you.
???: The hell are you waiting for kill him.
???: Uh..Yeah..Your dead meat ki-
Another explosion was set off. The size of the first one and the same power.
The thick smoke made it hard for Shiebe to see what had happened to the man but he didn't waste any time and grabbed the girl and ran.
???: W-What the hell.
???: What power. Enough to create a hole in his body and killing him with just one hit.
???: Forget them. Lets just head back. The beast of the forest will deal with them anyways
After running for quite a distance they both stopped to catch their breath. It seemed like the men weren't pursuing them anymore.
Shiebe: Hey are you okay.
???: ...Yeah I'm okay..
Shiebe sat down the floor looking up at the colourful trees in the sky. He was still trying to wrap his head around what had just happened.
-I hope I didn't kill him. I wouldn't know what to do with myself knowing that I had just killed another human being.-
The girl sat on the opposite side of him. She looked up as well looking at the colourful trees.
Shiebe: It's pretty isn't it. Back from where i'm from a sight like this would be nothing more than a dream.
He reflected on his past life, he didn't want to think about it and forget it but it was pretty hard to forget especially when he does things he would never have dreamt of doing before.
Shiebe: Hey what happened back there. Why were they chasing you.
She looked away. He knew that look. It was the same look the maids in his past life would give him when they felt sad or guilty for him.
Shiebe: It's fine. You don't have to tell m-...Woah I just realised you're an elf.
???: Yeah
Shiebe: My name's Shiebe Zackaria. I'm a human from Reina. Do you have a name?
???: Zaneff.
Shiebe: Nice to meet you Zaneff.
Shiebe stood up and headed over to Zaneff's side and sat by her.
She was beaten up and had dirty clothes on. He assumed that she was a slave to those men.
-Child Slavery. How disgusting.-
He felt a cold touch on his hand. It was someone else's hand on his.
Zaneff: T-Thank you for saving me..
Shiebe: No problem...Hey would you know the way back to Ruina.
Zaneff: No..I'm sorry..but I do know a town nearby.
Shiebe started to realise the situation that he was in. He had no idea where his parents were or if they were even alive. The last memory he had of the town was it being caught up in flames and attacked by the council of despair. Luni is missing.
Zaneff: um..are you look..stressed.
Shiebe: Huh..Oh..I..well..i'm fine.. no need to worry. We should probably head to the town before it gets dark.
-There's no need to put my stress onto hers. I can probably find someone who knows the way back.-
Shiebe: Come On Zaneff let's go.
Zaneff: Yeah