The Strongest God [Online Gaming]

v2 Chapter 362

Biquge, the latest chapter of the fastest and strongest male **** (online game)!

Chapter 362: Dragon Yin vs Bronze Sparrow (3)

“I’m behind you” Liu Chuan said it almost every time he hit someone on the platform. This is the same as the story of “Wolf is here.” The first time I said it, I still believed it and said it many times. Everyone knows that Chuan God is lying to people, so no one cares about him.

Lu Xiang thought so too, so when he saw this sentence, he took it for granted that Master was lying again.

However, today’s situation is somewhat different, the reason lies in the map of “Furong Villa”.

This is the smallest map in all the maps of the professional league table games. Because it is a backyard in the villa, it is not possible for the official to make the backyard larger than the football field. The area of ​​this map is at best a game. The size of a small square in Liuchuan took less than 15 seconds from the birth point to the center of the map.

Therefore, Liu Chuan arrived in the middle of the map a few seconds earlier than before, and lurked behind Xiao Lu, and typed to remind him: “I am here, behind you.”

Lu Xiang didn’t believe it at all.

At that moment, he completely ignored the problem of the size of the map. Instead, he used “Master must be deceiving” as the basis for his judgment. He finally reached the wrong conclusion. It can be seen that Liu Chuan ’s image in Luxiang ’s heart has become full of bad water. Liar-Master’s words, nine out of ten cannot be believed.

Liu Chuan came to Lu Xiang’s back and found that Fawn didn’t move, and smiled helplessly.

Well, this guy doesn’t believe it!

I’ve reminded you already, but don’t blame Master.

So Liu Chuan quickly and summoned four magpies, and surrounded Luxiang from the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northwest–cross killing!

This is the most basic formation method of Tangmen. Many online game players will put up a “cross siege array”, but only when Chuan Shen puts this array, it will give people a “stunning” feeling, front, back, left, On the right, the puppets are placed in four directions. The ghost-like speed and precise displacement skills are indeed Tangmen’s strongest puppet master.

It wasn’t until the blast of “Boom” rang in his ears that Lu Xiang turned around in surprise.

-Is he really behind him? !!

Lu Xiang’s jaw almost fell off.

Seeing the appearance of Haina Baichuan’s id appeared, Lu Xiang’s eyes twitched fiercely, and with a wave of the stick in his hand, it was the gangster’s starting move “sweeping thousands of troops”!

The “Sweep Thousand Army” skill is a group attack skill that sweeps through 360 degrees. Any enemy that is hit will be forcibly knocked down. This is Lu Xiang’s expert skill. He often rushes into the enemy’s camp. A stick swept the other group of people to the ground, and the scene where Lu Xiang on the carnival swept down several great gods is also a classic picture worthy of repeated reflection. Although the beggars are short, they swarm across the army with a stick. It’s very fierce.

Liu Chuan had expected that Lu Xiang would use this trick to get his hands up, so naturally he would not stand down and be knocked down by him. At the moment Lu Xiang turned around and moved, Liu Chuan used “flying crane to soar” Light work jumped.

In the big screen, Tang Men, wearing a dark blue dress, jumped flat and flew straight into the air, his clothing corners rising with the wind, and his posture was extremely chic.

Obviously, this clever evasion was also because he knew enough about Lu Xiang. At the moment of setting up the cross siege array, Liu Chuan had already thought of a way forward.

Lu Xiang’s first move swept across thousands of troops and was not surprised. He played with Liu Chuan so many times. What was it like to let out a move in front of Master? When he first made his debut that year, he met Liu Chuan in Yantai. He had a record of losing ten consecutive moves. At that time, he wanted to throw away the keyboard and lie flat.

It ’s pretty good today. At least this flat map is more suitable for Lu Xiang to play. Moreover, Liu Chuan sneaked a sneak attack just now. The “Cross Siege” released was not a lot of blood. Lu Xiang still has a chance to win, so He is not discouraged.

Seeing Master rising up into the air, Lu Xiang didn’t rush to fly up and chase him, but watched his place on the ground carefully.

The strength of light work is limited, and Liu Chuan cannot stay in the air for a long time. After hiding Lu Xiang ’s “sweeping thousands of troops”, he successively displaced several “snow and clouds” and landed steadily in the distance. A set of light work is smooth and handsome, just like the light work master in the martial arts movie. If it wasn’t for Xiao Sijing’s unintentional disclosure during the last commentary, Lu Xiang would not know that Master was also a novice in playing light work, and often fell into meat pie in Tangmen .

The area of ​​the Yantai site was limited. Liu Chuan lightly flew to the northeast corner of the yard, and Lu Xiang quickly estimated that his position was about 20 meters away from himself.

20 meters, still within the attack range of Tang Men, he can continue to summon Ji to attack himself, and as a melee gang, if he wants to attack him, he must rush to him, but once he rushes past, Liu Chuan will definitely use “move-shadowing” or “mysterious-vertical” teleportation!

Every time I follow Liu Chuan, Lu Xiang will be controlled by him to fly a kite. However, he ca n’t stand still because he can move. In the event that he is restrained with his foot, he will become passively beaten!

In this case, we should be more aggressive and take the initiative.

Lu Xiang no longer hesitated. With a right-handed mouse shake, the left hand quickly pressed the next button—

Out of water!

The beggar gang marches lightly and quickly, and the flexible beggar leaps in front of Liu Chuan like a gust of wind!

Evil dog is blocking the way!

The turquoise long sticks in the hands are horizontal at the same time, forming an air wall at the designated position, forcing the opponent’s way!

Great hit dog head!

The first method of hitting the dog stick method, attack the enemy’s head, if successful crit will cause dizzy effect!

These skills are connected very smoothly. Within 3 seconds of continuous release, the flexibility of the beggars during the battle was maximized by Lu Xiang. I saw the beggars on the screen suddenly jumped in front of Liu Chuan. The long sticks played a set of combos, and the green stick figures were dizzying.

Lu Xiang is also one of the league’s fastest and most explosive players. Moreover, Lu Xiang’s most terrible place is not only fast, but also his ability to seize opportunities and flexibility during combat. The beggar has a lot of leaping and jumping skills. It can jump from the distance to the enemy instantly and stun or knock down the opponent. Therefore, it is not easy for the remote profession to fly the kite of Luxiang. Luxiang will Catch up as fast as possible and do double the damage!

Even if Liu Chuan was strong, it was a crispy skin. Tang Men’s defense was much weaker than the melee gangsters. Liu Chuan also lost a lot of blood in this set of moves. It’s not that he doesn’t want to hide, but that Lu Xiang hit chicken blood today is too fast, and Liu Chuan didn’t have to rush to avoid it this time.

Seeing Lu Xiang’s play so decisively violent, Liu Chuan’s heart couldn’t help feeling a little emotional. This guy is indeed more powerful than before. It is indeed the most popular **** of the beggars. Compared to the idiot who was calling Master after him, Lu Xiang today is the deputy captain of the Bronze Sparrow team, a deer **** that countless people like and admire, and is no longer the one who needs him to guard , Protect the little apprentice.

… So deer, don’t blame Master for not showing mercy on you. We have different positions. Master must win this game today.

Liu Chuan smiled, and at the moment Lu Xiang’s combo hit the fourth paragraph, his finger suddenly pressed the g key on the keyboard.

G is the light work shortcut key he set. Tang Men’s light work can be jumped to the specified coordinates instantly.

This jump of Liu Chuan directly jumped out of Lu Xiang’s attack range, forcibly interrupting the beggar’s combo. At the same time, his left **** quickly pressed the e key to the keyboard-Summons. Ring finger press the w key-傀儡 forbidden foot.

If Liu Chuan ’s finger movements are slowed down, he actually completed the three key movements of g, w, and e with three fingers in just 1.5 seconds. From the standpoint of the audience, he would As if three fingers were pressed at the same time, he grasped the time interval of the three keys extremely accurately, and the skills were released one by one, which just made Haina Baichuan complete the instantaneous escape, summon the crickets in place, and use the crickets to ban the feet of Lu Xiang. Actions.

The viewers saw the scene on the big screen faster, but in the blink of an eye, Chuan Shen turned passive into active, forcibly interrupted Lu Xiang’s combo and controlled each other with 傀儡, and then four consecutive 傀儡Summon, Quartet, Cross Siege!

The banging sound made many audiences applaud uncontrollably.

——It’s too fast, so fast!

Many viewers can’t see the movement of Chuan Shen at all, and he has completed so many complex actions in just a few seconds!

Zhang Shuping couldn’t help but admire: “Chuan Shen is really dazzling to get up quickly, it is indeed the fastest man in the professional league.”

Ye Chenxi: “…”

Professional players: “…”

Fang Zhiyan laughed there, Yang Jian didn’t understand what was funny, and he couldn’t help wondering: “Captain, what are you laughing at?”

“Zhang Shuping started to be naturally black again, and Liu Chuan definitely didn’t like this description.” Fang Zhiyan said with a smile, “It is not a good word to describe a man with ‘soon’, Zhang Shuping’s literary is not very good.”

“What’s wrong soon?” Yang Jian said doubtfully, “My brother is fast, faster than me.”

“…” A group of men around laughed and endured internal injuries. Fang Zhiyan really didn’t want to evaluate Yang Jian’s self-confidence.

“Yes, your brothers are just as fast, your brother is faster than you.” Su Shilun echoed with a smile.

Yang Jian thought that the God of Wheel was bragging about him, and scratched his head embarrassedly, Fang Zhiyan couldn’t look straight at Yang Jian.

Xiao Sijing couldn’t help but twitch his mouth. What kind of people are these? Zhang Shuping should go back to tutoring Chinese, Yang Jian should go back to tutoring IQ.

At this time, Liu Chuan, who knew nothing about it, was still racing fast with Lu Xiang on the game field.

Liu Chuan’s hand speed is indeed the fastest in the league. If it is faster than hand speed, he should be equal to the cat god. Qin Ye, Yang Jian, Lu Xiang, and Su Shilun are faster than the Chuo cats. One chip, but the different genres in the game have different characteristics. Tang Men not only can play well by hand speed, but also rely on a variety of positioning and tactics to cope with it, especially to the highly flexible beggars Liu Chuan must be cautious, otherwise he would be knocked down by Lu Xiang or stunned, and the crispy Tang Men would be easily caught by the second.

After playing for so long, neither Liu Chuan nor Lu Xiang actually took much advantage.

Zhang Shuping used the wrong adjective again, Ye Chenxi said actively: “Now both of them have reached the dangerous limit of 20%. The Sichuan team’s blue amount is sufficient, and the big move has not been opened yet. Multi-disciplinary merits, Lan didn’t have much left, but it is enough to destroy the opponent’s 20% blood, depending on whether he can deal damage and don’t let his skills go short. “

“It’s still difficult to not let go of the skills in front of Chuan Shen.” Zhang Shuping analyzed. “There are too many moves to hide the skills of the Tang Dynasty. The martial arts can be instantly shifted and the” moving shadows “can follow Swapping positions, and ‘Shadow Squads’ that are forcibly invisible during battles. If these skills are well grasped, hiding from big moves is not a problem. “

“Yes.” Ye Chenxi nodded, “This is also the reason why many players in the league and Chuan Shen pk win rate is generally not high, playing well, Tangmen, can master the cd of these three displacement skills very well , Plus a cricket stand-in … Melee occupation will kill Chuan Shen, unless you control him immediately after a set of outbreaks, otherwise, even if you only leave him a drop of blood, he can also fly a kite to kill you. “

“It depends on whether Lu Xiang ’s big move can kill him. The two people have reached this stage with equal success. It seems that Lu Xiang has made great progress in the past few seasons.” Zhang Shuping lamented, “Before Xiao Lu Dachuanshen is basically completely abused, but today he did very well. “

“Lu Xiang is still young, it is the peak period of rising state, and it is normal to be able to draw with Master.” Ye Chenxi added, “I think Chuan Shen still has a back road, he can’t be with Lu Xiang so simple all the time. Hurry up. “

Zhang Shuping laughed: “Of course, Liu Chuan is full of bad water, and I feel that Fawn will soon lose money.”

Since his debut in the fifth season, Lu Xiang has played against Liu Chuan in a total of 25 official matches, 10 wins and 15 losses, and a win rate of 40%. This win rate is good among the players of Kamiegawa. Lu Xiang is desperate today and wants to increase this winning percentage a bit.

However, Liu Chuan also played very hard today. At the moment when Lu Xiang’s dragon came out and chased after the water, he once again lost his control.

Lu Xiang wants to spit blood!

As Zhang Shuping said, Liu Chuan has a lot of skills in hiding, and his whereabouts are erratic like ghosts. It is so difficult to catch him!

But Lu Xiang is not discouraged, this trick will not catch you, I still have a trick!

Seeing Liu Chuan’s position, Lu Xiang waving his stick was another trick “Long Teng Hu Yue”!

This is also one of the aggressive skills of the beggar, which can jump a certain distance to the designated position, and can release other attack skills at the same time as the displacement, which is equivalent to the beggar can jump up and make moves in the air!

Lu Xiang followed with a move to “sweep thousands of troops”!

The scene in this scene looks very happy. I saw the beggar helping to rise into the air, and the turquoise long stick in his hand swept several laps at 360 degrees, almost like a non-stop propeller. Turning the non-stop propeller sweeping all the way, finally swept to the master, Liu Chuan was really swept by Lu Xiang’s trick, and was hit by the stick to the ground.

The knockout effect of the beggars also affects the field of vision in the game. At this time, Liu Chuan’s field of vision on the screen is the same as when the person fell to the ground and can only see the ground. Lu Xiang took the opportunity to jump over a stick and hit it. Dogs, slapping dogs back! The beggar’s method of hitting the dog stick takes one move after another, and several crits are issued in a row!

This set of injuries to Liu Chuan was eaten sturdyly, and the blood strips fell a lot.

Wu Zewen watching in the soundproof room clenched his fingers nervously.

Liu Chuan has only 10% of his blood left!

Although he believes that Liu Chuan can win this game, every time he sees such a critical moment, he will still worry about Liu Chuan and watch Liu Chuan lose blood after being knocked down.

If you really care, you will be messy. If you change to another player, Wu Zewen can still analyze the data calmly, but you can change to Liu Chuan, he is anxious, watching the game restlessly, anxious to make Liu Chuan’s injury quadruple or five times, and directly drop Xiao Luxiang.

At the moment when Wu Zewen was most worried, he had a stunned heart, and Liu Chuan flew up suddenly, and at the same time put down a cormorant in place.

The stick in Lu Xiang’s hand also lifted at the same time!

No dog in the world!

The ultimate trick of the beggar’s help with the dog stick method, where the stick passes will illuminate countless evil dogs and rush at each other. This group attack skill has a very wide range of hits and extremely high damage. Liu Chuan cannot jump even with light effort Dodge.

However, to the audience’s surprise, Lu Xiang launched a big move, but Liu Chuan’s blood did not drop a drop …

“It’s a stunt substitute,” Ye Chenxi explained, “he has kept this skill of resisting damage and released it at the most critical moment.”

“Sure enough,” Zhang Shuping agreed, “Lu Xiang probably wants to vomit blood.”

Tang Men’s stunt substitute can allow the sting to bear all the damage for the owner. When Liu Chuan’s skill was released, Lu Xiang’s aggressive moves all hit him.

“…” Seeing this scene of Lu Xiang, almost sprayed all the chocolates he had eaten!

——This prejudgment by Master is also absolutely out! How did he know that I was going to open a university?

Liu Chuan was very calm about this. Lu Xiang was an apprentice he taught. Many times he could guess the next move of Lu Xiang. At that moment, Lu Xiang’s several strokes had just been released. The best time for the second person, Liu Chuan waited for the moment to let go of his life to save his life, and it turned out that his prediction was indeed correct.

At this point, Lu Xiang ’s displacement and invasion skills, Dragon Tenghu Leap, and Dragon Dragon out of the water, are just cooling down, and they ca n’t catch up for a while, it ’s time to shoot!

Liu Chuan raised his lips, quickly pressed the **** of his left hand, and pressed the e key several times at a very fast speed-傀儡 summon!

I saw one after another 傀儡 出现 around one after another-standing in a row from left to right, exactly seven!

Lu Xiang was shocked. This is the prelude to Liu Chuan ’s opening of the Tang Men ’s genre. The damage of this move absolutely shocked many professional players. The league died under Liu Chuan ’s Seven Kills. There are countless players, and Lu Xiang has been killed by seven kills …

Therefore, as soon as Liu Chuan recruited so many crickets, Lu Xiang’s conditioned reflexes generally flew immediately, and that action was the same as avoiding the plague. The beggars began to flee quickly!

Flying cranes soar into the sky, snow drifts through the clouds!

Lu Xiang is desperate to run away quickly, but unfortunately, Liu Chuan will not give him a chance to escape!

Son-in-law flying claws!

The iron chain was thrown accurately in the hand, and the deer flying into the air was hooked by a hook of Liu Chuan, and the array on the ground exploded at the same time!

Listening only to the scream of “嗷”, the beggar was hooked down by the master, and the 傀儡 bang burst and fell to the ground.

—— [Haina Baichuan] Killed [Flying Deer Hero]!

Compared with the picture, this id is a kind of ridicule. The flying deer hero was hooked back by the master. He couldn’t afford to lie on the ground and could no longer “fly”.

At the moment when this news popped up, Wu Zewen was finally relieved, a layer of sweat came out of his palm, and he was happy for Liu Chuan, but felt that his worry was really a bit redundant … Is he always so strong? What are you worried about?

Lu Xiang was depressed, and a burnt expression was sent on the public screen: “Your skills are simply a bug! Can’t I run out of three light exercises?”

Liu Chuan said, “Don’t blame me for short legs 🙂

Lu Xiang: “…” A glance at the short beggar on the screen, Lu Xiang did not want to refute this sentence.

Liu Chuan continued typing: “Who are you going to send in the next round? Or talk to the Shao team, don’t both go back, sit and play another round?”

Lu Xiang was depressed: “I don’t want to fight you.”

Liu Chuan laughed: “Afraid? I’m actually very gentle with you. If my family learns to come up, you have to lose even your underpants.”

Lu Xiang said, “You’re so annoying.”

Liu Chuan said, “We will choose the maze map in the next game 🙂

Lu Xiang: “… annoying!”

The audience was all laughing. Everyone on the stand was sympathetic to the little deer, but everyone was very pleased to see Chuan Shen tease the little deer.

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