Chapter 20: Cavern ecology
One had to be a male, while the other, due to her anatomical features (she had tits, small but tits), was a female. The first was armed with a long knife; it was not a sword, not even short, but it was not the size of a normal knife either. The second was armed with a kind of hammer that she held with both hands (a long stick with a stone at the end).
Ikky looked towards the tunnel; despite his small size, they could not surround him. He crouched down like in the fight with the rats, and waited.
The spear was thrown forward as soon as the first was at a distance, but he dodged it with the spear passing ineffectively over the goblin's shoulder. With his left side covered by the shield, the goblin went to the right and stabbed into the gap that was less protected.
Ikky moved the shield to block, but in this way, he left his spear immobilized against the rock. The hammer's blow resonated against the shield, and the boy took a step back. He backed up a bit and dragged the spear back, and not having much of an angle or chance, he attacked over the shield.
The female goblin's shoulder was pierced, though the bone deflected the blade outward, preventing it from catching on the spear but rendering her arm useless. The male slashed with the knife towards the hand holding the spear, and out of reflex, Ikky dropped the weapon. Before losing his fingers, the player took cover behind the shield while unhooking the axe from his belt.
The dynamics of a spear and shield, and an axe and shield were different. While the first combination allowed him to attack without opening the shield's defense, it had the disadvantage of leaving the enemy inside or in front of its defense. With the axe to attack, he had to open the angle of his shield arm so that the axe's path would reach the enemy; with the narrow passageway, it was only possible to move the weapon up and down.
The technique was crude and obvious, and the goblins read Ikky's movements and retreated a couple of steps. They had reached a tie; they could not reach him, but either Ikky could not hit them or he had to retreat and close the defense mid-attack to avoid being hurt.
However, with greater size and greater strength, although half-crouched to be at the height of the monsters, Ikky had one option: knock them down with the shield and attack them at that moment. The player's charge forward ended with the surprised female goblin lying on the ground; however, his partner retreated in time, allowing him to make a cut on the player's arm with his long knife.
It was not an impedimentary wound; it was not horrible, but it hurt and stung. A clean cut from the elbow to the middle of the arm, superficial perhaps but if it had been in real life he would have gone to the hospital to get stitched up without hesitation.
Ikky stepped on the female's chest to immobilize her and crushed her head with the lower part of the shield. The male understood that he could not win against the invader, so throwing away his weapons he turned around and ran away.
When an axe is thrown in a movie, we see a glorious scene where the axe comes out in perfect circles and sticks into the back of the person who is fleeing, knocking him down. The reality was just as effective but harder; The axe came out with the weight part in front but not the edge, and it did not hit him in the back; it hit him in the back, making him fall face down with the bad luck of stabbing himself with his own knife in the fall.
Ikky made sure they were dead; this time he did not hide the corpses; It was useless with a fleeing goblin who would surely have raised the alarm. Pablo took a breath and, seeing that there were no footsteps, searched their bodies for anything. The female goblin was wearing a collar made of sharp teeth, as big as a pinky and narrow as a needle (there were other races and beings in this dungeon), and the male was carrying a rough bag with a few nearly extinct luminescent mushrooms... More likely, they were edible, or they used them to light up the darkest corridors.
Now I could analyze the difficulty of facing the goblins. Since frontal opposition was out of the question, it was easier to hunt them one by one. This group fight had shown that even if they were weak opponents, if they were not taken by surprise, they could still hurt him.
Every hole, and every corner, became a hiding place for Ikky. The first groups of 3 and 2 gave him a bit of a fight, although he had always managed to surprise and suppress or directly kill one of the attackers, to make it easier for him with the others.
At one of the forks, he found a raised ledge that looked out onto a larger cavern, illuminated with large mushrooms, a bonfire, and around 22 large tents. Many goblins were running, eating, and screaming, and only a few were patrolling. There were no more than 40 of them, and although they were few compared to the thousands of rats, they were not monsters that easy to kill in a confrontation or open war, and if they surrounded him he would be lost.
He continued killing and hiding as he went down and explored. Of the dead he had scattered along the way, he found few useful things: a small water skin, more mushrooms, a dagger of more elaborate manufacture (not like the goblin knives).
Discarding some tunnels that looked like other latrines or cesspools, and others that led nowhere, he left only two ascending tunnels that flowed in the opposite direction to the cavern unexplored, and with them in mind, he continued forward.
The path widened as a sharp turn to the left came up. Taking cover behind some stones, Ikky looked out.
A barricade with five goblins was waiting for him; from their attitude and the fact that they were looking towards the tunnel, it seemed that they were waiting for the previous patrols to arrive. That area would be very difficult to conquer in a frontal attack.
Ikky began to think about the other options he had left to continue advancing.
The drop from the ledge was too high, and landing, no matter how soft, would just throw the whole cave on top of him... The barricade was out of the question... He had to provoke them into coming to the tunnels.
But until he had an idea of how to get there safely, it was best to explore. The first tunnel up was narrow, and ascending from what the player said, it had about two hundred natural steps in the stone. From that point on, the sound of flowing water sounded further ahead. The cavity was about 5 meters in diameter, and from the far wall a stream of water fell, forming a small pond on the floor a couple of meters wide.
Thanks to the humidity, this entire room was very well lit by numerous glowing mushrooms.
From the number of footprints there were, it was clear that it was an area heavily traveled by goblins. It was probably the colony's water source. Ikky drank and filled the waterskin.
At that moment he noticed, among the goblin tracks there was another one from an animal. It was a large animal, a pair of feline tracks with more than 16 centimeters of footprint and a possible distance of almost five feet between the paws.
He checked the entire area, and as soon as he saw the feline tracks of other animals, he could almost guarantee that there were two adults, one larger than the other, and at least two smaller felines.