Chapter 243: The Neverending Greed
The coordinates sent by Diego lead the two allies up north on an uncharted island off the coast. The place was seemly abandoned without much activity. Arriving on the island, Alton was met by a destroyed statue half in the water holding a torch. He stared at it for a while, whispering. "I know this statue… It used to stand as a monument to freedom and peace. The Statue of Liberty… To think it's still here 400 years later."
Alice turned, eyeing the statue. "How do you know that?"
"While in prison, I was attacked by Acceptance; he tried drowning me in my sorrows, sending me back in time through his pocket dimension. I saw life before the collapse. I saw this world through the eyes of the legendary heroes."
Alice paused for a moment, continuing to stare at the sight as she whispered. "You saw Eve then?"
"I did—her brother, too, before they fell to the Garden's wrath. Eve believed in her brother to the very end. Even when I told her what happens in the future, she somehow knew and accepted the terms. That girl was brainwashed so much she'd die for his plan."
"I see… That's interesting to know." Alice muttered, thinking over the information. "We should get inside. Diego is waiting for us."
Descending into the broken statue's heart, the two found themselves standing at an elevator leading directly down. Alton's heart skipped a beat as the sight was all too familiar to him. The sight was a grim reminder of his time in the pocket dimension and his first meeting with the Blight Father. Nothing had ever quite put fear in his heart quite like him; not even his own father could do that. Pulling the bars open, both stepped inside as the elevator instantly went down without any interactions. Letting a long ice blade come out from his arm where he lost his arm Alton stared on whispering. "Keep your guard up Alice, anything could be waiting for us down here."
"Another one of the things you saw in the vision?"
"Indeed. The city had dozens of these hidden burrows deep under the surface. Back then, the original Syndicate family used it when they controlled the city. Now, I'm pretty sure V.I.R.A.L has taken over. Prepare yourself I sense the Garden…"
The elevator came to a halt as the bars creaked open. Flickers of light all rippled on as they were met with some kind of lab. Alice held her bow out, walking around. "This place, it has the same kind of vibe from my father's."
Watching Alice's back, she went to call out only for Alton to cover her mouth. "Best not to give our position away. We don't know the reason Diego sent out the SOS after all." Releasing her mistakes, she nodded as Alton moved his hand away. They continued down the lab's endless corridors coming across sealed off rooms with the same purple flowers and liquid oozing out. This would only confirm the worst for the two. "The CEOs were experimenting with the Garden… But why? Surely, they would understand everything about it? They were born from it."
"Do you think they actually intend on going to war against them? I mean, why would Mortem even think to fight its creators?"
"None of this is quite adding up, to be fair. We can explore this facility another time. Our priority is your sister." Alton warned, moving ahead. Walking around the corner, both stopped hearing loud noises coming from the room forward. Both nodded as Alice stepped back, readying her bow. Alton knocked the door down with a small clump of ice forming, ready for whatever was to come. He stepped back as Diego appeared slightly dazed. "Well, look who it fucking is. So, you really weren't pulling our leg, Diego?"
Diego held his hands up, stepping out. "Whoa, whoa. Easy, I'm glad someone answered my distress signal. Didn't expect it to be the two Children of the Garden. Is it safe to be here, you know, with all the Garden shit?"
"Enough small talk Diego. Where is my sister!"
"She's safe, she's safe. I kept her in one of the holding cells while I looked around for a way to call an SOS. The shit down here is just wrong."
"What do you mean?" Alton pressed.
"First, my sister."
Diego gave the nod holding his arm out. "Right, right. This way."
Following Diego, they passed through more disturbing scenes. Alice gripped her bow, still not all trusting of him. "Where have you been for two years, Diego? After V.I.R.A.L took control from the Syndicate family, you vanished."
"Well, I wouldn't say vanished. I laid low for a while until it all blew over; you guys really kicked the bucket that day."
"None of us could have known what would happen… How did you find this place?" Alton questioned.
"I've been scouting the place out for a while. I discovered it just after the first Syndicate attack. While you were all out fighting dead echoes and your father, I was looking into the real threat. The CEOs not recently packed up shop here. It seems whatever they were working on was a success. Breaking in, it wasn't long before I found Iris."
"I swear if they have hurt her in any way."
Diego stopped unlocking a set of doors as they opened up to see Iris resting on the floor. Alice rushed into her sister's aid, checking her pulse. Tears fiddled out as she hugged her oldest friendly close. "She's alive. My God, she's alive!"
"Then let's go. We shouldn't be here."
Diego closed the door on Alice, making Alton turn on him. "Easy, Alton, easy. I didn't just send out the distress signal for help. I could have easily gotten Iris out. There's something you need to see. It's important. I'll let Alice out once you've seen it."
"I swear to God Diego if this is a trap."
Diego turned around, looking somewhat troubled. "Trust me, you need to see this…" Having no choice, Alton followed Diego as they came into a larger open room. A few files were scattered around with the title Project Grief. "Those are important."
Alton opened them up, scanning them quickly. "The first subject has successfully taken hold of the Garden's power. Under the stage of Pain, the subject will be the first of many new tools of war to destroy the Garden… This was dated three years ago. Just after Zinnia left Team Rhapsody… Shit. Pain, Anxiety and Hope. These fuckers are planning on making a full army of stages of grief…"
"You've encountered them before?"
"I encountered a few: acceptance and Bargaining. I'm pretty sure Jinx made contact with Anger; Zinnia told me about the Montagues trials. They were controlled by Denial. The only one no one has seen is Depression. And now these sub-stages have appeared, the echo of pain attacked the prison… They used Percy as the host."
"Yes, that's what I believe anyway. It wasn't at its full power. Probably a test runs for the CEOs."
"I think you're right there. Come and take a look." Diego whispered, walking out into a large opening. Staring down over the railing, he sighed. "This is what made me send out the distress call."
Alton stared down; he flinched, biting his lip in anger. "Those monsters… Percy." Percy was down in the chamber below, covered in the Garden's clutches. Not even thinking twice Alton jumped down, landing into the chamber. Seeing Percy's body made him uneasy. He looked so full of life you would never have known he died. Standing there, he began to whisper. "Adam. You can hear me, correct?"
Bargaining appeared, folding his arms. "I'd prefer if you regarded me as Bargaining Child of the Garden. But yes, I've been watching since you've arrived here. What Mortem has been doing is most interesting."
"Tell me, you knew V.I.R.A.L was run by Mortem, correct? Why didn't you tell us?"
"Would you have believed me?" He returns with a smug look. "That's what I thought, although it is troubling to see what Mortem is doing down here. Creating its own sub-stages of grief is nothing but dangerous. Not even they can control them. Take your friend here, for instance. He is built upon the pain and guilt for losing. Once he rids of that pain for Team Rhapsody, he will more than certain turn on Mortem. Only the Garden can control the stages of grief."
"Do they know what is happening down here?"
"Most likely. This much power is sure to gain their attention. I'm here; after all, I wouldn't advice killing the new stages, though. Doing that will only give it back to the Garden, and I'm sure you don't want to be dealing with more stages at the moment. Of course, you could always take the stage for yourself, and our contract would be over. Remember, I still have control over Zinnia."
Alton stared at Percy's body, whispering. "Will it give me the power to defeat Mortem?"
"All most certainly. With your own power and the abilities of the stage of pain, you'd become unstoppable. Not even Mortem could stand against you, and of course, since you're a Child of the Garden, you'd be unaffected by their control. It's an absolute win in your case; you'd skip the Gardeners' test and become one of us."
Alton stared on, whispering. "But that would mean killing Percy again."
"Don't take this the wrong way, but you seemed quite content with killing him back at the prison. Even if I'm not there, I can read your memories like pages in a book. What Acceptance did was fantasising, to say the least. Percy is already dead, no? This is only letting him rest in peace. All be it; you're doing him a favour. Take the stage and save your friends. That's what the Phantom Survivor would do, no?"
Alton opened his free hand as a storm began brewing. "What I do isn't for your own twisted games Adam. I've seen your past, the efforts you took to win, and it disgusts me. Plotting and planning. Sacrificing your own blood to win. It's clear we are nothing alike; I'd much rather take it all. The Garden is nothing but a tool for me to abuse for my own goal. I have people I wish to keep safe, a world I call home. You, Mortem and the Garden stand in my way, so I'll take this power and then the next. I'll take each and every last stage and use it as I see fit. That is how I'll win."
Bargaining smile vanishing. "Then I, too, have won myself."
Holding his hand over Percy, he was ready to end the suffering and take it for himself. Nothing else mattered at that moment. He was willing to sacrifice it all for this. A sinister grin crept across Alton as his plan was moving into motion. That was until Percy's eyes snapped open. Alton's heart sunk as feathers flew around. A single giant sword snapped from them, sending Alton flying back. Stabbing him through his shoulder, he winced in pain, being held in place. Percy ascended from his tomb, staring at Alton with hate in his eyes. "Alton Brantley, you've come to steal what isn't yours. Do you not feel any guilt for trying to kill your friend once more?"
"Percy… Percy is already dead; I'm simply letting him rest."
Percy held his arm out as a crow landed resting. Soon it morphed into a sword as dozen more appeared. "So, tell me then, Phantom Survivor, do you have any last words before I take that title from you?"
Alton gripped onto the sword struggling as his eyes were locked with Percy's. He closed his eyes, letting his body burst into flames. Percy didn't react, simply watching this happen as the blade melted away, freeing Alton. Falling back into the pit, a gigantic ice pillar rose from the deep halting Alton up above Percy's level. "I have nothing to say to the likes of you, Pain. I will take your power and use it to my ever will."
"Is that so? While my pain and guilt rest with you, Alton, others have wronged me too. Others still cause me pain and feel guilt over my death. My reach knows no bounds. All will share this pain with me." Percy marks holding his arms out as his body begins lashing around with serval after images appearing screaming out. Holding his head, he let out a roar of pain before dozens of copies seemed all around. Alton turned to each one carrying his breath. "My crusade for justice has begun, and you, Alton Brantley, have given me the push I need. So many people such little time. I see it only fit the leader is last to take the punishment. First… I'll start with the one who wronged me first. I'll start with him."
Alton flicked his hand a bolt of ice ripped forward. A clone stepped in front, taking the hit fizzling away into purple flower petals. Gritting his teeth, Percy vanished alongside his clones, leaving Alton and Diego alone. "Shit…"
"What the hell was that? You tried killing him." Diego judged.
Alton stopped his power stepping back onto the platform. "So what? There's nothing to save Percy is dead."
"I'm not one to judge, but what did he mean the first one to wrong him?"
Alton stared on, thinking as he held a chunk of Percy's sword in his hand. "Who else? The one who betrayed everything he stood for. He's going after Marcus Culling, his childhood hero and former number one streamer Vanguard."