The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 79 Fort Vindolanda 6

Adam stood amidst the crowd, his sharp eyes scanning the faces around him, absorbing the mix of disbelief and awe. Satisfaction lingered in his chest, but beneath it, the adrenaline pulse still thrummed through his veins.

He had emerged victorious in the duel with Ryan, and the substantial Essence gain was his prize. His winning without even tapping into his full arsenal was a further testament to his skill.

He still had several powerful pyromancy spells in reserve, ready to be unleashed if Ryan had proven more challenging. However, it had not come to that. The duel had ended before he needed to reveal more of his capabilities.

With each spell left unused, Adam preserved his tactical edge. He’d shown just enough of his skill, a controlled display of mastery without tipping his full hand- because in battles like these, confidence wasn’t just about winning; it was about always being one step ahead.

His victory signaled the end of the fight, and the Dueling Scroll's effects came into play.

First, the HP of both combatants was restored to 100%, and the conjured arena vanished, leaving the courtyard as it had been before.

Next, the bet's calculation was processed.


[Adam had won the duel.]

[Due to the disparity in bets, Essence will be used in place of gold and transferred from the loser to the victor.]

[30,000 Essence will be transferred to Adam.]

The courtyard echoed with a blend of whispers and cheers, the scent of burning mana still hanging faintly in the air. The weight of so many eyes on him pressed against Adam, but he stood tall, unmoved.

As the announcement of his victory and the substantial Essence reward was granted, Adam's expression underneath the white mask shifted from focused determination to a rare smile of satisfaction. He watched as the Essence was transferred to him, the amount- 30,000 Essence- more than he had anticipated. This was exactly why he had chosen to bet such a high sum; it was not just about winning the fight but strategically recovering the Essence he had expended on booby-trapping Fort Vindomora.

He couldn't care less about the 500 Gold that Ryan had arrogantly boasted about.

Adam took a moment to relish his achievement, knowing that this recently won Essence would replenish his reserves and give him the breathing room he needed. It was a calculated risk that had paid off handsomely, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in his combat prowess and strategic foresight.

Adam’s gaze swept over the crowd, catching the disbelieving stares, the few cheers, and the low murmurs of those who had bet against him. He knew many had placed their bets on Ryan, convinced the seasoned PVP player would come out on top. The comments he had overheard before the fight- about Ryan's reputation and skill set- had only made his victory all the sweeter.

The crowd's reactions were a whirlwind of emotions. Many spectators erupted in cheers and applause, celebrating the thrilling display of skill and the decisive outcome of the fight. Some were disappointed, groaning as they saw their bets on Ryan go to waste. The few who had trusted Adam were ecstatic, reveling in their good fortune and the impressive victory their chosen fighter had secured.

Amidst the clamor, conversations buzzed about Adam’s performance.

As the crowd processed the duel's outcome, various voices rose in discussion, each reflecting their reactions to Adam’s surprising victory.

“Did you see that? He didn’t even use a single sword skill! Just his raw swordplay and those incredible fire spells,” one observer exclaimed, impressed by Adam's performance.

“I can’t believe it. Ryan was supposed to be an expert in PVP,” another voice lamented, frustration clear in their tone. “How did he lose so badly? All that boasting, and he couldn’t even handle a single opponent.”

“Adam must be something else,” someone else commented, admiration in their voice. “I’ve seen Pyromancers before, but how he controlled those flames and combined them with his sword strikes was incredible.”

“Ryan’s crossbow was just a distraction,” another added. “I knew he had his tricks, but Adam just brushed them aside. And the way he kept up with Ryan’s Shadow Steps? Impressive.”

“I bet all my gold on Ryan,” a disheartened gambler confessed. “I thought for sure he’d take it. But Adam… Wow. I didn’t expect him to be so skilled. Guess I’ll be feeling this loss for a while.”

The varied reactions highlighted the impact of Adam’s performance on the crowd, a mix of awe, disappointment, and surprise at the unexpected turn of events.

As the crowd buzzed with excitement and disappointment, Ryan Blake stood in the center of the arena, his face flushed with anger and frustration. His usual composure was shattered as he realized the extent of his defeat.

This- this can't be happening," Ryan snarled, his voice low and dangerous. He slammed his crossbow against the ground with a metallic clang, but the act did little to quell the storm brewing behind his eyes.

“I never expected him to win so decisively. And the Essence… I didn’t think it would be enough to take a level from me!”

He clenched his fists, his eyes blazing with fury as he glared at Adam.

"How did he even rack up that much Essence? Losing the fight is one thing, but the system had to drop me two whole levels just to cover the amount!"

Ryan's boots scuffed against the stone as he paced, hands clenched into tight fists. His breath came in ragged bursts. The frustration etched into every stiff movement as his eyes darted towards Adam, a flare of anger brightening the dark circles beneath.

The impact of the duel had taken a toll on him, both in terms of his reputation and his finances; while 500 Gold is meaningless to Adam, the same cannot be said to Ryan- or most players, for that matter.

There was no further benefit to engaging with Ryan or the spectators.

Adam had secured his victory and demonstrated his prowess. Now, he needed to refocus on the more pressing tasks ahead. As he walked away from the arena, he mentally shifted his focus back to his main mission, ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead with renewed vigor.

But just as Adam was about to leave, a new voice cut through the crowd.

"Herr Adam, I challenge you to a sparring match!"

The crowd collectively gasped, stunned by the boldness of yet another challenger. After witnessing Adam’s skillful defeat of Ryan Blake, they were surprised that someone else would be brave- or foolish- enough to challenge him again so soon.

The challenger stepped forward, revealing himself as a heavily armored warrior wielding a massive greatsword. Murmurs rippled through the crowd as they recognized the new combatant.

“It’s Freidrich Klein,” someone whispered.

A wave of acknowledgment swept through the onlookers. Freidrich Klein- his name sent recognition through the crowd. He is a top-ranked player known for his indomitable defense duels and unmatched resilience. If Adam’s fight with Ryan had been about finesse, this one would be about sheer power.

At level 150, he wielded the unique class of Juggernaut Warrior, famed for his incredible strength and endurance. These qualities earned him a coveted spot in the prestigious Flora Guild, who recruited him specifically for his formidable combat abilities. His reputation as an indomitable figure was breath-stopping.

“Isn’t that the guy Ryan fought a few weeks ago?” another voice asked. “Ryan lost to him back then, too.”

Heads nodded in agreement. It seemed poetic; the former victor of a match that saw Ryan defeated was now stepping up to challenge the player who had just bested Ryan moments ago.

Freidrich stood tall, his armored figure casting an imposing shadow over the courtyard, and his eyes locked onto Adam’s, his expression betraying nothing but calm confidence.

The crowd buzzed with anticipation, wondering if Adam would accept the challenge after his already impressive showing.

Adam sighed inwardly, already sensing a pattern forming. He mused, "At this rate, I'll be challenged all day. But no matter... more Essence for me."

His gaze shifted to Freidrich Klein, the Juggernaut Warrior. Adam sized him up, knowing that this could become another spectacle. However, with the previous fight replenishing his Essence reserves, another duel wouldn't be an unwelcome distraction. He felt no need to turn this opportunity down.

This was becoming more than a series of sparring matches- it was an Essence harvest.

Adam approached the warrior, "Friedrich, right? Very well, let's do the duel. I assume you have a Dueling Scroll?"

"Ja, Herr Adam," Friedrich replied, nodding. "I have it."

Amelia Banks, who had presided over the previous fight, looked towards her guildmate, Friedrich, with a concerned expression as if questioning his decision.

Sensing Amelia's reproachful gaze, Friedrich chuckled and reassured her, "Frau Amelia, I promise I will only bet my own gold- not the allowance Flora gave to its top members."

Amelia gave Friedrich a knowing look that seemed to convey, "Okay, as long as you know what you're doing."

She knew from experience that trying to dissuade him now would be futile.

Friedrich was notoriously stubborn within Flora Guild, and backing down from a challenge would reflect poorly on their guild. Amelia decided not to press the issue further, accepting that Friedrich's mind was made up.

Amelia Banks addressed the crowd once more, her neutrality evident as she enjoyed being the host of these high-stakes duels.

"Alright, everyone! It looks like we have another exciting match coming up!" she announced, her voice filled with anticipation. "Friedrich Klein, the Juggernaut Warrior, will be facing off against Adam, the 1st Class Auxiliary, in what promises to be an electrifying duel!"

The crowd was excited, eager to see how this new challenge would unfold.

This time, Amelia turned to Adam first.

"Adam, you know the drill now. So, how much for the bet?"

Adam responded confidently, "10,000 Gold."

While the crowd was still surprised by the large amount, it didn't have the same impact as the first time. The reactions were more subdued, with only those who had just arrived showing strong reactions to the hefty sum.

Amelia then turned to Friedrich, "And you, Friedrich? How much are you betting?"

"1,000 Gold, Frau Amelia," Friedrich replied.

Normally, such an amount might have been notable, but it seemed relatively modest against the backdrop of Adam's 10,000 Gold bet.

Amelia addressed her guildmate with a serious tone, "You know what this means, right? If you lose, your Essence will be used to cover the shortfall in the bet. You could even lose a level, just like Ryan."

"Ja, Frau Amelia, I understand. I want to test my skills against him," Friedrich nodded resolutely. "I accept the risk. Ich bin bereit."

Amelia muttered, "Yeah, I know, but Flora management won't be too happy about that."

Adam caught the comment with his keen perception but chose to remain silent.

As Amelia finalized the betting arrangements, the crowd buzzed with speculation and commentary.

Some murmured with confidence, "Adam’s going to win again. He’s been unstoppable so far." However, others voiced their reservations, "But Friedrich Klein is a different beast. His achievements far surpass Ryan’s."

A few more added, "Friedrich's known for his incredible performance in team battles and boss fights. He can hold his own in PVP."

Meanwhile, others reflected on Adam’s previous victory, "Adam managed to surprise Ryan with those fire spells. Things might have turned out differently if Ryan had known about Adam’s pyromancy beforehand."

With the introduction of a heavily armored top ranker like Friedrich, many speculated that the odds might not be in Adam's favor this time. The air was thick with anticipation as the duel was set to begin.

As the battle commenced, the arena materialized with the familiar magic of the Dueling Scroll, setting the stage for another high-stakes confrontation.

Armed with his longsword, Adam stood poised, ready to face his opponent. Friedrich Klein, clad in imposing heavy armor and wielding a massive greatsword, also readied himself.

"May the best fighter win," Friedrich declared, his voice steady and confident. "Let's have a great match."

"May the best fighter win," Adam echoed, his tone equally resolute.

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