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Chapter 188 ~ First of Many

The 41 homunculus maids of Nazarick were responsible for the various minor miscellaneous jobs, especially the cleaning of the 9th and 10th floor of Nazarick. 


They have never set foot beyond the 9th and 10th floors of Nazarick, and were thus ignorant of what lies beyond. But when it comes to the floors they were assigned to, the 41 maids knew every nook and cranny of every single room and corner of the floors. 


For it was their duty to clean them spotless for the sake of the Supreme Beings and Nazarick. 


They were especially focused on making sure the rooms of the Supreme Beings and the Throne Room, the most magnificent, majestic, and honored place in the entirety of Nazarick, were perfect, and spent most of their time making sure of it.


But even so… Cixous had never been in this position while being in the Throne Room in their entire life. 


The beautiful, golden-haired maid knelt down on the crimson-red carpet, clasping her hands nervously on her lap, as she looked up towards the four remaining Supreme Beings of Nazarick. 


This was the most nervous she had ever been.


Momonga had told her to rise from her kneeling position before. But Cixous did her best to refuse, telling him that she preferred kneeling in respect to the throne and the Supreme Beings.


Though, that was only half of the truth. 


The other half was because she could barely hold her legs from shaking so much.


The maids have visited the throne room numerous times. But this would be her first time having an audience with the Supreme Beings herself. 


To make it worse… She was the center of attention. 


Sebas, Pestonya, and all of the Pleiades, her superiors, were all standing to the side. While she kneeled at the center as the subject of focus of all the four supreme beings, especially the Overlord of Death and leader of the Supreme Beings, Momonga.


He had been scrutinizing her for quite a while, gazing deep into their very souls, and she couldn’t help but feel like an open book. 


To have such an immense and overwhelming, yet majestic, presence… Momonga was even more amazing than she expected. 




Momonga muttered under his breath. But his word was heard by everyone within the throne room as they shifted their widened gazes from the newly transformed homunculus maids to the supreme being of death. 


“Huhu… Kuhuhuhu… Kuhahahaha!!”


Suddenly, Momonga’s laughter boomed throughout the expansive Throne Room. 


The automatic emotion suppression feature, which was the side effect of the undead immunity to “mind-affecting effects” activated just as quickly as his emotions flared in excitement. 


But even then, with his excitement suppressed, the crimson pyre that were his eyes still flared brightly, showing his heightened state of exhilaration. 


“Aika-san… This is amazing! Your spell, it did not replace their race. It complemented their race and increased their level!!”


Aika beamed in excitement, while Yuuji and Lelouch widened their eyes in surprise. 


But Sebas, Pestonya, the Pleiades, as well as the new succubus maid all widened their eyes in shock. 


An increase in level… Even with their meager understanding of the languages and words of knowledge beyond their imagination of the Supreme Beings, they could more or less inferred what it meant. 


And from Momonga’s words, they realized that the four maids had not only become succubi, but they’ve also become much stronger than ever fundamentally, with a single spell bestowed by Aika. 


Such a thing… They almost could not believe it at first. And Momonga was similarly in disbelief. 


But the window containing all the details of the four maids before him that he could see thanks to his Geass could not be refuted. 


On it, he could clearly see “Imp (10)” and “Succubus (10)”, effectively their level by 20. And their “Homunculus (1)” was still present!


This meant… It was a free increase of 20 levels for just 1 day of cooldown!


What a stupidly broken spell…! No, this goes beyond broken, even for a Super Tier spell! And without cost except for mana?! It was no wonder Aika’s class didn’t exist in Yggdrasil. The entire game forum would riot if it did. 


“Fufu~ That’s great~! Then, we’ll proceed as plan, right~?”


“Yes. I will be counting on you.”


It was a no brainer. Momonga didn’t even hesitate to give her the go. After all, an instant 20 level increase, in addition to granting a completely new race with its benefits without replacing their original race was ridiculous. There was no need to hesitate. 


“Alrighty~! Now then…”


Aika cheered, before shifting her gaze from Momonga on the obsidian throne to one of the Pleiades standing at the sides. 




All eyes turned towards her, and the cheeky, brown-skinned beauty widened her eyes in shock as Aika slowly descended the stairs and stood before her. 


Aika lifted up her hand and placed it on her cheek, caressing it ever so softly, as if to tease the unimaginable pleasure she would feel if Aika were to truly touch her. 


Lupusregina Beta was known for her bright and outgoing personality, which made her extremely sociable and friendly towards everyone, including the humans outside of Nazarick. She also enjoyed teasing others, including the 41 homunculus maids, and making lewd jokes on occasion. 


However, this was only a mask meant to conceal her brutal and cunning personality. And the only ones who knew the truth were her Pleiades sisters, Pestonya, the Floor Guardians, and the Supreme Beings who created her. 


But that was why Lupu's current state was as shocking as it could be…


Her face blushed crimson. Her eyes watery. And her breathings have become ragged. 


She had been standing primly with her hands clasped slightly below her stomach area, right above her womb. As a maid of the Supreme Beings, she was fully capable of acting accordingly like a perfect lady. 


But now… her stance seemed to be a bit forced. In fact, it was now quite apparent that under her long, dark skirt, she was clasping her thighs together as she put her hands right above her crotch – attempting to hide the fact she was beginning to wet her undergarments. 


Her eyes and demeanor immediately turned from a perfectly elegant lady, to a demure, innocent, young girl trying to hold herself back from a strange, heated sensation she was feeling. 


Simply by being before the Supreme Being who embodied the very concept of beauty, love, and lust, and touched by her slightly while being in her aura, she had already turned her into such a mess. And it was the first time her sisters and Cixous had ever seen her in such a manner. 


“Fufu~ Lupu.”


“Y-Yes, Aika-sama.”


“Would you like… to join us in our little adventure?”


Lupu’s expression of arousal became slightly confused as she raised her bowed head up towards Aika.


The rest of the Pleiades, Sebas, Pestonya, and Cixous were similarly confused and also looked at Aika. 


“Please forgive my ignorance. B-But… w-what do you mean, Aika-sama…?


“Fufu~ You see, Momonga, Yuuji, and I plan on becoming adventurers and form an adventuring party for a plan of ours~ And, considering our line-up, we think it would be perfect if you join us as our cleric~ What do you think~?”


Her eyes quickly widened, and a different kind of excitement immediately filled her eyes.


While she loved her home, she also couldn’t deny her interest in the world outside of it. Just thinking about the myriad of toys she could find and play with while also serving and be in the presence of not one, but three Supreme Beings, was a dream come true!


“O-Of course! It would be my pleasure! I will do my best to be anything you wish and fulfill my duties, even if it's becoming a meat shield!”


“Ara~ Fufufu~ You don’t need to do all that, my dear~ After all, hubby will be protecting us in the front lines~ You just need to assist him~! But I appreciate the thought.”

“Y-Yes! I will do my best!”

The Pleiades were true sisters in every meaning of the word. But even sisters would be envious of each other once in a while. And at this moment, Yuri Alpha, Narberal Gamma, CZ2128 Delta, Solution Epsilon, and Entoma Vasilissa Zeta couldn’t help but look at their sister with envy that they tried to hide with varying levels of success.


After all, Lupu would be able to serve and be with three supreme beings at once, including Yuuji!!! 


If the maids admired Aika first as the epitome of the female-kind, then they would admire Yuuji second. After all, as females themselves, who wouldn’t be interested in a man with such character, appearance, and strength, especially after seeing how affectionate and sweet he was to Aika. 


To be able to be so close to him for a long time… there was no way they wouldn’t envy Lupu. 


“Great~ Then, to help you fulfill your duties and protect yourself…”


A powerful gust of wind blew suddenly and began to whirl around Aika’s figure as magic emanated from her. 


Her restrained aura exploded as multiple magic circles manifested and alight, rotating in varying speeds around her. 


She clasped her hands, and a bright light shined from within, escaping from between the seams of her fingers. 


Then as she opened it, a pink crystal appeared. The same crystal that entered Cixous’s body and made her into a succubus. 


“Will you accept this?”


Lupusregina looked at the beautiful crystal in awe as she and the rest of the maids were assaulted by a tremendous sensation of pleasure from Aika’s aura. 


Only the Supreme Beings and Sebas, a level 100 martial monk with high elemental resistance and high resistance stats, was capable of resisting her aura. 


But despite this, through the fog of lust that was quickly filling her entire being, Lupu was able to retain her sanity and nodded to Aika’s question. 


Then, with a soft, beautiful smile, Aika let the seed of lust float towards Lupu, and entered her chest. 


The change was immediate and explosive, as Lupu’s aura burst powerfully and her body shining with brilliant light. 


And as the light dissipated… her figure was now visible. Her new figure. 


Her beautiful, brown skin had now become smoother and more supple. Her red hair had now turned deep crimson as it glowed with a beautiful gloss. She had grown slightly taller, and her breasts and hips had also protruded, accentuating the womanly assets of her athletic figure. 


Her golden eyes were now slitted, just like Aika and Cixous. And just like them, a pair of pure white horns curved out of the sides of her head. A pair of dark, bat-like wings emerged from her back, and a long, jet-black tail with a heart-shaped tip emerged from her tailbone as well. 


“So this is how it feels…”


Lupu muttered under her breath, unable to conceal her shock and awe of the transformation she had just experienced. 


Her appearance was one thing. But the strength she felt… and the myriad of spells now available to her, in addition to the ability to fly.


It was… mind blowing.  


Such strength… Now, she had gained a bit more confidence to be able to fulfill her duties and protect the Supreme Beings better. 


“Thank you very much, Aika-sama~!”


“Fufu~ You’re welcome~”


Lupu knelt down to her knees. But even without it, Aika could feel her gratefulness and loyalty through the bond they now shared. 


And Aika could not help but be excited as well. Her plan to have all the cute girls in this tomb in her and Yuuji’s bed was progressing very greatly. 


“Momonga, how is it?”


“Mm… She has also received the Imp and Succubus race levels without losing her werewolf race. Although it’s a bit less than what Cixous gained, it’s still amazing.”


“That’s great~ Then, I’ll be doing it to the rest of the Pleiades and the maids too~! Ah, and I’ll also be summoning my succubi to help guard the ninth and tenth floor~!”

Momonga nodded. 


“Yes. I will be counting on you, Aika.”


He raised up from his throne and took the golden, seven-headed snake scepter that had been floating to the side of his throne in his hand. 


“Now then. All that has to be done here is done. Everyone, you may return to your duties.”



Sebas, Pestonya, the Pleiades, and Cixous all bowed in acknowledgement to their master’s order. 


“Lupusregina, prepare for the journey outside of Nazarick. We shall depart in a few days.”


“Yes, Momonga-sama!”


“Good. That would be all.”










AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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