The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 40: The Visit [3]

After meeting with Amana for a few brief seconds, I intended to return to my room but I suddenly felt parched along the way.

'...Maybe a drink won't hurt...' I mused.

Deciding that it was still to early to return, I wandered around the premises to look for some vending machines.

I wasn't quite sure if they had one available here in the clerical church but since I had already went past my room, I just continued to wander around.

It was also a good way to kill time since all I did in my room was to look at the window and eat orange slices.

Some nuns and priest also saw me around and asked me what I was doing. 

I just told them I was just trying to get a change of pace, most understood that I needed to also move around a bit. They also left me a warning not to go outside for now.

I also asked if they had a vending machine in this place and surprisingly they had one but it was apparently in the first floor.

I was in the fourth floor so it was just perfect for someone like me who was just wandering around for a breath of fresh air.

Going down the 3rd floor, I noticed a person  guarding a particular room. 

She was sitting on chair just outside the room and when I saw her reading some book, she noticed my stare.

"...Irisville.., what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in your room?"

"..Professor Vivian.."

Looking at me, Vivian closed her book. Standing up, she looked at me from head to toe.

"...Seems you've recovered, that's good news but you shouldn't be wandering around like this" she warned.

Feeling I was being scolded by her, I quickly told her that I got permission to go out since I was just looking for a vending machine.

"...But still, those officials are here you know. Although the academy is keeping an eye on them, you should still be wary"

" don't need to worry about those people"

"Hmm why is that?" she asked, her brows raised.

"...Well my uncle already came here so..." scratching my cheeks, I tried to downplay Roland's visit.

"....I see"

Her eyes widened slightly as if she wasn't even aware that Roland was in this place just a little while ago.

Vivian must have understood that he had bypassed the security towards the Alliance officials by identifying as a guardian of Ray.

It wasn't only that, she must have also understood that he must have asked questions towards Ray from his visit.

However what irkes Vivian was how the intentions of Ray's guardian was warped. Not only did he properly check on Ray but interrogated him in the process.

Although this behavior and relationship between me and Roland wasn't something that was hidden.

It was already known by the upper echelon of Durevellis and obviously that included Vivian since she was also of high status.

Letting out a large sigh, Vivian gave me a sorry look before giving me an apology.

"I'm sorry, I should have intervened..."

"...You don't have to apologize professor. He just asked me simple questions, that's all"

"...Asked questions? but that man has.." her tone couldn't contain her worry.

"...Nothing happened, as you can see, I'm perfectly fine.." I said so casually.

Vivan was probably worried since the act of Roland asking questions itself was akin to russian roullete.

Everyone knew what he was capable of so it wasn't a surprise if she was worried about me.

Looking at her, she was still as stylish as ever with her pencil cut skirt ans suit but it couldn't hode the fatique and slightly dishevelled appearance of Vivian.

Closing her eyes for a few seconds, she just stood there thinking about something.

Pehaps she was convinced, she didn't ask me anything further but she also added another apology.

"I'm sorry, in our...No, in my negligence, we allowed something like that to happen to you and everyone else" she looked sullen and in regret as she said those words.

'....She's really too hard on herself..just like in the story' I thought.

Her sense of responsibilty and strictness towards herself was deemed as a weakness to exploit but-

"No professor, as I said before it's fine. We're all still alive right?"

"And I'm glad that someone is looking after us. That incident was something we couldn't avoid after all" I faintly smiled at her.


However still, even with those words, I'm sure she would still beat herself up for letting something like that incident to occur.

Vivian was such a person afterall.

And it wasn't just her that felt like a failure. 

'...I wonder if my actions even did anything good or anything at all? Nothing changed of the outcome even when I tried to forcibly change it' 

In my eyes, it seemed like I made it worse somehow, someway even though I have no idea how, Marie was sent there instead.

It was only a stroke of luck that we were all able to come out alive. What happened just poses a crucial question in the end.

'...Can I really change things?...' 

My mind fell into a deep spiral as I thought about that question more and more, I was so immersed that I forgot about Vivian.

"Irisville...hey are you ok?" 

Calling out to me, Vivian looked into my eyes with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Yeah...I just probably need to get a drink"

"Oh right, well you can go now and don't go out of the premises ok?" she added.

Nodding my head in response, I walked past Vivian who was sitting once again in front of the room.

And as if remembering something she asked me another question.

"Hey did you want to go inside since you're already here" she pointed towards the room.

Looking at Vivian and the door, I just waved my hand lightly as I continued to leave.

"..I'll pass"

Leaving those words, I left the floor where the room guarded by Vivian had a familiar name on it.

Jun Carter


"So they really had one..."

I stared in a mix of amazement and disbelief at the vending machine found behind the ground floor's back.

I also saw one fron the entrance outside but I refrained from going there since the press might see me.

The officials were gone but the press were still there. I'm quite sure they won't budge since they're such a stubborn bunch.

Besides the scenery in this place was more to my liking anyways.

There was a forest further back and some benches were found here and there.

It was a great place to relax although the sight  of a vending machine to a structure built like a church throws me off somewhat.

Nonetheles, I got what I came here for. Pressing a button, I waited for my drink to fall down the shuttle.


Grabbing my drink, I proceeded to sit on a nearby bench that was under a shade of small tree.

"...Popper..that stupid idiot.." my eyes twitched when I read the name of my drink.

I thought it was a mistake on my part but it really did say 'Popper' on it's label. Defeated by own curiosity, I drank it.

Feeling the familiar frizzy taste on my tounge, I instantly knew that it was a carbonated drink that was eerily similar to the one in my old world.

Finishing it right away, I relaxed in my seat for a few minutes, thinking it would be a waste to not enjoy this brief time of peace.

Although many things was on my mind, It seemed that unwinding did help a little in easing out my worries.

Letting out a heavy breath, I stood up from my seat seeing the sun start to set. The orange like glow of the sun added a more serene feel to the place.

Walking past the vending machine, I approached the garbage bin beside it only to encounter another unexpected individual.

As he pushed the button and his drink fell on the shuttle, he turned his head towards me. 


"Hey...Silvious.." I awkwardly greeted.

I looked at him wearing the same patient clothes as me and it seemed that he already recovered because his arm seemed fine now.

This also included the small burns on his skin so basically he was back from being a silver haired handsome bastard.

I already had some idea of his injuries from the story but his arm being bent was something new to me.

Noticing my stare, he glared back at me.

Feeling that he would be pissed off if I stayed any longer, I turned my head away as I took out my drink.

But before I could throw it away, Brian spoke although he also had his back turned to me.

"...I know you saw how I was humiliated by that demon.." he said, a bitter tone letting out.

"I know everyone did. Even if some didn't, I know for sure you did"

He started to spout nonsense. I only had brief look of how everything went down in the last second.

'..This bastard, I was busy at that moment, trying not to freeze to death or become mince meat. What the hell are you complaining about?..' I complained in my head.

"....I won't let you nor anyone look down at me like that, not anymore. Mark my words, I'll show you, I'll show everyone that...I'm...."

Even without looking, I knew that Brian was trying really hard to look tough, strong and the epitome of his family's pride.

Even though it was our first time speaking, Brian had viewed me as an actual threat to his goals hence the reason for his remarks.

After this incident, every single victim would undergo a change and one of those changes was with Brian and Jun.

It was the first time that Brian had ever truly lost and humiliated in such a way because it was also the second time he felt fear.

But the most important thing was that he saw the courage that others had that he realized he lacked.

However they were seperated, both Jun and him. Originally, Jun andBrian had to tag team Malik in a fight.

As a matter of course, they lost badly but Jun was somebody averse to giving up in such situations.

Seeing that gap between them should push Brian to strive harder and develop a rivalry between them.

I don't know who spurred him on like this but it seems like he still got that certain realization ingrained in him somehow.

Although I was curious as what the actual stimuli for such change, I was glad since it was something that I feared to have stolen from them with my actions.

'...These type of things is something I wouldn't want to change even if it resulted in such a disappointing outcome...'


I threw my drink in the trash can, it's arc perfectly going down the bottom of the bin.

"...Well that would be quite a sight to see, wouldn't it?"

Parting such words to affirm my acknowledgement of Brian's words, I left the place without uttering another word.

Brian also didn't turn around once, his eyes were firmly looking to the place dyed with the orange hue of the setting sun.

Unfortunately, It would have been picturesque if he didn't hold a can of Popper in his hands.

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