The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 7 – The Giant

The Den Den Mushi (Transponder Snail) was ringing - purr-purr-purr.

Aboard the merchant ship, Kanata picked up the receiver with an exasperated tone. "This is Kanata. Who is it?"

"It's George."

"Unusual for you to call directly. I take it something's happening on your end as well?"

"From your reaction, it seems that way."

George rarely contacted them directly by Den Den Mushi, usually leaving it to his subordinates unless a significant situation arose. After seeing the recent newspaper, they had discussed that some organization would likely approach them before long.

So when Kanata received the call from George himself, she fully grasped that a troublesome incident had occurred. And simultaneously, George realized Kanata was being dragged into the same troublesome situation.

"Where is it coming from on your end?"

"It's Drevan of the Larsh Family. What about yours?"

"Chinjao. I thought he might try using us as subordinates, but apparently we'll be treated as merchants instead."

Originally more akin to a mafia outfit, their trade business was essentially just commercial dealings. It seemed they would be employed as merchants under Chinjao's Happo Navy. It would amount to landing major jobs and contracts, in other words.

"Larsh apparently wants to bring us in as subordinates. They're offering various favors and privileges."

But in exchange, they would need to pay fees and protection money. Protection in exchange for territory - the typical racket. Even so, with an increase in major jobs, the profits should outweigh the costs.


"Not an appealing prospect."

"For Chinjao's side, they just need supplies. But for Larsh, they need supplies and money. That's the difference."

They currently had sufficient military might - but only against the typical pirates and small mafias they normally dealt with as a premise. Up until now, they had avoided provoking mammoth mafias like the Five Great Families.

But allying with one faction could provoke skirmishes with the others. While they boasted multiple Devil Fruit users, there were limits. And these weren't opponents who would hold back just because they were nominal merchants.

So what to do?

"Would aligning with Larsh and being treated as their own be preferable?"

"It's a tough call. Becoming subordinates means increased restrictions. It would become difficult to freely trade and earn as we have until now."

"We're already turning a solid profit currently. How much protection money are they demanding?"

"Forty percent."

"...Quite the exorbitant racket."

"Drevan is particularly greedy for money. He says it's a bargain price for the protection we'd receive. I got them to give me some time to consider it, but is Chinjao pressuring you for a rushed answer?"

"Not overtly, but he seemed impatient. He wants an answer soon if possible...and apparently he's coming here in person. That's quite significant."

“What?” George seemed surprised. It was unusual for a top leader to travel for negotiations with subordinates.

It indicated how desperately they wanted to recruit Kanata's group - or how urgent the situation was for them. Either way, it didn't bode well for a "good deal" from Kanata's perspective.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

"I share that sentiment. I do have quite a strong sense for misfortune."

"So what will we do? I handle operations, but you're effectively the boss."

"Decisions carry responsibility. Difficult choices, even more so."

Pausing for a moment, it came down to two options. Whichever they chose, they would make new enemies. The other side would see them as adversaries not worth allying with if they refused.

So Kanata would make the call unilaterally here.

"If I must choose, it will be Chinjao. A leader's strength is their faction's strength. While formidable, Drevan likely can't match Chinjao's might."

"Figures that would be your answer...Ah, got it. I'll relay that to Drevan."

"You'll need to increase security on your end as well. Kuro alone won't suffice much longer."

"I'd appreciate that. It's absurd having that Haki-less fool as a guard to begin with." Letting out a resigned sigh, George ended the call.


"My apologies for the delay."

"Hiyahohoh. Think nothing of it. So, have you decided?"

"Yes, we'll ally with the Happo Navy."

"A wise choice. I'm delighted to hear it."

In another room of the ship, Kanata faced the tall, ruggedly-built leader of Happo Navy - Chinjao. Though both had escorts, the fact that negotiations took place aboard Kanata's ship hinted at Chinjao's confidence in his own strength.

Was he in a hurry for some reason? Or was there another motive? Kanata couldn't discern it, but at any rate Chinjao seemed relieved that negotiations concluded successfully.

"To confirm, we'll only be transporting supplies?"

"Indeed. With our full forces mobilized, substantial provisions become an urgent need to bolster supply lines."

Of course, they maintained stockpiles even in peacetime befitting a national military force. But Chinjao likely judged this recent turbulence would persist for a while. While armaments required funding, money alone couldn't sustain troops without food.

"Also - if possible, I wish to procure information from you as well."

"...It's not my specialty, but I'll share what knowledge I can."

"I'm grateful. There are a few matters I'd like to ask about, then.”

One - the recent reported sightings of giants.

Two - movements of the other Four Great Families.

Three - any newly rising organizations of note.

Chinjao requested that if Kanata obtained intel on those topics, she prioritize relaying it to him.

"Understood. We'll contact you if we receive any such information."

Seemingly satisfied with Kanata's answer, Chinjao rose from his seat and donned his coat. As busy as ever, he clearly couldn't remain idle either.

Accompanied by his subordinates, he disembarked into the bitingly cold air, turning back to face Kanata one last time.

"I leave it in your hands, then."

"Yes. I handle all contracts properly."

He seemed more concerned with Junshi standing guard beside Kanata than her directly. Kanata nonchalantly ignored his lingering gaze as she saw Chinjao's group off.

This was Ohara - their trade voyage still ongoing. Once this delivery concluded, they would proceed to transport provisions to the Kano Country without pause.

A lucrative job, but an increasingly hectic one.

"...I wonder what will happen next?"

When the abnormal occurred, it typically happened in droves with shared catalysts rather than isolated incidents.

But in such situations, preemptive speculation often proved futile. Incidents always unfolded beyond the protagonists' expectations.


And just as Kanata lamented her keen intuition...

On the return trip from Ohara, they encountered a galleon - an exceedingly rare sight in these waters.

That alone wouldn't have been an issue, except her subordinates reported sighting a giant sitting on the galleon's deck.

Suspecting as much, Kanata and Junshi took defensive positions on their own deck just in case. Almost immediately, an enraged roar preceded a massive iron object hurtling toward them.

"Say, Junshi - don't you think my misfortune is a bit too strong at times?"

"Quit talking and intercept it! Here comes another!"

The projectiles weren't mere cannon fire - they were entire cannons being hurled at them, apparently by the enemy giant with monstrous strength.

Despite their distance, the giant could still bombard them this way. But such reckless tactics meant they would inevitably run out of ammunition eventually.

Boom! Boom!

After a brief stretch where nothing came flying, the giant's silhouette seemed to thrash about frantically on the other deck.

"What should we do?"

"Hard to say..."

The giant likely at the center of the two Great Families' recent devastation stood before them. Chinjao emphasized acquiring intel on them would prove invaluable, so perhaps they lucked into an opportunity if she could learn anything.

Signaling for Junshi to wait, Kanata vaulted over the railing and dropped into the sea below. Freezing the waters, she formed an icy path straight toward the galleon and strode across it unhurried.

Probing ahead, she could only detect two presences aboard no matter how she searched.

(Only two presences on a galleon...?)

That wouldn't comprise a full crew capable of properly sailing the vessel. Raising sails and handling the rudder might be possible, but not comfortably venturing out to open sea.

But if that reflected their actual situation, perhaps the other side faced dire straits themselves.

While hoping for a peaceful resolution, one of those presences radiated power exceeding Kanata's - indicating potential combat difficulties.

Traversing the frozen path, she vaulted aboard the galleon's deck. As she emerged, she momentarily found herself almost face-to-face with the giant peering over the railing's edge.


The giant recoiled in surprise, nearly 10 meters tall with purple hair and amethyst-like eyes. Instead of properly tailored giant attire, it seemed like they had sewn together several normal curtains as makeshift garments.

Certainly large, but not overtly intimidating since the more potent presence didn't emanate from this female giant herself.

The real threat to be wary of was...

"Excuse me, hihihin. I must apologize for our rude assault. And though impudent, I ask that you provide us rations if you can."

Glancing toward the rasping voice briefly, Kanata's gaze shifted to the giant girl before snapping back in a double-take.

Standing there was...a horse.

No, not a horse per se - while equine in shape, this was more akin to a centaur. Except instead of a human torso, it had hands gripping a spear at the ready in a guarded stance.

A centaur without the human half would be the most apt description. A horse's head and four legs, but with hands like a person. Quite the abnormal existence.

"...I suppose we should start by hearing the full story."

"Indeed. I am Zen, of the Horse Mink Tribe. And this is Feiyu, a young giantess."

"Heh, it’s F-Feiyun..." she corrected.

"I'm Kanata. A merchant by trade."

After those introductions, the trio agreed to discuss matters further.

Zen hadn't dropped his guard, keeping a firm grip on his spear. Kanata assumed a cross-legged seated position, while Feiyun half-hid behind Zen's frame - though her sheer size rendered it a futile gesture.

"Now then, where should I begin..."

While Zen pondered with an "ummm," Kanata surveyed the ship, noting bloodstains and damage hinting they had likely seized it by force.

The giant girl's age, the battered Horse Mink man and his ragged attire - evidence suggested potential complications. Kanata opted to steer the conversation productively.

"How about I ask some questions first? Answer them, and we'll proceed from there."

"Oh, an excellent idea! That does seem the simplest approach."

Neighing in agreement, Zen remained wary as the visibly high-strung Feiyun eyed Kanata - though she couldn't fathom why. At any rate, failing to elicit information would prevent any progress.

"First, why were you two alone aboard this ship?"

"We commandeered it. We had been marooned on a nearby deserted island, you see. But every few days a supply ship - this very one - would arrive with provisions. We decided to seize it in hopes of escaping our predicament."

"That brings quite a bit of context all at once." Probing further illuminated their situation.

Zen and Feiyun had journeyed here from the Grand Line, passing through the Calm Belt while fending off lurking Sea Kings for sustenance along the way. Merely accomplishing that transit indicated formidable strength.

But why had they fled the Grand Line in the first place?

"It became too perilous. The disbanding of the Rocks Pirates marked the onset. After their captain Rocks fell to the Marines, rising threats like the Big Mom and Beast Pirates rapidly expanded their might, rampaging across the seas to conquer new territories. We also drew the ire of that tremendously powerful warlord 'Shiki the Golden Lion' through such conflicts. So we fled here to this sea."

"What did you do exactly?" Kanata inquired further.

"Well, not anything too major, per se. As a wandering martial artist visiting various islands to hone my skills, I may have...defeated a pirate crew or two under Shiki's subordinates."

Seemingly to safeguard the young giantess Feiyun, Zen had battled pirates until being targeted himself as a result.

Meeting Kanata's questioning gaze towards the wary girl, Zen added:

"You see, she possesses abilities from consuming a Devil Fruit. Her powers drew the interest of slavers hoping to capture and exploit her."

"...I see."

Judging the increasingly volatile Grand Line too hazardous, they had fled through the Calm Belt to reach this West Blue sea instead.

The first group they encountered here were the Five Great Families - dynastic mafia powers controlling the region.

"As giants, exceedingly rare sights outside the Grand Line. And Feiyun as a Devil Fruit user to boot. One Family aimed to harness our abilities through warfare against their rivals - deploying us until Feiyun's clash with an opposing power resulted in catastrophically devastating both sides into oblivion."

"So that's how it was..."

It seemed the decimated Families had provided them temporary refuge and rations on an uninhabited island out of obligation. But the new Family sheltering them mistook their status as potential slaves, prompting Zen and Feiyun to commandeer this supply ship in an attempted getaway that led to their present stranded predicament when Kanata's group happened upon them.

"Why the unprovoked attack, then?" Kanata asked.

"B-Because you looked at me..." Answered Feiyun.

"An inexcusable lapse in disciplining her. You have my apologies," said Zen.

"No real harm done - no injuries, and we have ample spare provisions. We can tow your ship as well."

"You have my gratitude. I vow to repay this debt eventually." Zen slightly bowed.

As the relieved-seeming (though his horse features concealed any facial expressions) Zen replied, Feiyun shot Kanata a sullen glower - clearly deeply traumatized.

Shrugging it off, Kanata moved toward the railing, preparing to disembark.

Zen had an inquiry of his own, "By the way, young miss - how did you board our vessel so easily?"

"By freezing the sea... I'm a Devil Fruit user myself."

With those words, she leapt back down and strode across the frozen path toward her own crew and Junshi.

George would likely suffer another stomach ache over this, she mused dispassionately.



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