The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 41: Announcement

The next day, all of us was gathered by the cleric staff in one room where Ulden was waiting lazily as usual.

Vivian was also there to look after us. I looked at my fellow classmates conditions and all of them had already recovered.

Even Donovan's severe burns had dissappeared already although he was the most quiet among us ten.

Jun and our other party members also looked relieved when they saw that everyone was fine.

The staff had already informed us beforehand of the other's conditions but seeing them in person was much more reassuring.

Our party seemed to be nervous and eager to catch up with one another but restrained themselves because Vivian had briefed us that we were going back to the academy.

Urged by his fellow instructor, Ulden performed his usual teleportation circle in the blink of an eye.

We were already used on the feeling of teleportation at this point so it didn't bother any of us but when we realized, we were already at the general hall of the academy.

"...All of you can go back to your respective dorms. It's ok to be late in class today since there would be an announcement made later. Just make sure to be there before our second class"

After informing us, Ulden and Vivian left the hall and not long after, Brian's party and Amana's party also dispersed, not a single one talking to one another.

The same could also be said for our party, their eyes were swimming around, probably not knowing what to say.

All except for one.

"...Guys...I'm glad that everyone's safe...I really am..." 

Emily said, her deep blue eyes reflecting her emotions out for everyone to see.

"..Emily! I was so scared!" Alice ran to hug her with full force.

Stroking her head while hugging Alice back, Emily's smile widened.

"...Me too, I'm glad that everyone's still here.."

Even Lily who usually wouldn't say stuff like that in public had a solemn look on her face as she stood crossing her arms on her chest.

Although she was forcefully dragged by Alice on the group hug after she said her piece. A wry look was plastered on Lily's face as she patted Alice's back.

It was such a sweet and lovely scene although I didn't miss Alice's subtle actions as she consistently rubbed her head against Emily's bountiful chest and Lily's...modest one.

'....This girl...was it intentional?..'

Looking closely at her expression, a sly smile was blooming on her lips.

Pretending to not notice her deviant behavior, I turned my attention to Jun who was just blankly looking at the three.

Although he had smile on his face, he seemed rather distant from his usual self.

Even the way he smiled was obviously forced, restrained even.

"...Ray.." he whispered as he looked down.


"...No, nevermind.." 

Jun didn't continue what he was going to ask me, he just suddenly left the general hall without even telling anyone.

Looking at his fading back, I had an idea why he was acting that way. 

Since I couldn't change the scenario's outcome, I'm pretty sure he would confront the next problem ahead.

I was also doubtful whether he would skip such development even if I succeeded in changing the scenario at all.

'...Jun..this is something you have to resolve yourself man. I can't interfere this time' reminding myself that, I also left the place unknowst to the girls knowledge.

Only after a few minutes did the three notice that two of their male members had ditched them without their notice.


After going back to the dorms and putting on my uniform, I quickly made my way to our classroom.

Passing by hallway, the students by the window of their classrooms made a fuss after recognizing I was back.

It was only natural since an incident of that scale would surely blow up in no time. 

Even if the press didn't have solid material from us, they still had the concrete general information of the incident.

Ans it's only been three days so talks about the news waa still hot and alive.

I didn't have any problem though even if their scale of attention on me has increased, it still doesn't change that I don't care about any of these people.

After a while, I finally reached the classroom and entered without minding the obvious stares coming my way.

Sitting down, I noticed that Brian and Shivan was already seated. 

And looking at Shivan's seatmate, a new guy was sitting at Donovan's seat. In turn, Donovan was sitting at the new guy's seat instead.

It was a very peculiar sight and I felt pity for the guy because I'm pretty sure he got forced to sit there by Brian.

There was a very heavy and awkward atmosphere at the front seat because of such arrangements.

Aside from Brian's new gang, Amana and Sophia was also in the room already.

It was also noticeable that they were seating next to their party members respectively. 

I didn't know exactly who those two were but I can guess that the elven girl must be acting as Amana's guard while the cat girl is a follower of Sophia.

Those two aren't exactly known for having friends by their side.

Both Amana and Sophia noticed my gaze but decided to just turn their head in silence unlike what they would usually spat at me for such actions.

'....Strange, they must be not in their usual mood if they're acting like that. Well, that's probably ubderstandable, I'm actually the weird one for acting like the usual huh..' I mused, retracting my gaze away from them as a familiar voice called from my side.



"Don't just 'hey' me you jerk"

"What's with you all of a sudden?"

"...This bastard, why did you just leave like that?" Alice complained with her arms crossed.

"...Cause you three were having a moment?" I stated as if it was the obvious.

"...Then why didn't you join-Ah.....don't tell me!?" 

Alice looked shocked as she pointed at me accusingly.

"...Ray I'm sorry, I understand now.." she patted my shoulder with a knowing look.

"...Understand what exactly?" I asked, annoyed with her condescending face.

"..It was a field of flowers you know, a field of beautiful flowers. No man would pass up an entrance to such haven" she said in a theatrical tone.

"....What nonsense are you on again?"

"What I mean is that, the reason you didn't join is know..maybe you..swing the other way.." she said shyly, looking at me.

"....You need help...."

I looked at her as if I was looking at someone inflicted with a fatal disease although for this case, it was stupidity.

"Hey don't look at me like I'm some deviant!, you two are the weird ones. If only you felt those marshmellows for yourselves, you would jump on it like I did" she spat back defensively.

"Two different sizes, two different textures. Although I prefer the big ones, I still have to support the small faction. Such is justice" she blabbered on with her eyes closed as she nodded.

'...Here I was thinking I was originally supposed to be the alleged pervert. People, open your eyes' I thought while I looked at the two girls behind Alice.

"Justice is it?" Lily said as she looked down behind Alice.


Turning her head like a rusted gear, she met eyes with Lily and Emily.

"Alice, we need to talk later" Emily said with her mellow voice along with her trademark smile although her eyes weren't looking mellow at all.

The two then proceeded to go to their seats as they completely ignored Alice right after.

"....My haven..." she reached out to them.

I only sighed at her defeated figure.

Our slight banter only made the people around us more aware of our presence although it probably puzzled them why we were spouting things about flowers and havens.

'...The fact that she's like this means she's not that bothered by the whole incident. Even Lily and Emily seems calm and accepting about the whole thing..' I observed.

Cutting my train of thought, Jun and Vivian came in the room at the same time.

Jun quickly sat down beside me, his eyes focused on Vivian at the front.

Both their entrance also caught the attention of the class.

Setting her eyes on her students, Vivian spoke.

"Listen everyone, as all of you might already know, an assassination attempt on our very students, your classmates, has been perpetrated by the Order of Fifteen" 

Her voice sounded heavy as if she was bearing a big grudge on the Order.

Such as why the students also listened with their ears perked up.

"Uvelia Academy has conducted their investigation and has found traces of an artifact which could breach the layers of the labyrinth"

"This artifact is also outside of our detection systems and it's abilities can't be intercepted by our very own space mage. Such is how they were able to attempt such assassination"

Everyone had an indescribable look because this was the first reveal of crucial information regarding the incident.

The academy hasn't even told the media of such important information. 

However by going public with their students about the artifact, this information would also go public.

'...In the novel, the academy was supposed to tell this information out earlier but because I smashed the thing into pieces, it became harder to analyze. A slice from a sword was much more doable than being blown to bits' I concluded.

Knowing the circumstances, Vivian calmly continued.

"In light of this information, the academy has decided to lock the labyrinth from further entry until countermeasures are created"



"Professor, are you serious!?"

"B-But what about the semester?"

Shouts and inqueries of worry erupted from the room as soon as those words left Vivian's mouth.

Even Lily who was always calm had a surprised look from the news.

"Silence! I'm not finished talking" 

Letting out heavy pressure, Vivian forced everyone to shut their mouths.

"Furthermore, all second years within the academy's jurisdiction which includes the upper 20th layers will be delayed in their return until further notice. It has been decided that the professors there guarding them would suffice in detering any attacks"

Pausing for a few seconds, Vivian let the information sink in for a minute for her students.

"Such is why for the coming midterm exams, your dive records will only amount to 20% percent of your overall marks compared to 70% from the original gradings. Instead, the academy will focus on a new practical examination which will be discussed later and most importantly, academics"

"50% for practicals and 30% for academics. Starting this week, your schedule will be focused on academics for the first part of the midterms"

As she explained those mechanics, I noticed the looks of despair on the people around. Specially the two on my side.

"That's all for now. So if you want to pass, you know what you must do right?"

Vivian asked as if she was enjoying the change in schedule.

She even eyed all the studemts who were basically failing every class.

It included the two people beside me and also-

'...This is why I hate school..' I complained while avoiding the sharp stare of our Professor.

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