World Of Athair Online

Chapter 19: More goblins

The dwarf didn't leave much behind, some clothes and a tattered armor, a rusty short sword, a belt and a waist bag with 25 silver coins and 12 copper coins. I didn't know if it was a lot or a little, but he took the opportunity to put on his belt and hang his sword, knife and hand axe on his waist so that it would be more comfortable for me to use them in case of need.

Until now Ikky had been wearing his hand axe hanging from one of the straps of his armor, which was uncomfortable for walking and impractical for retrieving the weapon in case of need, since the movement for it became too unnatural.

With the clothes and leather, he managed to make me some improvised shoes, which although they were not a comfort, at least they took away the unpleasant sensation of the wet and cold ground on his feet. In Ikky's comfortable life he had never considered that one of the most unpleasant sensations was to go completely barefoot through the world.

One thing was a flat terrain like sand, which although it was annoying was not cold nor did it have loose stones that dug into the flesh causing pain and discomfort with every step.

When he went back down the corridor, his surprise was to hear two shrill voices speaking in an unknown language.

According to Ikky's predictions, they must have been heading to the Latrine. It made some sense, even if they were monsters, the normal thing was to shit as far away from their village as possible, or at least if they were on guard, to have a place to defecate and not fill the entire cave with that nauseating smell.

Ikky was next to a wall; there were no lights, so the two goblins who were approaching did not use torches to advance, they must have a similar ability to his, but better vision in the dark or some small mushroom that barely gave them an advantage as had happened with the goblin in his first encounter.

Indeed, just as Ikky thought, the goblins were heading to the latrine. He put the shield aside; it was of no use in a rear attack. The problem was that there were now two monsters and not just one. When he attacked one, it would scream or alert the other.

As unnoble as it may seem, catching a monster by surprise while it was distracted doing its business was a happy and natural discovery for Ikky. There was no nobility in war or so he told himself to justify his tactics.

To ensure that he would not be discovered, the idea was to not miss the first enemy and see how to deal with the second. As nauseating smells and sounds of trumpets and farts continued, Ikky approached, slowly hiding behind walls and corners; he could not be sure if these guys could really see in the complete darkness.

Shit, they were facing him. They didn't turn their backs like his first victim.

Change of plans: he would ambush them at the intersection, taking advantage of the corner where his body wouldn't be seen.

Ikky slowly backed away with his back against the wall and taking advantage of all the gaps to get out of their field of vision and not be detected.

The first one must have just finished shitting and approached the intersection. Ikky skewered him from the side with the spear, making it pass from one part of his body to the other and leaving him with more than a meter of spear on each side.

The goblin didn't scream, only a cough and a mouthful of blood came out of his body, the trajectory of the spear had pierced a lung and several internal organs.

Just when the first one couldn't turn around or chase him, Ikky ran under the spear, and with the axe ready, he headed towards the other enemy.

It is understandable that he was alerted by the noise and the moans of his companion, but with his loincloth around his ankles, his ass in the air and his turd half-removed, he only managed to stumble out only to have an axe stabbed into his forehead.

He finished off the first one from behind, cutting his neck with the knife. Luckily, it had not occurred to him to raise the alarm. Ikky figured that with the pain of a spear piercing his body, he had better things to think about. He was a goblin, not a disciplined soldier. Ikky bet and won; this was a realistic game, and the numbness of pain was a factor to be taken into account even for the player himself.

He searched between the bodies of the two goblins for a stone club or mace, and what looked like a spear, although for Ikky's size it was more like a pointed stick. He hid the corpses along with the dwarf's at the back of the cave and since he had no use for so many weapons, he left them there at the exit.

A strange thought crossed Ikky's mind. Hadn't the goblins been surprised by the disappearance of the luminescent mushrooms?

The answer came with the sound coming from the tunnel; the voices of at least three goblins could be heard, and yes, indeed, they had discovered the trail of the first dead person.

Ikky stayed at the edge of the light coming from the corridor, but if they really saw in the darkness or had a light source, this wouldn't be of much help. He backed up a little further; the tunnel barely allowed him to pass with his shield in front and his spear ready.

Something must have alerted them, perhaps Ikky made a noise, or they saw him hidden in the shadows. He couldn't know, but the truth is that it didn't take long for him to feel their gaze on him, their weapons ready, and a certain aggressive attitude. They were not mindless beasts, so while two of them stayed in front, the other ran through the illuminated tunnel to call for reinforcements.

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