This S.O.B. System


Quinten woke up in the pile of pillows with the dawn. The Chieftess was on his right and Tillie the guard was on his left. They breathed slowly into his neck. A smile split his face at the scene. He had never dreamed that his flirting would work, let alone on 2 elves. But he shot his shot, and he was reaping the rewards. Not wanting to move he mentally went through his popups and gains. There were way more firsts than usual.

He had roleplayed, they were new people, and it was a threesome. He had sex with the queen twice before she passed out and Tillie 3 times before she did. All in all he got almost 1,600 experience from the two elves. He had also gotten 5-25 experience a kill the day before; netting him another 500 or so. He had finally leveled up. After putting his stats in he looked over his notifications. 

Experience Method Added

Different Species

There are a lot of species out in the universe, and half are female. Go out there and sow those oats.

Experience Methods













Take Virginity


New Person






On Film





Different Species


That's Mine



Now that’s interesting. He thought. He assumed this only applied to humanoids.



On reaching level 8


New Skill Acquired

By completing the requirements for the Roleplay skill. You have acquired a new skill.

New Skill:

Battleshout (LVL 5)


New Skill Acquired

By completing the requirements for the Roleplay skill. You have acquired a new skill.

New Skill:

Taunt (LVL 3)


He had been roleplaying as Quinten the Warrior for almost 24 hours now. At the start he had just wanted to bed the elf Chieftess, he hadn’t thought about skills at the time. But he was roleplaying, and it made sense. Originally he thought learning skills would only happen when he was videotaping the acts. He guessed that the fact there were 2 skills was because it was a threesome. 


Looking over the status screen he had received some level ups. Brawling was now at level 6. This was the first ability he had raised outside of sex, so it was good to know it could happen. He assumed it was from all the fighting he had done the day before. His Ahegao skill had also leveled up. It hadn’t been terribly long since he had gotten to level 4, but he guessed that the Chieftess’ reaction to cumming may have given him more experience than normal. 

Ahegao (Level 5)

Oftentimes they just need a little extra loving. This skill will ensure your partner is satisfied. And if they aren't it's your fault, not ours. Current pleasure increase - 40%.


Damn Tiffany will love this, he thought with a smile. 


Battleshout (Level 5)

A cry for blood and glory. This ability causes fear in your enemies and raises the spirits of your allies.


He had used this when he was Grug, the caveman. It was natural to him, and when he roleplayed a warrior the move called to him. With the thought of Grug he remembered that he had received 2 skills back then as well. How had he received 2 then, and now 2 from a threesome. Was there some method to bestow abilities he didn’t know? Or did it depend on how strong of a person he roleplayed? Quinten decided to leave that for later. 


Taunt (Level 3)

Your gaze causes others to fear you. They will focus on you before anyone else.


A must have for tanks, he had been able to keep aggro on all targets easily. This was good to have. After looking at his skills he combed over his status screen. 



Asher Whitmore





Quinten Hardly







STD Immunity










Genitalia Control





Prop Manifestation





Relationship Screen













Slovene Language






LVL 10


















LVL 10

























Custom Stats:


Dick Length

8.85 Inches


Dick Diameter

1.85 Inches








There were just so many skills. He loved reading them one by one. Most of the time they happened naturally. Like a passive skill. They didn’t need to be cast. If he continued with the dungeon diving he might have to start training so that he could call on them when the need arose. The 2 naked elves at his side, he was leaning more toward dungeon diving. A thought coming to mind he pulled his phone out of his spatial storage and took a selfie. A big grin on his face between the sleeping elves. 



“There you are,” Quinten said happily. The other group members walked in slowly. In the grand eating hall Quinten was dining on eggs with the Chieftess beside him and Tillie a few paces behind. “How did you sleep?” He asked. 


“Good,” George said with a smile. He eyed up the two elves and gave Quin a wink. 


“Ash-Quinten, everything alright?” Joan asked. 


“Just dandy,” he said, finishing up his food. His flannel shirt was unbuttoned to show his muscles. With the other team members arrival he buttoned it back up. “The Chieftess has agreed to our request,” he said happily. 


He went to grab a berry but stopped as the Chieftess laughed asking, “Litnas berries in the morning?” 

“What’s wrong with it?” He asked surprised. They looked just like blueberries. 

“They ferment naturally,” she said. “Make you drunk.” 


Quinten looked at the berry surprised. He had eaten a few of them last night…right around the time he began to feel woozy. He dropped them from his hand as he realized he had raised his pheromones to the max, thinking he was under attack. His face darkening, he couldn’t help feel like he had taken advantage of the two women. After some thought he remembered that they were a few thousand years old, they could take care of themselves. Heck if they knew of the System, for all he knew they were hundreds of levels over him. 


“Adventurers, eat your fill. The assistance we require is a goblin camp South of the city. They have entrenched themselves there for some time, and have started to multiply exponentially. Destroy their camp and chief, and the quest shall be complete,” the Chieftess said. With that they all got a prompt with the updated quest. It now mentioned the location. 


“Thank you Chieftess. For believing in us,” Quinten said wholeheartedly. 


“Anything for you Quinten,” she whispered. “Now I must be off,” she announced to the group. “Once the quest is complete the dungeon will close. But fear not, I believe we will all meet on the day of $&*%*(#$.” And with that she left the room. A little upset, Quinten had wanted a kiss. Pouting he watched her go. Tillie didn’t follow after her, she stayed behind him. He gave her a wink and she blushed.  


“Did you seriously have sex with her?” Joan eventually asked. Her face red, it was a mix between anger and shame. 


Quinten, not sure what to say, asked, “What makes you say that?” 


“We all got experience notifications last night. About 100 points each. Did you forget we were in a group?” George said with a smile on his face. 


“Shit. Didn’t think of that,” Quinten said under his breath. “Anyway, how bout that quest huh?” 


“Oh no. We need details,” McKenzie said. Quinten was getting a lesbian vibe from her. 


“Maybe later,” he promised with a wink. 


After that they quieted down. It wasn’t until they started eating that the mood changed. “So what are we going to do about the quest?” Timmy asked. 


“We really didn’t think that through. Who knew an actor would pull this off?” Joan said. 


“You’re welcome,” Quin said with a smile. 


“So what then? Do we leave and come back with Evan? Or try it out?” George said. 


Surprisingly they all looked to Quinten. “To be honest, I think we can pull it off, but that may just be the character I’m playing.” He tapped his chin. “I prefer to vote, but it has to be unanimous. No qualms if someone doesn’t want to go. Raise your hand if you want to find the goblins and at least check out their camp.” Slowly all 5 raised their hands. 



Quin got his kiss from Tillie. She assured him they would meet again, something he felt he should be telling her, but didn’t think too hard about it. Soon they were on their way to the goblin camp. This time George, the white mage, buffed all of them. He had an ability to raise everyone’s defense. 


They walked through the city easily. Once they got their bearings they headed into the brush of the giant trees. Quinten took charge again when no one stepped up. Their formation was the same, but their teamwork was better. Smoothly moving from attack to defense they took on group after group. Soon they stopped seeing wolves completely and only found goblin groups. 


“Archer!” Quin called out. Kenzie waved her hand, the arrow followed the movement harmlessly. 


Joan pointed at the archer, 3 blue arrows manifested in front of her, floating in midair. As she opened her eyes they flew at the goblin with a bow. Penetrating its body it threw the small green beast across the forest floor. “Last one,” Quinten whispered to himself. The goblin stepped back away from him. Unable to draw its eyes away from his Taunt, it didn't notice Timmy sneak up behind it. With a thrust the goblin spat out green blood, convulsed, and was lifeless. 


“Good work,” Quinten said to no one in particular. “Catch your breath,” he said. Grabbing the bodies of the goblins he pulled them to the center of the clearing. Joan stored them away as they all took their chairs out.


Gulping down water Quinten said, “Any ideas? We’ve been looking for 2 hours now.” 


“We could split up,” Timmy offered. “Just a few hundred feet. Look for tracks.”


“I have a tracking skill,” Quinten said. “I’ve been looking, they are everywhere. There's no way to tell where they are coming or going from.”  


“Besides, we don’t split up,” Joan said. 


“Any idea what time it is at home?” 


“About 8 am,” George said. “We left our world near dawn, it was midday here. I’m guessing its close to midday now.” 


Quinten thought for a little bit, “So we have 4 hours till we should leave?” 


“We’ve made quite the haul,” Joan said. “Could leave now.” 


“I’d like to find this camp,” Quinten said. “If your leader comes back next week, great you guys can sweep it up. If not, we can all come back here.” 

“And you can have your Chieftess again,” Joan answered.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Maybe I should skip school and come here during the week,” he said with a bright smile. 


George let out a big laugh, but Joan cursed at him. “Don’t come in alone,” she said angrily. 


“Don’t worry. McKenzie, you want to come? You can watch,” he said, giving her a wink. 


“It is tempting. Them is some hot elf strange,” she said. Everyone but Joan laughed at that. 


Quinten stood up stowing the chair. “Gotta take a leak. Who wants to be my buddy?” 


Timmy soon stood and they went up the hill together. “Might as well see what's around,” he said as they walked. They were both quiet until they reached the peak of the hill. The trees still towered over them, but it was quite the view. The 20 food diameter tree trunks surrounded them, like a wall of wood. The only open space was the clear blue sky above them. 


With that Quinten unzipped his pants, finagled the straps of his gear, and began to pee. Timmy looking the other way did the same. “Is it always like this?” He asked. 


“Not really. One dungeon was dark and dreary. Another we went to was a bunch of islands. But yeah, there's usually moments where its peaceful like this.” When they finished they stood there watching the scenery for a time. 


-Thump- Quentin heard next to him. Turning he saw Timmy falling down the hill the opposite way of the others. His danger sense flaring he ducked down just in time to dodge a rock. Following the trajectory he found the culprit, it was a small goblin straight out from him. A platform crudely nailed into the side of the giant tree in front of him. It was a perfect scouting location. Quinten wondered how many they had missed or walked underneath. “Hey-” He yelled out to the others, but then he was struck in the head. A different goblin had used their own sling to get him. 



A few minutes later he woke up disoriented at the bottom of the hill. He started hearing grunts and calls. He recognized it as the common speech of the goblins they had been killing. Standing up he scanned the area. Timmy was only a few feet away. Squatting down he moved over and started shaking him. “Get up,” he ordered. Grunting was getting louder, it echoed in the trees. 


“Get up you fuck,” he ordered. Timmy slowly began to open his eyes. The noises of the goblins were nearly upon them. With a smack to Timmy’s face he said, “Stealth out of here. I’ll distract em. Follow the group.” And with that Quinten stood up. A few paces away was about 30 goblins. 3-4 feet tall they didn’t look too imposing. But his team had struggled when there was only 5 goblins. 30 was too much for them. He stepped closer to them, giving Timmy more time to get away. 


As he towered over them he was reminded of a reddit post asking how many 5th graders someone could beat up before they lost. Quinten hoped it was at least 30. Then a goblin in a robe stepped forward, waved his hand, and Quin was asleep. 

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