Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 71 – SpaceGodzilla and going home

As soon as I get back down to Hollow Earth, I sit on my throne and start devouring all the Titans I've been keeping in my storage and gain all their abilities.

I then devour the Mechas and gain the knowledge on how they were made.

It doesn't take long for me to figure out that if those idiots at Apex had combined a few of the features of these three Mechas into one, it would've been a much more formidable enemy than any of them actually were.

'Alright then, all done. Now I just wait for... that.'

I suddenly notice something racing past the moon on a direct approach to earth.

'I'm going to have to work on that. It got way too close before I could sense it.'

I stand up and make my way to the tunnel that leads to South America.

Apparently Godzilla has noticed it too as he's already on his way there.

I exit right in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest, about three hundred kilometers west of Manaus, Brazil in the Jaú National Park.

As I look up into the sky, I can already see a large bundle of white-blueish crystals entering the atmosphere.

It appears to be headed towards a more inhabited part of Brazil in the south-east.

'Oh come on man, not Rio. Why do we always have to have these fights in a major city? Why can it never just be the middle of the Sahara, or right here in the Amazon?'

I get down on all fours and make my way to Rio as the crystal asteroid slows down before it starts hovering about fifty meters above the ground.

Godzilla is the one who arrives first as he gets out of the ocean and starts walking towards the crystal.

I'm getting close. With one last jump I get there, landing in Tijuca National Park, right next to the statue of Christ the Redeemer.

I walk down into the city as I notice Godzilla is approaching the crystals as if he were enchanted by it.

"Godzilla stop!"

He doesn't listen to me as he reaches out his hand towards it.

The moment he touches it, the crystals start to liquefy and spread across Godzilla's body.

Once Godzilla has been covered completely, the crystalline substance hardens again into a single large crystal.


After only a few seconds a small yellow light shines inside the crystal as it starts to show cracks on its surface.

The pressure inside rises as the cracks get bigger, until...


The crystal explodes, leveling at least half the city, and launching me backwards through Corcovado mountain.

I stand up and look at all the damage. 'Millions of people, just like that... gone.'

In the epicenter of the explosion, I see dozens of large crystals spread out surrounding Godzilla.

He has changed. There are now two large crystals imbedded in his shoulders, there's a crest on his forehead, his abdomen is red and his dorsal plates on his back have all turned into crystals. His arms are longer and more muscular and his tail is also longer and now has crystal spikes on its end.

SpaceZilla locks his eyes on me and raises his arms, immediately almost half the crystals surrounding him rise into the air.

He balls his fists as the crystals start to condense and take the shape of crystalline spears.

I start running towards him on all fours as he launches them towards me one by one in rapid succession.

I evade them skillfully as I run through any opening I see through his seemingly never ending barrage.

I keep getting closer until the crest on his forehead shines yellow and immediately, without further warning, a large stream of yellow-gold energy launches from his mouth.

He misses by a long shot. He's not even close, which got me curious. Trying to see what he's firing at, I turn my head towards the energy beam and immediately it hits me in my face, knocking me to the ground.

I get up and shake my head. 'He can control his energy attack as it moves through the air. Kind of like Darkseid's Omega beams. I'll call it a Void Beam, 'cause the crystal's from space.'

I start running towards him again as his crest immediately lights up again.

This time, I don't even look. I simply use my senses to anticipate where it strikes and avoid it at the last second.

Continuing forward, I'm almost in reach when I phase into my werewolf form and prepare to swipe my claws at him.

I reach about fifty meters in front of SpaceZilla when I'm stopped in my tracks by an invisible, crystal wall that knocks me backwards.

I stand up while I channel aura into my claws. As they shine bright blue, I swing them across the shield, shattering it.

The destruction of his shield staggers him as he takes a few steps back.

I don't waste time and rush forward immediately.

SpaceZilla, makes a pushing motion with his arms as an invisible force stops me in my tracks.

I push back, overpowering his telekinetic abilities.


I finally get within arm's reach and slash my claws towards the crystal on his right shoulder, shattering it to pieces and apparently causing a lot of pain.

SpaceZilla suddenly starts levitating as he takes some distance.

He lands a few hundred meters away from me and starts firing a continuous barrage of Void Beams arching towards me from different angles.

I close my eyes and focus on my other senses as I start evading them while running towards SpaceZilla.

While I run and evade, I start charging the combined energies of Godzilla and Mothra to create a Thermonuclear beam. I charge an enormous amount and redirect some towards my eyes.

I open my mouth and my eyes at the same time, firing three insanely powerful Thermonuclear Beams simultaneously.

They hit SpaceZilla's shield and shatter it immediately. As they hit SpaceZilla in his abdomen, it causes a large explosion.

The dust fades, revealing SpaceZilla still standing with three large, gaping holes in his chest and abdomen.

The holes are already closing as SpaceZilla's regenerative ability has kicked in.

I close the distance between us with a few more steps and kick him on the chin, launching him back into Guanabara Bay.

I jump into the water as well and sink my fangs into SpaceZilla.

I focus on the space crystal and devour it, hoping it might save Godzilla.

Slowly, the crystals disappear from his body as his usual features return.

As Godzilla is unconscious, I decide to take him down to Hollow Earth.

I swim into the Atlantic, dragging Godzilla along. I reach the nearest Hollow Earth tunnel and enter.

Once I get down to Hollow Earth, I carry Godzilla to the palace, where I put the axe in the ground.

As the throne room fills with the Titan energy, Godzilla slowly opens his eyes.

"Welcome back. How do you feel?" I say as Godzilla looks around.

"I could not control. Thank you."

"For what?"

"You did not kill."


A few weeks later, I'm preparing to return to Alice. But first I've decided to give the humans a gift.

I spread my aura across the planet and heal the sick and injured, disintegrate all the trash in the oceans, terraform a large part of the Sahara into a forest and refreeze the polar caps.

Over the last week I've gathered all Titans down in Hollow Earth and invited them to come with me, while I 'gently' convinced the ones who will stay to not hurt the humans.

All the Kongs, Baragon, the Spirit Tigers, Godzilla, Nagoraiar, Tyrantasaur, Sizemosaurus, Mothra and Rodan all wanted to come.

I had to give them all the ability to manipulate their size, otherwise it would have become very unpractical to take them to Danmachi.

I imbue my claws with all my aura and create a portal back home, I immediately step through, followed by ten meter tall gorillas, tigers, lizards, dinosaurs, a lava bird and a butterfly.

'Wonder what Alice will say about this.'

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