Chapter 242: The Man Behind the Curtain

The V.I.R.A.L HQ had quickly ceased production after the attack from Syndicate. Instead, the CEOs had moved the operation to an unknown facility far away from the eyes of the public as they kept their façade of running V.I.R.A.L. Meanwhile, their true intentions and plans were on full display as they began plotting the final step into their plan.


The door cracked open as Kurt stood idly, looking into the darkened room. Strolling in, he peered over the edge, looking down on the serval floors seeing the chamber where Percy's body was kept. Time went by before Kurt seemly started talking to himself. "The test run went off without any issues. The stage was able to hold his own against two Children of the Garden as well as that. Alton was able to escape as you ordered."

Vitae strutted in, giving a small round of applause. "Very well-done Kurt, it seems your plan was worth investing into after all. At first, we doubted your intentions. The legendary hero of old just decides to give up and join our ranks. You can't help but question an alternative motive. But you have proved time and time again you are Mortem."

"Stop praising the weakling Vitae. He doesn't deserve it." Morto mumbled, standing idly by on the other side of the room. "May I remind you he's the exact reason we're here in the first place."

Vitae shrugged her shoulders, leaning against Kurt. "And that's not a good thing? We're free from the Garden, and no, we have everything we want. Money, power, control. Nothing can touch us."

"Get off me," Kurt demanded in a low tone making even Vitae slightly startled as she stepped away. "All of this isn't worth anything if you cannot keep it or the people safe. Or are we forgetting the Garden is knocking on our door?"

Vitae shook her head with a smug look. "It's nothing we can't handle, especially with your new toy. You need to loosen up Kurt, even if we share the same entity, we all have free will. You don't need to spend your whole life all tense and hellbent on victory."

"Need I remind you we already lost one of the hosts back when the Garden first showed it's ugly head. Hade was lost to the storm quite easily without a trace. That didn't even take into count a Stage of Grief. Whether you like it or not, at our current level, the Garden would obliterate us like it was sport."

"That's enough, both of you," Morto ordered. "We are all equal here even if our ranks say otherwise. Mortem chose up to carry out its will. Regardless of motives or past mistakes, we cannot fail. Only four of us remain with Emil under our grasp, with plenty more who can replace him. But we do not have time for any more setbacks."

"You're absolutely right, Morto. You saw the Garden's whisper first hand on that mission. You understand more than anyone what they are capable of right now. Therefore, it's time to stop stalling and release him."

Kurt turned, leaning against the bars. "He's still not quite ready. Parts of Percy still remain, it's not much, but it could lead to something unexpected."

"You think Percy could regain control?"

"Doubtful. He's dead, after all. The Percy still clinging on is just a memory that could actually work in our favour. The more he remembers, the more pain he can inflict. As long as we are all in agreement here, we can get to work."

"No objections here."

"None here either."

"Good. Then my guest can enter now."

Diego walked in, looking slightly out of touch, rubbing the back of his head. The CEOs faced him as he wandered in before seeing the Garden chamber with Percy's body inside. "What the actual fuck is this…"

"Diego Jolts, you have been chosen as you have shown in the past commitment to our cause and loyalty. Therefore, we want to put you to a task one only you can commit to."

Diego stared at Percy shaking his head. "You've really fucked this one up now… God damn it. I'm not even going to ask what you're doing here if Alton finds out."

"He is already well aware of what we are doing here."

"Then lady, you have just fucked yourself. Start writing your will now because he won't stop until all of you are dead."

"Are you doubting our plan, Diego?"

Diego turned around, looking troubled. "Hardly. More on the lines of your methods. The others may not see it, but we need V.I.R.A.L and everyone else to band together if we want to defeat the Garden. If only those twats at Team Rhapsody and beyond could see that."

"They are only human. It's natural to make mistakes."

"And since you're not human, you're just perfect. You know all of this could have been avoided if you were more transparent about your motives. Perhaps Team Rhapsody and the Montagues would be willing to fight alongside you. Instead, you manipulate and control the masses against their will, using them as a weapon and steal not just one but two members from their ranks. What else were you expecting?"

"Hold your tongue, ape!" Vitae snapped.

Kurt held his hand out, sighing. "No, no. The kid has a point. You're not as dumb as you look, Diego; you're good at picking aside. Let's see if you can back up those smarts with ambition. Have you got her?"

"The little lady is here unharmed, might I add. I'm no fan of kidnapping, but I don't exactly get the luxury of questioning your plan." Diego admitted. "But tell me why to bring her here for?"

"You're going to send out a distress signal. Pretend you came here to rescue her and ask for help. The resistance will come running. After that, they'll try and release Percy, do what you want after that."

"That's it? Just put on a little show and dance routine and lure them here? And what the hell do you mean to do what you want after?"

Morto walked over, running her hand over the railing. "You don't have much use for us, Diego, in the long run. Your power is remarkable, but not something beneficial in comparison to the Garden. We don't need you after this, so instead of disposing of you, we will let you go."

"Hell, join the resistance if you want. We don't care. Once Percy is released, we've basically won anyway. He will be our eyes and ears across all of Victoria and will press down unrelenting judgment on all who oppose us. But that's all we need from you, Diego Jolts."

"Your motive is complete wack, but I'll play along. Thank you."


"You know for giving me a purpose. Thinking of me over others. V.I.R.A.L has been a huge help for me, so thanks for looking out for us."

Kurt scoffed, turning away, letting smoke fizzle from his hands. "Don't go thanking us, kid… We're the cause of this, after all."

Vitae glanced at Kurt with a judgemental look. "That is all. We shall take our leave and meet up with Emil in sector five. Good luck, Diego."


Alice and Alton had been making their escape for quite a while, taking serval breaks in the meantime. They had escaped Scarlett; for now, it seemed that they were unaware of the others' fates. Slouching down against a tree, Alice pulled out her tablet, plopping it down as a hologram appeared. Florence appeared on the other side, looking ecstatic to see Alice. "Holy shit, someone's alive! I couldn't get hold of anyone, which made me worried sick!"

Alton leaned into view, whispering. "Who's this?"

"Well, well. We meet at last Alton Brantley. It seems fate hasn't wanted us to meet until now. My name is Florence Truman. I run what's left of the Montague family from here. You'd probably be more acquainted with my brother."

"Eyes over Reality… Yeah, I've heard of you, Florence; you were the one who tried taking down the Montague family. Shame that didn't happen."

"Well, all things happen for a reason. It's good to see the mission wasn't a total disaster. What's the report?"

Alice took the lead feeding Florence information. "While ambushing the base, we were attacked by a copy of Percy Misharp. It appears the CEOs have created their very own stage of grief. We managed to hold him off but was stopped by our former ally Scarlett Syndicate. She blew the entire prison up. We're unsure if Jinx and the others made it out alive."

Florence remained silent for a while, taking in the information before giving a small response. "Understood. I guess you two will have to do."

"You sound anxious. What's happened? Are you safe?"

"Everything is fine here even if we are stretched quite thin here. The problem is we received a distress call from just outside Rhinefield…"

"A distress call? We get plenty of those these days. What's so special about it."

"I believe you want to answer this one, leader. It's from an old friend, Diego Jolts."

"Diego… We haven't heard anything from the bastard in two years. Is he in trouble?"

"He doesn't sound like it. But it's the reasoning he sent out the SOS. Alice… He's found your sister."

Alice stopped frozen, whispering. "Iris… She's alive?"

"He claimed to be rescuing her but has found something serious. The Garden levels in that area are off the chain."

Alton nodded. "This could be Percy."

"You think so?"

"Well, it's either that or another titan. Let's hope for the lesser possibility. Is there anyone else to back us up?"

"Unfortunately, no. We sent the mass force to the prison to save you. The others are spread out rescuing streamers."

Alice stomped her foot down. "We can't wait around for backup. My sister is in there! We need to save her!"

"Wait for a second, Alice…"

"No, she's in trouble. I can't sit around and wait!"

"I understand, Alice… You risked everything to save me; who would I be to abandon Iris at a time like this? We'll take the call Florence."

"Thank God. I'm sending you the coordinates now. Good luck, you two; come home safe."

Alice hung up, putting the tablet away as she clenched her fist, staring on. "I'm coming to bring you home, Iris!"

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