Welcome to the Multiverse Group Chat!!!

Chapter 189 ~ E-Rantel

The Fortress City of E-Rantel stood at the intersection of three borders – those of the Slane Theocracy, the Baharuth Empire, and the Re-Estize Kingdom. 


It was named so because it was defended with three layers of walls, and the districts enclosed by each concentric circle of walls were distinctly different from each other. 


The outermost district was sometimes used to billet the troops from the Royal Army, and was thus fully furnished with barracks and various military facilities. 


The innermost district was the administrative area of the city. It was also the district that contained storehouses for combat rations and was thus heavily guarded. 


Between these two areas was the residential district, where the people of E-Rantel made their homes. The place that best fitted the image that came to mind when one thought of a city. 


There were several plazas within this area of E-Rantel, and the largest was called the Center Plaza. It was filled with stalls selling a variety of commercial products – from meats, vegetables, and spices, to small nick nacks and daily necessities. 


Amidst the crowds, the stall-owners energetically shouted their sales pitches to the people walking by, while the older women haggled with merchants as they looked for fresh food. 


One young man, drawn by the fragrant scents, purchased a skewer of roasted meat which oozed warm juices. 


The rowdy, energetic atmosphere of the place was dizzying, yet at the same time, exciting, and it would’ve lasted until the sun went down. 


However, everything went silent as a group of figures emerged from a five-story building nearby. 


One was a stunning brown-skinned beauty with glossy, crimson-red hair tied into two braids that rested over her shoulders. She wore a sleeveless, leather vest with white fur linings and a fitted, jet-black crop-top innerwear that stopped right beneath her sizable breasts, showing off the soft-looking, yet clearly athletic and trained waist. 


Underneath, she wore tight leather hot pants with white fur linings, accentuating her wide hips and round butts, while showing off her thick, chocolate thighs and long slender legs. 


She sported a friendly, welcoming smile, and with such a seductive, womanly figure, many men, young and old, had been entranced by her. However, all of them quickly snapped out of their fantasy the moment they noticed the imposing black and silver scepter slung across her back. 


With just a single glance, anyone could see the weight and heft the weapon she was casually carrying on her back. And they could immediately tell that she was no ordinary girl with a beautiful face. 


Walking by her side was a seemingly regular man, tall but otherwise unremarkable. He wore a jet-black wizard’s robe that seemed quite expensive, given the golden embroidery along its edges. 


The hood of the robe hid his face, and no one could see beneath it. However, despite everything, he still exuded an elegance no commoner could possess. His gait, his posture, and the aloofness he seemed to emanate screamed nobility, and in addition to his expensive outfit, he held a golden scepter with a crimson-red crystal at the top as well, further proving his noble background. 


The pair of man and woman was by no means a regular citizen or traveler. And normally, they would’ve drawn the most attention. However, what drew most of their attention was the other pair of man and woman walking in front of them. 


The woman dressed in a majestic white wizard’s robe with a crimson red inner layer and red flower embroidery was undoubtedly a beauty, most likely surpassing even the brown-skinned beauty. 


Even though they couldn’t see her face, which was hidden by a white and red fox’s (Kitsune) mask, they could infer her tremendous beauty from the slight glimpse they could see of the shape of her face. 


Her thick and lustrous pure white hair flowed down gracefully to her waist. And the way it shined so beautiful under the morning sun and created a halo around her head gave her the appearance of an angel. 


However, judging by the majestic aura she exuded and the obviously womanly figure that surpassed even that of the brown-skinned seductress, she gave off the impression of a Goddess of beauty and fertility rather than an angel.


Her appearance, despite not having revealed her visage, had attracted the attention of all the men in the central plaza. The merchants, who had been energetically shouting their sales pitch before, were now silent as they were taken aback by her appearance, while the young men had already fallen in love with her at first sight. 


They all looked at her in awed admiration, and longing. But soon, they were snapped out of their daze and noticed something… 


Their Goddess… She was walking closely to the man in majestic white and gold armor. 


Someone muttered: “Holy Dragon Knight”. 


Indeed, the man was donned in an intricately engraved white and gold suit of armor that fitted his tall, lean, and muscular body. A crimson, diamond-shaped gem was embedded at the center of his chest, and two other smaller similar gems were also embedded on his gauntlets. 


His helmet had the appearance that combined that of a paladin’s knight helmet and a white and gold dragon’s head. A pair of sharp golden horns curved up from the top, and a majestic white mane billowed out from behind his helm. His face was fully covered, aside from the pair of small, elongated diamond shaped openings for the eyes. 


Affixed on the back of the holy dragon knight was a large broad sword with a golden guard, a crimson pointed diamond at the pommel, and golden symbols at the center of either side of the swords that seemed to shine and emanate its own glow under the sun. 


With but a glance, it was apparent. These were no regular group of adventurers. They must be nothing short but a heroic party from the lands beyond…


And as the four figures vanished into the distance, all began whispering about what they’ve seen. 


None were afraid of their arms and armor. And that was because the building the four had just left was called the “Adventurer’s Guild”. It was a place that only monster-hunting professionals would visit, so it was hardly strange to find armed people going in and out of the establishment. 


And those with keen eyes and not distracted by their appearance would’ve noticed the copper plates hanging around their necks. But it was hardly anybody… 


The appearance of two kingdom-toppling beauties and a majestic, holy dragon knight were too much for anyone to notice the unimpressive bronze plate. 


Yuuji and Aika relaxed in one of the most luxurious, massive rooms in the most luxurious inn where only nobles and the wealthy could afford; the Shining Golden Pavilion. 


As a large and bustling city, in addition to having the Adventurer’s guild and many adventurers roaming its streets, E-Rantle had many inns with varying levels of quality. 


The city was located close to the borders between three nations, one of which the Kingdom had frequent conflicts with. It was not the safest city, despite its bustling atmosphere. Thus, most of its citizens were either commoners, adventurers, or low ranking nobles. 


Luxurious facilities were not as many as other cities closer to the royal capital. It was a fortress city meant to be a stronghold whenever a crisis were to happen between the three nations, and was thus created to fulfill that purpose and filled with military apparatus and facilities. 


Most of the inns were “liveable” in terms of quality. A few were considered high class, which only well-off merchants, low ranking nobles would visit, or established adventurers would visit. And there was only one which could be considered luxurious, that only nobles and the wealthy would visit. 


The quality of an inn was exponentially proportional to the price, and it was clearly apparent when one saw the price tag of one night in the Shining Golden Pavilion. 


That said, Yuuji still opted for the room in the Shining Golden Pavilion. 


Having come from a modern world, Yuuji and Aika both had a standard for cleanliness and comfort higher than regular commoners, even nobles, within this kingdom. 


And with money not being a problem, thanks to the enormous wealth he had gained from the group chat in addition to the money already coming in from the preliminary trades and investment he and Albedo had done in Re-Estize, he did not hesitate to book three rooms in the most luxurious inn of E-Rantel; the biggest and most luxurious for him and Aika, one for Momonga, and one for Lupu. 


Moreover, by being here, Yuuji and the others could also “meet” Shalltear, Sebas, and Solution naturally when they arrive. 


With their status as a powerful adventuring group, they would be able to help Shalltear and the others elevate their fame and thus, allowing them to create connections with the noble and rich easier. 


Having cast numerous barriers to protect against divinations and attacks, as well as an alarm to notify them when someone comes, Yuuji and Aika unequipped their adventuring gear. 


The adventuring gears they wore were some old equipment sets they no longer use, at least according to the setting the Group Chat had given them. They were all barely Relic class items, but it should suffice for being the equipment of a legendary group of Adamantite class adventurers. 


(A/N: This is the grade of item starting from the bottom: Low, Medium, High, Top, Legacy, Relic, Legendary, Divine, World.)


Sitting on the couch with a document in his hand and many more files on the coffee table before him, Yuuji was talking with Albedo through the ring he had given to her. 


Although he was out having an adventure, he still had to coordinate with Albedo at the very least once a day to alleviate some of Albedo’s workload and give her a direction forward. Though of course, they didn’t only talk about work. Sometimes, he would also ask her how she was doing.


He also did the same with Shalltear, both to make sure she was safe and to let her know that he cared. 


After all the time he had spent with them, Yuuji had grown fond of the two. So he would love to hear their voices once in a while. 


Meanwhile, Aika was relaxing on the couch with him, laying her head on his lap with the two slimes. 


Having finished her daily task of transforming a maid into a succubus, today being Solution, she had nothing else to do. 


So now, she was just playing with the slime and spending time with Yuuji, waiting for Momonga and Lupu to return. 


Right now, Momonga must’ve already shattered the woman’s potion to lead her to the top Alchemist in town, Lizzie Bareare, and get her grandson, Nfirea Bareare, to contact them. 


By doing this, they would “naturally” be acquainted with two talented Alchemists and the man with the talent of wearing all magic items without restriction, the Sword of Darkness adventuring party, and the plot that would raise their reputation straight into the sky. 


Of course, contacting the alchemists directly would be an easier and less convoluted method to establish a relationship. But, doing so would make the Bareare family feel suspicious of them. 


After all, who would trust a group of people coming to their doorstep and giving them a blood-red potion that had only been heard of in legends? 


No, it would be better for them if they were to meet through this complicated string of coincidences. 


That way, not only would they seem like figures of unfathomable background that could give away such legendary potions easily to the alchemists, but the Bareare would be the one seeking them first. They would be the one seeking connection with Yuuji and the others, not the other way around. 


This would make it easier for Yuuji to recruit the alchemists later on. 


Moreover, if even the party’s magic caster could lift up a fully adult male and throw him like a ragdoll, they’d be able to avoid the small fries trying to take advantage of them because of their copper plate or leer at Aika and Lupu. 


After all, if some trash did leer at her or Lupu… Her hubby might just bury them in the ground~!


And that wouldn’t be good if they’re trying to build up a reputation, won’t it~?




“Hm…? What’s wrong, Aika?”


Aika beamed a smile at her hubby as he looked down. Even his confused expression was cute.


“It’s nothing~ By the way, are you done talking with Albedo~?”

“Yes, I just finished. I’m sorry for ignoring you. It took longer than expected.”

Yuuji stroke her head softly as she nuzzled to his touch. Alice and Aria were resting on her chest, so she couldn’t move, but she could still bury her face in her hubby’s stomach.


“It’s fine. What did you talk about?”


“Well… We were talking about work at first. But she began asking me about how we have been doing, and if… I will be returning for a bit.”


“Ara~ Fufufu~ Hubby, you know what that means, don’t you~?”


Her eyes narrowed as her lips curled into an amused, excited smile. And Yuuji simply smiled helplessly.


“I do, thanks to you.”


“Great~ Then, go have dinner with her tonight~! Leave Satoru-san and Lupu to me~ Oh, but remember to return here to check for the quality of the bed with me~!”

“I will.”


Yuuji lowered his head and pecked his beloved on the forehead. 


He then messaged Albedo once again and told her that he will return to Nazarick for a few while around dinner time, before returning here a few hours after. 


And from her voice alone, he could hear her excitement from the news. 


‘Hah… At this point, maybe I should just go and embrace it…’


With his own tendency to fall in love too easily, women being naturally attracted to him, and Aika’s constant encouragement for him to build a harem, perhaps it was impossible for him to not create a harem in the first place. 


So instead of hurting the women around him and torturing himself by staying away from the women he clearly held feelings for… perhaps it’d be better if he were to be more honest with how he felt about them.


Of course, he wouldn’t go around seducing girls left and right. 


But, if they shared the same feelings… he won’t hesitate to pursue them anymore. 


“Thank you, Aika. I love you.”


“Fufu~ You’re welcome hubby~ I love you too~”







AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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