The Ultimate All-Rounder

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Super Aunt

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The name of Xia Tian’s aunt was Ye Wanqing. She was currently in a room, sitting opposite a couple.

“Madam Ye, has something happened?”

“It’s a small matter. So, the things we’ve discussed earlier, we’ll set it that way then.” Ye Wanqing looked said to the couple.

“Alright. It’s a deal. After all, it’s Bingbing’s wish.”

“I’ll give her the opportunity and I’ll find someone to accompany her. I’ll make an exception and hire her if she’s able to do it.” Ye Wanqing called a number as she walked out of the room.

“Hello, Mr. Xue.”

“It’s Madam Ye. Why is madam calling me? Our relationship is supposed to be…” Mr. Xue seemed to be hiding something.

“I want you to save someone for me.”

“Save someone? Madam, you know it best. I can’t meddle in it unless it’s a major incident.” Mr. Xue had been addressing Ye Wanqing as madam as he had great respect towards her.

“The person I want you to save is Xiying’s son.”

“What? That’s Mr. Long’s son? What happened to him?” Panic traveled through the phone.

“He has been taken away by a policeman and the incident is related to a guy with the surname Liu. My intel said that he had even brought a lawyer over. He will be in trouble if this drags on any further.” Ye Wanqing reminded and Mr. Xue immediately hung up the call upon hearing her words.

Xia Tian was being targeted at the police station. However, he did not speak a word as he looked at them because he was confident that he would be able to deal with them and escape. However, these people did not commit any wrongdoing and he had no reason to kill any innocent people.

“Detain him.” Mr. Liu screamed at the top of his lungs. “I’ve brought my lawyer here. This guy is dangerous.”

Xia Tian did not resist as his hands and legs were chained. Since the handcuffs were useless against him, he was inevitably chained and sent away.

He was detained at the back of the police station, inside a room that had a total of ten people, including him.

As Xia Tian was brought into the room, the rest stared at him mischievously.

“Mr. Liu has stated you all should take care of him properly.” The lawyer said to the people behind the bar before walking out of the room. The instant the door was locked, the place was on lockdown as the guard went out for their lunch break.

One of them walked towards Xia Tian and said, “Are you a fresh meat?”

“I advise you all that it’s best to not mess with me,” Xia Tian said coldly when he looked at them. Mr. Liu must have sent him here so that these people could deal with him.

Since Xia Tian’s arms and legs were chained down, these people took their sweet time. From their perspective, Xia Tian had no way to defend himself at all.

“I’m Hu Wu and this is my turf. Kid, someone has given me a big sum of money to teach you a good lesson.” The bald leader glared at Xia Tian fiercely. “Don’t worry, I’ve never killed anyone before. However, you might not be able to take care of yourself for the rest of your life.”

“I’ll give all of you a chance. As long as you return back to your place, I’ll let you off the hook,” Xia Tian said coldly. He was currently in the cage, resting with his eyes closed.

“Your death is coming and you’re still so stubborn. I’ll address you as my grandfather if you’re not disabled after this.” Hu Wu walked towards Xia Tian as he refused to believe that Xia Tian was able to go against so many people at once.

Xia Tian moved as one of their fists was about to land on his body. An unbelievable scene had occurred as the chains around Xia Tian’s arms and legs had miraculously disappeared.

His fingers were wrapped around the steel bars. He then twisted his hands and moved his fingers. A clear snap was heard as the steel bars fell to the ground before Xia Tian slipped through the gap from the side and got out.

Everything happened in an instant.


Hu Wu cried out loud together with the rest of the inmates.

“You don’t have to address me as your grandfather. I’ll never acknowledge a grandson like you.” Xia Tian raised his head to look at the air vent and smiled gently. He had no plan on staying there any longer.

Hu Wu and his gang’s right hands had been crippled and there was a chance they had been rendered unusable. It was a little punishment for these people. Xia Tian did not pull his punches since he knew that he would be in far worse a condition than they were now if he were to actually be weaker than them.

Although he would not harm the policemen, it did not mean that he would not punish these evil and selfish people. He had already reminded them earlier, after all.

At Mr. Xue’s house.

“No, I’ve to make a run on my own.”

Mr. Xue called two people, his secretary and Huang Tou. He knew who he was up against the instant he heard the name Mr. Liu.

Li Futou and his underling Mr. Liu were the most tyrannic people in Jianghai City. Despite committing crimes for many years, these two had never left any evidence behind. Hence, Mr. Xue could not apprehend them until this day.

Someone once whistleblowed these two people but they had cooperated with their lawyer. Ultimately, the witness could not provide any substantial evidence.

Mr. Xue knew very well that if anything were to happen to that man, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

“You’d better be alright.” He had already informed Huang Tou to call the police station but he was afraid that Mr. Liu would obtain this intel and secretly harm Xia Tian.

Mr. Xue received a call and was informed that the person had disappeared while he was on the way there.

“He’s really Mr. Long’s son. But, where has he gone to?” Mr. Xue took out his phone and dialed a number.

It was Ye Wanqing’s phone number.

“Madam Ye, Master Long’s son has escaped.”

“Escaped? Why was he arrested in the first place? Mr. Xue, I hope you can give me an explanation for this incident.” Ye Wanqing’s tone was filled with anger.

“Yes, I’ll investigate this matter thoroughly.”

“It’s best that you do or I’ll report this upwards and you’ll bear the responsibility on your own.” Ye Wanqing hung up the call.

Mr. Xue was sweating bullets when the phone hung up. He knew that Mr. Liu had to be indicted this time no matter the evidence. He must be punished.

“Huang Tou, I don’t care what by means you’re doing it, I want every shred of criminal evidence on Mr. Liu by tomorrow morning.” Mr. Xue was furious.

“I’ll make sure it happens.”

Xia Tian had left the police station a long time ago and was currently eating skewers and drinking beers by an open road.

He had no idea that the police station was in chaos.

Mr. Xue went out personally in the middle of the night as the entire Jianghai City was caught in a thunderstorm. Their main targets of interest were these people and their lawyer.

“Mr. Liu, This is given to you by Li Futou. He said that he’ll take care of your entire family.”

“Is there really no other way?” Mr. Liu’s eyes were filled with frustration.

“Mr. Xue is doing it personally, I’m afraid anyone backing up Li Futou is unable to help you.”

“I hope Li Futou is able to take care of my entire family.” Mr. Liu drank the fluid in his hand after the other man had left the secret chamber.

Naturally, Xia Tian did not know any of this at all. He was currently savoring the most delicious food Jianghai City could offer, seafood barbeque. Stalls were set up everywhere within this vicinity and there were skewers, beer, and fresh stir-fried dishes originating from Shanghai.

“You’re mine, the apple of my eye.”

“Oh aunty, it’s you.”

“What took you so long to picking up the phone?” His aunt’s frustration could be heard at the other end of the phone.

“My phone didn’t have reception earlier.” Xia Tian explained.

“You’re amazing now huh. You’ve got yourself arrested and you’ve managed to even escape you. Did you meet Yin Nie?

“Who’s Yin Nie?” Xia Tian asked as he did not know what was going on. Then, he recalled that the people from Quicksand had said that his master was the world’s best assassin, Nie, before he died. “Aunty, are you referring to my master?”

“So Yin Nie really did see you. Come to my place tomorrow, I’ve something to tell you.”

His aunt hung up the phone the instant she finished speaking, leaving Xia Tian alone to continue eating his seafood and beer.

It was already midnight but the crowd was still packed. In fact, the crowd grew. There were still a few vacant seats when Xia Tian arrived, but they were all occupied now. In fact, the owner had started setting up more seats.

There were already three to four people sitting around an average-sized table.

“Hey, is anyone sitting here?” Xia Tian raised his head up slowly and was greeted with two beautiful ladies. Both gave off different vibes as one had a casual Nike attire whereas the other was in a full-body red dress.

The lady in the casual attire did not have any make-up on but her beauty was on par with the dressed-up lady. Their styles were completely different from each other and yet both of them were incredibly beautiful.

‘Bodies completely flawless. 99 points for their looks,’ Xia Tian subconsciously activated Insight. ‘The best among the best.’

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