The Ultimate All-Rounder

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: The Most Straightforward

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xia Tian was sure that he had met a pair of legendary beauties. Perhaps the goddess of luck had descended down from Heaven since he was able to meet the legendary beauties at the stalls in the middle of the night. How could he stay calm as he looked at the two ladies’ amazing bodies with his Insight.

No matter if it were the two ladies’ faces or their figures, they were definitely in the top tier. Both of them oozed different vibes. One had a natural and clean vibe while the other was more exquisite.

“Pervert.” the girl in Nike attire glared at Xia Tian before sitting down. She did not want to sit here at all, but the other places were full and Xia Tian was the only one sitting alone.

The other open-minded lady smiled at Xia Tian and did not utter a single word.

“Hey beautiful, I’m sure we’ve met somewhere before.” Xia Tian opened his mouth and broke the silence.

“Hey handsome young man, you’re hitting on an old-fashioned girl.” The open-minded girl smiled as she responded.

“Oh, is that so?” Xia Tian continued. “I’ll turn into a stone bridge, and whether it be that I’ll have to be blown by the winds, be burned under the sun, or shower in the rain for five hundred years, it won’t matter as long as you’re willing to cross the bridge show me what you’re wearing underneath.”

“Hehe.” the open-minded girl laughed softly. “You’re quite interesting and I like the way you’re hitting on us. Though, do you know who she is?”

The open-minded girl was referring to the girl in the Nike attire. The latter was in an extremely bad mood as she glared at Xia Tian furiously.

“Hey beautiful girl, you’re sick,” Xia Tian said seriously.

“You’re the one who’s sick. Sit there quietly and don’t make a sound or I’ll arrest you.” The Nike girl finally exploded. Xia Tian had been teasing them ever since they sat down and he had been looking at their bodies shamelessly.

“Lady, you’ve mistaken. You’re really sick. Recently, you’ve been losing sleep, you’ve been getting more vulgar, hot-tempered, and your period is late this month,” Xia Tian immediately explained.

“Do you really think that I won’t punch you in the face.” the Nike girl’s eyes were fuming with fire but she was being held back by the girl beside her.

“Bingbing, don’t be angry. He seems to be right thus far.” the open-minded girl explained. “Perhaps he’s a doctor.”

“Him? He’s just a pervert.” The Nike girl stared at Xia Tian. “If he really is a doctor, every female patient is going to be violated.”

“That might not be so. Hey youngster, why don’t you tell us what’s wrong with Bingbing. I’ll reward you if you get it right.” The open-minded girl said passionately.

It was as if she was doing it on purpose; she was leaning forward as she spoke.

“What kind of reward?” Xia Tian looked at the open-minded girl anticipatingly.

“What kind of reward do you want?” The open-minded girl looked at Xia Tian fondly.

“If I’m right, you’ll have to be my mistress.” Xia Tian requested as if it was natural to do so.

The Nike girl lost it staring at Xia Tian angrily, and her hand flew to slap him. Her actions were so smooth and quick that one could immediately tell that this girl had experience slapping people for many years.

However, the crisp slapping sound did not come about, because Nike girl’s hand had been stopped by Xia Tian. The latter held onto her hand and was staring closely at her palm.

“Your love line is flat, but a fluctuation has occurred recently. This is a sign that love is just around the corner. Your career is going to be extremely tough at the beginning but there’s a sign that your career is about to turn for the better. Your lifeline is indistinct, signifying that you’ll be in great danger. However, you’ll be able to pass through this crisis safely.” Xia Tian said in a serious tone. “Ultimately, you’re lacking me in your life.”

“Hehe.” The open-minded girl laughed quietly at the side upon hearing Xia Tian’s words.

“You shameless b*stard, I’ll teach you a good lesson today.” The Nike girl was furious.

“Alright, alright. Bingbing, stop fooling around. Let him look at your condition and see if it’s accurate.” The open-minded girl tried to persuade her. After all, they were at the stalls. If Bingbing was to go all out here, many people would suffer. She also found that this man in front of her was quite interesting.

“Hmpf.” The Nike girl scoffed. “Unhand me this instant.”

“Oh.” Xia Tian reluctantly released Nike girl’s hand.

“Hey kid, tell us. What’s wrong with Bingbing? I’ll give you a kiss if you make sense.” The open-minded girl winked at Xia Tian.

Xia Tian nodded. “Fine, I’ll take the loss.”

The two girls were completely speechless upon hearing Xia Tian’s words. Despite her, the ultimate beauty offering him a kiss, this kid said that he was at a loss.

“If I’m right, you’ll die before you reach thirty years old.” Xia Tian looked at Nike girl with a serious gaze.

“What?” The two girls were dumbfounded not because of what Xia Tian said, but that Xia Tian was right.

“How did you know?” The open-minded girl was in shock.

“The human body has two meridians. They are known as Ren and Du Meridians in the Ancient Wuxia World. In actuality, they’re also known as the Yang and Yin Meridians. Males side with the Yang and the females, Yin. A typical male’s Ren Meridian is thicker than the Du Meridian whereas a typical girl’s Du Meridian is thicker than the Ren Meridian. This way, their Yin and Yang can reach equilibrium.” Xia Tian continued explaining. “If a person’s Ren and Du Meridians are equally thick, the person will act neither like a guy or girl, also in the past known as Eunuchs. A person is known to have the Nine Days Meridian if he or she only possess either the Ren or Du Meridian. The probability of such a person is less than one in a hundred million and they will live no more than five years.”

“Which category does Bingbing belong to?” The open-minded girl looked at Xia Tian enthusiastically.

“She’s none of the above. Her Du Meridians are way too thick and her Ren Meridian is too thin. To top it off, her Du Meridian is still growing to the point where it’s about to force her Red Meridian out of her body. This is the root of her hot temper, vulgar mouth, and even her period arriving late.” Xia Tian explained as these were all the things his father taught him when he was young.

“How do you know that she won’t live past thirty years old?” The open-minded girl asked.

“The age thirty was nothing more than a concept because people like her usually don’t live past thirty. However, upon further investigation, you may notice that her life will end when she’s twenty-seven.” Xia Tian used his Insight to look at the Nike girl’s condition and it was worse than he thought.

“Twenty-seven years old. That’s next year.” The open-minded girl looked at the Nike girl worryingly.

“Don’t worry Sister Ping. No one knows what he’s saying is true or false.” The Nike girl was shocked as well when she heard that she would only live until twenty-seven. However, she did not want anyone to worry, hence she decided to say that Xia Tian was wrong. No one knew her body more than herself and she knew just how bad her current condition was.

“Be my wife. I can save you.” Xia Tian looked at her as he said seriously.

“In your dreams. I’d rather die than marry someone as shameless as you.” The Nike girl stood up the instance she finished talking as she turned around and left.

“Bingbing, wait for me.” The open-minded girl stood up immediately, and just as she was about to leave, she turned around and kissed Xia Tian on the forehead. “This is my number, please call me.”

He looked at the name card in his hand. Xia Tian knew that she did it because she wanted him to fix the Nike girl, but he himself had his own difficulties. Nike girl’s condition was not easy to cure as it required the two of them to bathe in the pool naked in order to heal her. Xia Tian needed to open up all seventy-eight acupoints on her body, including the one at her private parts.

He would be obligated to marry this girl if he had to see and touch these parts. He was not an irresponsible man and his request was not ridiculous at all. Furthermore, he currently only had a mistress, Tang Yan.

After having a simple meal, Xia Tian returned to his old home in the outskirts. The reason he returned here was to train his Unrestricted Cloud Sage Step.

He immediately rested his body the instant he returned. After all, he still had to see his aunt the next day. He was incredibly impressed with the inner energy and mind cultivation technique left behind by his father, Empyrean Slumber Technique. Meditation would not even benefit this technique at all.

This mind cultivation technique could only be strengthened via sleeping and one could not do so by forcing themselves to sleep. This technique would improve on its own under normal sleeping conditions. This mind cultivation technique had seven types and Xia Tian was currently at the first.

Sleeping was a philosophy on its own as his father had taught him since young that sleeping required zero noise. The entire person must maintain in a zen state in order to reach the highest height in sleeping.

If sleeping could be categorized into three levels, the first level was to dream after falling asleep. The second level was the normal sleeping where getting up early in the morning would prove difficult, whereas the third level was what Xia Tian was currently at. He felt that he had connected with heaven and earth as if he had become one with them once he fell asleep.

A master once attempted to reach thanatosis by going into a deep sleep but he ultimately failed to do so.

This was a child’s play for Xia Tian as his current sleeping state was at the highest level because his father had trained him since young. This method could not only lengthen his lifespan, but it could also allow him to absorb the natural energy around him faster while they were sleeping.

This was what made Empyrean Slumber Technique unique.

The Empyrean Slumber Technique would automatically activate when one was fast asleep. Hence, Xia Tian’s training speed was at least ten times faster than anyone else.

Xia Tian had a good sleep as he went over his Unrestricted Cloud Sage Step and Resonating Finger multiple times early in the morning the next day. Then, he took a shower, put on new clothes, and went towards the place he had promised to meet his aunt.

Xia Tian stopped using vehicles once he had learned Unrestricted Cloud Sage Step since walking did not exhaust him in any way at all. Furthermore, he was able to practice Unrestricted Cloud Sage Step along the way.

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