Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 70 – Destroying Mechas and killing weeds

Godzilla, King Kong and I are standing side by side, ready to take on the Mechas.

I hold the axe in front of Godzilla and without hesitation he immediately charges his atomic breath and launches it at the blade.

Once it is charged, I hand it to King Kong. "I'll take the Mecha-Fenrir, you two take the others."

I immediately get down on all fours as I run towards the Zoid. I zigzag between skyscrapers, making it hard for the machine to get a lock on me. When I'm within half a kilometer, it launches about two dozen rockets from its shoulders.

I immediately notice they're not very precise. They're only aimed at my general location.


As they fly overhead, one by one, they explode into large clusters of small bombs that explode all around me.

Continuing unfazed, I charge straight at the machine.

As I get close, I jump and while in mid-air I change back to my werewolf form and use my speed to drag my claws across its shoulder, cutting off one of its legs.

As I run past it, it tries to latch on to me with its fangs but misses.

I put my arm under its belly, lift it up and slam it down on its back.

It aims its mouth at my face as it's charging a red energy beam, exactly like Mechagodzilla's Proton Scream.

I decide to charge my own as I exhale large amounts of black gas. It slowly increases in intensity until it ignites and turns into a flamethrower.

I continue to increase the intensity as it turns into a large but weaker energy beam that interlocks with Mecha-Fenrir's Proton Scream. It finally turns into a powerful, small, purple, almost laser-like Thermonuclear Breath that completely overwhelms the machine and drills a hole through its head.

Done turning Mecha-Fenrir into scrap metal, I focus my attention on the other two Mechas.

Mecha-King Ghidorah is flying through the air as he keeps firing two gravity beams from the organic left and right heads, while firing laser beams from the robotic central head.

It keeps firing at Kong who keeps evading by jumping around between the skyscrapers.

I run up the side of Victoria Peak, and as I'm higher than the three headed machine, I jump at it.

While I'm in mid-air, Kong throws the axe at the machine. It evades but as the axe keeps flying at me, I catch it, raise it over my head and as I come close to the machine, I slam it down into its back.

As we're both tumbling to the ground, I land with my feet on the ground with Mecha Ghidorah face first on the ground, sprawled out in front of me.

I put my foot on its back as it tries to get up. I grab its wings and tear them off.

I then wrap my fists around the two organic heads and crush their skulls as Kong slams his fists down on the mechanical head.

I take the axe from the machine's back and hand it to Kong. We then run off towards Godzilla as he's fighting his own mecha.

Mechagodzilla keeps charging its hands with energy as it punches Godzilla in his gills again and again. It's overwhelming him as it uses missiles as distractions.

Godzilla being pissed off, starts charging his atomic breath. The moment he launches it, Mechagodzilla launches its own Proton Scream. As the two attacks meet in the middle, the Proton Scream overpowers Godzilla and launches him backwards into a building.

At this point Kong has climbed up a skyscraper as I run at Mechagodzilla from its side.

It notices me and turns in my direction. It then charges its right hand with energy and tries to punch me.

I lower my body, avoiding its punch and as I slam into the machine with my shoulder, I lift it up and slam it down hard.

Kong jumps off the building with the axe raised in the air.

Godzilla, noticing the axe isn't charged anymore fires an atomic breath at its blade.

Kong slams the charged up axe down on Mechagodzilla's neck, decapitating it.

After the battle Godzilla leaves into the ocean and Kong goes back down to Hollow Earth, while I start pretending to eat the giant robots while putting them in my storage space.

Once I'm done with that, I enter the Apex facility that's built inside Victoria Peak.

I smell around for a second and immediately locate all the Skullcrawler embryos.

I devour them along with the machines they were kept in. Which is when something interesting happens.

The moment I devoured the machines, while I don't get the ability to turn into it, I do learn everything about it. How it was made, what it was made of and its possible applications.

'That will definitely come in handy when I visit sci-fi worlds.

Guess I should also actually devour the Mecha Titans.'

On my way out of the facility I see something odd. The Mechas destroyed a wall during their escape, there's a sign saying 'Organics lab 1'. Inside I see a large rose on top of a pile of slithering vines.

The rose has a mouth in its center and it's eating barrels filled with some kind of yellow glowing liquid. The barrels are labeled 'Hazardous waste: acidic'.

'That's Biollante, the nearly unkillable plant kaiju. Aside from having the greatest regenerative ability of all Titans, when she senses her life is in danger, she can turn her entire body into energy spores and reassemble elsewhere. It's an insanely effective defense mechanism.

She hasn't noticed me yet. If I just jump her and defeat her immediately, she won't have a chance to fight back.'

I approach her at an insane speed, too quick to react to. I cut off all her vines with my claws and rip off the flower.

I look at it and notice it no longer has a mouth. I then look back at the pile of vines as it all regenerates. Her head is no longer a flower, instead it looks crocodilian. The vines' endings turn into mouths with sharp teeth.

She immediately tries to wrap them around me while I keep cutting them off.

Getting nowhere with this, I imbue my claws with my aura causing them to shine bright blue. Now, as I cut the vines, they can no longer regenerate.

I keep cutting them as I get closer to her head. When I get too close for her liking, she rears her head back and launches it forward, projectile vomiting large amounts of acid all over me.

'Ooh, it's like being stung by dozens of mosquitoes. Actually pretty impressive.' I think to myself as I cut through the last few vines.

Biollante runs out of acid right as I'm standing in front of her. Now defenseless, she tries to bite me in one last, desperate attempt to cling to her life.

I dig my claws deep into her head, killing her.

'I've already devoured an entire planet covered in almost a billion Ghidorah dragons, I'm pretty sure I no longer fall unconscious from one measly little Titan. And even if I do, I can hold on long enough to get somewhere away from the humans.'

Deciding to go ahead with it, I dig my fangs into her head as I devour Biollante.

As nothing happens I leave the facility and make my way to the hole Nagoraiar made, leading down to Hollow Earth.

'Humans are now capable of making Mechanical Titans. Now if only Ghidorah's weapon could hurry up and show itself then I can go back to Alice.'


At that same time, on the edge of the solar system, a large bundle of crystals about three hundred meters across, slams through some asteroids in the Kuiper belt and races past Neptune as it's heading straight for earth.

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