The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 8 – The Next Move

After providing Zen and Feiyun with rations and water, Kanata contacted Chinjao while en route towing their ship to the island.

It seemed he hadn't expected to receive information about the giant situation so soon after forming their alliance, as he sounded quite flustered.

Kanata also used a Den Den Mushi to contact George, who let out a deep sigh of resignation upon hearing the news.

"...Are we really taking them all the way to the island?"

"Yes. If we have the source of this incident at hand, we can better anticipate what may happen moving forward."

While Chinjao had requested intel about the giants, he didn't ask them to capture the giants themselves. Kanata's group could handle Feiyun and Zen however they wished.

However, going that route risked provoking the organizations that had previously tried using the giants, prompting them to target Kanata's crew in retaliation.

Not that it truly mattered - they would simply fight if it came to that. Even operating commercially, Kanata's group had sunk numerous pirate ships over the years. They wouldn't go down easily.

"The thrill of battle stirs within..." muttered Kanata.

"...You had such a bloodthirsty spirit, lass?"

"In this world where one must fight to survive, maintaining that mentality is essential for persevering."

Possessing wealth inevitably invited attack. The Great Pirate Era may have commenced, but even before that chaos, conflict proved unavoidable for Kanata. Maintaining a spirit that could revel in battle was necessary merely to endure.

In truth, witnessing Junshi's mastery of martial arts, spearmanship, and Haki over these past five years had considerably heightened Kanata's own formidable prowess. She never begrudged opportunities to further bolster her strength, regardless of age.

Though on that subject, she'd rather not hear Junshi's perspective.

"You sought out the outer seas solely to become stronger yourself, did you not?"

"...Indeed. But I've merely been smoldering, unable to fully stoke the flames of my training."

While diligent practice could hone one's core skills and power, Haki progressed differently.

Haki only truly flourished when pushed to confront overwhelmingly mighty foes in actual combat. Merely comprehending techniques proved insufficient for scaling greater heights.

"Shall we test ourselves against Chinjao, then?"

"Not an unwise notion." Yet Junshi restrained that impulse through reason, recognizing it could jeopardize his standing.

Hence the smoldering frustration...

"Becoming pirates would change that predicament."

"After finally gaining a proper foothold, are you willing to discard all that hard work like foam upon the waves?"

"Of course not. Unless a situation arises forcing us to abandon this enterprise altogether... we won't be turning pirate." Even so, Kanata suspected "something would likely occur" eventually.

Keenly aware of her extraordinarily rotten luck, she knew life seldom proceeded smoothly without incident. Tempering herself to handle any eventuality formed part of her approach.

"This Zen - apparently from the Horse Mink Tribe. His aura suggests formidable power. I'd relish testing my mettle against him someday."

"I share that sentiment. Crossing blades with the esteemed sir would be an honor."

As the two murmured while eying the centaur-like Mink Zen from afar, the violet-haired Feiyun brushed her lengthy locks while glancing their way.

Kanata waved, but Feiyun merely stared unmoving, her wariness still undiminished. Part of Kanata wished to assuage that caution, yet she pragmatically accepted it might resolve naturally given time.

"Another day until Marx Island. George will be awaiting us impatiently, so we'd best return swiftly."

"No doubt dreading the troubles we're ferrying back with us."

"Undoubtedly." Chuckling alongside Junshi's amused laughter, Kanata let slip a wry smile.


Kuro awaited Kanata's return at the harbor alongside George, having come to greet them once their expected arrival neared.

This latest voyage proceeded smoothly from a business perspective, the cargo successfully delivered - with some bonus baggage brought back, as it were.

Following behind their departing galleon, another ship's silhouette emerged - its gargantuan shadow unmistakably belonging to a giant, judging by George sharply inhaling the chill air to steel himself.

"Oh, so that's a giant, huh? Damn, it's huge!"

"Ugh, just looking at it feels like a weight on my shoulders..."

"Should be fine. The young lady said she'd handle it if it gets rowdy."

"I sure hope so..." George muttered while lighting up a cigarette, while the more curious Kuro peered through a spyglass.

Noting the giant's violet tresses and amethyst-like eyes, he estimated her height around ten meters judging by the distance, her tattered garments ill-suited for withstanding winter's chill - an idle observation from his detached perspective.

"For a giant kid, she's still freakin' massive from our viewpoint."

"Got no clue how to deal with brats myself."

"Same here. Best leave it to Kanata."

"Yeah, but even she doesn't seem too keen on kids..."

As they bantered, the ships docked and dropped anchor, the crews preparing to offload cargo as Kanata and Junshi leapt ashore to greet Kuro and George.

"You two welcoming us? That's rare."

"Curiosity got the better of us, I suppose. I mean, it's a giant! Even I find that interesting."

"More so the potential repercussions following the giant's arrival. That's why we came to discuss matters promptly."

In other words, they awaited their return in case any forces pursued Feiyun, aiming to strategize a decisive preemptive strike before word inevitably spread.

It was possible that Den Den Mushi's calls were being tapped, and there were several ships that passed by. It was inevitable that information will spread.

Although it they were unwilling to fight in this town, the number of members of the Georges family alone did not provide enough information to take a proactive approach.


"We're headed for Kano Country," said Kanata.

"...Dispersing the bait widely to lure them in, eh?" remarked George.

"Be they mere small fry or mighty warriors among their ranks, all shall become my puppets once before me."

George was slightly shock by Kanata’s confidence. "Haah...We may end up causing the Happo Navy some grief with this gambit."

"If drawing undue attention concerns you, have no fear. Their glaciers will merely...expand slightly."

"That's not what I mean!!"

As Kanata feigned ignorance, George hurled his cigarette butt into a portable ashtray in exasperation.

Regardless, they required provisioning from Kano Country for transporting supplies as contracted. While an ancillary objective, George seemed unable to so easily dismiss the potential ramifications.

"What about the giant kid? Her clothes look pretty ragged."

"Doubtful any attire would properly fit her stature. Gather whatever thick cloth is available - we'll stitch it all together into makeshift cold-weather garments, shoddy as they may appear."

"You gonna handle that yourself, milady?"

"Who else here can sew besides me?"

Shrugging as the men averted their eyes, Kanata prepared to craft a basic winter outfit for Feiyun, whose gigantic proportions prohibited entering the ship's interior unlike Zen, who already had cold protection.

While she seemed attached to Zen after he escorted her thus far, the reason for avoiding the ship's interior remained unclear - perhaps even to Feiyun herself.

"Her body must be freezing as well. Prepare some warm meals." Kanata instructed.

"We've got that covered, but..." George trailed off while stroking his chin, the implicit concern being whether typical portions would suffice a giant's appetite.

"You're certainly doting on that kid, huh? On account of her being a giant?"

"Who can say? I'm uncertain myself."

"I see. Well, leaving the cargo matters to Scotch for now, should we board their ship then?"

"Aye. Nowhere in town could properly accommodate them."

The quartet headed towards the galleon where Feiyun and Zen awaited.

Kanata considered renovating the captured ship into a viable base, pragmatically repurposing the ill-gotten asset - their former mafia owners couldn't protest, though retaliation upon discovery remained a risk she accepted.

"Zen! Might we have a moment?"

"But of course, milady. And your companions?"

"The head of our outfit George, and our guard Kuro here."

"Self-proclaimed 'head' more like..."

"Yo, Kuro here. You Minks got your own whole race, huh? Lemme hear all about it."

"I am Zen. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Eh, fair 'nough I suppose. We did say we'd take you on ourselves."

Welcomed aboard Zen's commandeered galleon, Kanata noted Feiyun still eyeing them warily while concealed behind Zen, her immense frame rendering it a futile gesture. Nevertheless, nobody objected to her boarding the ship and retreating to the interior cabins to escape the cold deck.

"Ain't having you around just gonna make it feel even chillier though?" Kuro struck Kanata a slight glare.

"I dislike excessive warmth," she responded.

"Yeah, but you're the type who layers up without breaking a sweat even during summer!"

"That merely stems from my Devil Fruit abilities chilling the surrounding air. Everyone clusters irritatingly close during summer months to absorb the refreshing cold."

Hearing their conversation, Zen remarked, "Oooh, so that's why it always feels so cool around milady..."

But digressing from such idle banter...

"First, let's discuss our next move. We'll be departing for Kano Country either tomorrow or the day after to lure in and decisively deal with any pursuers trailing you."

"I see...severing the potential threat still looming, then. You have my aid; I shall contribute however able," said Zen.

"While resolving matters here would be preferable, if additional strength proves needful, we'll borrow it unhesitatingly."

"And... what will you two do afterward?"

Addressing Zen seated in a customized oversized chair, and Feiyun tucked in the corner with knees hugged to her chest, George proposed:

"If you've nowhere else to go, we could hire you onto our crew. Your combat prowess would be invaluable, Zen. And if Feiyun's willing to work, she'd make a massive boon hauling cargo loads."

George mentally calculated the potential benefits of recruiting them as Kanata's group expanded amidst increasing attention from various factions, the security proving tenuous at best.

"We can at least provide lodging and employment, though the safety remains uncertain..."

"Truthfully...I had begun feeling our current course reaching its limits."

While traversing the Grand Line, Zen and Feiyun previously subsisted by hunting pirates for their ill-gotten gains and bounties.

However, safeguarding Feiyun restricted Zen's mobility. He refused to abandon her, yet their dwindling funds rendered their nomadic life increasingly unsustainable without a more stable residential base.

"What of you, Feiyun?"

"...I'm tired of constantly being hunted too...But you're all afraid of me, aren't you? Even those guys on the other ship."

George visibly scowled at being accused, though Kanata sensed no such fear from Junshi or Kuro - only mild uncertainty regarding Feiyun's disposition.

Kanata realized something. "Observation Haki? An innate ability?"

"So it would seem. Not only sensing 'voices', but reading emotional auras to an extent as well... something like that, at least." She confessed.

Clearly Feiyun's experiences thus far predominantly exposed her to malicious intentions, inadvertently fostering distrust despite her lack of control over the ability's overstimulation while still developing.

Yet Kuro's innocent curiosity and Junshi's indifference contrasted the hostility she anticipated, her uncertainty evident.

Perhaps intensely studying Kanata stemmed from attempting to sense potential ill will before realizing none existed, a natural reaction for one so young and inexperienced.

"All the more reason for her to join us, I'd say," George spoke up.

Kuro added, "Yeah...guess I'm just a bit of a coward when it comes to, y'know, someone like her level of...uh..."

"My level of what, exactly?" As Kanata fixed Kuro with a stern glare, he averted his gaze while Junshi chuckled and even Zen joined the laughter.

Sheepishly scratching his balding head, George sighed resignedly. "Anyway, no need to decide immediately. Just consider where you wish to go from here."

"Indeed. We won’t force the matter."

They left the choice to Zen and Feiyun. From Kanata's perspective, either outcome sufficed.

Compelling someone embittered to join could prove akin to harboring a ticking timebomb within their ranks - an unacceptable risk stemming from firsthand experience that allies prone to insubordination ultimately wrought the greatest harm.

"For now, that concludes our discussion. Our next departure swiftly approaches, so inform us if any particular preparations are required on your end. We'll see to outfitting Feiyun with proper cold-weather attire ourselves."

"You have our gratitude."

Nodding at Zen's bowed departure, Kanata's group exited the cabin, her murmured hopes that their bait would prove sufficiently enticing fading beneath the crashing waves.


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