The Strongest God [Online Gaming]

v2 Chapter 363

Biquge, the latest chapter of the fastest and strongest male **** (online game)!

Chapter 363 Dragon Yin vs Bronze Sparrow (4)

After the end of the first game, Long Yin temporarily led by 3: 0. In fact, everyone was very confident that Liu Chuan could defeat the Deer God. This result was not surprising to teammates.

The moment Liu Chuan stepped down from the contestant’s platform, the crowd stood up and applauded the captain. Xiao Yuzheng gave Liu Chuan a thumbs up: “The captain is too handsome!” Liu Chuan patted Xiao Yu’s shoulder, politely “That’s for sure.”

We are used to the cheeky Sichuan team.

Li Xiang actively brought a thermos cup and said with a smile, “Master, it’s hard, come and drink some water.”

Liu Chuan glanced at him, took the thermos cup with the Qixingcao team logo, smiled and said, “It’s rare, I thought you had forgotten my master, just remember to hand Qin Ye to Coke, this is still the first Pour me water once. “

Li wanted to say, “This is what Zewen gave you.”

Liu Chuan: “…”

Sure enough, Li thought that these two goods could not be trusted, or that my family Zewen was the best for me. Looking back at where Wu Zewen was sitting, Liu Chuan couldn’t help smiling at the last pair of familiar eyes, and walked beside Ze Wen to sit down.

Wu Zewen poured the water in a thermos cup in advance and drank it when he finished playing. The temperature was just right. Liu Chuan took several sips and even warmed his heart.

Liu Chuan put the water cup aside, then embraced Wu Zewen cheekily with his cheeks, and expressed his thanks with physical action: “Thank Zewen.”

Wu Zewen’s ears were red, and he reached out and hugged him, asking softly in his ear, “Are you tired?”

Liu Chuan rested his chin on Wu Zewen’s shoulder and nodded. “Well, a little.”

Defeating Fawn was not easy. When he was in Huaxia, he could beat Luxiang casually by hitting it twice. But now Luxiang is not the ignorant boy at the time. He must be 100% alert and the highest. Lu Xiang’s hand speed can cope with Lu Xiang’s fast-break outbreak, and if he is slightly careless, he may be spiked by Lu Xiang in turn.

In the game with Lu Xiang just now, although typing and teasing Lu Xiang before the game, he entered the state of full attention at the beginning of the game and did not dare to relax for a second. This battle of apprentices and apprentices seems to have a lot of joy on the surface, but if you look closely at the whole game, it is not difficult to find that this is a strong match between the top two gods of the Tangmen’s genre and the beggar gangs.

The other members of the Dragon Yin team are not worried about this game because they are very confident in the captain. But Wu Zewen was different. He saw the tail seriously from the beginning, and his heart kept mentioning his throat. He was afraid that Liu Chuan would accidentally lose in the hands of Fawn.

Liu Chuan focused on the game on the stage, and Wu Zewen watched the game nervously. Although they were not fighting side by side, the hearts of the two were tightly connected.

Knowing that Zewen was worried about himself, Liu Chuan couldn’t help but gently held Wu Zewen’s hand and whispered in his ear: “I’m not nervous at all when playing the game myself. Why do you become nervous as soon as I get on the stage?”

Wu Zewen’s ears are redder, but his eyes are more serious: “Because I don’t want to see you lose, if you lose to Lu Xiang, the pressure from the media will be great.”

Just looking at Liu Chuan to understand Wu Zewen’s thoughts, he rubbed his head with a smile and said softly, “It’s okay, don’t worry.”

The reason this game made Wu Zewen so worried is that Lu Xiang is stronger than he imagined, and Liu Chuan has been put in a dangerous situation several times. If Liu Chuan loses to Lu Xiang, the reporters will surely defeat the apprentice The news was reported wildly, and when he was defeated by his apprentice, Liu Chuan’s pressure would be even greater. Wu Zewen couldn’t bear to see him facing these pressures, as a captain, he had enough things to bear.

Fortunately, Liu Chuan finally won Lu Xiang with precise judgment. The result seems to be taken for granted, but Wu Zewen knew that Liu Chuan must be tired.

Griefing his hand a little distressed, Wu Zewen looked back at Liu Chuan and said, “Are you going to rest in the second game?”

Liu Chuan nodded: “Well, let’s get you guys.”

His current status is really not good for two consecutive rounds. Because he will also play in today’s teamfights, the ring in the second round will be handed over to several teams.


The intermission was over and the second round of the Taiwanese competition officially began.

In the second round, Long Yin’s team chose the map. Liu Chuan just typed, “We choose the maze.” In this game, he really chose a maze, the Spirit Snake Cave.

The winding roads in this cave are like snakes entangled with each other. Lu Xiang hates this kind of maps. He often gets lost in such maps.

Everyone knows his idiots, and unfortunately divided them into two teams with Sheng Tang and Long Yin who have terrain analysts. In order to not be targeted in the playoffs, Lu Xiang specially worked hard to practice the labyrinth map some time ago. Positioned, so that he dreamed that he could not get out of the maze for several days in a row, and walked around like a headless fly in a dream but couldn’t find the exit. This feeling is better than dreaming of urgency The toilet is uncomfortable.

As a result, the people of the Tongque team saw the deer **** with black circles around his head and pulling his head without waking up in the team.

Shao Zehang felt bad for Deer, so he thought of a way-after Lu Xiang finished his maze every day, he took him to supper, and then went to Taobao to buy snacks together. After that, Lu Xiang’s dream would be full It is a variety of delicious foods, which are deliciously eaten in dreams, and Lu Xiang’s sleep quality is immediately improved.

The intensive training in the recent period has allowed Lu Xiang to have some experience with the way of the maze. When he saw Long Yin selecting the maze today, his expression was not as tangled as usual, but he glanced up at the map, and then he was very Sit calmly there and continue to eat chocolate to recharge your energy.

Zhang Shuping said: “Dragon Yin chose the maze map, which is obviously aimed at the deer. However, because the party who selected the map first sends people first in the playoffs, if Long Yin is on Zewen, it will be impossible for the copper sparrow to go to the deer. , The effect of targeting is not as obvious as the regular season. “

“Yes.” Ye Chenxi agreed, “It’s not the maps that are more important in the postseason stage. It’s the posterity. The role of maps has been greatly reduced.”

With the explanation of the two, Long Yin played the first candidate to send out-Miswamp.

As Zhang Shuping analyzed, Long Yin sent Wu Zewen. The copper sparrow naturally wouldn’t send Xiao Lu to Xueba’s hands to find abuse. Shao Zehang didn’t hesitate to let Ding Rong fight Wu Zewen. This result was also expected by Wu Zewen.

Ding Rong ’s Jian Wu Dang has the “human-sword combination” rushing ability, with a dizzy effect. This will indeed cause a lot of trouble for Wu Zewen. In addition, Ding Rong is not a road idiot. Choosing a maze map has little effect on him. Wu Zewen It is difficult to kill him by relying on the terrain advantage.

The real strength of this player is only slightly inferior to Yang Jian. Although the explosive power is not as good as Yang Jian, he is still very insightful about the genre of Jian Wudang. At the beginning, he mixed with Yang Jian every day in the Changan team and learned a lot of Yang How the sword is played.

Moreover, when Ding Rong and Qin Ye pk had just found it back, he would not be distracted by Wu Zewen. This game played much better than the previous game against Qin Ye.

Yang Jian commented from the stage: “A Rong is also better than before. It seems that he is doing very well at Tongque.”

Fang Zhiyan smiled and shook Yang Jian’s hand: “Aren’t you good at Snow Wolf?”

“…” Yang Jian scratched his head embarrassed. Every time I see these old teammates, he can’t help but remember the days when he was in the Chang’an team, but the past is untraceable. After Changan’s dissolution, everyone is doing well. He can feel relieved as the eternal sinner of the Changan team.

In the match, Ding Rong and Wu Zewen played very fiercely. Ding Rong played very hard in this match, and there were a lot of bright spots. However, Wu Zewen was also very good and played very calmly. Long-range occupations are easy to prevail in melee maps, and Zewen’s proficient control of the terrain gradually gains advantages. Relying on the fixed body and the spider’s pull displacement control, Wu Zewen is finally in the complex terrain of the snake. Ding Rong was worn in the hole.

—— [Mist Swamp] killed [Relentless Sword]!

This killing also allowed Wu Zewen’s killing statistics to rise to the first echelon in the league.

“Good job!” Zhang Shuping said comfortably. “Ze Wen’s appearance is reassuring. No matter the favorable situation or the unfavorable situation, he can calmly deal with it. In the ring stage, he has a similar amount of starting blood. It is rare to see Ze Wen lose. “

“This newcomer’s psychological quality is really good.” Ye Chenxi said, “However, there are still a few players out of Tongque, and Wu Zewen’s health is not much now. Not necessarily. “

Zhang Shuping said: “There are also the beggars Guo Yi’an, the Shao team, and the deer **** who can go to the stage over Tongque, and these are all old players. Ze Wen’s blood advantage can’t do much. Look at the next staffing arrangement at Long Yin’s side. “

As the two said, Wu Zewen was still in a state of residual blood after he killed Ding Rong. Although Ding Rong’s explosive power was slightly worse than Yang Jian, he was also regarded as the top master in Jianwu Dangli. Wu Zewen was fainted by him several times. Little blood blue, with only 15% of blood left, it looks like it can last a while, but the second player on the Tongque side is the captain Shao Zehang!

Watching the id of “Magic Landscape” appear on the big screen, fans of Tongque immediately applauded, many excited fans even got up from their seats.

Obviously, Shao Zehang’s tactical goal was very clear. He let the little deer completely avoid the possibility of Wu Zewen relying on the terrain kite. He sent Ding Rong to destroy Wu Zewen. He personally came up to take away Wu Zewen’s head. He was also eliminated as soon as possible Variations due to topographical factors.

It turns out that Wu Zewen met the Shao team who could be invisible in the maze. It was not cheap at all, and soon died under the knife of Shao Zehang.

In this way, Shao Zehang will face the next player of Long Yin with about 85% of his health. Many people are guessing, will Long Yin send Xu Ce? Everyone knows that Xu Ce was almost tied with Shao Zehang in the last game. If Xu Ce is playing with blood, maybe Shao can be killed.

Zhang Shuping also had some questions about this: “If Long Yin sends Xu Ce now, the third candidate will be more difficult, right?”

“Yes.” Ye Chenxi said with a smile. “At this time, going to the ring will definitely affect the performance of the next team fight. Unless Chuan Shen or one of my masters does not go to the team fight to focus on the ring, otherwise, They are not likely to play in the ring. I think the Sichuan team will not send Xu Ce in the second place. Xu Ce is more suitable to stay in this game. Lin Tong is more likely to play. “

This is also the disadvantage of the old players. A person’s energy will eventually be limited, and two consecutive rounds of team battles will be played. At this time, the stage of the team battle cannot be guaranteed. Even if it was Wu Zewen, because he was going to play teamfights, Liu Chuan was placed in the first place to play, so that he could have enough time to adjust and rest.

Sure enough, as Ye Chenxi expected, the second player Liu Chuan did not send Xu Ce, but sent Lin Tong instead.

The “Indus wood” id has not played many times in the playoffs of the Dragon Yin team. Everyone’s impression of her is that she played against Liang Haibin in the last round of the game. □□ Annoying, also successfully delayed the pace of Huaxia, assisted Chuan Shen to score 6 points in the ring.

Lin Tong appeared again, and many people were not surprised by this arrangement.

Su Shilun, who was watching the battle from the stage, couldn’t help but say, “The order of Liu Chuan’s people … Today’s team battle is Chuan, Lan, and Ye will go together?”

“It should be.” Xiao Sijing touched his chin and said, “Otherwise, he could send Si Lan to the ring.”

Shao Zehang immediately guessed Liu Chuan’s thoughts when he saw the id “Indus wood”, Lin Tong played second, and it seemed that Xu Ce would play third. Contrary to the Chinese game, when Sihua played in Huaxia, Liu Lan played in the ring, Liu Chuan personally defended the ball twice and directly scored 6 points in the ring. Today Liu Chuan played only once, and Si Lan simply rested. This is obviously Focus on team battles, the three gods on the rhythm of team battles.

Shao Zehang soon saw the shabby woman in the field of vision.

The beggar’s clothes are like this tattered style. Lin Tong’s beggar has a big ponytail hairstyle like her, wearing a tattered cloth strip, showing half of her arms, and wearing a pair of pure black gloves. That was her full-scale Orange Wu “Canglong”.

The tall beggar woman looks quite alive, so it can be seen that Lin Tong does not like to collect beautiful clothes and dress herself up very much like most female players in online games. In fact, there are many beautiful appearances to choose from, but Lin Tong wears clothes casually. He wears a system full of beggars and full-level suits. The big pony tail flickers along with the walking posture, and looks imposing.

Yang Jian couldn’t help but whispered, “This Lin Tong is better than a man.”

Fang Zhiyan smiled slightly and leaned over and said, “Don’t say bad things about Lin Tong, she and Su Yue are good sisters.”

Yang Jian immediately looked back at Li Suyue, Li Suyue wondered, “What’s up with the deputy?”

“Haha, it’s all right, watch the game.” Yang Jian shrank his head back and whispered in Fang Zhiyan’s ear: “When did the two of them become good sisters?”

Li Suyue, a female player of the Snow Wolf team, is relatively indifferent, usually does not like to talk, and has a big personality gap with Lin Tong. Yang Jian moved to Snow Wolf to live in a house with Fang Zhiyan. He is a heads-up player and rarely participates in team battles. Although Yang Jian is a vice captain, he is not very familiar with this cold female player, and he has not said a few words. Yang Jian was very puzzled-Snow Wolf and Long Yin were so far away and there were not many intersections. How did Li Suyue and Lin Tong become good sisters?

Fang Zhiyan explained this: “Don’t your brother invite us to sing k after the last match in Changsha? The two girls sang a few songs together, and then left contact information with each other. They will be familiar with them once. There are only a few players, and He Fang of Qixingcao, and Xu Xinran and Zhou Mu of the national color. The girls have a good relationship in private. “

“Oh.” Yang Jian thoughtfully touched his chin. “How do you know?”

“Isn’t this obvious?” Fang Zhiyan smiled and looked at Yang Jian. “Several girls can go shopping together to do Korean dramas, and they don’t have much in common with our men.”

“…” Yang Jian felt that his IQ had been hit. No wonder he is still a poor single, and he really doesn’t know too much about the world of girls.

On the ring, Lin Tong and Shao Zehang’s match finally began.

At this time, Lin Tong was full of blood and blue, and Shao Zehang was 85% of blood and 90% of blue. This gap seems to be Lin Tong’s dominant, but everyone who knows it is aware that Lin Tong’s playing with Shao is not optimistic. Lin Tong’s current style is a combination of speed and slowness, which is used to disrupt the opponent’s rhythm, thereby delaying time and stabilizing the transition. This style of play is difficult for Shao Zehang to exert his power, because Shao Zehang is also a fast and slow player. The output is very amazing. If you drag the rhythm, he can also use the stealth of Mingjiao to slowly consume you.

——Yes, it is stealth!

Shao Zehang immediately made himself invisible as soon as he saw Wutongmu appeared, and went around behind Lin Tong at the fastest speed.

Lin Tong was caught off guard by the Shao team, and at this time, all the martial arts moves could not be released, and she could only use the rivers and lakes to perform light exercises.

The combination of Fei He soaring into the sky and the snow and clouds through the river and lake, can fly up and move in the air to avoid each other’s moves. However, she has light work, and Shao Zehang also has light work! The moment the beggar gang in the screen rose, Mingjiao also flew at the same time, chasing her down with two swords-pumping the knife to cut off the water! The sea of ​​snow is heavy!

Xue Liang’s sword made a beautiful arc in the air. Lin Tong was hit by two blades, and his blood dropped suddenly.

Although the opponent is a female player, the Shao team will not be merciful for this. No matter who they are, Shao Zehang’s play is so decisive and fierce, giving a strong sense of oppression.

The disarming effect finally ended, and Shao Zehang turned around to be a magic step, quickly shifting away from Lin Tong’s attack range to avoid being controlled by Lin Tong.

Seeing that Shao Zehang turned around, Lin Tong turned around too, without any hesitation, he pressed a trick “Long Teng Hu Yue”!

The female beggar suddenly rushed to the front of Mingjiao, and the palm with black gloves was politely greeted head-on. Shao Zehang raised his knife and only heard the crisp sound of “铮”. Shao Zehang’s first move was successful. Block, and then shot a second move-Long Xiao nine days!

The palm beggar has three combos. The third combo can successfully knock the opponent down. Lin Tong hits the second segment. He just wanted to knock Shao Zehang to the ground. He hasn’t had time to catch the follow-up damage, but the Shao team is at this moment. After a small light jump, he just avoided Lin Tong’s moves.

The two had a very good show in this round. Shao Zehang was not soft-hearted, Lin Tong was not afraid, he fought close, and the soldiers met, only to see the enthusiasm of the audience and the applause at the match.

However, professional players can see that Lin Tong still has a hard time playing Shao.

Not to mention that the Shao team has always been known as the “First Alliance of the Ming Dynasty”. The Bronze Sparrow team was originally a team with the Beggar Gang as its core. Shao Zehang as the captain has thoroughly studied the Beggar Gang. The Bronze Sparrow also has a very good palm beggar. To help players Guo Yi’an, Shao Zehang often played against Guo Yi’an, and the level of understanding of the palm beggar was not even lower than Lin Tong himself.

With the delay of the war, Lin Tong was gradually in a disadvantage.

After the cool-down time of Shao Zehang ’s stealth skill was better, although Lin Tong immediately backed away from the Shao team to keep a distance, she still could n’t keep up with Shao Zehang ’s speed.

Lurking, Phantom Step, Disarming, Snow and Sea, Soul Chasing!

After Shao Zehang made a stealthy invasion and quickly circled around, the Mingjiao in a white suit crossed his left and right hand scimitars forward and cut directly to Lin Tong’s neck!

—— [Fantasy Landscape] Killed [乌 桐木]!

A set of bursts dropped each other, enough to prove Shao Zehang’s strength.

This result also made the fans of the Tongque team jump excitedly from their seats-Shao team completed the second kill in the ring!

The second and third kills are not uncommon in the game, but they are usually in the regular season during which the strong teams are playing against the weak teams. Even Wu Zewen and Xu Ce have got three kills in the regular season, but now they are In the playoffs, the teams that can advance to the playoffs are themselves strong teams and strong opponents. Generally, one kills one here and the other kills each other. It depends on who can laugh to the end. The second kill is in the playoffs. It is very, very rare.

It’s no wonder that fans of Tongque are so excited. Just in the game, Xu Ce killed Shao team and made many Tongque fans feel ashamed. At this moment, everyone’s heart was rejuvenated.

Shao team or Shao team! Even if he just lost in the hands of the newcomer, he can immediately adjust his state, this is the true god-level player!

Zhang Shuping couldn’t help praising: “It is indeed Shao team, the first Mingjiao has not been called for so many years. Of course, he also had a certain luck factor in completing the second kill. When he came to power, Zewen had only a little blood skin left, and he took away the residue The blood of Zewen’s head, and then taking Lin Tong, strictly counts this as actually not a real second kill. “

“Well, the real second kill is to kill one person when both sides are full of blood, and then use the residual blood to confront the second person and then kill the other person, that is, to kill the two full blood each other in succession.” Ye Chenxi He paused and said, “Of course, such a second kill is not possible in the playoffs.”

“Yes, the second kill in the playoffs is generally the case of the Shao team. Against an opponent with a blood loss, taking another full-blood opponent is equivalent to successfully completing the transition to the second position.” Zhang Shuping said, ” The Shao team is also bleeding now. Who is Long Yin’s third meeting there? Is it Xu Ce? “

Type a line “Cerma Rivers and Lakes” on the big screen!

“Sure enough, Xu Ce!” Zhang Shuping was a little excited, “This is the second time that Xu Ce and the Shao team have played today, but there should be no suspense now. Shao’s blood is only 10%, and Xu Ce must resolve the Shao team. No problem, the key is to look at the third person of the copper bird. “

“If nothing else, the third person should be the deer god.” Ye Chenxi was very firm about this.

Xu Ce full of blood did not have any suspense to the Shao team with blood on it. Soon, they were sent to Shao team cleanly. The name given by the general on the side of Tongque was Lu Xiang!

Shao Zehang’s tactical arrangement in this game was quite ingenious. Obviously, he used the advantage of “back-handed to send people” and deliberately let Lu Xiang avoid Wu Zewen. Let the little deer clean up the mess.

Maybe many viewers want to ask, what if Longyin’s third one goes to Kamikawa again? Fawn can’t beat Chuan in the maze.

Then there is no way out. If Liu Chuan, the leader of the ring, has been defending twice in the playoffs, the ring of other teams will not have to play.

But the problem is, if Liu Chuan has been guarding the team, he will not be able to take care of the team battle. The points of the two team battles are 12 points, and the total number of points in the ring is only 6 points. Consider trade-offs. Obviously, today Liu Chuan puts the focus on team battles. If he can win the second round, try to win. If he can’t, he will fight all the way. This is also the most wise way. Also very strong.

The match between the defenders on both sides is undoubtedly the most exciting moment of the round.

Lu Xiang is better at hitting Xu Ce. The labyrinth map is only for long-distance occupations to fly Lu Xiang kite. Xu Ce is a melee. Lu Xiang only needs to follow Xu Ce Da. The beggars chased the Ming dynasty all the way, the group attack skills of the beggars are very distinctive, and there are echoes in the caves, and the sound of bangs is enthusiastic. Lu Xiang ’s chicken flying dog jumping style makes the audience frequently. Burst of warm applause.

Xu Ce ’s blood was a little worse than Lu Xiang ’s, and he also failed to sneak sneak attacks. Do n’t look at Lulu’s usual stupidity, but he was very alert when he started the game. As soon as Xu Ce was in stealth, he ran away with a light power. The flexibility of the gang is extremely strong, making it very difficult for Xu Ce to catch up, and Xiao Lu ran away in an instant.

After a long time, Zhang Shuping suddenly said in surprise: “I found that Lu Xiang seems to be lost? See him running around in the maze.”

Everyone: “…”

Lu Xiang really stopped in place, opened the m button and looked at the map. His current position is exactly in the center of the map. The map does not show the path clearly during the game. The map opened by pressing the m button has only a large group of fog and himself coordinate of. Lu Xiang was still useless after reading the map, so he had to swing a stick to the wall!

“He started to tear down the wall again.” Ye Chenxi said with a smile, “It seems that he ran too high when he ran away just now, turning his head and finding no way to go back.”

Everyone: “…”

This is indeed the case. Lu Xiang was running too high with light power just now, but turned continuously in the maze, and gradually lost his direction.

Xu Ce was also very distressed at this time. Lu Xiang had no shadow as soon as he ran. It was not easy for him to find Lu Xiang in the maze.

As a result, at this moment, I heard a loud noise coming from my ears!

It was like an earthquake … what is this doing?

Xu Ce looked back and saw Lu Xiang killing him from the side of the wall with a stick!

“Total Annihilation!”

This method swept through a 360-degree range, sweeping the surrounding walls directly, and Lu Xiang’s destructive power was comparable to the demolition office …

As a result, the audience saw that in this cave where the soil is flying, the mud is splashing, and the broken walls are everywhere, as in a cave just after an earthquake, Xiao Luxiang carried a set of combos and killed Xu Ce. .

—— [Flying Deer Hero] Killed [Cesma Jianghu]!

The moment the news popped up, the corners of Xu Ce’s mouth continued to twitch.

A person suddenly got out of the wall … This picture was really shocking, just like shooting a Hollywood blockbuster. The dust around it, the wall collapsed, Lu Xiang rushed out of it, and a set of tricks put Xu Ce down. .

Xu Ce admits that he didn’t respond at that moment, otherwise he could delay for a while …

After stepping down from the player’s platform, Xu Ce was a little unhappy. Liu Chuan smiled and said, “It’s okay, luck, Fawn only demolished one wall, you are right on that road.”

Of course, Liu Chuan can clearly see this scene from the perspective. In fact, Lu Xiang wandered around the maze after he lost his way, and Xu Ce was looking for him everywhere. There was a wall between them. Lu Xiang was so dismantled that he just watched At the back of Xu Ce, this has a certain amount of luck. Of course, Lu Xiang’s strength can not be underestimated. If he is not lost, he may kill Xu Xue, who is still blood, earlier.

Xu Ce quickly adjusted his expression, turned back to the seat and sat down. Jiang Shaojin shook his hand and said softly, “Don’t mind.”

“Um.” Xu Cedan said, “You don’t need to comfort me, you lose.”

Jiang Shaojin smiled and put his hand back.

Zhang Shuping concluded with a smile: “In fact, the game was like this. Xu Ce won the Shao team, and Xiaolu won Xu Ce again. It can’t prove that anyone must be stronger than others. There are many unexpected situations during the game, sometimes because A moment of negligence led to a reversal of the situation, which is also the highlight of the game. Now that the two sides are tied at 3: 3, the next team battle is very important, and each flag will become the focus of competition between the two sides. “

Time passed quickly, the intermission was over, the first round of the team fight began, and both sides played out the list of contestants.

As soon as Long Yin’s list appeared, deafening applause sounded in the auditorium—

Hainabaichuan, night, blue and blue!

Long Yin and the Three Gods appeared in the team battle together. How long has this not been seen? It seems that Long Yin is also inevitable for today’s game!

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